% ex07.m4 .PS Barrel: box invis ht 0.4 wid 1.5 up Face: arc rad 2.6 from Barrel.e+(2.4,-1.7/2) to Barrel.e+(2.4,1.7/2) eps = 0.03 arc ccw rad 2.6 from Face.start-(eps,0) to Face.end-(eps,0) \ with .c at Face.c-(eps,0) line from Barrel.nw to Barrel.ne then to Face.end line from Barrel.sw to Barrel.se then to Face.start arc cw from Barrel.sw to Barrel.nw rad Barrel.ht*1.2 Cathode: Barrel.w+(0.3,0) Term: Barrel.w+(-0.25,0) dcath = 0.13 dan = 0.12 line from Cathode up dcath/2 left dcath/2 then to Term.x,Cathode.y+dcath/2 dot line from Cathode down dcath/2 left dcath/2 then to Term.x,Cathode.y-dcath/2 dot hole = 0.06 Hole: line invis up hole from Cathode+(0.5,-hole/2) line from Hole.end up dan-hole/2 then to Term.x,Cathode.y+dan; dot line from Hole.start down dan-hole/2 then to Term.x,Cathode.y-dan; dot platewid = 0.25 platesep = 0.15 Plates: box invis wid platewid ht platesep at Barrel.e+(-platewid/2,0) line right platewid from Plates.nw line right platewid from Plates.sw line up 0.3 from Plates.n line down 0.3 from Plates.s linethick_(1.4) psset_(linecolor=gray) line from Cathode+(0.03,0) to Plates.c Spot: 0.9 line from 0.02 to 1.007 arc cw from last line.start to 2nd last line.end rad 1.5 psset_(linecolor=black) thinlines_ arrow <- from Cathode+(0.2,0.06) up 0.5 left 0.3 "{\sl electron}" above "{\sl gun}" above arrow <- from Plates.nw+(0,0.06) up 0.5 left 0.3 "{\sl deflection}" above "{\sl plates}" above arrow <- from 0.5+(0,0.06) up 0.5 left 0.3 "{\sl electron beam}" at Here+(-0.3,0) above spline <- from 1.015 right 0.1 up 0.1 then up 0.1 \ then up 0.1 left 0.1 "{\sl spot of light}sp_" rjust "{\sl vacuum}sp_" at 0.5+(-0.4,0) rjust arrow <- from Face.start+(0.1,0.5) left 0.6*1.4 down 0.3*1.4 "{\sl phosphor coating}sp_" rjust arrow <- from 0.2 left 0.6 down 0.3 "{\sl glass enclosure (tube)}sp_" rjust .PE