% ex09.m4 % Illustrating the arguments of the `dimension_' macro. .PS sinclude(examples.dim) sinclude(Fex09.dim) s_init(ex09) scale = 25 define(`spacer',` [ command "{\sf" linethick_(1.0) WC: circle diameter 4.22 at 0,0 EC: circle same at 30.15,0 NC: circle diameter 2.36 at 13.28, 10.92/2 SC: circle same at 13.28,-10.92/2 C: .5 # spacer centre h = 27.26 # spacer height s = 4.22/2 # small arc radius r = h/2*.80 # large arc radius Cr: C+(0,h/2-r) # upper arc centre e = s # small arc centre offset from small circle Cs: EC+(e,0) # right arc centre # Tangent points Tr and Ts to circles at Cr and Cs dx = Cr.x-Cs.x; dy = Cr.y-Cs.y; dsq = dx*dx+dy*dy Tr: r*(r-s)/dsq + (vscal_(r*sqrt(dsq-(r-s)^2)/dsq,dy,-dx)) Ts: s/r-(dx,dy) line from Tr to Ts arc cw to (Ts.x,-Ts.y) with .c at Cs E: last arc.e line to (Tr.x,-Tr.y) arc cw to (C.x-(Here.x-C.x),Here.y) with .c at (Cr.x,-Cr.y) S: last arc.s line to (Cs.x-Ts.x-s,Cs.y-Ts.y) arc cw to (Here.x,-Here.y) with .c at (-e,0) W: last arc.w line to (C.x-(Tr.x-C.x),Tr.y) arc cw to Tr with .c at Cr N: last arc.n thinlines_ dimension_(from S+(2,0) to N+(2,0),-(E.x-C.x+4),27.76,15bp__) dimension_(from SC.n+(0,2) left SC.x-WC.x, (SC.n.y-S.y+3), 13.28, 30bp__) dimension_(from WC.n+(0,2) right EC.x-WC.x,-(WC.n.y-S.y+7), 30.15, 30bp__) dimension_(from W+(0,-1.5) to E+(0,-1.5), -(C.y-S.y+8), 41.28, 30bp__) dimension_(from SC.e+(2,0) up NC.y-SC.y, (SC.e.x-W.x+8), 10.92, 15bp__) arrow <- from NC up N.y-NC.y+4 left 8 chop NC.rad chop 0 {"2.36" above} arrow to SC chop 0 chop SC.rad arrow <- from EC left 6 up 16 chop EC.rad chop 0 line left 4 "4.22 (2) PL" above command "}%" ] ') define(`sk',`scale*.7') define(`bdot',`[ psset_(linecolor=gray) dot(,,.5) psset_(linecolor=black) ] `$1' s_box($`$2'$\strut) `$1' `$3' ') thinlines_ spacer [ define(`lwid',`29bp__') A: bdot(at (0,0),A,below) B: bdot(at (2*sk,0),B,below) Ctr: 0.5 between A and B linethick_(1) dimension_(from A to B,.5*sk,\sl label,lwid,.1*sk) s_box(`\tt dimension\_(from A to B,.5,\char92 sl label,29bp\_\_,.1)') \ with .sw at A+(-.8*sk,-.5*sk) thinlines_ arrow from A to B chop .05*sk "\sl linespec" below dimension_(up_ .5*sk from A,.2*sk,"\sl offset\ " rjust,,,->) dimension_(up_ .1*sk from B,-.2*sk) s_box(\ \sl tic offset) with .nw at 2nd last arrow dimension_(up_ .1*sk from B+(0,.5*sk),-.2*sk) s_box(\ \sl tic offset) with .nw at 2nd last arrow dimension_(from Ctr+(-lwid/2,.5*sk) right lwid,.2*sk, "\strut\sl blank width" above) move up 1*sk from A ] with .nw at last [].sw+(0,-0.6*sk) [ A: bdot(at (0,0),A, above rjust) B: bdot(at (2*sk,0),B, above ljust) C: bdot(at (0,-1.5*sk),C, below rjust) D: bdot(at (2*sk,-1.5*sk),D, below ljust) T: C+(-1*sk,-.5*sk) T: C+(-0.45*sk,-.5*sk) dimension_(from A to B,.3*sk,$AB$,20bp__) define(`psbs',`ifdef(`pstricks_',\)') s_box(`\tt dimension\_(from A to B,.3,\'psbs`$AB\'psbs`$,20bp\_\_)') \ with .sw at T dimension_(from C to B chop dotrad_,,$X$,16bp__) s_box(`\tt dimension\_(from C to B,,\'psbs`$X\'psbs`$,16bp\_\_)') \ with .sw at T+(0,-13bp__) dimension_(from C to A,.3*sk,$CA$,14bp__,,->) s_box(`\tt dimension\_(from C to A,.3,\'psbs`$CA\'psbs`$,14bp\_\_,,->)') \ with .sw at T+(0,-2*13bp__) dimension_(from D to B,-.3*sk,"$DB$" ljust) s_box(`\tt dimension\_(from D to B,-.3,\"\'psbs`$DB\'psbs`$\" ljust)') \ with .sw at T+(0,-3*13bp__) ] with .nw at 1st [].ne+(.8*sk,0) .PE