% lcct.m4 .PS 8.5 include(HOMELIB_`'liblog.m4) log_init include(ics.m4) define(`dimen_',0.5) define(`elen_',dimen_) define(`Groundtype',`') define(`breakout',` for i = 1 to `$1' do { {line `$2' ifelse(`$4',,del,`$4')-jog/2 then `$2' jog/2 `$3' jog \ then `$3' lg_pinsep} move `$3' lg_pinsep } move `$2' ifelse(`$4',,del,`$4')-jog/2 then `$2' jog/2 `$3' jog ') del = lg_pinsep jog = del*2/3 right_ IC1: ic6502 Vcc: IC1.Pin8.end.x-del-elen_,IC1.Pin4.y+lg_pinsep+3*del Reset: IC1.Pin8.end.x-del,Vcc.y+del resistor(up_ Vcc.y-IC1.Pin4.y from IC1.Pin4.end) line left 2*del from IC1.Pin6.end line up_ to (Here,Vcc) chop 0 chop elen_ resistor line left del from IC1.Pin40.end {line to (Here,Reset)} move left elen_ {NOT_gate(right_ elen_)} {capacitor(down_ from (Here,Vcc) to Here,C)} down_; resistor; ground(,T,Groundtype) line from IC1.Pin2.end to (IC1.Pin2.end,Vcc) move to IC1.Pin26.end; breakout(8,left,down) line to (Here,IC1.sw+(0,-del)) line down jog right jog/2 Data: Here line from IC1.Pin1.end down_ 2*lg_pinsep; ground(,T,Groundtype) line left 2*del from IC1.Pin34.end line to (Here,Data+(0,-del)) RWB: Here move to IC1.Pin25.end; breakout(16,right,down) line to (Here,RWB)+(0,-del+jog) then down jog left jog/2 Addr: Here right_ IC5: ic74LS138 with .Chip.nw at (IC1.Chip.w.x,Addr.y-2*del) line from IC5.Pin5.end down_ 3*lg_pinsep ; ground(,T,Groundtype) line from IC5.Pin16.end down_ 1.5*lg_pinsep ; ground(,T,Groundtype) move to IC5.Pin1.end; breakout(3,left,up) line to Here.x,Addr.y-jog then up jog right jog/2 then to Addr line right_ 2*del from IC1.Pin39.end { NOT_gate(right_ 3*del) C1: Here } capacitor(up_ elen_*0.6) {resistor(right_ 3*del)} line up 2*(IC1.Pin37.y-Here.y) {line from IC1.Pin37.end to (Here,IC1.Pin37)} right_; xtal(right_ 3*del) IC2: ic6116 with .Chip.nw at Here.x+2*del+lg_plen*L_unit,IC1.Chip.n.y line from IC2.Pin24.end up to (IC2.Pin24.end,Vcc) right_ Or1: OR_gate with .Out at IC2.Pin21.end line from Or1.In2 left del then down del line to (C1,Here) then to C1 line from Or1.In1 left del line to (Here,IC2.Chip.nw+(0,del)) RW: Here move to IC2.Pin17.end; breakout(8,left,down) line to (Here,Data)+(0,jog) then down jog left jog/2 line down_ lg_pinsep from IC2.Pin12.end ; ground(,T,Groundtype) move to IC2.Pin19.end; breakout(11,right,down) line to (Here,Addr) chop 0 chop jog line down jog left jog/2 line down_ lg_pinsep from IC2.Pin20.end ; ground(,T,Groundtype) right_ IC3: ic6116 with .Chip.nw at IC2.Chip.ne + (IC2.Chip.nw.x - IC1.Chip.ne.x-del,0) IC4: ic6522 with .Chip.nw at IC3.Chip.ne + (IC2.Chip.nw.x - IC1.Chip.ne.x-del,0) IC6: ic74LS138 with .Chip.nw at (IC3.Chip.nw,IC5.Chip.nw) line from Vcc to (IC4.Pin34.end.x+del,Vcc.y) line from Reset to (IC4.Pin34.end,Reset) then to IC4.Pin34.end line right_ 2*del from (C1,IC4.Pin25); NOT_gate; line to IC4.Pin25.end line right del from IC1.Pin4.end; line to Here.x,Vcc.y-del line to (IC4.Pin21.end,Here)-(del,0) then to IC4.Pin21.end-(del,0) \ then to IC4.Pin21.end line from IC3.Pin21.end to (IC3.Pin21.end,Vcc) move to IC3.Pin17.end breakout(8,left,down); line to (Here,Data)+(0,jog) then down jog left jog/2 move to IC3.Pin19.end breakout(11,right,down); line to (Here,Addr)+(0,jog) then down jog left jog/2 move to IC4.Pin26.end breakout(8,left,down,2*del); line to (Here,Data)+(0,jog) then down jog left jog/2 then to Data move to IC4.Pin35.end breakout(4,left,down); line to (Here,Addr)+(0,jog) then down jog left jog/2 \ then to Addr line from IC4.Pin20.end to (IC4.Pin20.end,Vcc) line down_ lg_pinsep from IC4.Pin1.end; ground(,T,Groundtype) line left 3*del from IC4.Pin23.end line to (Here,IC6.Pin7) then to IC6.Pin7.end line down_ 2*lg_pinsep from IC3.Pin18.end; ground(,T,Groundtype) line down_ lg_pinsep from IC6.Pin8.end; ground(,T,Groundtype) line up_ 2.5*lg_pinsep from IC6.Pin16.end \ then right_ lg_pinsep then down_ lg_pinsep/2; ground(,T,Groundtype) move to IC6.Pin5.end; breakout(1,left,up); line up_ lg_pinsep move to IC6.Pin1.end; breakout(3,left,up) line to (Here,Addr)-(0,jog) then up jog left jog/2 line from RW to (IC3.Pin19.end+(2*del,0),RW) RWE: Here line to (RWE,RWB) then to RWB line from IC4.Pin22.end to (RWE,IC4.Pin22.end) right_ Or3: OR_gate with .Out at IC3.Pin20.end.x-del,IC1.Pin9.y line from Or3.Out to (IC3.Pin20.end,Or3.Out) then to IC3.Pin20.end left_ Or2: OR_gate with .In2 at (IC2.Chip.se,Or3.In1) line from Or2.Out to (IC2.Pin18.end-(3*del,0),Or2.Out) line to (Here,IC2.Pin18) then to IC2.Pin18.end line from Or2.In1 right del; line to (Here,IC1.Pin37) line from Or3.In2 left del; line to (Here,IC1.Pin37) define(`addrlabel',`dnl line invis right 4*del from IC5.Pin`$1'.end "{\tiny (`$2')}" above ') addrlabel( 7,E000 - FFFF) addrlabel( 9,C000 - DFFF) addrlabel(10,A000 - BFFF) addrlabel(11,8000 - 9FFF) addrlabel(12,6000 - 7FFF) addrlabel(13,4000 - 5FFF) addrlabel(14,2000 - 3FFF) addrlabel(15,0000 - 1FFF) line from IC5.Pin7.end right 4*del K: Here; line to (K,IC5.Pin13) line to (IC6.Pin4.end-(3*del,0),Here) line to (Here,IC6.Pin4.end) then to IC6.Pin4.end Ands: [ right_ And1: AND_gate; line right del/2 then down del*3/2 \ then left And1.Out.x-And1.In1.x+del then down del then right_ del/2 And2: AND_gate with .In1 at Here line from And2.Out right del/2 then down del then right_ del/2 And3: AND_gate with .In1 at Here line right_ del/2 from And3.Out NOT_gate line right_ del/2 And4: AND_gate with .In1 at Here ] with .And2.In1 at (K.x+2*del,IC5.Pin9.y) # line from Ands.And4.Out right del*3; line to (Here,Or3.In1) then to Or3.In1 line from Ands.And4.Out right IC6.Pin5.end.x-3*del-Ands.And4.Out.x line to (Here,Or3.In1) then to Or3.In1 line from Ands.And4.In2 left del line to (Here,IC5.Pin14) then to IC5.Pin14.end line from IC5.Pin15.end to (IC2.Pin20.end.x+2*del,IC5.Pin15.y) line to (Here,Or2.In2) then to Or2.In2 NOT_gate(right_ from (K,Ands.And3.In2) to Ands.And3.In2) line from Ands.And2.In2 to (K+(del+jog/2,0),Ands.And2.In2) line left jog/2 up jog; line to (Here.x,Addr.y-jog) then up jog left jog/2 line from Ands.And1.In1 to (K.x+del+jog/2,Ands.And1.In1.y) \ then left jog/2 up jog line from Ands.And1.In2 to (K.x+del+jog/2,Ands.And1.In2.y) \ then left jog/2 up jog line from IC6.Pin6.end left 2*del; line to (Here,IC4.Pin24) line from IC4.Pin24.end to (IC2.Chip.se,IC4.Pin24) move left dimen_; {NOT_gate(right_ dimen_)} line left jog/2 down jog; line to (Here,Data) chop 0 chop jog line down jog left jog/2 .PE