% ex08.m4 .PS cct_init ifdef(`L_unit',,`include(HOMELIB_`'liblog.m4)') define(`del',`L_unit*5/2') define(`NOT_circle',`circle diam N_diam*L_unit') command "{\sf" # Input labels C: "C sp_" rjust at grid_(0,0) DE: C+grid_(0,AND_ht*7/4) A0: "A0 sp_" rjust at DE+grid_(0,BUF_ht*3/2) A1: "A1 sp_" rjust at A0+grid_(0,BUF_ht*3/2) A2: "A2 sp_" rjust at A1+grid_(0,BUF_ht*3/2) move to (-0.2,0) # Lettering within the global object # Buffer string define(`Bstring',`line right 3*del from `$2' `B'eval(2*`$1'-1): NOT_gate ; line right 2*del T`$1': last line.c NOT_circle `B'eval(2*`$1'): BUFFER_gate' ) # Gate definition and placement Bstring(1,A2) Bstring(2,A1) Bstring(3,A0) B7: BUFFER_gate at (B1,C) G1: NOR_gate with .Out at (B1.Out,DE) G2: NOR_gate at (B2,G1-grid_(0,AND_ht)) G3: AND_gate(4) with .In1 at (G2.Out+(9*del,0),A2) G5: AND_gate(4) with .In4 at (G3.In1,G2.Out) G6: AND_gate at G5+grid_(AND_wd,AND_ht*3/4)+(del*2,0) G4: NOR_gate with .In1 at (G6.Out,G3)+(2*del,0) G7: NOR_gate with .In2 at (G4.In2,G5.Out) # Output to other latches TOL: (G2.Out,C)+(4*del,-4*L_unit) move to TOL+(3*del,-del/3) ; {move down 0.15} "{\sl To other latches}" below # Remaining input lines line from G1.In1 to (DE,G1.In1); "D sp_" rjust line from G1.In2 to (DE,G1.In2); "E sp_" rjust dot(at G1.In2-(del,0)); line to (Here,G2.In2) then to G2.In2 line from C to B7.In1 # Connect Bi, and connect to output bus define(`BtoTOL',`dot(at T`$1') ; line down (A2.y-A1.y)/2 line to (TOL-(`$1'*del,0),Here) ; arrow to (Here,TOL) ') BtoTOL(1) BtoTOL(2) BtoTOL(3) # G1 to G2 dot(at (T1,G1)); line to (Here,G2.In1) then to G2.In1 # Upper And inputs to output bus define(`AtoTOL',`line left eval(5-`$1')*del from G3.In`$1' arrow to (Here,TOL) ') AtoTOL(1) AtoTOL(2) AtoTOL(3) AtoTOL(4) line from B2.Out to (G3.In1,B2)-(4*del,0) ; dot line from B4.Out to (G3.In2,B4)-(3*del,0) ; dot line from B6.Out to (G3.In3,B6)-(2*del,0) ; dot line from G1.Out to (G3.In4,G1)-(del,0) ; dot # Lower And inputs line left 4*del from G5.In1 ; dot line left 3*del from G5.In2 ; dot line left 2*del from G5.In3 ; dot line from G2.Out to G5.In4 ; dot(at (TOL,Here)) ; arrow to (Here,TOL) # Fix up G4, G6, G7 line from G3.Out to G4.In1 line right del from G4.Out {dot; line right del ; "sp_ Q7" ljust; move right 0.2 } # letters in object line down 2*del then to G6.In1+(-del,del) line to (Here,G6.In1) then to G6.In1 line from G4.In2 to (G6.In1+(-del,0),G4.In2) line down del then to G7.Out+(del,2*del) line to (Here,G7) then to G7.Out line from G6.Out right del ; line to (Here,G7.In1) then to G7.In1 line from G5.Out to G7.In2 line left del from G6.In2 ; arrow to (Here,TOL) dot(at (Here,C)) ; line to B7.Out command "}%" .PE