******************************************************************************************************** Updates -including binaries and sources-, as well as the documentation, history, installation procedure and bugs report, are available from : http://trashx.ensea.fr/jpicedt/en/ (english) http://trashx.ensea.fr/jpicedt/fr/ (français) ******************************************************************************************************* MAIN FEATURES jPicEdt is a tool that allows you to draw graphical objects using LaTeX's picture environment or epic/eepic macro packages. It is written in Java, and is therefore 100% multiplatform. Support for both JDK1.1.x and Java 2 is provided. jPicEdt is free software, and is licensed under Gnu Public License. jPicEdt can generate LaTeX code from a user-friendly graphical interface. This may include : - almost every graphical object allowed by the picture environment commands: lines, arrows, circles, boxes. - emulated objects, for example lines of any slope (which LaTeX doesn't support natively), circles of any size, ellipses, arcs and polygons. - almost every object allowed by the epic/eepic packages (excluding grids and textured filling): dashed lines, filled (whitened, blackened or shaded) ellipses or polygons, arcs,... jPicEdt can also parse LaTeX files that include a \begin{picture}...\end{picture} block, and is able to interpret nearly every command, either LaTeX- or eepic-compliant (this allows in particular to load files generated by GnuPlot with a gset term eepic command). As of version 1.3.1-a, jPicEdt now supports the english, french and spanish languages. ********************************************************************************************************* Files included with the present distribution are: jPicEdt.README this file jpicedt_1_3_1-a.jar last Java2-compliant version jpicedt_1_2.jar last JDK1.1.x version (requires Swing/JFC library to be installed) Swing can be downloaded from http://java.sun.com/products/jfc online-doc.tgz gzipped-tar of jPicEdt's online documentation and installation procedure (see also http://trashx.ensea.fr/jpicedt/) ********************************************************************************************************* Quick Start If you're using a Java2-compliant Java Virtual Machine, download jpicedt_1_3_1-a.jar to any directory of your choice, then enter the following command line : java -jar jpicedt_1_3_1-a.jar There's a bit of configuration to be carried out, most notably if you want to be able to launch LaTeX, DVI, Ghostview, etc... from inside jPicEdt. Amongst other things, you need to tell jPicEdt where to find the corresponding executables: this can be done in the "Preferences/Commands" menu. Please look through the online documentation for examples. JDK1.1.x users (that is: mostly MacOS users) will have to download and install the "JFC 1.1 with Swing 1.1.1" library from http://java.sun.com/products/jfc before being able to use jPicEdt. After the installation has been completed, download jpicedt_1_2.jar, change to the directory where you downloaded it, and enter the following command line : java -classpath .:jpicedt_1_2.jar:/usr/lib/java/lib/classes.zip:/usr/lib/java/swingall.jar picedt.Main (Windows users must separate each path with a semicolon). You may have to change paths according to your own Java/Swing installation. ********************************************************************************************************* Questions, critics/congratulation, contributions, translations, bug reports, etc. are sincerely welcomed ! Please send an email to reynal@ensea.fr, I'd be delighted to give you an answer as soon as possible.