The expressg MetaPost package provides facilities to assist in drawing diagrams that consist of boxes, lines, and annotations. Particular support is provided for creating EXPRESS-G diagrams. The distribution consists of the following files: README (this file) expressg.ins expressg.dtx aamfigs.tex aamfigs.pdf The distribution is provided under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL). Changes in version 1.4: o Routines for generating piecewise linear paths with either sharp or rounded corners o Diagram showing labeling convention for a drum o General tidying up of the code Changes in version 1.3: o Additional box and line types o Additional examples o Scripts for copying files basename.N to basenameN.mps, where N is an integer To install the package: o run: latex expressg.ins (which will generate,, expeg.tex, and n2mpsprl.prl) o run: latex expressg.dtx (Note: if you don't have the docmfp package, read the instructions at the start of this file) o If you want an index then run: makeindex -s expressg o run: latex expressg.dtx o Print expressg.dvi for a hardcopy of the package manual o Move to a location where MetaPost will find it. o To use the scripts make them executable (and they may require editing to run on your system). The file contains some example diagrams. To generate your own copy, and to test your installation: o Move and expeg.tex to a working directory o Run MetaPost on (probably either as: mp expeg or as: mpost expeg). Make sure that the TEX environment variable is either unset or equals tex. o Run LaTeX on expeg.tex o print the result via dvips or other dvi processor that supports PostScript graphics. The file contains some more example MetaPost code. The resulting diagrams are in aamfigs.pdf which has been generated by pdfLaTeX from aamfigs.tex. 2000/07/10 Peter Wilson