% ex05.m4 .PS ifdef(`dline',,`include(HOMELIB_`'darrow.m4)') dx = 0.1 circlerad = boxht*3/8 extlen=4*dx boxwid = 0.75 indel = boxht/3 fillval = 0.8 COb: box fill_ "C$\bar{\mbox{O}}$" CO:box fill_ with .nw at last box.se+(dx,-dx) "CO" CbOb: box fill_ with .nw at last box.se+(dx,-dx) \ "$\bar{\mbox{C}}$$\bar{\mbox{O}}$" CbO: box fill_ with .nw at last box.se+(dx,-dx) "$\bar{\mbox{C}}$O" dline(from CbO.s down_ dx,,t) dright {Sum: circle at (CO,Here)} darrow(to Sum.e) SW: (COb.w,Sum.s)+(-3*dx-extlen/2,-dx) NE: (CbO.e,COb.n)+(dx,dx) right_; shadebox(box wid NE.x-SW.x ht NE.y-SW.y with .sw at SW) U: COb.w-(3*dx+extlen,0) right_; "\bf u$\,$" rjust at U; {box invis fill_(1) ht dlinewid wid extlen} dend ; dline(right extlen+dx,,t) TU: dtee(`up_') {darrow(to (COb.w,Here),t,)} dline(to (Here,CO),t,t) {Dum: circle at (Here,Sum)} down_; dtee(`left_') {darrow(to CO.w,t,)} {D: box "{\bf D}" wid boxwid/2 ht boxwid/2 at 0.5} darrow(to D.n,t,) darrow(from D.s to Dum.n) dline(from CO.n to (CO,COb)-(0,indel),,t) up_; dleft; darrow(to (COb.e,Here)) dline(from CbOb.n to (CbOb,COb),,t) up_; dleft; darrow(to COb.e) dline(from CbO.n-(indel,0) up_ boxht/2+dx,,t) dleft; darrow(to CbOb.e) dline(from CbO.n to (CbO,CO),,t) up_; dleft {box invis fill_(1) ht dlinewid wid boxwid+2*dx with .e at Here-(dx,0)} darrow(to CO.e) dline(from CbO.n+(indel,0) to (CbO,COb)+(indel,indel),,t) up_; dleft; darrow(to (COb.e,Here)) darrow(from CO.s to Sum.n) eps=0.005 move to Sum.w-(eps,0); left_ {{line invis from Dum.w to (U,Dum)} box invis fill_(1) ht dlinewid wid last line.start.x-last line.end.x\ with .e at Here-(dx,0)} darrow(to Dum.e) {box invis fill_(1) ht dlinewid wid dlinewid at (SW,Here)} darrow(from Dum.w-(eps,0) to (U,Dum)) {"{\bf y}$\,$" rjust } {line invis from Here+(-0.23,0) to Here+(-0.23,0.1)} .PE