% control.m4 .PS 5i circlerad = 0.2i boxwid = boxwid*3/2 boxht = boxht*3/2 R: box "reference" "$R$" arrow right_ linewid*4/3 "${y_c}_{\hbox{\scriptsize ref}}$" above Gh: box "```inverse'''" "$\hat G$" arrow from Gh.s down_ "${y_m}_{\hbox{\scriptsize ref}}$" ljust E: circle arrow from E.e right_ "$e$" above box "stabilizer" "$K$" arrow "$\delta u$" above D: circle line from Gh.e to (D,Gh.e) "$u_{\hbox{\scriptsize ref}}$" above arrow to D.n arrow from D.e right_ "$u$" above G: box "plant" "$G$" arrow <- from G.n up_ boxht/2 "disturbance $z$" above arrow right_ from G.e + (0,boxht/4) "$y_c$" ljust arrow right_ from G.e + (0,-boxht/4) "$y_m$" ljust move to last arrow.c arrow down_ Here.y-G.s.y+boxht*2/3 then left_ Here.x-E.x then to E.s "$-$" at Here + (-0.15,-0.1) arrow <- down_ from R.s "$W$ control input" at Here - (0,0.1) UL:R.nw +(-boxht/2,boxht/2) UR:(D.e,UL) + (0.1,0) line dashed from UL to UR then to (UR,G.s+(0,-boxht*3/2)) line dashed to (Gh.w,Here) "Controller" above line dashed to (Here,Gh.s+(0,-boxht/2)) line dashed to (UL,Here) then to UL .PE