% aam.mp MetaPost for AAM figures input expressg verbatimtex \def\twolines#1#2{\vbox{\hbox{#1} \hbox{#2}}} \def\threelines#1#2#3{\vbox{\hbox{#1} \hbox{#2} \hbox{#3}}} \def\fourlines#1#2#3#4{\vbox{\hbox{#1} \hbox{#2} \hbox{#3} \hbox{#4}}} etex beginfig(5) % FILES numeric lb[]; numeric hb[]; % box dimens lb1 := namespace(btex Root etex)(nextra); % leaf nodes lb4 := namespace(btex Root etex)(nextra); % root hb1 := onelineh; numeric upshift, sideshift; upshift := 10u; sideshift := 5u; numeric cx[]; numeric lyc[]; cx1 := 0; cx2 := cx1 + sideshift; cx3 := cx2 + sideshift; cx4 := cx2 + sideshift + lb1; cx5 := cx4 + sideshift; cx6 := cx4 + sideshift + lb1; cx7 := cx6 + sideshift + lb1; cx8 := cx7 + sideshift + lb1; cx9 := cx8 + sideshift + lb1; lb2 := (cx9-cx1); % FILES 1 length cx11 := cx9 + sideshift; cx12 := cx11 + sideshift; cx13 := cx12 + sideshift + lb1; cx14 := cx13 + 0.5*(sideshift + lb1); cx15 := cx13 + sideshift + lb1; cx16 := cx14 + sideshift + lb1; cx17 := cx16 + sideshift + lb1; cx18 := cx13 + sideshift; lb3 := (cx17-cx11); % FILES 2 length lyc1 := 0; lyc2 := lyc1 + upshift; lyc3 := lyc2 + upshift + hb1; lyc4 := lyc3 + upshift + hb1; hb3 := (lyc4 + upshift + hb1 -lyc1); % FILES 2 height lyc5 := lyc2 + hb1; lyc6 := lyc5 + upshift + hb1; lyc7 := lyc6 + upshift + hb1; lyc8 := lyc7 + upshift + hb1; lyc9 := lyc8 + upshift + hb1; hb2 := (lyc9 - lyc5); % FILES 1 height %% left FILE z15=(cx1,lyc5); drawENT(15, lb2, hb2)(" "); label.top(btex FILE 1 etex, z15bm); %% right file z111=(cx11,lyc1); drawENT(111, lb3, hb3)(""); label.top(btex FILE 2 etex, z111bm); %% bottom row of left tree z26=(cx2,lyc6); drawENT(26, lb1, hb1)(btex N3 etex); z46=(cx4,lyc6); drawENT(46, lb1, hb1)(btex N4 etex); z66=(cx6,lyc6); drawENT(66, lb1, hb1)(btex N5 etex); z76=(cx7,lyc6); drawENT(76, lb1, hb1)(btex N6 etex); z86=(cx8,lyc6); drawENT(86, lb1, hb1)(btex L2 etex); %% middle row of left tree z37=(cx3,lyc7); drawENT(37, lb1, hb1)(btex N1 etex); z57=(cx5,lyc7); drawENT(57, lb1, hb1)(btex L1 etex); z77=(cx7,lyc7); drawENT(77, lb1, hb1)(btex N2 etex); %% top row of left tree z68=(cx6,lyc8); drawENT(68, lb4, hb1)(btex Root etex); %% bottom row right tree z142=(cx14,lyc2); drawENT(142, lb1, hb1)(btex F4 etex); z162=(cx16,lyc2); drawENT(162, lb1, hb1)(btex F5 etex); %% middle row of right tree z123=(cx12,lyc3); drawENT(123, lb1, hb1)(btex F1 etex); z133=(cx13,lyc3); drawENT(133, lb1, hb1)(btex F2 etex); z153=(cx15,lyc3); drawENT(153, lb1, hb1)(btex F3 etex); %% top row of right tree z184=(cx18,lyc4); drawENT(184, lb4, hb1)(btex Root etex); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% lines %%% thick lines %% Arrow L1 to N5 (57-66) z66A=1/4[z66tl,z66tr]; pickup thickpen; drawnormalCA(57bm,66A); pickup normalpen; %% Arrow L2 to F4 (86-142) pickup thickpen; drawnormalCA(86bm,142ml); pickup normalpen; %%% thin lines pickup thinpen; %%% file 1 %% N1 to N3 & N4 (37, 26, 46) x36=x37bm; y36=1/2[y26tm,y37bm]; VyV(26tm, 36, 46tm); drawnormalfour(26tm, 26tm.vyv, 46tm.vyv, 46tm); drawnormal(37bm,36); %% N2 to N5, N6 & L2 (77, 66, 76, 86) x76A=x76tm; y76A=1/2[y76tm,y77bm]; VyV(66tm, 76A, 86tm); drawnormalfour(66tm, 66tm.vyv, 86tm.vyv, 86tm); drawnormal(77bm, 76tm); %% Root to N1, L1 and N2 (68, 37, 57, 77) x68A=x68bm; y68A=1/2[y57tm,y68bm]; VyV(37tm, 68A, 77tm); drawnormalfour(37tm, 37tm.vyv, 77tm.vyv, 77tm); drawnormal(68bm,68A); z57A=(x57tm,y68A); drawnormal(57A, 57tm); %%% file 2 %% F3 to F4 and F5 (153, 142, 162) x153A=x153bm; y153A=1/2[y142tm,y153bm]; VyV(142tm, 153A, 162tm); drawnormalfour(142tm, 142tm.vyv, 162tm.vyv, 162tm); drawnormal(153bm, 153A); %% Root to F1, F2 and F3 (184, 123, 133, 153) x184A=x184bm; y184A=1/2[y184bm,y133tm]; VyV(123tm, 184A, 153tm); drawnormalfour(123tm, 123tm.vyv, 153tm.vyv, 153tm); drawnormal(184bm,184A); z133A=(x133tm,y184A); drawnormal(133tm,133A); pickup normalpen; endfig; %%end beginfig(3) % DATA FLOW smoothrad := 2u; numeric lb, hb; % length & height of boxes lb := namespace(btex Analysis Process A0 etex)(nextra); hb := 5onelineh; numeric hspace[]; hspace1 := namespace(btex Geometry (ISO 10303-203, or other source) etc etex)(ndextra); numeric upshift; % vertical distance between rows upshift = 5u; % 20u numeric sideshift; % horizontal distance between boxes sideshift = 5u; % 10u; numeric lb[]; %lb5 := namespace(btex to Model and etex)(nextra); lb5 := namespace(btex Computational etex)(nextra); lb1 := lb5; lb2 := lb5; lb3 := lb5; lb4 := lb5; lb6 := lb5; lb25 := lb5; lb41 := lb5; lb65 := lb5; lb84 := lb1; numeric hb[]; hb1 := 4onelineh; hb2 := hb1; hb3 := hb1; hb4 := hb1; hb5 := 4onelineh; hb6 := hb5; hb25 := 4onelineh; hb41 := hb25; hb65 := hb25; hb84 := 3/2hb1; numeric lyc[]; lyc1 := 0; lyc2 := lyc1 + hb41; lyc3 := lyc2 + upshift + hb6; lyc5 := lyc3 + hb5; lyc4 := 1/2[lyc3,lyc5]; lyc6 := lyc5 + upshift; lyc7 := lyc5 + 4upshift + hb25; lyc8 := lyc7 + 1/2hb1; lyc9 := lyc8 + upshift; numeric cx[]; cx1 := 0; cx2 := cx1 + sideshift; cx3 := cx2 + sideshift + lb25; cx4 := cx3 + sideshift + lb1; cx5 := cx4 + sideshift + lb41; cx6 := cx5 + sideshift + lb5; cx7 := cx6 + sideshift + lb65; cx8 := cx7 + lb4; cx9 := cx8 + sideshift; %%% Modified geometry z41=(cx4,lyc1); drawdrum(41, lb41, hb41)(btex \threelines{Modified}{Geometry}{Data} etex); %%dotlabel.llft("41", z41); %%% Optimize Geometry (A6) z52=(cx5,lyc2); drawENT(52, lb6, hb6)(btex \threelines{Optimize}{Geometry}{(A6)} etex); %%dotlabel.llft("52", z52); %%% Adaptive Modification (A5) z53=(cx5,lyc3); drawENT(53, lb5, hb5)(btex \fourlines{Adaptive}{Modification}{to Model and}{Process (A5)} etex); %%dotlabel.llft("53", z53); %%% Initial Geometry z25=(cx2,lyc5); drawdrum(25, lb25, hb25)(btex \twolines{Geometry}{Data} etex); %%dotlabel.llft("25", z25); %%% Aerodynamic data z65=(cx6,lyc5); drawdrum(65, lb65, hb65)(btex \twolines{Aerodynamic}{Data} etex); %%dotlabel.llft("65", z65); %%% Acquire & Modify Geometery (A1) z37=(cx3,lyc7); drawENT(37, lb1, hb1)(btex \fourlines{Acquire and}{Modify}{Geometry}{(A1)} etex); %%dotlabel.llft("37", z37); %%% Extract Engineering Data (A4) z77=(cx7,lyc7); drawENT(77, lb4, hb4)(btex \threelines{Extract}{Engineering}{Data (A4)} etex); %%dotlabel.llft("77", z77); %%% Build Computational Model (A2) z57=(cx5,lyc7); drawENT(57, lb2, hb2)(btex \threelines{Build}{Computational}{Model (A2)} etex); %%dotlabel.llft("57", z57); %%% Compute Flowfield (A3) z67=(cx6,lyc7); drawENT(67, lb3, hb3)(btex \threelines{Compute}{Flowfield}{(A3)} etex); %%dotlabel.llft("67", z67); %%% End Users z84=(cx8,lyc4); drawASDT(84, lb84, hb84)(btex \twolines{END}{USERS} etex); %%dotlabel.llft("84", z84); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% lines %%% Geometry INPUT z18=(cx1,lyc8); VH(25tml,18); drawnormal(18, 25tml.vh); drawnormalCA(25tml.vh, 25tml); smooth(18, 25tml.vh, 25tml); label.top(btex Geometry etex, z18); %%% Geom -> A1 (25-37) VH(25tmr, 37ml); drawnormal(25tmr, 25tmr.vh); drawnormalCA(25tmr.vh, 37ml); smooth(25tmr, 25tmr.vh, 37ml); %%% A1 -> Modified Geom (37-41) VH(41tml, 37mr); drawnormalthreeCA(37mr, 41tml.vh, 41tml); smooth(37mr, 41tml.vh, 41tml); %%% Modified Geom -> A2 (41-57) VH(41tm, 57ml); drawnormalthreeCA(41tm, 41tm.vh, 57ml); smooth(41tm, 41tm.vh, 57ml); %%% Adaptive A5 -> Mod Geom (53-41) & A6 -> Mod Geom (52-41) VH(41tmr, 53ml); drawnormalthreeCA(53ml, 41tmr.vh, 41tmr); z42=(x41tmr, y52ml); drawnormal(52ml,42); smooth(53ml, 41tmr.vh, 41tmr); smooth(52ml, 42, 41tmr); %% Aero Data -> Adapt mod (A5) & Opt Geom (A6) (65-53,52) VH(65bm, 52mr); drawnormalthreeCA(65bm, 65bm.vh, 52mr); z63=(x65bm, y53mr); drawnormalCA(63, 53mr); smooth(65bm, 65bm.vh, 52mr); smooth(65bm, 63, 53mr); %% Mod Geom -> USERS (41-84) z84A=1/4[z84bl,z84tl]; %%HvH(41mr, 84A); HxH(41mr, 77bm, 84A) drawnormalfourCA(41mr, 41mr.hxh, 84A.hxh, 84A); smoothtwo(41mr, 41mr.hxh, 84A.hxh, 84A); %% Aero -> Model (65-57) VhV(65tml, 57bm); drawnormalthreeCA(65tml.vhv, 57bm.vhv, 57bm); drawnormalCA(65tml.vhv, 65tml); smoothtwo(65tml, 65tml.vhv, 57bm.vhv, 57bm); %% Aero -> Flowfield (65-67) drawnormalCA(65tm,67bm); drawnormalCA(67bm,65tm); %% Aero -> Data (65-77) VhV(65tmr, 77bm); drawnormalthreeCA(65tmr.vhv, 77bm.vhv, 77bm); drawnormalCA(65tmr.vhv, 65tmr); smoothtwo(65tmr, 65tmr.vhv, 77bm.vhv, 77bm); %% Aero -> USERS (65-84) z84B=(x84bl, y65mr); drawnormalCA(65mr, 84B); %% Data -> USERS (77-84) VH(84tm,77mr); drawnormalthreeCA(77mr, 84tm.vh, 84tm); smooth(77mr, 84tm.vh, 84tm); %%%%%%%%% test smoothed dashed/dotted line VH(25bm,41ml); %%drawdashthree(25bm, 25bm.vh, 41ml); %%smoothdash(25bm, 25bm.vh, 41ml); drawdotsthree(25bm, 25bm.vh, 41ml); smoothdots(25bm, 25bm.vh, 41ml); endfig; % end fig 3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% beginfig(1) % IDEF A0 model %%%%drawgrid; smoothrad := 2u; numeric lb, hb; % length & height of boxes lb := namespace(btex Analysis Process A0 etex)(nextra); hb := 5onelineh; numeric hspace[]; hspace1 := namespace(btex Geometry (ISO 10303-203, or other source) etc etex)(ndextra); numeric upshift; % vertical distance between rows upshift = 20u; numeric sideshift; % horizontal distance between boxes sideshift = 10u; numeric lyc[]; lyc1 := 0; lyc2 := lyc1;% +upshift; lyc3 := lyc2+upshift; lyc4 := lyc3+upshift+hb; lyc5 := lyc4;% +upshift; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A0 box z33=(hspace1,lyc3); drawENT(33, lb, hb)(btex \threelines{Computational}{Fluid Dynamics}{Analysis Process} etex); label.ulft(btex A0 etex, z33br); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Inputs z33A=1/8[z33bl,z33tl]; z33B=z33ml; z33C=7/8[z33bl,z33tl]; z13=(0,y33A); z14=(0,y33B); z15=(0,y33C); drawnormalCA(13,33A); label.urt(btex Analysis Objectives etex, z13); drawnormalCA(14,33B); label.urt(btex Definition of Expected Flow Physics etex, z14); drawnormalCA(15,33C); label.urt(btex Geometry (ISO 10303-203, or other source) etex, z15); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Outputs z33D=1/8[z33br,z33tr]; z33E=z33mr; z33F=7/8[z33br,z33tr]; hspace2 := x33br+namespace(btex Flowfield Data etex)(ndextra); z63=(hspace2,y33D); z64=(hspace2,y33E); z65=(hspace2,y33F); drawnormalCA(33D,63); label.rt(btex Flowfield Data etex, z63); drawnormalCA(33E,64); label.rt(btex Optimized Geometry etex, z64); drawnormalCA(33F,65); label.rt(btex \twolines{Information to Analysis}{Customer} etex, z65); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Resources hspace3 := namespace(btex Organizational etex)(ndextra); z33G=1/5[z33bl,z33br]; z33H=2/5[z33bl,z33br]; z33I=3/5[z33bl,z33br]; z33J=4/5[z33bl,z33br]; hspace4 :=1/5lb; x41=x33bm + 1/2hspace4 + 1/2hspace3; x51=x41+hspace3+hspace4; x31=x41-hspace3-hspace4; x21=x31-hspace3-hspace4; y21=y31=y41=-y51=lyc1; label.bot(btex \twolines{Trained}{Staff} etex, z21); label.bot(btex \twolines{Computing}{Practices} etex, z31); label.bot(btex \twolines{Organizational}{Best Practices} etex, z41); label.bot(btex \twolines{Support}{Infrastructure} etex, z51); y1=1/3[lyc1,lyc3]; y2=2/3[lyc1,lyc3]; VyV(21,2,33G); drawnormalthree(21, 21vyv, 33G.vyv); drawnormalCA(33G.vyv, 33G); smooth(21, 21vyv, 33G.vyv); %smooth(21vyv, 33G.vyv, 33G); smooth(33G, 33G.vyv, 21vyv); VyV(31,1,33H); drawnormalthree(31, 31vyv, 33H.vyv); drawnormalCA(33H.vyv, 33H); smoothtwo(31, 31vyv, 33H.vyv, 33H); VyV(41,1,33I); drawnormalthree(41, 41vyv, 33I.vyv); drawnormalCA(33I.vyv, 33I); smoothtwo(41, 41vyv, 33I.vyv, 33I); VyV(51,2,33J); drawnormalthree(51, 51vyv, 33J.vyv); drawnormalCA(33J.vyv, 33J); smooth(51, 51vyv, 33J.vyv); smooth(51vyv, 33J.vyv, 33J); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Controls z33M=1/4[z33tl,z33tr]; z33N=3/4[z33tl,z33tr]; z35=(x31,lyc5); z45=(x41,lyc5); label.top(btex \threelines{Mathematical}{Model of Fluid}{Dynamics} etex, z35); label.top(btex \twolines{Computing}{Implementation} etex, z45); VhV(33M,35); drawnormalthree(35, 35vhv, 33M.vhv); drawnormalCA(33M.vhv, 33M); smoothtwo(35, 35vhv, 33M.vhv, 33M); VhV(33N,45); drawnormalthree(45, 45vhv, 33N.vhv); drawnormalCA(33N.vhv, 33N); smoothtwo(45, 45vhv, 33N.vhv, 33N); endfig; % end fig 1 beginfig(2) % IDEF A1+ model %%%%drawgrid; numeric lb[]; numeric hb; % length & height of boxes lb1 := namespace(btex Acquire and etex)(nextra); lb2 := namespace(btex Computational etex)(nextra); lb3 := namespace(btex Flow Field etex)(nextra); lb4 := namespace(btex Engineering etex)(nextra); lb5 := namespace(btex Modification to etex)(nextra); lb6 := lb5; hb := 4onelineh; numeric hspace[]; hspace1 := namespace(btex Geometry (ISO 10303-203, or other source) etc etex)(ndextra); numeric upshift; % vertical distance between rows upshift = 12u; numeric sideshift; % horizontal distance between boxes sideshift = 10u; numeric lyc[]; lyc1 := 0; lyc2 := lyc1+1/2upshift; lyc3 := lyc2+upshift; lyc4 := lyc3+1/2upshift+hb; lyc5 := lyc4+1/2upshift+hb; lyc6 := lyc5+1/2upshift+hb; lyc7 := lyc6 + 1/2upshift + hb; lyc8 := lyc7 + 1/2upshift; lyc9 := lyc8 + 1/2upshift; lyc10 := lyc9+upshift; lyc11 := lyc10+upshift; numeric cx[]; cx1 := 0; cx2 := cx1+sideshift; cx3 := cx2+sideshift; %%cx4 := cx3+sideshift; cx5 := cx3 + 5/4sideshift + lb1; %%cx6 := cx5+sideshift; cx7 := cx5+sideshift+lb2; %%cx8 := cx7+sideshift; cx9 := cx7 + 3/4sideshift + lb3; %%cx10 := cx9+sideshift; cx11 := cx9 + 3/4sideshift + lb4; cx12 := cx11+sideshift; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A1 box z36=(cx3,lyc6); drawENT(36, lb1, hb)(btex \threelines{Acquire and}{Modify}{Geometry} etex); label.ulft(btex A1 etex, z36br); %%dotlabel.urt("z36", z36); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A2 box z55=(cx5,lyc5); drawENT(55, lb2, hb)(btex \threelines{Build}{Computational}{Model (Grid)} etex); label.ulft(btex A2 etex, z55br); %%dotlabel.urt("z55", z55); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A3 box z74=(cx7,lyc4); drawENT(74, lb3, hb)(btex \twolines{Compute}{Flowfield} etex); label.ulft(btex A3 etex, z74br); %%dotlabel.urt("z74", z74); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A4 box z93=(cx9,lyc3); drawENT(93, lb4, hb)(btex \threelines{Extract}{Engineering}{Data} etex); label.ulft(btex A4 etex, z93br); %%dotlabel.urt("z93", z93); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A5 box z116=(cx11,lyc6); drawENT(116, lb5, hb)(btex \fourlines{Adaptive}{Modification to}{Model and}{Process} etex); label.ulft(btex A5 etex, z116br); %%dotlabel.urt("z116", z116); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A6 box z114=(cx11+1/2sideshift,lyc4); drawENT(114, lb6, hb)(btex \twolines{Optimize}{Geometry} etex); label.ulft(btex A6 etex, z114br); %%dotlabel.urt("z114", z114); %%%%%%%%%% Computing Implementation CONTROL z36A=z36tm; z55A=z55tm; z74A=1/4[z74tl,z74tr]; z93A=z93tm; z116A=z116tm; x114A=1/2[x116br,x114br]; y114A=y114tr; x38=x36A; x58=x55A; x78=x74A; x98=x93A; x1168=x116A; x1148=x114A; y38=y58=y78=y98=y1168=y1148=lyc8; drawnormal(38,1148); drawnormalCA(38,36A); drawnormalCA(58,55A); drawnormalCA(78,74A); drawnormalCA(98,93A); drawnormalCA(1168,116A); drawnormalCA(1148,114A); %%dotlabel.lft("z38", z38); %%dotlabel.rt("z1148", z1148); smooth(36A, 38, 58); smooth(55A, 58, 78); smooth(58, 78, 74A); smooth(78, 98, 93A); smooth(98, 1168, 116A); smooth(1168, 1148, 114A); z55B=3/4[z55tl,z55tr]; z59=(x55B,lyc9); z58B=(x55B,lyc8); drawnormal(59,58B); label.top(btex \twolines{Computing}{Implementation} etex, z59); smooth(59, 58B, 58); smooth(59, 58B, 78); drawnormal(1168,58); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Math Model CONTROL z74B=3/4[z74tl,z74tr]; z79=(x74B,lyc9); drawnormalCA(79,74B); label.top(btex \twolines{Mathematical Model}{of Fluid Dynamics} etex, z79); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Support Infrastructure RESOURCE z93F=4/5[z93bl,z93br]; z74F=4/5[z74bl,z74br]; z55F=4/5[z55bl,z55br]; z36F=4/5[z36bl,z36br]; x92F=x93F; x72F=x74F; x52F=x55F; x32F=x36F; y92F=y72F=y52F=y32F=lyc2; drawnormal(32F,92F); x82F=1/2[x74br,x93bl]; y82F=y92F; z81F=(x82F,lyc1); drawnormal(81F,82F); label.bot(btex \twolines{Support}{Infrastructure} etex, z81F); drawnormalCA(92F,93F); drawnormalCA(72F,74F); drawnormalCA(52F,55F); drawnormalCA(32F,36F); smooth(93F, 92F, 72F); smooth(92F, 72F, 74F); smooth(72F, 52F, 55F); smooth(52F, 32F, 36F); smooth(81F, 82F, 92F); smooth(81F, 82F, 72F); drawnormal(52F,72F); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Practices RESOURCE z93E=3/5[z93bl,z93br]; z74E=3/5[z74bl,z74br]; z55E=3/5[z55bl,z55br]; z36E=3/5[z36bl,z36br]; x92E=x93E; x72E=x74E; x52E=x55E; x32E=x36E; y92E=y72E=y52E=y32E=1/4[lyc2,lyc3]; drawnormal(32E,92E); x62E=1/2[x55br,x74bl]; y62E=y92E; z61E=(x62E,lyc1); drawnormal(61E,62E); label.bot(btex \twolines{Organizational}{Best Practices} etex, z61E); drawnormalCA(92E,93E); drawnormalCA(72E,74E); drawnormalCA(52E,55E); drawnormalCA(32E,36E); smoothtwo(61E, 62E, 92E, 93E); smoothtwo(61E, 62E, 32E, 36E); smooth(62E, 72E, 74E); smooth(62E, 52E, 55E); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Computing Assets RESOURCE z93D=2/5[z93bl,z93br]; z74D=2/5[z74bl,z74br]; z55D=2/5[z55bl,z55br]; z36D=2/5[z36bl,z36br]; x92D=x93D; x72D=x74D; x52D=x55D; x32D=x36D; y92D=y72D=y52D=y32D=2/4[lyc2,lyc3]; drawnormal(32D,92D); x42D=1/2[x36br,x55bl]; y42D=y92D; z41D=(x42D,lyc1); drawnormal(41D,42D); label.bot(btex \twolines{Computing}{Assets} etex, z41D); drawnormalCA(92D,93D); drawnormalCA(72D,74D); drawnormalCA(52D,55D); drawnormalCA(32D,36D); smoothtwo(41D, 42D, 92D, 93D); smoothtwo(41D, 42D, 32D, 36D); smooth(42D, 72D, 74D); smooth(42D, 52D, 55D); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Staff RESOURCE z93C=1/5[z93bl,z93br]; z74C=1/5[z74bl,z74br]; z55C=1/5[z55bl,z55br]; z36C=1/5[z36bl,z36br]; x92C=x93C; x72C=x74C; x52C=x55C; x32C=x36C; y92C=y72C=y52C=y32C=3/4[lyc2,lyc3]; drawnormal(32C,92C); x42C=1/2[x36br,x55bl]; y42C=y92C; z41C=(x62C,lyc1); z31C=(x36C,lyc1); drawnormal(31C,32C); label.bot(btex \twolines{Trained}{Staff} etex, z31C); drawnormalCA(92C,93C); drawnormalCA(72C,74C); drawnormalCA(52C,55C); drawnormalCA(32C,36C); smooth(93C, 92C, 72C); smooth(74C, 72C, 52C); smooth(55C, 52C, 32C); smooth(31C, 32C, 52C); drawnormal(72C,32C); drawnormal(31C,32C); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Geometry INPUT x36G=x36; y36G=2/3[y36bl, y36tl]; z16G=(cx1, y36G); drawnormalCA(16G, 36G); label.ulft(btex Geometry etex, z36G); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Optimized Geometry OUTPUT x114P=x114br; y114P=1/3[y114br,y114tr]; z124P=(x114P+sideshift, y114P); drawnormalCA(114P,124P); label.lrt(btex \twolines{Optimized}{Geometry} etex, z114P); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A6 -> A2 x114L=x114br; y114L=2/3[y114br,y114tr]; z124L=(x114L+sideshift, y114L); drawnormal(114L,124L); x55H=x55bl; y55H=4/6[y55bl,y55tl]; x45H=2/4[x36br,x55H]; y45H=y55H; drawnormalCA(45H,55H); y97A=2/3[y116tl,lyc8]; VyV(45H, 97A, 124L); drawnormalfour(45H, 45H.vyv, 124L.vyv, 124L); smoothtwo(114L, 124L, 124L.vyv, 45H.vyv); smoothtwo(124L.vyv, 45H.vyv, 45H, 55H); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A1 -> A2 x36M=x36br; y36M=y36mr; x55I=x55bl; y55I=3/6[y55bl,y55tl]; x45I=1/4[x36M,x55I]; HxH(36M, 45I, 55I); drawnormalthree(36M, 36M.hxh, 55I.hxh); drawnormalCA(55I.hxh, 55I); smoothtwo(36M, 36M.hxh, 55I.hxh, 55I); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A2 -> A3 x55M=x55br; y55M=y55mr; x74H=x74bl; y74H=3/5[y74bl,y74tl]; x64H=1/3[x55M,x74H]; HxH(55M, 64H, 74H); drawnormalthree(55M, 55M.hxh, 74H.hxh); drawnormalCA(74H.hxh, 74H); smoothtwo(55M, 55M.hxh, 74H.hxh, 74H); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A3 -> A4 x74N=x74br; y74N=1/3[y74br,y74tr]; x93G=x93bl; y93G=3/4[y93bl,y93tl]; x83G=1/2[x74N,x93G]; HxH(74N, 83G, 93G); drawnormalthree(74N, 74N.hxh, 93G.hxh); drawnormalCA(93G.hxh,93G); smoothtwo(74N, 74N.hxh, 93G.hxh, 93G); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A4 -> A5 x93L=x93br; y93L=4/5[y93br,y93tr]; x116H=x116bl; y116H=1/3[y116bl,y116tl]; x106H=1/3[x93L,x116H]; HxH(93L, 106H, 116H); drawnormalthree(93L, 93L.hxh, 116H.hxh); drawnormalCA(116H.hxh, 116H); smoothtwo(93L, 93L.hxh, 116H.hxh, 116H); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A4 -> A6 x93M=x93br; y93M=3/5[y93br,y93tr]; x114H=x114bl; y114H=1/2[y114bl,y114tl]; x104H=1/2[x93M,x114H]; HxH(93M, 104H, 114H); drawnormalthree(93M, 93M.hxh, 114H.hxh); drawnormalCA(114H.hxh, 114H); smoothtwo(93M, 93M.hxh, 114H.hxh, 114H); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A3 -> A5 x74M=x74br; y74M=2/3[y74br,y74tr]; x116J=x116bl; y116J=2/3[y116bl,y116tl]; x106J=2/3[x74N,x116J]; HxH(74M, 106J, 116J); drawnormalthree(74M, 74M.hxh, 116J.hxh); drawnormalCA(116J.hxh,116J); smoothtwo(74M, 74M.hxh, 116J.hxh, 116J); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A5 -> A2 x116N=x116br; y116N=1/3[y116br,y116tr]; x126N=2/3[x114L,x124L]; y126N=y116N; drawnormal(116N,126N); x55G=x55bl; y55G=5/6[y55bl,y55tl]; x45G=3/4[x36br,x55G]; y45G=y55G; drawnormalCA(45G,55G); y97B=2/3[y116tl,y97A]; VyV(45G, 97B, 126N); drawnormalfour(45G, 45G.vyv, 126N.vyv, 126N); smoothtwo(116N, 126N, 126N.vyv, 45G.vyv); smoothtwo(126N.vyv, 45G.vyv, 45G, 55G); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A5 -> A3 x116M=x116br; y116M=2/3[y116br,y116tr]; x126M=1/3[x114L,x124L]; y126M=y116M; drawnormal(116M,126M); x74G=x74bl; y74G=4/5[y74bl,y74tl]; x64G=2/3[x55br,x74G]; y64G=y74G; drawnormalCA(64G,74G); y97C=1/3[y116tl,y97A]; VyV(64G, 97C, 126M); drawnormalfour(64G, 64G.vyv, 126M.vyv, 126M); smoothtwo(116M, 126M, 126M.vyv, 64G.vyv); smoothtwo(126M.vyv, 64G.vyv, 64G, 74G); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Analysis Objectives INPUT x36J=x36bl; y36J=1/3[y36bl, y36tl]; x93I=x93bl; y93I=2/4[y93bl, y93tl]; x25=cx2; y25=1/2[y55,y36]; z15=(cx1,y25); label.ulft(btex \twolines{Analysis}{Objectives} etex, z25); HxH(36J, 25, 93I); drawnormalCA(36J.hxh, 36J); % to A1 drawnormalCA(93I.hxh, 93I); % to A4 drawnormal(15,25); drawnormal(36J.hxh,93I.hxh); smoothtwo(15, 25, 36J.hxh, 36J); smoothtwo(15, 25, 93I.hxh, 93I); x55J=x55bl; y55J=2/6[y55bl,y55tl]; % to A2 z25J=(x25,y55J); drawnormalCA(25J,55J); smooth(25, 25J, 55J); x74J=x74bl; y74J=2/5[y74bl,y74tl]; % to A3 z24J=(x25,y74J); drawnormalCA(24J,74J); smooth(25, 24J, 74J); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Flow Physics INPUT x55K=x55bl; y55K=1/6[y55bl,y55tl]; % to A2 x93J=x93bl; y93J=1/4[y93bl, y93tl]; % to A4 x25B=1/3[cx2,cx3]; y25B=1/2[y93,y74]; z15B=(cx1,y25B); z25C=(x25,y25B); label.ulft(btex \threelines{Definition of}{Expected Flow}{Physics} etex, z25C); HxH(55K, 25B, 93J); drawnormalCA(55K.hxh, 55K); % to A2 drawnormalCA(93J.hxh, 93J); % to A4 drawnormal(15B,25B); drawnormal(55K.hxh, 93J.hxh); smoothtwo(15B, 25B, 55K.hxh, 55K); smoothtwo(15B, 25B, 93J.hxh, 93J); x74K=x74bl; y74K=1/5[y74bl,y74tl]; % to A3 z24K=(x25B,y74K); drawnormalCA(24K,74K); smooth(25B, 24K, 74K); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Flowfield & Customer OUTPUT x93N=x93br; y93N=2/5[y93br,y93tr]; z103N=(x114, y93N); drawnormalCA(93N,103N); label.urt(btex Flowfield Data etex, z103N); x93P=x93br; y93P=1/5[y93br,y93tr]; z103P=(x103N,y93P); drawnormalCA(93P,103P); label.lrt(btex \twolines{Information to}{Analysis Customer} etex, z103P); endfig; % end fig 2 end