% chaos.m4 % Example simulation of the chaos equations. .PS scale = 10 define(`FF',`dnl `$4' = `$1'+dt*10*(-`$1'+`$2') `$5' = `$2'+dt*(28*`$1'-`$2'-`$1'*`$3') `$6' = `$3'+dt*(-8*`$3'/3+`$1'*`$2') ') [ x0 = 1 y0 = 0 z0 = 0 dt = 0.005 nN = 100 for i = 1 to nN do { for j = 1 to 8 do { FF(x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1) FF(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2) FF(x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3) FF(x3,y3,z3,x4,y4,z4) spline from x0,y0 to x1,y1 then to x2,y2 then to x3,y3 then to x4,y4 x0 = x4; y0 = y4; z0 = z4 } } arrow from (-15,0) to (15,0); "$x$" ljust line up 1 from (10,0); "$ 10$" at last line.start below line up 1 from (-10,0); "$-10$" at last line.start below arrow from (0,-15) to (0,15); "$y$" above line right 1 from (0,10); "$ 10$" at last line.start rjust line right 1 from (0,-10); "$-10$" at last line.start rjust "$ 0$" at (0,0) below rjust ] `"\parbox{2.5in}{\begin{eqnarray*} \dot{x}_1 & = & 10(-x_1+x_2)\\ \dot{x}_2 & = & 28x_1-x_2-x_1x_3\\ \dot{x}_3 & = & -8x_3/3+x_1x_2 .\end{eqnarray*}}"' at last [].s below .PE