% metaobj.mp % D. Roegel (roegel@loria.fr) % January 15 - June 14, 2001 % % MetaPost bug: % ------------ % With this file, I discovered a bug in the linux/web2c 7.3.1 % implementation of metapost. There is a memory leak with % respect to strings. Apparently, if you increase |pool_size| % and recreate the |.mem|, you can avoid it, but I am not % sure the problem is really gone. % I mentionned this problem on the metafont mailing list on January 26, 2001. % % History: % % January 15, 2001: start of the package % January 2001: development of most of % the low-level object functions % including cloning, % as well as many classes of objects, % including trees and the option mechanism % January 26, 2001: metapost bug discovered % February 2001: code improved % March-May 2001: paths and labels, % addition of many of PSTricks' features % May 29, 2001: first private release (0.5) % with a 120 pages documentation % and 225 KB of core code. % May 31, 2001: new option pathfilled for paths % 0.51 % June 5, 2001: coil and zigzag connections, option shortcuts % (arm for armA and armB, etc.), arrows shortcuts % (-, ->, etc.) % June 6, 2001: flip and treeflip options, linetension split % into linetensionA and linetensionB % June 7, 2001: define_global_pair_option % framestyle option % ObjColor, ObjString, ObjBoolean and ObjTransform % Second private release (0.51) % 0.52 June 8, 2001: shadowcolor option % June 12, 2001: general shadows for all objects, % and simplification of the shadow mechanism for Box % 0.60 June 13, 2001: boxheight and boxdepth parameters for ncbox % and ncarcbox; addUserPath,addStandardPath,ObjPath; % 0.80 June 14, 2001: addition of |unfill| in objects % June 14, 2001: first released version on CTAN % % The code has a lot of formatting for the mft program, but mft (even % with Ulrick Vieth's changes) can't be used, because metaobj's code % has too many idiosyncrasies. And besides, mft overflows anyway... % Don't load this package twice: if known metaobj_version: expandafter endinput; fi; numeric metaobj_version;string metaobj_date; metaobj_version=0.8; metaobj_date="2001/06/14"; % The banner: message "******* metaobj " & decimal (metaobj_version) & " (c) D. Roegel (" & metaobj_date & ") *******";message ""; tracingstats:=1; % This helps simplifying the code. def quote(expr s)= ditto & s & ditto enddef; % Compatibility with |boxes.mp|: def boxit=newBox enddef; def circleit=newEllipse enddef; % Compatibility with |rboxes.mp| (which includes |boxes.mp|): def rboxit=newRBox enddef; % We also define |drawboxes|, |drawboxed|, |drawunboxed|, more or less % similar to the ones in |boxes.mp|. % The corresponding functions in |boxes.mp| also do |fixsize(t); fixpos(t);| def drawboxed(text t) = % Draw each box forsuffixes s=t: if unknown s.c: s.c=origin;fi; drawObj(s); draw BpathObj(s); endfor enddef; def drawunboxed(text t) = % Draw contents of each box forsuffixes s=t: if unknown s.c: s.c=origin;fi; drawObj(s); endfor enddef; def drawboxes(text t) = % Draw boundary path for each box forsuffixes s=t: if unknown s.c: s.c=origin;fi; draw BpathObj(s); endfor enddef; %--------------------------------------------------------------------- % First, let's borrow two definitions from |boxes.mp|. We just give % them different names to avoid conflicts. % (from |str_prefix| in |boxes.mp|) % Find the length of the prefix of string |s| for which |cond| is true for each % character c of the prefix vardef str_prefix_(expr s)(text cond) = save i_, c; string c; i_ = 0; forever: c := substring (i_,i_+1) of s; exitunless cond; exitif incr i_=length s; endfor i_ enddef; % (from |generisize| in |boxes.mp|) % Take a string returned by the |str| operator and return the same string % with explicit numeric subscripts replaced by generic subscript symbols []. vardef generisize_(expr ss) = save res, s, l; string res, s; res = ""; % result so far s = ss; % left to process forever: exitif s=""; l := str_prefix_(s, (c<>"[") and ((c<"0") or (c>"9"))); res := res & substring (0,l) of s; s := substring (l,infinity) of s; if s<>"": res := res & "[]"; l := if s>="[": 1 + str_prefix_(s, c<>"]") else: str_prefix_(s, (c=".") or ("0"<=c) and (c<="9")) fi; s := substring(l,infinity) of s; fi endfor res enddef; % We also use |pathsel__| when constructing an ellipse. % (from |pathsel_| in |boxes.mp|) vardef pathsel__(expr a_,b_)(expr dhi)(expr circmargin)(text tt) = save f_, p_; path p_; p_ = origin..(a_,b_)+circmargin*unitvector(a_,b_); vardef f_(expr d_) = xpart((tt) intersectiontimes p_) >= 0 enddef; solve f_(0,dhi+1.5circmargin) enddef; %--------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean show_object_names,show_corners,show_empty_boxes; show_object_names=false;show_corners=false; show_empty_boxes=false; let obj=scantokens; % This is for clarity and should only be used % when the argument of |scantokens| is a suffix % representing an object. Otherwise, use |sc_|. def Obj(expr n)=obj(iname_[n]) enddef; % A few definitions to simplify the code let sc_=scantokens; % |currentObjname| is a string representing the current object def sco_(expr s)=sc_(currentObjname&s) enddef; def setcurrentobjname_(expr n)= save currentObjname; string currentObjname; currentObjname=n; enddef; % An array of class names. string Classes_[]; numeric nClasses_; % Number of different instanciated classes. nClasses_=0; numeric ClassName_[]; % The class name of an object. % This is an index into the |Classes_| array. % This array records the name of an object (not its class) string iname_[]; % This function accesses the internal name. def internalname_(expr n)=iname_[n] enddef; def objClassName_(expr n)= Classes_[ClassName_[n]] enddef; % Objects can have shortcut names; these are names defined % by the user and which will lead to the object numbers. % We use two arrays. The first has the shortcuts, % the second has the object numbers. string oname_[]; numeric ovalue_[]; numeric nshortcuts_; nshortcuts_=0; vardef addShortCut_(expr oname,ovalue)= save found;boolean found;found=false; for i:=1 upto nshortcuts_: if oname_[i]=oname: ovalue_[i]:=ovalue; found:=true; fi; exitif found; endfor; if not found: nshortcuts_:=nshortcuts_+1; oname_[nshortcuts_]=oname; ovalue_[nshortcuts_]:=ovalue; fi; enddef; % This function returns the number of an object, given its shortcut. vardef objValue_(expr oname)= save val;numeric val; hide( for i:=1 upto nshortcuts_: if oname_[i]=oname: val:=ovalue_[i]; fi; exitif known val; endfor; ) val enddef; def nameToSuffixString_(expr s)= iname_[objValue_(s)] enddef; def nameToSuffix_(expr s)= obj(nameToSuffixString_(s)) enddef; let O_=nameToSuffix_; vardef addclass_(expr n,clname)= save i,j; if nClasses_>0: % first, see if |clname| is a known class name for i:=0 upto nClasses_-1:j:=i; exitif clname=Classes_[i]; endfor; if clname=Classes_[j]: ClassName_[n]=j; else: % it is a new class name %createClassTest(clname); % we call it elsewhere ClassName_[n]=nClasses_; Classes_[nClasses_]=clname; nClasses_:=nClasses_+1; fi; else: % it is the first class name %createClassTest(clname); % we call it elsewhere ClassName_[n]=nClasses_; Classes_[nClasses_]=clname; nClasses_:=nClasses_+1; fi; enddef; def createClassTest(expr clname)= sc_ ("def is" & clname & "(suffix n)= (objClassName_(n)=" & ditto & clname & ditto & ") enddef;") enddef; % This is sometimes useful vardef whateverstring = save ?; string ?; ? enddef; def whateverpair = (whatever,whatever) enddef; % We need an array to store option function names whose parameter % is a string. For instance, when the option is "drawfunction(mydraw)", % the string |"drawfunction"| is in the array and makes it possible % to extract |"mydraw"| without calling the function |drawfunction|. % This is not true of all option functions. Those having numeric % parameters do not need a special treatment. string opfunc_[]; numeric nopfunc_;nopfunc_=0; % This function adds a string to the array. % |addOptionFunction| should be called where the option functions % are defined. def addOptionFunction(expr s)= nopfunc_:=nopfunc_+1; opfunc_[nopfunc_]=s; enddef; % This function checks if a string is in the array: vardef isOpFunc_(expr s)= save b;boolean b; hide( b=false; for i:=1 upto nopfunc_: if opfunc_[i]=s:b:=true;fi; exitif b; endfor; ) b enddef; % This function takes a string such as |"drawfunction(mydraw)"| % and replaces it with |"drawfunction("mydraw")"| % if the function name (the first part, here |"drawfunction"|) % is in the |opfunc_| array. % The argument of the function can have parentheses, but they must % be balanced. For instance, we can have |"color((0,1,1))"|. % The argument can also contain spaces. vardef correctOption_(expr s)= save a,b,c,l;string c;l=0; % parenthesis depth for i:=0 upto length(s)-1: c:=substring(i,i+1) of s; if (c="(") and (l=0): a:=i; elseif (c=")") and (l=1): b:=i; fi; if c="(": l:=l+1;fi; if c=")": l:=l-1;fi; endfor; if isOpFunc_(substring(0,a) of s): (substring(0,a+1) of s & ditto & substring(a+1,b) of s & ditto & substring(b,infinity) of s) else: s fi enddef; % Apply a linear transformation to object |n|. % The last parameter is of type |transform|. % Fixed objects can be transformed, but they are untied. vardef transformObj(suffix n)(expr $)= save p_,q_,i; pair p_[],q_[]; memorizePoints_(n,$); % update the current transformation: n.ctransform_:=n.ctransform_ transformed $; % update the transformations for the non-standard labels % (such labels can be added to an object, even after several % transformations have been applied to it) if known n.ipic_.transf_.n_: for i:=1 upto n.ipic_.transf_.n_: n.ipic_.transf_[i]:=n.ipic_.transf_[i] transformed $; endfor; fi; % |message "transforming a box of type " & objClassName_(n);| begingroup save tie_function_; % used in the |subobjties_| strings for i:=1 upto n.nsubobjties_: % we define the function |tie_function_|: sc_ n.subobjties_[i]; % and we call it: sc_ "tie_function_".n($); endfor; endgroup; enddef; % streamlined version: |n| is a number representing an object vardef transform_Obj(expr n)(expr $)= hide(transformObj(obj(iname_[n]))($)) n enddef; % rotate object |n| by angle |$| around the origin def rotateObj(suffix n)(expr $)= transformObj(n)(identity rotated $); enddef; % streamlined version: |n| is a number representing an object vardef rotate_Obj(expr n)(expr $)= hide(rotateObj(obj(iname_[n]))($)) n enddef; % scale object |n| by |$| def scaleObj(suffix n)(expr $)= transformObj(n)(identity scaled $); enddef; % streamlined version: |n| is a number representing an object vardef scale_Obj(expr n)(expr $)= hide(scaleObj(obj(iname_[n]))($)) n enddef; % xscale object |n| by |$| def xscaleObj(suffix n)(expr $)= transformObj(n)(identity xscaled $); enddef; % streamlined version: |n| is a number representing an object vardef xscale_Obj(expr n)(expr $)= hide(xscaleObj(obj(iname_[n]))($)) n enddef; % yscale object |n| by |$| def yscaleObj(suffix n)(expr $)= transformObj(n)(identity yscaled $); enddef; % streamlined version: |n| is a number representing an object vardef yscale_Obj(expr n)(expr $)= hide(yscaleObj(obj(iname_[n]))($)) n enddef; % reflect object |n| around the line defined by the two points |$| and |$$| def reflectObj(suffix n)(expr $,$$)= transformObj(n)(identity reflectedabout($,$$)); enddef; % streamlined version: |n| is a number representing an object vardef reflect_Obj(expr n)(expr $,$$)= hide(reflectObj(obj(iname_[n]))($,$$)) n enddef; % slant object |n| def slantObj(suffix n)(expr $)= transformObj(n)(identity slanted $); enddef; % streamlined version: |n| is a number representing an object vardef slant_Obj(expr n)(expr $)= hide(slantObj(obj(iname_[n]))($)) n enddef; def declarestring_(expr s)(text l)= for $:=l: sc_("string " & s & "." & $); endfor; enddef; % |s| is an object; this function returns true if |s| has not been used % as a prefix before. def isNewPrefix(suffix s)= (not string s.pointlist_) enddef; % returns |true| if |v| is of type |t|, where both |t| and |v| % are strings def isOfType(expr t,v)= (sc_(t & " " & v)) enddef; % returns a string representing the type of |v| def TypeOf(expr v)= if numeric v:"numeric" elseif boolean v:"boolean" elseif pair v:"pair" elseif string v:"string" elseif color v:"color" elseif transform v:"transform" fi enddef; % |n| is the object and |s| its class def assignObj(suffix n)(expr s)= n=incr(nObj_); % new object number iname_[n]=str n; % the number and the associated string are recorded % so that we can go from the number to the name % (and hence to the object) addclass_(n,s); % |n|'s class is memorized too % memorize a shortcut, if there is one: if known o_name_val: addShortCut_(o_name_val,n); o_name_val:=whateverstring; else: % we memorize the standard shortcut, which is |str n|, but only % if the object was given a name explicitely: if not streamlined_ and memorizeShortcuts: addShortCut_(str n,n); fi; fi; % reset |streamlined_| streamlined_:=false; save gen_n_;string gen_n_;gen_n_=generisize_(str n); if not string n.pointlist_: declarestring_(gen_n_)( "pointlist_", % list of points "pairlist_", % list of pairs (non movable points) "pointarraylist_", % list of arrays "subarraylist_", % list of arrays of subobjects "stringarraylist_",% list of arrays of strings "colorarraylist_", % list of arrays of colors "picturearraylist_",% list of arrays of pictures "transformarraylist_",% list of arrays of transforms "booleanarraylist_",% list of arrays of booleans "numericarraylist_", % list of arrays of numerics "pairarraylist_", % list of arrays of pairs "points_in_arrayslist_", % list of all points of all arrays "picturelist_", % list of pictures "numericlist_", % list of numerics (useful for duplication) "sublist_", % list of subobjects "subobjties_[]", % subobj tying equations (1 string/subobject) "code_", % the code of an object "extra_code_"); % the extra code of an object expandafter numeric sc_(gen_n_).nsubobjties_; % number of subobjties expandafter transform sc_(gen_n_).ctransform_; % current transform of that object fi; % initialize the lists: forsuffixes $=pointlist_,pairlist_,pointarraylist_,subarraylist_, stringarraylist_,colorarraylist_,picturearraylist_,transformarraylist_, booleanarraylist_,numericarraylist_,pairarraylist_,points_in_arrayslist_, picturelist_,numericlist_,sublist_,code_,extra_code_: n$:=""; endfor; n.nsubobjties_=0; n.ctransform_:=identity; setcurrentobjname_(str n); enddef; numeric nObj_; % number of instanciated objects ($\geq$|nClasses_|) % and also last instanciated object nObj_=0; % There is no box with the number 0 and we reserve this number % for the ``null box'' which is useful in certain places, such as matrices: newinternal nb; nb:=0; % In order to refresh a |numeric| n: |n:=whatever;| % (suggested by Bogus\l aw Jackowski on Jan 15, 2001 on the metafont list % in answer to a question I had asked) def refresh_(text v)= if numeric v: v:=whatever; elseif pair v: v:=whateverpair; else: message "refresh_ is not defined for this type"; fi; enddef; def refreshObjVars_(suffix n)(text v)= forsuffixes $=v:refresh_(n$);endfor; enddef; % This function makes it possible to declare pictures in an object. % There can be several |ObjPicture| declarations in an object. % (this is similar to |ObjPoint|) vardef ObjPicture text l= forsuffixes $=l: if not isOfType("picture",currentObjname & "." & str $): sc_ ("picture " & generisize_(currentObjname) & "." & str $); fi; endfor; forsuffixes $=l: if sco_(".picturelist_")="": sco_(".picturelist_"):=str $; else: sco_(".picturelist_"):=sco_(".picturelist_") & "," & str $; fi; endfor; enddef; % Give a value to a picture variable and center the picture % around the origin. All pictures will be centered around the origin % and everytime we draw one (see |drawPicture|), we transform it. % Pictures cannot be floating. def setPicture(text v)(expr val)= sco_("." & str v)=val; sco_("." & str v):= sco_("." & str v) shifted -.5[urcorner(val),llcorner(val)]; enddef; vardef drawPicture@#(suffix p) text options= draw @#p transformed @#ctransform_ shifted @#p.off options withcolor OptionValue.@#("picturecolor"); enddef; % |ObjNumeric|, |ObjPair|, |ObjColor|, |ObjString| and |ObjTransform| % are all created on the same model, using |defineObjType_|. vardef defineObjType_(expr type,name)= sc_( "vardef Obj" & name & " text l=" & "forsuffixes $=l:" & "if not isOfType(" & quote(type) & ",currentObjname & " & quote(".") & "& str $):" & "sc_ (" & quote(type&" ") & " & generisize_(currentObjname) & " & quote(".") & " & str $);" & "fi;" & "endfor;" & "forsuffixes $=l:" & "if sco_(" & quote("." & type &"list_") & ")=" & quote("") & ":" & "sco_(" & quote("." & type &"list_") & "):=str $;" & "else:" & "sco_(" & quote("." & type &"list_") & "):=sco_(" & quote("." & type &"list_") & ") & " & quote(",") & " & str $;" & "fi;" & "endfor;" & "enddef;" ); sc_( "def set" & name & "(text v)(expr val)=sco_(" & quote(".") & " & str v):=val;enddef;" ); enddef; % |defineObjType_("numeric","Numeric");| % This function makes it possible to declare numerical values % as part of an object. % There can be several |ObjNumeric| declarations in an object. % (this is similar to |ObjPoint|) % It defines both |ObjNumeric| and |setNumeric|. defineObjType_("numeric","Numeric"); % This function makes it possible to declare pairs in an object. % There can be several |ObjPair| declarations in an object % Contrary to the points of |ObjPoint|, these are points % that will not move with the object. % They can be used for special purposes, for instance to store path data. defineObjType_("pair","Pair"); defineObjType_("color","Color"); defineObjType_("boolean","Boolean"); defineObjType_("string","String"); defineObjType_("transform","Transform"); def BpathObj(suffix n)= sc_ ("Bpath" & objClassName_(n))(n) enddef; def StandardBpath(suffix n)= (n.inw--n.isw--n.ise--n.ine--cycle) enddef; def BboxObj(suffix n)=(bbox(BpathObj(n))) enddef; % Computes the real bounding box, without looking at the Bpath. % The object must be attached. % |bboxmargin| is used by |bbox|. def rBboxObj(suffix n)= bbox(image(drawObj(n))) enddef; % This is like |decimal| but adds a "+" if the number is positive def signeddecimal expr d= (if d>=0: "+" & decimal d else: decimal d fi) enddef; % min/max xpart/ypart of a list of points def minmaxval(text f)(text xy)(expr pa,pb,pc,pd,pe,pf,pg,ph)= f(xy(pa),xy(pb),xy(pc),xy(pd),xy(pe),xy(pf),xy(pg),xy(ph)) enddef; % Minimum xval of points |pa|, |pb|, ... def xminval(expr pa,pb,pc,pd,pe,pf,pg,ph)= minmaxval(min)(xpart)(pa,pb,pc,pd,pe,pf,pg,ph) enddef; % Maximum xval of points |pa|, |pb|, ... def xmaxval(expr pa,pb,pc,pd,pe,pf,pg,ph)= minmaxval(max)(xpart)(pa,pb,pc,pd,pe,pf,pg,ph) enddef; % Minimum yval of points |pa|, |pb|, ... def yminval(expr pa,pb,pc,pd,pe,pf,pg,ph)= minmaxval(min)(ypart)(pa,pb,pc,pd,pe,pf,pg,ph) enddef; % Maximum yval of points |pa|, |pb|, ... def ymaxval(expr pa,pb,pc,pd,pe,pf,pg,ph)= minmaxval(max)(ypart)(pa,pb,pc,pd,pe,pf,pg,ph) enddef; % Combines two real bounding boxes: both |bba| and |bbb| % are paths. Only points 0 through 3 of each path are examined. % This function is currently not used. vardef combineTwoBBs(expr bba,bbb)= save xm,ym,xM,yM; hide( xm=xminval(point 0 of bba,point 1 of bba,point 2 of bba,point 3 of bba, point 0 of bbb,point 1 of bbb,point 2 of bbb,point 3 of bbb); ym=yminval(point 0 of bba,point 1 of bba,point 2 of bba,point 3 of bba, point 0 of bbb,point 1 of bbb,point 2 of bbb,point 3 of bbb); xM=xmaxval(point 0 of bba,point 1 of bba,point 2 of bba,point 3 of bba, point 0 of bbb,point 1 of bbb,point 2 of bbb,point 3 of bbb); yM=ymaxval(point 0 of bba,point 1 of bba,point 2 of bba,point 3 of bba, point 0 of bbb,point 1 of bbb,point 2 of bbb,point 3 of bbb); ) ((xm,ym)--(xM,ym)--(xM,yM)--(xm,yM)--cycle) enddef; % |drawObj| takes a list of suffixes as parameters def drawObj(text l)= forsuffixes $:=l: if show_object_names: % the name of the object is displayed at the upper right corner label(str $,$ne); fi; if show_corners: label("ne",$ne);label("se",$se);label("nw",$nw);label("sw",$sw); fi; % we must check if there is a specialized version of |drawObj| % for the current object, and call it if necessary. % We do it in such a way that it doesn't force a default % declaration on the object. if known sc_(str $).option_drawObj_: sc_ (OptionValue$("drawObj"))($); else: sc_ ("draw" & objClassName_($))($); fi; drawLabels$; endfor; enddef; % streamlined version: |n| is a number representing an object; % contrary to other streamlined functions, this one does not return % an object identification. % |n| can also be a string shortcut for an object. vardef draw_Obj(expr n)= if string n: drawObj(O_(n)); else: drawObj(obj(iname_[n])); fi; enddef; % This function can only be used when the bounding path is continuous; % if it is not the case, the |draw...| function for the object must be adapted. def drawFramedOrFilledObject_(suffix n)= if OptionValue.n("framed"): % the shadow is the shadow of the frame, and we only show a shadow % if there is a frame if OptionValue.n("shadow"): fill (BpathObj(n) shifted (1mm,-1mm)) withcolor OptionValue.n("shadowcolor"); fi; % this removes most of the shadow unfill BpathObj(n); fi; if OptionValue.n("filled"): fill BpathObj(n) withcolor OptionValue.n("fillcolor"); fi; if OptionValue.n("framed"): pickup pencircle scaled OptionValue.n("framewidth"); draw BpathObj(n) withcolor OptionValue.n("framecolor") sc_(OptionValue.n("framestyle")); pickup defaultpen; fi; enddef; % This returns a picture corresponding to the drawing of object |n| def pictureObj(suffix n)= image(drawObj(n)) enddef; vardef memorizePoints_(suffix n)(expr $$)= save i,tmp,varlist_;string tmp,varlist_; % The array |p_[]| is not declared here, because it is also used elsewhere % (when the |.subobjties_| string is evaluated in |transformObj|) % We memorize all the points declared with |ObjPoint| and those % that are part of arrays. At this point, we have two strings and % we merely concatenate them: if n.pointlist_="":varlist_=n.points_in_arrayslist_; else: if n.points_in_arrayslist_<>"": varlist_=n.pointlist_ & "," & n.points_in_arrayslist_; else: varlist_=n.pointlist_; fi; fi; i=0; if varlist_<>"": forsuffixes $=sc_(varlist_): i:=i+1;p_[i]=n$; endfor; fi; refreshObjVars_(n)(sc_(varlist_)); i:=0; if varlist_<>"": forsuffixes $=sc_(varlist_):i:=i+1; if i>1: % equation |$-tmp=(p_[i]-p_1) transformed $$| sc_ (str n & "." & str $ & "-" & tmp)= (p_[i]-p_1) transformed $$; else: tmp=str n & "." & str $; fi; endfor; fi; enddef; % This function makes it possible to declare points in an object. % There can be several |ObjPoint| declarations in an object % These are points that will move with the object. % Pairs that do not move can be declared with |ObjPair|. vardef ObjPoint text l= forsuffixes $=l: if not isOfType("pair",currentObjname & "." & str $): sc_ ("pair " & generisize_(currentObjname) & "." & str $); fi; endfor; forsuffixes $=l: if sco_(".pointlist_")="": sco_(".pointlist_"):=str $; else: sco_(".pointlist_"):=sco_(".pointlist_") & "," & str $; fi; endfor; enddef; % We take as a convention that all objects have a minimal interface % similar to the one given by |boxes.mp|. This does considerably % facilitate reusability. In is not mandatory though. % If you want the standard points, add |StandardPoints| as part of your object % points (before the |ObjCode| section). You still have to use them in the % equations, but it is also a good idea to include a few standard % equations with |StandardEquations| (this is a string). % Better though, is to write |StandardInterface| at the % beginning of your object and use only inner points in the equations % and drawing functions. % % The standard interface has the points ne,nw,se,sw,n,s,e,w,c; def StandardPoints= ne,nw,sw,se,n,s,e,w,c enddef; % Drawings should not refer to the ``Standard Points,'' because it makes % the drawings sensitive to bounding box changes. % Instead, they should refer % to their Inner variants, which are initially equal to them, % as per the StandardInnerEquations def StandardInnerPoints= ine,inw,isw,ise,in,is,ie,iw,ic enddef; vardef isStandardPoint@#= ( (str @#="ne") or (str @#="nw") or (str @#="sw") or (str @#="se") or (str @#="n") or (str @#="s") or (str @#="e") or (str @#="w") or (str @#="c") ) enddef; vardef StandardEquationsRaw@#= @#se-@#sw=@#ne-@#nw; % parallelogram equation @#n=.5[@#ne,@#nw]; % North @#s=.5[@#se,@#sw]; % South @#e=.5[@#ne,@#se]; % East @#w=.5[@#nw,@#sw]; % West @#c=.5[@#n,@#s]; % Center enddef; % These are the equations connecting the outer bounding box % (i.e. the interface) to the inner bounding box (the interface % as seen from the inside) def StandardInnerEquations= ("@#ine=@#ne;@#inw=@#nw;@#isw=@#sw;@#ise=@#se;@#in=@#n;@#is=@#s;" & "@#ie=@#e;@#iw=@#w;@#ic=@#c;") enddef; % It is important that this be a string, because there is a % |sc_(PureStandardEquations)| somewhere. def PureStandardEquations= ("@#se-@#sw=@#ne-@#nw;" & % parallelogram equation "xpart(@#se-@#ne)=0;" & "ypart(@#se-@#sw)=0;" & "@#n=.5[@#ne,@#nw];" & % North "@#s=.5[@#se,@#sw];" & % South "@#e=.5[@#ne,@#se];" & % East "@#w=.5[@#nw,@#sw];" & % West "@#c=.5[@#n,@#s];" ) % Center enddef; def StandardEquations= (PureStandardEquations & StandardInnerEquations) enddef; % This is the minimum set of equations for standard points, % assuming only the middle relations. It is convenient if % you want to control completely where the corners of the % object are. This is for instance used in the |RandomBox| class. def MinimumStandardEquations= ("@#n=.5[@#ne,@#nw];" & % North "@#s=.5[@#se,@#sw];" & % South "@#e=.5[@#ne,@#se];" & % East "@#w=.5[@#nw,@#sw];" & % West "@#c=.5[@#n,@#s];" % Center & StandardInnerEquations) enddef; def StandardNumerics= dx,dy enddef; def StandardInterface= ObjPoint StandardPoints,StandardInnerPoints; ObjNumeric StandardNumerics; enddef; % Normally, the user can specify that a certain point in % a certain subobject is tied (that is, is bound to it % linearly, modulo the linear transformations) to % a certain point in the main object. % This is done with |tiePointToSubpoint(sw,sub,A)| % for instance. If we assume that the first point of the % main object (first in the point declarations) % is always defined, and that this is the same for % the subobjects, we can automatically tie all those % pairs of points. The user will actually seldom % need more. And what would that be anyway? % If there are no subobjects, this function does nothing. vardef StandardTies= save mainfirst,subfirst,co; string mainfirst,subfirst,co; co=currentObjname; mainfirst=firstPointOf_(co); % we loop over all subobjects % first, regular subobjects: if sc_(co).sublist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(sc_(co).sublist_): subfirst:=firstPointOf_(sc_(co)$); sc_("tiePointToSubpoint(" & mainfirst & "," & str $ & "," & subfirst & ")"); % ties |$subfirst| to |mainfirst| endfor; fi; % then arrays of subobjects: if sc_(co).subarraylist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(sc_(co).subarraylist_): for i:=1 upto sc_(co)$n_: % we check that the subobject is defined (in certain case, % such as matrices, there can be holes) if known sc_(co)$[i]: subfirst:=firstPointOf_(sc_(co)$[i]); sc_("tiePointToSubpoint(" & mainfirst & "," & str $ & decimal i & "," & subfirst & ")"); % ties |$subfirst| to |mainfirst| fi; endfor; endfor; fi; enddef; % In order to extract the first point of an object, % we go through its |pointlist_| string, and exit % as soon as we have a suffix. In case this string is empty % (that's very unlikely), we go through |points_in_arrayslist_|. % If both are empty, there is no first point and we return an empty string. % |n| is a suffix in string form. vardef firstPointOf_(expr n)= save first_;string first_; hide( forsuffixes $:=sc_(sc_(n).pointlist_): first_:=str $; exitif first_<>""; endfor; if first_="": forsuffixes $:=sc_(sc_(n).points_in_arrayslist_): first_:=str $; exitif first_<>""; endfor; fi;) first_ enddef; % This function finds the internal index of a point, where % the |ObjPoint|s come first, then the points defined in an |ObjPointArray|. % For instance, if |ObjPoint a,b,c| and |ObjPointArray(po)(7)|, % the index of |a| is 1, the index of |b| is 2, the index of |c| is 3, % the index of |po1| is 4, the index of |po2| is 5, etc. % |n| is the object. vardef indexOfPoint(suffix n)(text v)= save i_,j_,found_; % |v| can't be |i_| or |j_| hide( boolean found_;found_=false; j_:=0; if n.pointlist_<>"": forsuffixes i_:=sc_(n.pointlist_): j_:=j_+1; if str i_=str v:found_:=true;fi; exitif found_; endfor; fi; if not found_: if n.points_in_arrayslist_<>"": for i_:=sc_(n.points_in_arrayslist_): j_:=j_+1; if str i_=str v:found_:=true;fi; exitif found_; endfor; fi; fi; if not found_:j_:=0;fi; ) j_ enddef; % This function needs to be called when points are added to an array vardef addPointToPointArray@#(suffix a)= save co;string co;co=str @#; @#a.n_:=@#a.n_+1; if sco_(".points_in_arrayslist_")="": sco_(".points_in_arrayslist_"):=str a & decimal @#a.n_; else: sco_(".points_in_arrayslist_"):= sco_(".points_in_arrayslist_") & "," & str a & decimal @#a.n_; fi; enddef; % These are points that will move with the object. % Pairs that do not move can be declared with |ObjPairArray|. vardef ObjPointArray(suffix a)(expr n)= save co;string co;co=currentObjname; if not isOfType("pair",co & "." & str a & "1"): sc_ ("pair " & generisize_(co) & "." & str a & "[]"); fi; sco_("." & str a & ".n_"):=n; if sco_(".pointarraylist_")="": sco_(".pointarraylist_"):= str a; else: sco_(".pointarraylist_"):=sco_(".pointarraylist_") &","& str a; fi; for i:=1 upto n: if sco_(".points_in_arrayslist_")="": sco_(".points_in_arrayslist_"):=str a & decimal i; else: sco_(".points_in_arrayslist_"):= sco_(".points_in_arrayslist_") & "," & str a & decimal i; fi; endfor; enddef; % For pairs: % |name| can be |"Pair"| % |type| |"pair"| % |var| |"pairarraylist_"| % This creates a function |ObjPairArray| storing the pairs % in the |"pairarraylist_"| variable of the current object. % The first parameter of |ObjPairArray| is the name of the array % and the second parameter is its size. The function created memorizes % the size of the array. % The size can be modified afterwards, but only as many elements % as were announced will be manipulated in automatic operations % such as |duplicateObj|. vardef defineArrayFunction(expr name)(expr type)(expr var)= save tmp;string tmp; tmp="vardef Obj" & name & "Array(suffix a)(expr n)=" & "save co;string co;co=currentObjname;" & "if not isOfType(" & quote(type) &",co & " & quote(".") & " & str a & " & quote("1") & "):" & "sc_ (" & quote(type & " ") & " & generisize_(co) & " & quote(".") & " & str a & " & quote("[]") & ");" & "fi;" & "sco_(" & quote(".") & " & str a & " & quote(".n_") & "):=n;" & "if sco_(" & quote("." & var) & ")=" & quote("") & ":" & "sco_(" & quote("." & var) & "):= str a;" & "else:" & "sco_(" & quote("." & var) & "):=" & "sco_(" & quote("." & var) & ") & " & quote(",") & " & str a;" & "fi;" & "enddef;"; sc_ tmp; enddef; defineArrayFunction("Numeric")("numeric")("numericarraylist_"); defineArrayFunction("String")("string")("stringarraylist_"); defineArrayFunction("Sub")("string")("subarraylist_"); defineArrayFunction("Pair")("pair")("pairarraylist_"); defineArrayFunction("Color")("color")("colorarraylist_"); defineArrayFunction("Picture")("picture")("picturearraylist_"); defineArrayFunction("Transform")("transform")("transformarraylist_"); defineArrayFunction("Boolean")("boolean")("booleanarraylist_"); % |t| is a list of strings, representing the object code, % including equations (see examples) vardef ObjCode text l= save s_,mac_,i_; % notice that we don't have to say that |s_| is a string! string mac_;mac_=""; % The problem with object code and the equations it contains % is that they contain the name of the object, % but as given in the new... macro. % We only have the formal parameter name! % We must assume that it is `|@#|'. Maybe in the future, we will % guess it from the equations. Hope is not lost! % We now define locally (just in this |ObjCode| macro) % a macro having `|@#|' as a suffix parameter: % The macro looks like: % |vardef code_function_@#= enddef;| for s_:=l:mac_:=mac_&s_ & ";"; endfor; % we store the equations in the object; this is useful when an % object gets duplicated: sco_(".code_"):=mac_; begingroup; % we want the |vardef| macro only defined locally; % we don't need it later save code_function_; mac_:="vardef code_function_@#=" & mac_ & " enddef;"; sc_ mac_; % this defines the macro % we call it with sc_ ("code_function_." & currentObjname); endgroup; enddef; % This function adds equations to an already existing object. % These equations should only define new points, not alter % previously defined points. vardef addObjCode@# text l= save mac;string mac;mac=""; for s:=l:mac:=mac&s & ";"; endfor; @#code_:=@#code_ & mac; enddef; vardef addObjExtraCode@# text l= save mac;string mac;mac=""; for s:=l:mac:=mac&s & ";"; endfor; @#extra_code_:=@#extra_code_ & mac; enddef; % |sub| is a field name and |t| is the subobject name % we could even use the same name for boths def SubObject(suffix sub)(suffix t)= if expandafter not expandafter string sco_("." & str sub): sc_ ("string " & generisize_(currentObjname) & "." & str sub); fi; sco_("." & str sub)=str t; if sco_(".sublist_")="": sco_(".sublist_"):=str sub; else: sco_(".sublist_"):=sco_(".sublist_") & "," & str sub; fi; enddef; def SubObjectOfArray(suffix sub)(suffix t)= sco_("." & str sub)=str t; enddef; % Point |b| of subobject |sub| (of the current object) % is tied to point |a| of the current object. % This means that we memorize an equation. vardef tiePointToSubpoint(suffix a,sub,b)= save co,n,j;string co;co=currentObjname; obj(co).nsubobjties_:=obj(co).nsubobjties_+1; n=obj(co).nsubobjties_; % We must memorize the following code: % |q_[n]=obj(co.sub).b;| % |transformObj(obj(currentObjname.sub))($);| % |co.a-obj(co.sub).b=(p_[j]-q_[n]) transformed $;| % (where |p_[j]| is the memorized value of the current objects' "a" point) % We have to find `|j|': j=indexOfPoint(obj(co))(a); % we store everything in a |vardef|, using |@#| instead of co % (this is necessary for matters of duplication) obj(co).subobjties_[n]:= "vardef tie_function_@#(expr $)=" & "q_" & decimal n & "=obj(@#" & str sub & ")." & str b &";" & "transformObj(obj(@#" & str sub & "))($);" & "@#" & str a & "-obj(@#" & str sub & ")." & str b & "=(p_" & decimal j & "-q_" & decimal n & ") transformed $;" & "enddef;"; enddef; % Generation of new names (suffixes): % All the names will start with |"_______"|. % This initial string can be changed but it must end with |_|. % The suffixes are generated in that order: % |_______a|, |_______b|, |_______c|, ..., |_______z|, % |_______aa|, |_______ab|, |_______ac|, ..., |_______az|, % |_______ba|, ..., |_______bz|, |_______ca|, ..., % |_______zz|, |_______aaa|, |_______aab|, etc. % All we need to is remember the last created suffix. % We store it in a string: string last_obj_;last_obj_="_______"; vardef newobjstring_= save l,prefix,lastchar,lastpos,lastposchar; hide( numeric lastpos; string prefix,lastchar,lastposchar; l=length(last_obj_); lastchar=substring (l-1,l) of last_obj_; if lastchar="_": last_obj_:=last_obj_ & "a"; elseif lastchar="z": % in this case, we find the last character different from "z"; % it is either a letter, or `|_|' lastpos=l; for i:=l-1 downto 1: lastpos:=i; lastposchar:=substring (i-1,i) of last_obj_; exitif (lastposchar<>"z"); endfor; if lastposchar="_": % in this case, we have only z's last_obj_:=last_obj_ & "a"; else: last_obj_:=(substring (0,lastpos-1) of last_obj_) & char(ASCII lastposchar +1) for i:=lastpos+1 upto l: & "a" endfor; fi; else: last_obj_:= (substring (0,l-1) of last_obj_) & char(ASCII lastchar +1); fi; ) last_obj_ enddef; % We can call this function for instance with % |duplicateArray_(n,m)("ObjStringArray")(stringarraylist_)| vardef duplicateArray_(suffix n,m)(expr f)(suffix var)= if m.var<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(m.var): sc_(f & "(" & str $ & ")(" & decimal m$n_ & ");"); % we can do the previous |Obj...Array| because |assignObj| % defined the current object % we also fill the array: for i:=1 upto m$n_: n$[i]:=m$[i]; endfor; endfor; fi; enddef; % This creates a copy of object |m| in object |n| % If |n| contained something, it gets either overriden (if the fields % were common with those of |m|, or meaningless (if the fields % were not common with those of |m|) % The various strings are copied, and the object code is executed % (this recreates the equations, as when the object is created by % a constructor). The difference with the constructor is that % no parameter is given and that we make a deep copy. % We also copy the subobjects. % Problem: we need new names for the subobjects. % We solve that problem by using the ``name generator'' |newobjstring_| % vardef duplicateObj(suffix n,m)= assignObj(n)(objClassName_(m)); % new number, but same type % |n.pointlist_:=m.pointlist_;| % (see below) % |n.pointarraylist_:=m.pointarraylist_;| % (see below) % |n.points_in_arrayslist_:=m.points_in_arrayslist_;| % (see below) n.code_:=m.code_; n.extra_code_:=m.extra_code_; % |n.picturelist_:=m.picturelist_;| % (see below) n.nsubobjties_:=m.nsubobjties_; for i:=1 upto n.nsubobjties_: n.subobjties_[i]:=m.subobjties_[i]; endfor; n.sublist_:=m.sublist_; % list of subobjects (this doesn't change, % but the values of the subobjects will be new) % create the types: if m.pointlist_<>"": % this also fills |n.pointlist_| sc_ ("ObjPoint " & m.pointlist_); fi; if m.picturelist_<>"": % this also fills |n.picturelist_| and creates all appropriate variables sc_ ("ObjPicture " & m.picturelist_); fi; % Duplication of numerical values: if m.numericlist_<>"": sc_ ("ObjNumeric " & m.numericlist_); % this also fills |n.numericlist_| fi; % Duplication of pairs: if m.pairlist_<>"": sc_ ("ObjPair " & m.pairlist_); % this also fills |n.pairlist_| fi; % copy the current transformation of the object: n.ctransform_:=m.ctransform_; save gen_n_;string gen_n_;gen_n_=generisize_(str n); % we copy the options and their values: if known m.options_: if gen_n_=str n: if unknown n.options_: expandafter string sc_(gen_n_).options_; fi; fi; n.options_=m.options_; forsuffixes $:=sc_(n.options_): % each |$| suffix starts with a |_| if gen_n_=str n: if expandafter unknown sc_(str n & ".option" & str $ & "_"): sc_(TypeOf(sc_(str m & ".option" & str $ & "_")) & " " & gen_n_ & ".option" & str $ & "_"); fi; fi; n.sc_("option" & str $ & "_")=m.sc_("option" & str $ & "_"); endfor; fi; % we copy the numerical, pair and picture values if there are any forsuffixes $$=numericlist_,pairlist_,picturelist_: if n$$<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n$$):n$:=m$;endfor; fi; endfor; % the following fills |n.pointarraylist_| % as well as |n.points_in_arrayslist_| if m.pointarraylist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(m.pointarraylist_): sc_("ObjPointArray(" & str $ & ")(" & decimal m$n_ & ");"); % we can do the previous |ObjPointArray| because |assignObj| % defined the current object endfor; fi; % We duplicate the numeric arrays: duplicateArray_(n,m)("ObjNumericArray")(numericarraylist_); % We duplicate the pair arrays (non movable points); % this includes the structures memorizing paths: duplicateArray_(n,m)("ObjPairArray")(pairarraylist_); % We duplicate the string arrays: % it also fills |n.stringarraylist_| duplicateArray_(n,m)("ObjStringArray")(stringarraylist_); % We duplicate the color, picture, transform and boolean arrays: duplicateArray_(n,m)("ObjColorArray")(colorarraylist_); duplicateArray_(n,m)("ObjPictureArray")(picturearraylist_); duplicateArray_(n,m)("ObjTransformArray")(transformarraylist_); duplicateArray_(n,m)("ObjBooleanArray")(booleanarraylist_); % this is similar, but for Object arrays % it also fills |n.subarraylist_| if m.subarraylist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(m.subarraylist_): sc_("ObjSubArray(" & str $ & ")(" & decimal m$n_ & ");"); % we can do the previous |ObjSubArray| because |assignObj| % defined the current object % Here, we do not copy the strings, because we are doing a deep copy endfor; fi; % Copy the information on subobjects (variables) and % call |duplicateObj| appropriately % First, the subobjects that are not part of arrays of subobjects: % we go through all suffixes corresponding to subobjects % of object |m|, and for each, we create a new name save newsub_;string newsub_; if n.sublist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n.sublist_): newsub_:=newobjstring_; % first, create the type: if not string n$: sc_("string " & generisize_(str n & "." & str $)); fi; n$:=newsub_; % we must now duplicate |obj(m$)| as |obj(n$)|; this will % also choose a value for |obj(m$)| duplicateObj(obj(n$),obj(m$)); endfor; fi; % Second, the subobjects that are part of arrays of subobjects: % we go through all arrays of subobjects % of object |m|, and for each, we create a new name if n.subarraylist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n.subarraylist_): % and now, we go through each element of the array: for i:=1 upto m$n_: % we only duplicate if there is something % (in matrices, for instance, certain objects can be null) if known m$[i]: newsub_:=newobjstring_; n$[i]:=newsub_; duplicateObj(obj(n$[i]),obj(m$[i])); fi; endfor; endfor; fi; % relink everything: we take the first point of this object, % and recreate all equations; we cannot take the code stored, % because it is the initial code, and the duplication of a % rotated object would then not be a rotated object % (except if we store all transformations, but this would % restrict us anyway to linear transformations) save mainfirst;string mainfirst; mainfirst=firstPointOf_(str n); % go through all points except the first, and relink forsuffixes $$=pointlist_,points_in_arrayslist_: if n$$<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n$$): if str $<>mainfirst: n.sc_(mainfirst)-n$=m.sc_(mainfirst)-m$; fi; endfor; fi; endfor; % go to all regular subobjects, and relink if n.sublist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n.sublist_): n.sc_(mainfirst)-obj(n$).obj(firstPointOf_(n$))= m.sc_(mainfirst)-obj(m$).obj(firstPointOf_(m$)); endfor; fi; % go through all array subobjects, and relink; % we go through all arrays of subobjects % of object |m|, and for each, we create a new name if n.subarraylist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n.subarraylist_): % and now, we go through each element of the array: for i:=1 upto n$n_: if known n$[i]: n.sc_(mainfirst)-obj(n$[i]).obj(firstPointOf_(n$[i]))= m.sc_(mainfirst)-obj(m$[i]).obj(firstPointOf_(m$[i])); fi; endfor; endfor; fi; enddef; % Streamlined version of |duplicateObj|: |n| is a number representing an object % This function takes a number representing an object, % duplicates it and returns a number representing its duplication. vardef duplicate_Obj(expr n)= save newname_;string newname_; hide( % we do not set |streamlined_| to true, because it should be % used only before a constructor is called, which is not the case here. % first, choose a new name for the duplication: newname_:=newobjstring_; duplicateObj(obj(newname_),obj(iname_[n])); ) sc_(newname_) enddef; % This function merely unties all points of an object, % but keeps the equations. Also, the subobjects remain attached % to the main object. What it does is part of what % |duplicateObj| does. % |untieObj| is applied recursively. % % This function makes it possible to draw an object somewhere, % to untie it and move it elsewhere, to draw it there, etc. % We could achieve the same effect with duplication, but it would % consume more memory. vardef untieObj(suffix n)= save fp,p_,q_,i; string fp;pair p_[],q_[]; % we first extract a point fp=firstPointOf_(str n); % we now go through all the points and store the differences % with the point |fp| i:=0; forsuffixes $$=pointlist_,points_in_arrayslist_: if n$$<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n$$):i:=i+1; p_[i]=n$-n.sc_(fp); endfor; fi; endfor; % we also store the positions of the first points of all subobjects i:=0; if n.sublist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n.sublist_):i:=i+1; q_[i]=obj(n$).obj(firstPointOf_(n$))-n.sc_(fp); endfor; fi; if n.subarraylist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n.subarraylist_): for j:=1 upto n$n_: if known n$[j]: i:=i+1; q_[i]=obj(n$[j]).obj(firstPointOf_(n$[j]))-n.sc_(fp); fi; endfor; endfor; fi; % we refresh all points: save varlist_;string varlist_; if n.pointlist_="":varlist_=n.points_in_arrayslist_; else: if n.points_in_arrayslist_<>"": varlist_=n.pointlist_ & "," & n.points_in_arrayslist_; else: varlist_=n.pointlist_; fi; fi; refreshObjVars_(n)(sc_(varlist_)); % we untie the subobjects if n.sublist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n.sublist_): untieObj(obj(n$)); endfor; fi; if n.subarraylist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n.subarraylist_): for j:=1 upto n$n_: if known n$[j]: untieObj(obj(n$[j])); fi; endfor; endfor; fi; % and we recreate the differences from the ones stored: % (exactly the same code as above!) i:=0; forsuffixes $$=pointlist_,points_in_arrayslist_: if n$$<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n$$):i:=i+1; p_[i]=n$-n.sc_(fp); endfor; fi; endfor; % we also attach again the subobjects % (also exactly the same code as above!) i:=0; if n.sublist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n.sublist_):i:=i+1; q_[i]=obj(n$).obj(firstPointOf_(n$))-n.sc_(fp); endfor; fi; if n.subarraylist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n.subarraylist_): for j:=1 upto n$n_: if known n$[j]: i:=i+1; q_[i]=obj(n$[j]).obj(firstPointOf_(n$[j]))-n.sc_(fp); fi; endfor; endfor; fi; enddef; % Draw an array of objects. |n| is the object, |a| is the array, % and the number of elements are assumed to be |a.n_| % If you don't want to draw all the subobjects, make your own function. def drawObjArray(suffix n)(suffix a)= for i:=1 upto n.a.n_: if known n.a[i]: % in certain cases (for instances matrices), % we can have holes in the array drawObj(obj(n.a[i])); fi; endfor; enddef; % One idea for implementing |resetObj.exp| is to have the object % constructor behave in a certain way when a flag is set. This way % would be to refresh the variables, and to call again the equations. % The problem with this approach is that subobjects have also to % be reset, and this makes it necessary to give again the % parameters of the constructor, since we don't save them, % and since there is no constructor overloading in metapost. % Hence, we decided to merely use the code in |ObjCode| sections. % We first refresh the variables (only points), then call % reset on the subobjects, then execute the memorized code. % This constrains the user to put his code in |ObjCode|. % (Otherwise, if |resetObj.exp| is never used, the code can just % be given outside |ObjCode|, and not in strings.) vardef resetObj.exp@#= save varlist_;string varlist_; % refresh the points (also those in arrays) if @#pointlist_="":varlist_=@#points_in_arrayslist_; else: if @#points_in_arrayslist_<>"": varlist_=@#pointlist_ & "," & @#points_in_arrayslist_; else: varlist_=@#pointlist_; fi; fi; refreshObjVars_(@#)(sc_(varlist_)); % reset the current transformation: @#ctransform_:=identity; % reset the label transformations % (as can be observed, this does not place us back in the % initial state, if labels were only added after the application % of a transformation to an object) if known @#ipic_.n_: for i:=1 upto @#ipic_.n_: @#ipic_.transf_[i]:=identity; endfor; fi; % reset all subobjects if @#sublist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(@#sublist_): resetObj.exp.obj(@#.$); endfor; fi; if @#subarraylist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(@#subarraylist_): % and now, we go through each element of the array: for i:=1 upto @#.$n_: if known @#.$[i]: resetObj.exp.obj(@#.$[i]); fi; endfor; endfor; fi; % call the code begingroup; % we want the |vardef| macro only defined locally; % we don't need it later save code_function_; % define the function sc_("vardef code_function_@#=" & @#code_ & @#extra_code_ & " enddef;"); % call it code_function_@#; endgroup; enddef; % In order to find which point of an object is the most % to the left, we search which of the four corners is such that % all others are to its right. We return a string corresponding % to the corner. |"sw"| for |sw|, etc. % This function does not assume the corners to be determined, % but it assumes that the vector between two points is known. % |f| is |xpart| or |ypart| % |g| is |<| or |>| vardef findmost@#(text f)(text g)= save found_,i,corner; hide( string corner;boolean found_;found_=false; forsuffixes $:=nw,ne,sw,se: i:=0; forsuffixes $$:=nw,ne,sw,se: exitif f (@#.$$-@#.$) g 0; i:=i+1; endfor; if i=4:found_:=true;corner:=str $;fi; exitif found_; endfor; ) corner enddef; % Recursive version of |findmost|. This function returns a numeric % corresponding to the x or y part of a point. % |f| is |xpart| or |ypart| and |g| is |<| or |>| vardef findrecmost@#(text f)(text g)= save found_,i,corner,currentsub; hide( numeric corner,currentsub;boolean found_;found_=false; % first, we check the four corners of the object forsuffixes $:=nw,ne,sw,se: i:=0; forsuffixes $$:=nw,ne,sw,se: exitif f (@#.$$-@#.$) g 0; i:=i+1; endfor; if i=4:found_:=true;corner:=f(@#.$);fi; exitif found_; endfor; % then, we check each subobject recursively: % and first, the regular subobjects: if @#sublist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(@#sublist_): % check |obj(@#.$)|: currentsub:=findrecmost.obj(@#.$)(f)(g); if not (corner-currentsub g 0): corner:=currentsub; fi; endfor; fi; % and second, the subobjects that are part of arrays of subobjects: % we go through all arrays of subobjects of object |@#|: if @#subarraylist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(@#subarraylist_): % and now, we go through each element of the array: for i:=1 upto @#.$n_: % check |obj(@#.$[i])|: if known @#.$[i]: currentsub:=findrecmost.obj(@#.$[i])(f)(g); if not (corner-currentsub g 0): corner:=currentsub; fi; fi; endfor; endfor; fi; ) corner enddef; % These functions return a string corresponding to a suffix: vardef find_lft_most@#= findmost@#(xpart)(<) enddef; vardef find_rt_most@#= findmost@#(xpart)(>) enddef; vardef find_top_most@#= findmost@#(ypart)(>) enddef; vardef find_bot_most@#= findmost@#(ypart)(<) enddef; % The following are recursive versions of the previous functions. % These functions return a numeric. vardef findrec_lft_most@#= findrecmost@#(xpart)(<) enddef; vardef findrec_rt_most@#= findrecmost@#(xpart)(>) enddef; vardef findrec_top_most@#= findrecmost@#(ypart)(>) enddef; vardef findrec_bot_most@#= findrecmost@#(ypart)(<) enddef; %======================================================================== % Streamlining % We use a boolean to keep distinguish a streamlined function, from % a non-streamlined one. This is needed to find out if a name has been % given explicitely to an object. boolean streamlined_;streamlined_=false; % This boolean is set to true, which means that every time % an object is defined with an explicit name, the string version % of the name can be used as a shortcut. This is sometimes useful. % Setting the boolean to false saves some space. boolean memorizeShortcuts;memorizeShortcuts=true; % Called with something like |streamline("BB")("(expr t)","suffixpar(t)");| % where |t| represents the {\it number\/} of an object, % the streamline function creates two variants of a constructor: % 1) a first variant without options: %|vardef new_BB(expr t)=| %| save newname_;string newname_;| %| hide(| %| streamlined_:=true;| %| newname_:=newobjstring_;| %| newBB.sc_(newname_) suffixpar(t);| %| )| %| sc_(newname_)| %|enddef;| % 2) a second variant with options: %|vardef new_BB_(expr t)(text options)=| %| save newname_;string newname_;| %| hide(| %| streamlined_:=true;| %| newname_:=newobjstring_;| %| newBB.sc_(newname_) suffixpar(t) options;| %| )| %| sc_(newname_)| %|enddef;| % Called with something like % |streamline("Tree")("(expr theroot)(text subtrees)",| % |"suffixpar(theroot) suffixlist(subtrees)");| % the streamline function creates the two variants: %|vardef new_Tree(expr theroot)(text subtrees)=| %| save newname_;string newname_;| %| hide(| %| streamlined_:=true;| %| newname_:=newobjstring_;| %| newTree.sc_(newname_) suffixpar(theroot) suffixlist(subtrees);| %| )| %| sc_(newname_)| %|enddef;| % % and % %|vardef new_Tree_(expr theroot)(text subtrees)(text options)=| %| save newname_;string newname_;| %| hide(| %| streamlined_:=true;| %| newname_:=newobjstring_;| %| newTree.sc_(newname_) suffixpar(theroot) suffixlist(subtrees)| %| options;| %| )| %| sc_(newname_)| %|enddef;| % % In the above variants, |theroot| is not a suffix, but a string representing % a suffix, as possibly returned by another |new_| call. % Similarly, |subtree| is not a list of suffixes, but a list % of strings representing suffixes. In one case, |suffixpar| must be specified % in the parameters of |streamline|. In the other case, one has to write % |suffixlist|. % |suffixlist| transforms a list of strings into a list of suffixes. % These ``streamlined'' variants do not take % an object name; instead, they provide one by themselves; then they % call the regular constructor, and the name of the object % is returned as a string % The three parameters are strings. vardef streamline(expr class,formalparameters,actualparameters)= save mac;string mac; mac="vardef new_" & class & formalparameters & "=save newname_;string newname_;" & "hide(streamlined_:=true;newname_:=newobjstring_;new" & class & ".sc_(newname_)" & actualparameters & ";)sc_(newname_) enddef;"; sc_ mac; % variant with options: mac:="vardef new_" & class & "_" & formalparameters & "(text options)=save newname_;string newname_;" & "hide(streamlined_:=true;newname_:=newobjstring_;new" & class & ".sc_(newname_)" & actualparameters & " options;)sc_(newname_) enddef;"; sc_ mac; % we also create the "is" function: createClassTest(class); enddef; % A few definitions used above: def suffixpar(expr s)=(obj(iname_[s])) enddef; vardef concatsuffixlist_(text t)= save tmp;string tmp; hide( tmp=""; for $:=t: if tmp<>"": tmp:=tmp & "," & iname_[$]; else: tmp:=iname_[$]; fi; endfor; ) tmp enddef; % From a list of numbers, produces the concatenation of the % associated suffixes, ready for a |text| parameter def suffixlist(text t)= expandafter (sc_ concatsuffixlist_(t)) enddef; % This function tries to find an inner point among the points of object |@#| % It returns the point name as a string, and an empty string if there % is no inner point. vardef find_inner_point@#= save inn;string inn; hide( inn=""; % we first loop over the |pointlist_| array: if @#pointlist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(@#pointlist_): if not isStandardPoint$:inn:=str $;fi; exitif inn<>""; endfor; fi; if inn="": % we then loop over all points of arrays, % that is, the |points_in_arrayslist_|: if @#points_in_arrayslist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(@#points_in_arrayslist_): if not isStandardPoint$:inn:=str $;fi; exitif inn<>""; endfor; fi; fi; ) inn enddef; % |rebindrelativeObj|: % This function is in a certain way similar to |newBB| in that % it provides a regular bounding box to an object. That means that % the four corners will be where they should be: |.nw| at the top left, % |.sw| at the bottom left, etc. % The difference with |newBB| is that it does not create % a new object, it only modifies the one given in parameter. % No object layer is added. % It should be emphasized however that there is no guarantee % that the new bounds will contain the whole object, because % neither the drawing instructions % nor the subobjects are taken into account. We do not take % the subobjects into account, because if we did, it would make it % difficult to cheat on the bounding box. % The new bounding box is only guaranteed to be the tightest % containing the former corners of the current object, % plus the shifts given in parameters. % This function is useful when you want to pretend that % the bounding box is different from what it is, because % the bounding box is used to decide how much space an object % takes when used within another object. % This function looks complex because it is! The object we want % to recompute may be floating and we have to preserve that; % we have to move some points in a floating object. % The four additionnal parameters are four dimensions, % representing changes in size in the four directions. % The values can be positive or negative. Positive values % move up or towards the right, and negative values move % down or towards the left. vardef rebindrelativeObj(suffix n)(expr dyn,dys,dxe,dxw)= save innerpoint,xleft,xright,ytop,ybot,i,nwi,swi,nei,sei,mac; string innerpoint,mac; % we define arrays of points, which will be useful below: save p_,q_,r_;pair p_[],q_[],r_[]; % message "*** Rebinding with parameters " & % decimal(dyn) & "," & decimal(dys) & "," & % decimal(dxe) & "," & decimal(dxw); % first, we find the bounds (left, right, bottom, top) of object |n|: % we only look at the current object and not its subobjects % (if one wants the real bounding box, taking into account all % visible parts, use |rebindvisibleObj|) xleft= xpart(n.sc_(find_lft_most.n)); xright=xpart(n.sc_(find_rt_most.n)); ytop= ypart(n.sc_(find_top_most.n)); ybot= ypart(n.sc_(find_bot_most.n)); % We distinguish two cases: either there is an inner point % (i.e., different from the standard points of the bounding box + .c % which we also consider part of the bounding box), % or there is no such point. % The standard points are those we are going to change. innerpoint=find_inner_point.n; if innerpoint="": % easy (but rare) case % (It is not compulsorily an error if the object has no other points, % it could well be a filling or space object.) % IN THIS CASE, WE IGNORE POSSIBLE SUBOBJECTS, SINCE WE ASSUME % THAT THEY ARE TIED TO INNER POINTS. % Here, we have only to give new values to the standard points. % We first compute the value of the top left corner (|p_1|) % and the differences: p_1=(xleft,ytop)+(dxw,dyn); p_2=(xleft,ybot)+(dxw,dys)-p_1; p_3=(xright,ytop)+(dxe,dyn)-p_1; p_4=(xright,ybot)+(dxe,dys)-p_1; % Then, we refresh the original bounding box refreshObjVars_(n)(ne,nw,se,sw,n,s,e,w,c); % and we could recreate the three differences: % |n.sw-n.nw=p_2-p_1;n.ne-n.nw=p_3-p_1;n.se-n.nw=p_4-p_1;| % however, because of the StandardEquations, we can just define % two opposite corners: n.se-n.nw=p_4-p_1; % Now, either |p_1| is known, or it is not. If it is known, % we give its value to |n.nw|: if known p_1: n.nw:=p_1;fi; else: % common case, more work % first we memorize (computed (nw) - n.nw), (computed (sw) - n.sw), etc., % that is, how much each corner is going to move to reach its % standard position: q_1=(xleft,ytop)-n.nw+(dxw,dyn); q_2=(xleft,ybot)-n.sw+(dxw,dys); q_3=(xright,ytop)-n.ne+(dxe,dyn); q_4=(xright,ybot)-n.se+(dxe,dys); % these four differences will be used later % We now memorize the differences between all points and the % inner point; only those differences which are fully known % will be considered (IS THIS TRUE?); % this will allow us to accept a few non % known (and non used) points % WE HAVE ASSUMED THAT THE INNERPOINT IS ATTACHED INSIDE THE OBJECT i:=0; % First, go through the regular points: if n.pointlist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n.pointlist_):i:=i+1; p_[i]=n$-n.sc_(innerpoint); % memorize the indexes of the points |nw|,|sw|,|ne|,|se| when they pass if str $="nw":nwi=i;elseif str $="sw":swi=i; elseif str $="ne":nei=i;elseif str $="se":sei=i;fi; endfor; fi; % then through all other points: if n.points_in_arrayslist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n.points_in_arrayslist_):i:=i+1; p_[i]=n$-n.sc_(innerpoint); endfor; fi; % we also save the value of the inner point, % in case it is well in place: if known n.sc_(innerpoint):p_0=n.sc_(innerpoint);fi; % we save the differences between the innerpoint and the first % points of the subobjects, if there are any: i:=0; if n.sublist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n.sublist_):i:=i+1; r_[i]=n.sc_(innerpoint)-obj(n$).obj(firstPointOf_(n$)); endfor; fi; if n.subarraylist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n.subarraylist_): % and now, we go through each element of the array: for j:=1 upto n$n_: if known n$[j]: i:=i+1; r_[i]=n.sc_(innerpoint)- obj(n$[j]).obj(firstPointOf_(n$[j])); fi; endfor; endfor; fi; % we refresh everything: forsuffixes $$=pointlist_,points_in_arrayslist_: if n$$<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n$$):refreshObjVars_(n)($);endfor; fi; endfor; % we also untie the subobjects: i:=0; if n.sublist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n.sublist_):i:=i+1; untieObj(obj(n$)); endfor; fi; if n.subarraylist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n.subarraylist_): % and now, we go through each element of the array: for j:=1 upto n$n_: if known n$[j]: i:=i+1; untieObj(obj(n$[j])); fi; endfor; endfor; fi; % and we redefine everything except the standard points: i:=0; forsuffixes $$=pointlist_,points_in_arrayslist_: if n$$<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n$$):i:=i+1; if not isStandardPoint$: n$-n.sc_(innerpoint)=p_[i]; fi; endfor; fi; endfor; % and finally, we attach the subobjects (same code as above): i:=0; if n.sublist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n.sublist_):i:=i+1; r_[i]=n.sc_(innerpoint)-obj(n$).obj(firstPointOf_(n$)); endfor; fi; if n.subarraylist_<>"": forsuffixes $:=sc_(n.subarraylist_): % and now, we go through each element of the array: for j:=1 upto n$n_: if known n$[j]: i:=i+1; r_[i]=n.sc_(innerpoint)- obj(n$[j]).obj(firstPointOf_(n$[j])); fi; endfor; endfor; fi; % Now, all non standard points are bound to the inner point. % Finally, we attach the standard points properly; % we know where the new corners are located in the old system % points, for instance % |(xpart(n.sc_(lftmost)),ypart(n.sc_(topmost)))| % corresponds to the new |n.nw|; however, if the object is floating, % we cannot write |n.nw=(xpart(n.sc_(lftmost)),...)| % because the latter refers to variables that do no longer exist. % What we can do is to say % |new(n.nw)-new(n.innerpoint)=(old(n.nw)-old(n.innerpoint))| % |+ (old(computed nw)-old(n.nw))| % The value of |(old(n.nw)-old(n.innerpoint))| is in the |p_| array % The value of |old(computed nw)-old(n.nw)| has been computed above, % before the variables were refreshed. We can just add them. % % Of the four following equations, we define only two, % corresponding to opposite corners. Otherwise, there are redundant % equations. n.nw-n.sc_(innerpoint)=p_[nwi]+q_1; %|n.sw-n.sc_(innerpoint)=p_[swi]+q_2;| %|n.ne-n.sc_(innerpoint)=p_[nei]+q_3;| n.se-n.sc_(innerpoint)=p_[sei]+q_4; % And finally, we define the innerpoint |p_0| if necessary if known p_0:n.sc_(innerpoint)=p_0;fi; fi; mac:="vardef code_function_@#= " & PureStandardEquations & "enddef;"; % we want the |vardef| macro only defined locally;we don't need it later begingroup; save code_function_; sc_(mac); % determine |.n|, |.s|, etc.: sc_ ("code_function_." & str n); endgroup; enddef; % streamlined version: |n| is a number representing an object vardef rebindrelative_Obj(expr n)(expr dyn,dys,dxe,dxw)= hide(rebindrelativeObj(obj(iname_[n]))(dyn,dys,dxe,dxw)) n enddef; def rebindObj(suffix n)= rebindrelativeObj(n)(0,0,0,0); enddef; % streamlined version: |n| is a number representing an object vardef rebind_Obj(expr n)= hide(rebindObj(obj(iname_[n]))) n enddef; % This function does an exact rebind, unlike the previous functions. % It takes into account everything that is visible vardef rebindVisibleObj(suffix n_)= save untied,p;boolean untied;path p;untied=true; if known n_.c:untied:=false;fi; if untied:n_.c=origin;fi; % first, we do a simple |rebindObj| to make sure % that the bounding box is parallel to the axes rebindObj(n_); save bboxmargin; bboxmargin:=0; p=rBboxObj(n_); rebindrelativeObj(n_)( ypart((point 2 of p)-n_.n), ypart((point 1 of p)-n_.s), xpart((point 1 of p)-n_.e), xpart((point 0 of p)-n_.w)); if untied:untieObj(n_);fi; enddef; % It is often useful to set the size of an object, in order % to get proper alignments. We provide several functions. % These functions take a length and extend in one of the four % directions until reaching this length. It is a straightforward % application of |rebindrelativeObj|: vardef extendObjRight@#(expr wd)= rebindrelativeObj(@#)(0,0,wd-xpart(@#e-@#w),0); enddef; vardef extendObjLeft@#(expr wd)= rebindrelativeObj(@#)(0,0,0,xpart(@#e-@#w)-wd); enddef; vardef extendObjUp@#(expr ht)= rebindrelativeObj(@#)(ht-ypart(@#n-@#s),0,0,0); enddef; vardef extendObjDown@#(expr ht)= rebindrelativeObj(@#)(0,ypart(@#n-@#s)-ht,0,0); enddef; % Handling of options in constructors: % Options are added as optional text parameters at the end of constructors. % The options are normally strings representing function calls % with parameters. Several options can be separated by commas. % Each object honors its own options. % Non honored options produce errors. % It is up to the object to decide if it takes options and if it % handles them. Options are handled by a generic |ExecuteOptions| call. % This function defines variables according to the options given. % Later, these variables can be used to achieve various effects. % The |ExecuteOptions| definition must not be a |vardef| % because some of the options % (for instance |o_treemode|) do |save|s and the scope of % these |save|s must be the whole constructor. % |$$| is the object; we need it in order to define |currentObjname| % which is used by certain options. However, local options % (the ones only used in the constructor) do not use the object name. def ExecuteOptions(suffix $$)(text options)= % we don't need a |vardef| here, % because |ExecuteOptions| is called within a |vardef| setcurrentobjname_(str $$); for $:=options: % each option is a function call, so we just call it; % if the function called does not exist, it will of course % produce an error, but this error can clearly be diagnosed. % We call the function |correctOption_| in order to add % quotes in certain cases. sc_ (correctOption_("o_" & $)); endfor; enddef; % Here are the functions that can be called; new functions can % easily be added to handle more parameters. def set_local_type(expr type,name,val)= sc_("save o_" & name & "_val;" & type & " o_" & name & "_val;o_" & name & "_val")=val; enddef; % For every option name |s|, this function defines a function |o_s| % and calls |addOptionFunction| if the type is |"string"|. % This call registers the option so that % its arguments is protected. vardef define_local_type_option(expr type,s)= save tmp; string tmp; tmp="def o_" & s & "(expr s)="; if s="arrows": tmp:=tmp & "set_local_type(" & quote(type) & "," & quote(s) & ",arrows_function_(s));enddef;"; else: tmp:=tmp & "set_local_type(" & quote(type) & "," & quote(s) & ",s);enddef;"; fi; if type="string": tmp:=tmp & "addOptionFunction(" & quote("o_" & s) & ");"; fi; sc_ tmp; enddef; def define_local_string_option(expr s)= define_local_type_option("string",s); enddef; def define_local_numeric_option(expr s)= define_local_type_option("numeric",s); enddef; def define_local_pair_option(expr s)= define_local_type_option("pair",s); enddef; def define_local_color_option(expr s)= define_local_type_option("color",s); enddef; def define_local_boolean_option(expr s)= define_local_type_option("boolean",s); enddef; def settodefaultifnotknown_(expr opname)(text type)(expr default)= if expandafter unknown sc_("o_" & opname & "_val"): expandafter save sc_("o_" & opname & "_val"); expandafter type sc_("o_" & opname & "_val"); sc_("o_" & opname & "_val")=default; fi; enddef; % Alignment option; the string version of the parameter is put % into the current object |option_align_| field. % This definition must not be a |vardef| because % the scope of the |save| is the whole constructor. define_local_string_option("align"); define_local_string_option("Dalign"); define_local_string_option("Ualign"); define_local_string_option("Lalign"); define_local_string_option("Ralign"); vardef define_global_type_option(expr type,opname)= save tmp;string tmp; tmp="def o_" & opname & "(expr s)=" & "global_" & type & "_option_(" & ditto & opname & ditto & ")(s);enddef;"; if type="string": tmp:=tmp & "addOptionFunction(" & ditto & "o_" & opname & ditto & ");"; fi; sc_(tmp); enddef; def define_global_string_option(expr opname)= define_global_type_option("string",opname); enddef; def define_global_boolean_option(expr opname)= define_global_type_option("boolean",opname); enddef; def define_global_color_option(expr opname)= define_global_type_option("color",opname); enddef; def define_global_numeric_option(expr opname)= define_global_type_option("numeric",opname); enddef; def define_global_pair_option(expr opname)= define_global_type_option("pair",opname); enddef; % The parameter of |halign| or |valign| % is a list of alignment options, for instance |"clrccl"| % It is used for matrix columns. define_global_string_option("halign"); define_global_string_option("valign"); % Filling option; the parameter is put % into the current object |option_filled_| field for later use. define_global_boolean_option("filled"); % Color filling option define_global_color_option("fillcolor"); % Framing options. define_global_boolean_option("framed"); define_global_color_option("framecolor"); define_global_string_option("framestyle"); % Picture option define_global_color_option("picturecolor"); % Shadow options define_global_boolean_option("shadow"); define_global_color_option("shadowcolor"); % Fitting option. Usually, the default is for a frame to fit % its contents. This options makes it possible to have regular frames % around objects that have different widths and heights. define_global_boolean_option("fit"); % Tree direction option. % This definition must not be a |vardef| because % the scope of the |save| is the whole constructor. % The name |treemode| was chosen for compatibility with PSTricks. define_local_string_option("treemode"); % PSTricks compatibility: % This corresponds to PSTricks |treenodesize|; % we took a different name, because we have two variants: define_local_numeric_option("treenodehsize"); define_local_numeric_option("treenodevsize"); define_local_numeric_option("matrixnodehsize"); define_local_numeric_option("matrixnodevsize"); % |HBox| and |VBox| versions of the |"treenodehsize"|/|"treenodevsize"| option: define_local_numeric_option("elementsize"); define_local_boolean_option("flip"); define_local_boolean_option("treeflip"); define_local_boolean_option("hideleaves"); % draw functions for connections define_local_string_option("cdraw"); % This is a list of all the stored options of a path. % This list is defined so that it is easy to loop % over all options. def pathoptions_= _draw_,_connect_,posA,posB,armA,armB,offsetA,offsetB, name,linecolor,border,bordercolor,linestyle,doubleline,doublesep, arrows,angleA,angleB,arcangleA,arcangleB,linewidth,nodesepA,nodesepB, loopsize,linearc,linetensionA,linetensionB, visible,boxsize,boxheight,boxdepth,pathfilled,pathfillcolor, coilarmA,coilarmB,coilheight,coilwidth,coilaspect,coilinc enddef; % default values for curves: numeric curve_linewidth_default, curve_arcangleA_default,curve_arcangleB_default, curve_armA_default,curve_armB_default,curve_loopsize_default, curve_linetensionA_default,curve_linetensionB_default, curve_linearc_default, curve_border_default,curve_nodesepA_default,curve_nodesepB_default, curve_boxsize_default,curve_boxheight_default,curve_boxdepth_default, curve_doublesep_default, curve_coilarmA_default,curve_coilarmB_default, curve_coilheight_default,curve_coilwidth_default, curve_coilaspect_default,curve_coilinc_default; curve_linewidth_default=.5bp; curve_arcangleA_default=10; curve_arcangleB_default=10; curve_armA_default=5mm; curve_armB_default=5mm; curve_loopsize_default=0.25cm; curve_linearc_default=0cm; curve_linetensionA_default=1; curve_linetensionB_default=1; curve_border_default=0pt; curve_nodesepA_default=0pt; curve_nodesepB_default=0pt; curve_boxsize_default=5mm; curve_boxheight_default=-1pt; % means that there is no default curve_boxdepth_default=-1pt; % means that there is no default curve_doublesep_default=1pt; curve_coilarmA_default=5mm; % same as in PSTricks curve_coilarmB_default=5mm; % same as in PSTricks curve_coilheight_default=1; % same as in PSTricks curve_coilwidth_default=1cm; % same as in PSTricks curve_coilaspect_default=45; % same as in PSTricks curve_coilinc_default=90; % 20 is better when |coilaspect|=0 % (the PSTricks default is 10, but it seems unnecessary in most cases) boolean curve_visible_default,curve_doubleline_default, curve_pathfilled_default; curve_visible_default=true; curve_doubleline_default=false; curve_pathfilled_default=false; color curve_linecolor_default,curve_bordercolor_default, curve_pathfillcolor_default; curve_linecolor_default=black; curve_bordercolor_default=white; curve_pathfillcolor_default=black; string curve_linestyle_default,curve_arrows_default, curve_posA_default,curve_posB_default; pair curve_offsetA_default,curve_offsetB_default; curve_linestyle_default=""; curve_arrows_default="drawarrow"; curve_posA_default="ic"; curve_posB_default="ic"; curve_offsetA_default=(0,0); curve_offsetB_default=(0,0); % curve options shortcuts table string curve_options_shortcuts_[]; numeric ncurve_options_shortcuts_; ncurve_options_shortcuts_=0; vardef isCurveOptionShortcut(expr opname)= save r;boolean r;r=false; hide( for i:=0 upto ncurve_options_shortcuts_-1: if curve_options_shortcuts_[i]=opname:r:=true;fi; exitif r; endfor; ) r enddef; def setCurveDefaultOption(expr name,value)= if isCurveOptionShortcut(name): sc_("curve_" & name & "A_default"):=value; sc_("curve_" & name & "B_default"):=value; elseif name="arrows": sc_("curve_" & name & "_default"):=arrows_function_(value); else: sc_("curve_" & name & "_default"):=value; fi; enddef; % For all options for which there are two versions (A and B), % we define special shortcuts, as does PSTricks. % We also memorize the shortcuts, because they are needed in % |setCurveDefaultOption|. def define_path_option_shortcut(expr s)= scantokens("def o_" & s & "( expr l)=o_" & s & "A(l);o_" & s & "B(l);enddef;"); curve_options_shortcuts_[ncurve_options_shortcuts_]=s; ncurve_options_shortcuts_:=ncurve_options_shortcuts_+1; enddef; define_path_option_shortcut("linetension"); define_path_option_shortcut("coilarm"); define_path_option_shortcut("pos"); define_path_option_shortcut("offset"); define_path_option_shortcut("arm"); define_path_option_shortcut("angle"); define_path_option_shortcut("arcangle"); define_path_option_shortcut("nodesep"); % Arrows functions: these functions should be similar to |draw|. % They can be parameters to the |"arrows"| option. def rdrawarrow = drawarrow reverse enddef; % This is the default value for connections. % |p| is a path to be drawn. % |n| is a suffix for an array of stored parameters % |i| is the index in this array % If the suffix is empty, we use locally stored values. vardef cdraw_default(suffix n)(expr i)(expr p)= save colorcmd,p_;string colorcmd;path p_;colorcmd=""; p_=p; p_:=cutpathends_(p_,if known o_nodesepB_val: o_nodesepB_val else: curve_nodesepB_default fi, if known o_nodesepA_val: o_nodesepA_val else: curve_nodesepA_default fi); if str n="": if CLOV_("border")>0: pickup pencircle scaled CLOV_("border"); % we cut the ends of the path in order to avoid % the end nodes to be erased; the standard setting % should work in most cases, except when the path % reaches the node under a small angle; we should then % add options to define how much of the path we cut. draw cutpathends_(p,2*CLOV_("border"),2*CLOV_("border")) withcolor CLOV_("bordercolor"); fi; pickup pencircle scaled CLOV_("linewidth"); if CLOV_("linecolor")<>black: colorcmd:="withcolor " & colortostring(CLOV_("linecolor")); fi; if CLOV_("doubleline"): sc_(CLOV_("arrows") & "_double") (p_)(CLOV_("doublesep"))(CLOV_("linewidth")) sc_(CLOV_("linestyle")) sc_(colorcmd); else: sc_(CLOV_("arrows")) (p_) sc_(CLOV_("linestyle")) sc_(colorcmd); fi; else: if n.border[i]>0: pickup pencircle scaled n.border[i]; % we cut the ends of the path in order to avoid % the end nodes to be erased; the standard setting % should work in most cases, except when the path % reaches the node under a small angle; we should then % add options to define how much of the path we cut. draw cutpathends_(p,2*n.border[i],2*n.border[i]) withcolor n.bordercolor[i]; fi; pickup pencircle scaled n.linewidth[i]; if n.linecolor[i]<>black: colorcmd:="withcolor " & colortostring(n.linecolor[i]); fi; if n.doubleline[i]: sc_(n.arrows[i] & "_double") (p_)(n.doublesep[i])(n.linewidth[i]) sc_(n.linestyle[i]) sc_(colorcmd); else: sc_(n.arrows[i]) (p_) sc_(n.linestyle[i]) sc_(colorcmd); fi; fi; pickup pencircle scaled curve_linewidth_default; enddef; % color for connections % We don't name it |color|, because at some point we would need % to do a |sc_("color")| which would fail. define_local_color_option("linecolor"); % border color (PSTricks compatibility) define_local_color_option("bordercolor"); % size of border (PSTricks compatibility) define_local_numeric_option("border"); % option for the path array |_path_|; this option makes % it possible to use a different array with |nccurve| and similar % functions. define_local_string_option("patharray"); % connections within trees define_global_string_option("edge"); % fan options: define_global_string_option("fanlinestyle"); define_global_boolean_option("pointedfan"); define_global_numeric_option("fanlinearc"); % angles for connections (PSTricks compatibility) define_local_numeric_option("angleA"); define_local_numeric_option("angleB"); define_local_numeric_option("arcangleA"); define_local_numeric_option("arcangleB"); % separations for connections (PSTricks compatibility) define_local_numeric_option("nodesepA"); define_local_numeric_option("nodesepB"); % parameters for |ncbox| and |ncarcbox|: size of boxes (PSTricks compatibility) define_local_numeric_option("boxsize"); define_local_numeric_option("boxheight"); define_local_numeric_option("boxdepth"); % parameter for |ncloop| define_local_numeric_option("loopsize"); % smoothness of connections define_local_numeric_option("linearc"); % coil/zigzag connections: define_local_numeric_option("coilarmA"); define_local_numeric_option("coilarmB"); define_local_numeric_option("coilheight"); define_local_numeric_option("coilwidth"); define_local_numeric_option("coilaspect"); define_local_numeric_option("coilinc"); % visibility of connections % (a connection can be invisible and be used for other purposes, % such as label positionning or computation of intersections) define_local_boolean_option("visible"); define_local_boolean_option("pathfilled"); define_local_color_option("pathfillcolor"); % tensions of connection (only |nccurve|) define_local_numeric_option("linetensionA"); define_local_numeric_option("linetensionB"); % thickness for connections define_local_numeric_option("linewidth"); % style for connections define_local_string_option("linestyle"); % double lines: define_local_boolean_option("doubleline"); define_local_numeric_option("doublesep"); % positions for connections define_local_string_option("posA"); define_local_string_option("posB"); % offsets for connections define_local_pair_option("offsetA"); define_local_pair_option("offsetB"); % arms for connections define_local_numeric_option("armA"); define_local_numeric_option("armB"); % names for connections define_local_string_option("name"); % Label options: define_local_numeric_option("labrotate"); define_local_numeric_option("labangle"); define_local_numeric_option("labpos"); define_local_pair_option("labshift"); % this is like the labshift option, but will use the % |laboff| definition used by |label| define_local_string_option("labdir"); define_local_color_option("labcolor"); define_local_boolean_option("laberase"); define_local_string_option("labpoint"); define_local_string_option("labcard"); define_local_string_option("labpathname"); define_local_numeric_option("labpathid"); % Internal horizontal separation. define_local_numeric_option("hsep"); % Internal vertical separation. define_local_numeric_option("vsep"); define_local_numeric_option("hbsep"); define_local_numeric_option("vbsep"); % External horizontal separation define_local_numeric_option("dx"); % External vertical separation define_local_numeric_option("dy"); % Rotation angle define_local_numeric_option("rotangle"); % How much the start of a line is shifted right define_local_numeric_option("lstartdx"); % How much the end of a line is shifted right define_local_numeric_option("lenddx"); define_global_numeric_option("rule"); define_local_numeric_option("lrsep"); define_local_numeric_option("rrsep"); % Line width for draws define_global_numeric_option("framewidth"); % radius for corners of rounded corners define_global_numeric_option("rbox_radius"); % Circle margin define_local_numeric_option("circmargin"); % Polygon margin define_local_numeric_option("polymargin"); define_local_numeric_option("angle"); % Draw arrow function option; % the parameter is a string representing a draw function % We first define a conversion function: def arrows_function_(expr s)= if ((substring(0,1) of s >= "A") and (substring(0,1) of s <= "Z")) or ((substring(0,1) of s >= "a") and (substring(0,1) of s <= "z")): s elseif s="-": "draw" elseif s="->": "drawarrow" elseif s="<-": "rdrawarrow" % other cases can easily be added here else: "draw" % default fi enddef; define_local_string_option("arrows"); % This is an option to locally redefine the main drawing function % of the object. define_global_string_option("drawObj"); def global_option_(expr name)(expr s)= global_string_option_(name)(s); enddef; def global_boolean_option_(expr name)(expr s)= global_type_option_("boolean")(name)(s); enddef; def global_string_option_(expr name)(expr s)= global_type_option_("string")(name)(s); enddef; def global_numeric_option_(expr name)(expr s)= global_type_option_("numeric")(name)(s); enddef; def global_color_option_(expr name)(expr s)= global_type_option_("color")(name)(s); enddef; % This is for options that are attached to an object, % and that are not local only to its constructor. def global_type_option_(expr type)(expr name)(expr s)= if not isOfType(type,currentObjname & ".option_" & name & "_"): sc_(type) obj(generisize_(currentObjname)).sc_("option_" & name & "_"); fi; if not string obj(currentObjname).options_: expandafter string obj(generisize_(currentObjname)).options_; fi; if unknown obj(currentObjname).options_: obj(currentObjname).options_="_" & name; % we added a |_| so that the tag becomes unknown % for we can then traverse the |options_| with a |forsuffixes| % in |duplicateObj| % (we should make this more robust) else: obj(currentObjname).options_:=obj(currentObjname).options_& ",_" & name; fi; obj(currentObjname).sc_("option_" & name & "_")=s; enddef; % This is a general function to test options: % |@#| is the object name. |opname| is the option name % and |opvalue| is the option value. vardef Option@#(expr opname,opvalue)= (OptionValue@#(opname)=opvalue) enddef; % This function finds the value of a parameter for an object. % An option is either stored in the object (when it is local, but meant % to be used later, not in the constructor), % or local in the object, but for an immediate use (i.e., it won't be % available after the creation), or global to the class. % In the first case, we check the variable % |@#sc_("option_" & opname & "_")| % (the type of the option is irrelevant here) % In the second case, we check |sc_("o_" & opname & "_val")| % (the type of the option is irrelevant here) % In the third case, we check the global value % |sc_(clname & "_" opname)| % (the type of the option is irrelevant here) vardef OptionValue@#(expr opname)= (if known (@#sc_("option_" & opname & "_")): (@#sc_("option_" & opname & "_")) elseif known (sc_("o_" & opname & "_val")): (sc_("o_" & opname & "_val")) elseif known (sc_(objClassName_(@#) & "_" & opname)): (sc_(objClassName_(@#) & "_" & opname)) else: whatever fi ) enddef; % This function only looks at local options and does not % take an object into account. It is suitable for the options % of a draw command. Moreover, the last parameter is a default % value. vardef LocalOptionValue(expr opname,default)= (if known (sc_("o_" & opname & "_val")): (sc_("o_" & opname & "_val")) else: default fi ) enddef; % Constructions such as |LocalOptionValue("posA",curve_posA_default)| % are quite common. We therefore introduce a shortcut: def CLOV_(expr opname)= sc_("LocalOptionValue(" & quote(opname) & ",curve_" & opname & "_default)") enddef; % This function defines default global values for classes. % This works for numerical, string or color values. % |setObjectDefaultOption("HBox")("hsep")(5mm)| def setObjectDefaultOption(expr clname)(expr var)(expr val)= if numeric val: sc_(clname & "_" & var):=val; elseif string val: sc_("string " & clname & "_" & var & ";"); sc_(clname & "_" & var):=val; elseif color val: sc_("color " & clname & "_" & var & ";"); sc_(clname & "_" & var):=val; elseif boolean val: sc_("boolean " & clname & "_" & var & ";"); sc_(clname & "_" & var):=val; fi; enddef; % |clearObj a,b| makes it possible to reuse the objects |a| and |b| % If this function is called within |beginfig|/|endfig|, it only % clears the object until the end of the environment. let clearObj=save; let showObj=showvariable; % n is the number of an object def show_Obj(expr n)= sc_("showObj " & iname_[n]); enddef; % Handling of paths in objects: % This function adds a point to an object's point array. % |p| is the point and |a| is the array of object |@#|. % This function is used when a path is attached to an object. vardef addPointToArray@#(expr p)(suffix a)= @#a.n_:=@#a.n_+1; @#a[@#a.n_]:=p; % The relative position of the point is memorized as an equation, % so that we can conveniently reset the object later, and not loose % the points. addObjExtraCode@# "@#" & str a & decimal(@#a.n_) & "-@#c=(" & decimal(xpart(p-@#c)) & "," & decimal(ypart(p-@#c)) & ");"; if @#points_in_arrayslist_="": @#points_in_arrayslist_:=str a & decimal(@#a.n_); else: @#points_in_arrayslist_:=@#points_in_arrayslist_ & "," & str a & decimal(@#a.n_); fi; enddef; def cutpathends_(expr p,a,b)= if (a=0) and (b=0):p else: p cutafter (p intersectionpoint (fullcircle scaled a shifted (point infinity of p))) cutbefore (p intersectionpoint (fullcircle scaled b shifted (point 0 of p))) fi enddef; % This function adds a path to an object. % The path is |p| and the object is |@#|. % |n| is the name of the path within the object. % It must have been defined with |addPathArray|. vardef addPath@#(suffix n)(expr i)(text p)= save p_,untied;path p_;boolean untied;untied=true; if known @#c:untied:=false;fi; % we temporarily tie the object if necessary if untied:@#c=origin;fi; % only then can we store the path: p_=p; % Now, we slightly modify the path in order to take the |nodesepA| % and |nodesepB| parameters into account: p_:=cutpathends_(p_,if known o_nodesepB_val: o_nodesepB_val else: curve_nodesepB_default fi, if known o_nodesepA_val: o_nodesepA_val else: curve_nodesepA_default fi); setcurrentobjname_(str @#); % if the |ip_| array does not yet exist, create it: if not pair @#n.ip_1: ObjPointArray(n.ip_)(0); else: % if it does already exist, we only initialize it once: if unknown @#n.ip_.n_: ObjPointArray(n.ip_)(0); fi; fi; xpart(@#n[i])=@#n.ip_.n_+1; % we add each point of the path |p_| to the |ip_| array: for j:=0 upto length p_-1: addPointToArray@#(point j of p_)(n.ip_); addPointToArray@#(postcontrol j of p_)(n.ip_); addPointToArray@#(precontrol (j+1) of p_)(n.ip_); endfor; addPointToArray@#(point infinity of p_)(n.ip_); ypart(@#n[i])=length p_; % if the object was initially untied, we untie it if untied:untieObj(@#);fi; enddef; % This function removes the paths from an array: vardef deletePaths@#(suffix n)= @#extra_code_:=""; for i:=1 upto @#n.ip_.n_: @#n[i]:=(whatever,whatever); endfor; % reset |ip_| @#n.ip_.n_:=0; % remove |ip_1|, ... from |points_in_arrayslist|: save newpoints_in_arrayslist_; string newpoints_in_arrayslist_;newpoints_in_arrayslist_:=""; forsuffixes $:=sc_(@#points_in_arrayslist_): if (substring(0,length(str n & ".ip_")) of (str$))<>(str n & ".ip_"): if newpoints_in_arrayslist_="": newpoints_in_arrayslist_:=str$; else: newpoints_in_arrayslist_:=newpoints_in_arrayslist_ & "," & str$; fi; fi; endfor; @#points_in_arrayslist_:=newpoints_in_arrayslist_; message "@#points_in_arrayslist_=" & @#points_in_arrayslist_; enddef; % This function defines an array of paths within an object. % |p| is the array name, |n| the size of the array % and |@#| is the object. vardef addPathArray@#(suffix p)(expr n)= setcurrentobjname_(str @#); ObjPairArray(p)(n); enddef; vardef addPathVariables@#(suffix p)= setcurrentobjname_(str @#); addPathArray@#(p)(0); % this is a standard array for paths added to % an object forsuffixes $=_draw_,_connect_,posA,posB,name,linestyle,arrows: ObjStringArray(p$)(0); endfor; forsuffixes $=angleA,angleB,arcangleA,arcangleB,nodesepA,nodesepB, loopsize,linearc,linetensionA,linetensionB,linewidth, armA,armB,border,boxsize,boxheight,boxdepth, doublesep,coilarmA,coilarmB,coilheight,coilwidth,coilaspect,coilinc: ObjNumericArray(p$)(0); endfor; ObjBooleanArray(p.visible)(0); ObjBooleanArray(p.pathfilled)(0); ObjColorArray(p.pathfillcolor)(0); ObjBooleanArray(p.doubleline)(0); ObjPairArray(p.offsetA)(0); ObjPairArray(p.offsetB)(0); ObjColorArray(p.linecolor)(0); ObjColorArray(p.bordercolor)(0); enddef; def increment_pathparameters_(suffix p)(suffix $)= $p.n_:=$p.n_+1; $p._draw_[$p.n_]:=LocalOptionValue("cdraw","cdraw_default"); $p.visible[$p.n_]:=CLOV_("visible"); $p.pathfilled[$p.n_]:=CLOV_("pathfilled"); $p.pathfillcolor[$p.n_]:=CLOV_("pathfillcolor"); $p.border[$p.n_]:=CLOV_("border"); $p.bordercolor[$p.n_]:=CLOV_("bordercolor"); $p.linewidth[$p.n_]:=CLOV_("linewidth"); $p.linecolor[$p.n_]:=CLOV_("linecolor"); $p.nodesepA[$p.n_]:=CLOV_("nodesepA"); $p.nodesepB[$p.n_]:=CLOV_("nodesepA"); $p.arrows[$p.n_]:=CLOV_("arrows"); $p.linestyle[$p.n_]:=CLOV_("linestyle"); $p.doubleline[$p.n_]:=CLOV_("doubleline"); forsuffixes $$=_draw_,visible,border,bordercolor,linewidth,linecolor, arrows,linestyle,nodesepA,nodesepB,doubleline,pathfilled,pathfillcolor: $p$$n_:=$p.n_; endfor; enddef; % This is a function simplifying the use of |addPath| vardef addUserPath@#(text p) text options= ExecuteOptions()(options); if unknown @#_upath_.n_: addPathVariables@#(_upath_); fi; increment_pathparameters_(_upath_)(@#); addPath@#(_upath_,@#_upath_.n_,p); enddef; vardef addStandardPath@#(text p) text options= ExecuteOptions()(options); if unknown @#_spath_.n_: addPathVariables@#(_spath_); fi; increment_pathparameters_(_spath_)(@#); addPath@#(_spath_,@#_spath_.n_,p); enddef; def ObjPath(text p) text options= addStandardPath.sc_(currentObjname)(p) options; enddef; % The |Path| function reconstructs a path from a path |p[j]| % and an object reference |@#|. vardef Path@#(suffix p)(expr j)= ( for i:=0 upto ypart(@#p[j])-1: @#p.ip_[xpart(@#p[j])+i*3].. controls @#p.ip_[xpart(@#p[j])+i*3+1] and @#p.ip_[xpart(@#p[j])+i*3+2].. endfor @#p.ip_[xpart(@#p[j])+ypart(@#p[j])*3] ) enddef; % The |drawMemorizedPaths_| function draws paths that have been memorized. % It must be called explicitely in the draw function of an object. % It uses the value of the |cdraw| option to draw the memorized path. % This makes it possible to change the color, the style, etc. % There are two kinds of paths attached to an object: the standard ones, % in the |_spath_| array, and the user ones in the |_upath_| array. % For instance, the standard paths of a tree are the connections between % the root and the subtrees. def drawMemorizedPaths_(suffix n)= forsuffixes $=_spath_,_upath_: if known n$n_: for i:=1 upto n$n_: % fans are not drawn here if n$arrows[i]<>"fandraw": if n$visible[i]: if n$pathfilled[i]: fill Path.n($,i)--cycle withcolor n$pathfillcolor[i]; fi; sc_(n$_draw_[i])(n$)(i)(Path.n($,i)); fi; fi; endfor; fi; endfor; enddef; % The following function is useful for classes which contain % an object or a picture: def StandardObjectOrPictureContainerSetup(expr v)= if (picture v) or (string v): ObjPoint p.off; ObjPicture p; if picture v: setPicture(p)(v); % initialize the picture elseif string v: if v="": setPicture(p)(nullpicture); else: % borrowed from |boxes.mp| setPicture(p)(v infont defaultfont scaled defaultscale); fi; fi; elseif numeric v: SubObject(sub,Obj(v)); else: errmessage "Parameter of StandardObjectOrPictureContainerSetup should be picture, a string or an object."; fi; ObjNumeric a,b; (obj(currentObjname)a,obj(currentObjname)b) = if numeric v: % object .5*(obj(obj(currentObjname)sub)ne-obj(obj(currentObjname)sub)sw) elseif (picture v) or (string v): .5*(urcorner obj(currentObjname)p - llcorner obj(currentObjname)p) fi; enddef; def drawPictureOrObject(suffix n)= if known n.p: if urcorner(n.p)-llcorner(n.p)<>(0,0): drawPicture.n(p); fi; else: drawObj(obj(n.sub)); fi; enddef; % Node connections: def patharray_suffix_= sc_(LocalOptionValue("patharray","_upath_")) enddef; def sign_(expr n)= if n>=0:1 else:-1 fi enddef; % This function is used when certain paths have to be smoothed % |p| is the path and |r| is the radius used where a sharp edge % is rounded. vardef smoothen(expr p,r)= save q,qq,anglechange;path q;pair qq[]; hide( if r>0: q=point 0 of p; for i:=1 upto length(p)-1: qq0:=(whatever,whatever);qq1:=(whatever,whatever); qq2:=(whatever,whatever);qq3:=(whatever,whatever); if (point (i+1) of p=point i of p) or (point (i-1) of p=point i of p): anglechange:=0; else: anglechange:=angle(point (i+1) of p-point i of p) -angle(point i of p-point (i-1) of p); fi; if anglechange>180: anglechange:=anglechange-360;fi; if anglechange<-180: anglechange:=anglechange+360;fi; if abs(anglechange)>1: % first, we compute the center of the arc qq0=whatever[point (i-1) of p,point i of p] +r*dir(angle(point i of p-point (i-1) of p) +sign_(anglechange)*90) =whatever[point i of p,point (i+1) of p] +r*dir(angle(point (i+1) of p-point i of p) +sign_(anglechange)*90); % |qq1| and |qq2| are the points where the arc touches % the original curve qq1=whatever[point (i-1) of p,point i of p] =whatever[qq0,qq0+(point i of p-point (i-1) of p) rotated 90]; qq2=whatever[point i of p,point (i+1) of p] =whatever[qq0,qq0+(point (i+1) of p-point i of p) rotated 90]; qq3=qq0+r*unitvector(qq1+qq2-2qq0); q:=q & ((point infinity of q)--qq1.. qq3..{point (i+1) of p-point i of p}qq2); else: q:=q & (point infinity of q--point i of p); fi; endfor; q:=q & (point infinity of q--point infinity of p); else: q:=p; fi; ) q enddef; % Generic part in the handling of node connections. % |vardef| can't be used % The object is |$| (if there is no object, |$| is empty) % |n| and |m| are either objects (if they are numerics) or points % (if they are pairs) def nc_(suffix $)(suffix n,m)(expr f) text options = % this next line is actually only relevant when |$| is non-empty; % but if it is empty, the line is harmless. o_patharray("_upath_"); % The first parameter is not used, because we have only local options % (non-local options have only a meaning for object constructors) ExecuteOptions()(options); nc__($)(n,m)(f)(patharray_suffix_); enddef; % The object is |$| % |n| and |m| are either objects (if they are numerics) or points % (if they are pairs) def nc__(suffix $)(suffix n,m)(expr f)(suffix p)= if str $ <> "": if unknown $p.n_: addPathVariables$(p); fi; $p.n_:=$p.n_+1; % the next four lines must occur before the variables get a value, % because we want to memorize the initial state $p.angleA[$p.n_]:=o_angleA_val; $p.angleB[$p.n_]:=o_angleB_val; $p.nodesepA[$p.n_]:=o_nodesepA_val; $p.nodesepB[$p.n_]:=o_nodesepB_val; fi; if unknown o_angleA_val: save o_angleA_val;numeric o_angleA_val; if numeric n: o_angleA_val= angle(m.sc_(CLOV_("posB"))-n.sc_(CLOV_("posA"))); else: o_angleA_val=angle(m-n); fi; fi; if unknown o_angleB_val: save o_angleB_val;numeric o_angleB_val; if numeric n: o_angleB_val= angle(m.sc_(CLOV_("posB"))-n.sc_(CLOV_("posA"))); else: o_angleB_val=angle(m-n); fi; fi; settodefaultifnotknown_("nodesepA")(numeric)(curve_nodesepA_default); settodefaultifnotknown_("nodesepB")(numeric)(curve_nodesepB_default); if str $ <> "": $p._draw_[$p.n_]:=LocalOptionValue("cdraw","cdraw_default"); $p._connect_[$p.n_]:=f; forsuffixes $$=posA,posB,armA,armB,loopsize,visible, linetensionA,linetensionB, arcangleA,arcangleB,offsetA,offsetB,linewidth,linecolor,border, bordercolor,linestyle,arrows,boxsize,boxheight,boxdepth, doubleline,doublesep,pathfilled,pathfillcolor: $p$$[$p.n_]:=CLOV_(str $$); endfor; $p.name[$p.n_]:=LocalOptionValue("name",""); nc_inc_$(p); fi; enddef; % Increment the size of the option arrays vardef nc_inc_@#(suffix p)= forsuffixes $:=pathoptions_: @#p$n_:=@#p$n_+1; endfor; enddef; % This is the main function that distinguishes if a curve is in % or out of an object (that is, if it will follow the object or not), % and if it links two objects or two points. % (That makes four different combinations.) % |pa| is the path connecting two objects % |pb| is the path connecting two points % |n| can be either an object (numeric) or a point (pair). vardef nc_core_@#(suffix n)(suffix p)(text pa)(text pb)= if str @# <> "": % we are in an object (deferred curve) if numeric n: addPath@#(p,@#p.n_,pa); else: addPath@#(p,@#p.n_,pb); fi; else: % we are not in an object (immediate curve) % we draw the curve only if it is visible: if CLOV_("visible"): if numeric n: sc_(LocalOptionValue("cdraw","cdraw_default")) ()(0) % value irrelevant, but first parameter empty (pa); else: sc_(LocalOptionValue("cdraw","cdraw_default")) ()(0) % value irrelevant, but first parameter empty (pb); fi; fi; fi; enddef; % This is like |nc_core_|, but the last two parameters of % |nc_core_| are identical. vardef nc_core_double_@#(suffix n)(suffix p)(text pa)= nc_core_@#(n)(p)(pa)(pa); enddef; vardef ncshort_@#(expr a,b)(text n)(text m)(text options)= if string n: save tmp;string tmp; tmp="(" & str @# & ")(" & nameToSuffixString_(n) & "," & nameToSuffixString_(m) & ")"; sc_(a & "_" & tmp)(b) options; sc_(b & "_" & tmp)(patharray_suffix_); else: sc_(a & "_")(@#)(n,m)(b) options; sc_(b & "_")(@#)(n,m)(patharray_suffix_); fi; enddef; def object_(suffix n)(expr s)= (n.sc_(CLOV_("pos" &s))+CLOV_("offset" & s)) enddef; def objectpoint_(suffix n)(expr s)= (n+CLOV_("offset" & s)) enddef; % This function is useful for matrices. It returns the object at % a given coordinate pair in a matrix. It is used by functions such % as |mcline|. def matpos(suffix $)(expr p)= obj($sb[(xpart(p)-1)*$ny+ypart(p)]) enddef; let mpos=matpos; % This function is useful for trees. It returns the object at % a given rank in a tree. def treepos(suffix $)(expr n)= obj(obj($subt).sb[n]) enddef; let tpos=treepos; % |ntreepos| is a shorthand for embedded |treepos| calls vardef ntreepos_(suffix O)(text l)= save list,first,result;string list,result; hide( first=0;list=""; forsuffixes $=l: if first=0: first:=$; else: if list="":list:=str $; else: list:=list & "," & str $; fi; fi; endfor; if list="": result="treepos(" & str O & ")(" & decimal(first) & ")"; else: result="ntreepos(treepos(" & str O & ")(" & decimal(first) & "))(" & list & ")"; fi; ) result enddef; % we can't use a |vardef| where a suffix appears, so we split % the |ntreepos| function in two parts. def ntreepos(suffix O)(text l)= scantokens(ntreepos_(O)(l)) enddef; def treeroot(suffix $)(text l)= if isTree(ntreepos($)(l)): obj(ntreepos($)(l)root) else: ntreepos($)(l) fi enddef; def setupobjectfunction(suffix n)= save f; if numeric n: let f=object_; else: let f=objectpoint_; fi; enddef; % |@#| is the object to which a line is added % |n| is the source subobject, |m| is the target. % We also distinguish the case when |n| and |m| are objects % and when they are points (numerics vs pairs) vardef nccurve@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","nccurve")(n)(m)(options); enddef; % ``reverse'' |nccurve| vardef rnccurve@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","nccurve")(m)(n)(options); enddef; vardef nccurve_(suffix $)(suffix n,m)(suffix p)= nc_core_$(n)(p) (object_(n)("A"){dir(o_angleA_val)} ..tension CLOV_("linetensionA") and CLOV_("linetensionB") ..{dir(o_angleB_val)}object_(m)("B") cutbefore BpathObj(n) cutafter BpathObj(m)) (objectpoint_(n)("A"){dir(o_angleA_val)} ..tension CLOV_("linetensionA") and CLOV_("linetensionB") ..{dir(o_angleB_val)}objectpoint_(m)("B")); enddef; % variant for matrices: % We connect two nodes of the matrix |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same % matrix. It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve % trans-connections. vardef mccurve@#(expr ai,aj,bi,bj) text options= nccurve@#(matpos(@#)((ai,aj)))(matpos(@#)((bi,bj))) options; enddef; % variant for trees: % We connect two nodes of the tree |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same tree. % It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve trans-connections. vardef tccurve@#(text ai)(text bi) text options= nccurve@#(ntreepos(@#)(ai))(ntreepos(@#)(bi)) options; enddef; % |@#| is the object to which a line is added % |n| is the source subobject, |m| is the target. % We also distinguish the case when |n| and |m| are objects % and when they are points (numerics vs pairs) vardef ncline@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","ncline")(n)(m)(options); enddef; % ``reverse'' |ncline| vardef rncline@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","ncline")(m)(n)(options); enddef; vardef ncline_(suffix $)(suffix n,m)(suffix p)= nc_core_$(n)(p) (object_(n)("A")..object_(m)("B") cutbefore BpathObj(n) cutafter BpathObj(m)) (objectpoint_(n)("A")..objectpoint_(m)("B")); enddef; % variant for matrices: % We connect two nodes of the matrix |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same % matrix. It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve % trans-connections. vardef mcline@#(expr ai,aj,bi,bj) text options= ncline@#(matpos(@#)((ai,aj)))(matpos(@#)((bi,bj))) options; enddef; % variant for trees: % We connect two nodes of the tree |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same tree. % It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve trans-connections. vardef tcline@#(text ai)(text bi) text options= ncline@#(ntreepos(@#)(ai))(ntreepos(@#)(bi)) options; enddef; % |@#| is the object to which a line is added % |n| is the source subobject, |m| is the target. % We also distinguish the case when |n| and |m| are objects % and when they are points (numerics vs pairs) vardef ncarc@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","ncarc")(n)(m)(options); enddef; % ``reverse'' |ncarc| vardef rncarc@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","ncarc")(m)(n)(options); enddef; vardef ncarc_(suffix $)(suffix n,m)(suffix p)= nc_core_$(n)(p) (object_(n)("A"){dir(o_angleA_val+CLOV_("arcangleA"))} ..{dir(o_angleB_val-CLOV_("arcangleB"))}object_(m)("B") cutbefore BpathObj(n) cutafter BpathObj(m)) (objectpoint_(n)("A"){dir(o_angleA_val+CLOV_("arcangleA"))} ..{dir(o_angleB_val-CLOV_("arcangleB"))}objectpoint_(m)("B")); enddef; % variant for matrices: % We connect two nodes of the matrix |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same % matrix. It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve % trans-connections. vardef mcarc@#(expr ai,aj,bi,bj) text options= ncarc@#(matpos(@#)((ai,aj)))(matpos(@#)((bi,bj))) options; enddef; % variant for trees: % We connect two nodes of the tree |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same tree. % It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve trans-connections. vardef tcarc@#(text ai)(text bi) text options= ncarc@#(ntreepos(@#)(ai))(ntreepos(@#)(bi)) options; enddef; % |@#| is the object to which a line is added % |n| is the source subobject, |m| is the target. % We also distinguish the case when |n| and |m| are objects % and when they are points (numerics vs pairs). vardef ncangle@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","ncangle")(n)(m)(options); enddef; % ``reverse'' |ncangle| vardef rncangle@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","ncangle")(m)(n)(options); enddef; vardef ncangle_(suffix $)(suffix n,m)(suffix p)= % we have to find two additional points; we must be careful % not to use assignments, because |n.c| and |m.c| % may be floating: save ap;pair ap[]; setupobjectfunction(n); f(m)("B")-ap1=CLOV_("armB")*dir(CLOV_("angleB")); ap2=f(n)("A")+whatever*dir(CLOV_("angleA")); ap1=ap2+whatever*dir(CLOV_("angleA")+90); nc_core_$(n)(p) (smoothen(object_(n)("A")--ap2--ap1--object_(m)("B") cutbefore BpathObj(n) cutafter BpathObj(m))(CLOV_("linearc"))) (smoothen(objectpoint_(n)("A")--ap2--ap1--objectpoint_(m)("B")) (CLOV_("linearc"))); enddef; % variant for matrices: % We connect two nodes of the matrix |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same % matrix. It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve % trans-connections. vardef mcangle@#(expr ai,aj,bi,bj) text options= ncangle@#(matpos(@#)((ai,aj)))(matpos(@#)((bi,bj))) options; enddef; % variant for trees: % We connect two nodes of the tree |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same tree. % It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve trans-connections. vardef tcangle@#(text ai)(text bi) text options= ncangle@#(ntreepos(@#)(ai))(ntreepos(@#)(bi)) options; enddef; % |@#| is the object to which a line is added % |n| is the source subobject, |m| is the target. % We also distinguish the case when |n| and |m| are objects % and when they are points (numerics vs pairs). vardef ncangles@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","ncangles")(n)(m)(options); enddef; % ``reverse'' |ncangles| vardef rncangles@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","ncangles")(m)(n)(options); enddef; vardef ncangles_(suffix $)(suffix n,m)(suffix p)= % we have to find additional points; we must be careful % not to use assignments, because |n.c| and |m.c| % may be floating: save ap;pair ap[]; setupobjectfunction(n); ap1-f(n)("A")=CLOV_("armA")*dir(CLOV_("angleA")); f(m)("B")-ap2=CLOV_("armB")*dir(CLOV_("angleB")); ap3=ap1+whatever*dir(CLOV_("angleA")+90); ap2=ap3+whatever*dir(CLOV_("angleA")); nc_core_$(n)(p) (smoothen(object_(n)("A")--ap1--ap3--ap2--object_(m)("B") cutbefore BpathObj(n) cutafter BpathObj(m))(CLOV_("linearc"))) (smoothen(objectpoint_(n)("A")--ap1--ap3--ap2--objectpoint_(m)("B")) (CLOV_("linearc"))); enddef; % variant for matrices: % We connect two nodes of the matrix |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same % matrix. It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve % trans-connections. vardef mcangles@#(expr ai,aj,bi,bj) text options= ncangles@#(matpos(@#)((ai,aj)))(matpos(@#)((bi,bj))) options; enddef; % variant for trees: % We connect two nodes of the tree |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same tree. % It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve trans-connections. vardef tcangles@#(text ai)(text bi) text options= ncangles@#(ntreepos(@#)(ai))(ntreepos(@#)(bi)) options; enddef; % |@#| is the object to which a line is added % |n| is the source subobject, |m| is the target. % We also distinguish the case when |n| and |m| are objects % and when they are points (numerics vs pairs). vardef ncdiag@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","ncdiag")(n)(m)(options); enddef; % ``reverse'' |ncdiag| vardef rncdiag@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","ncdiag")(m)(n)(options); enddef; vardef ncdiag_(suffix $)(suffix n,m)(suffix p)= % we have to find two additional points; we must be careful % not to use assignments, because |n.c| and |m.c| % may be floating: save ap;pair ap[]; setupobjectfunction(n); ap1-f(n)("A")=CLOV_("armA")*dir(CLOV_("angleA")); f(m)("B")-ap2=CLOV_("armB")*dir(CLOV_("angleB")); nc_core_$(n)(p) (smoothen(object_(n)("A")--ap1--ap2--object_(m)("B") cutbefore BpathObj(n) cutafter BpathObj(m))(CLOV_("linearc"))) (smoothen(objectpoint_(n)("A")--ap1--ap2--objectpoint_(m)("B")) (CLOV_("linearc"))); enddef; % variant for matrices: % We connect two nodes of the matrix |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same % matrix. It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve % trans-connections. vardef mcdiag@#(expr ai,aj,bi,bj) text options= ncdiag@#(matpos(@#)((ai,aj)))(matpos(@#)((bi,bj))) options; enddef; % variant for trees: % We connect two nodes of the tree |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same tree. % It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve trans-connections. vardef tcdiag@#(text ai)(text bi) text options= ncdiag@#(ntreepos(@#)(ai))(ntreepos(@#)(bi)) options; enddef; % |@#| is the object to which a line is added % |n| is the source subobject, |m| is the target. % We also distinguish the case when |n| and |m| are objects % and when they are points (numerics vs pairs). vardef ncdiagg@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","ncdiagg")(n)(m)(options); enddef; % ``reverse'' |ncdiagg| vardef rncdiagg@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","ncdiagg")(m)(n)(options); enddef; vardef ncdiagg_(suffix $)(suffix n,m)(suffix p)= % we have to find an additional point; we must be careful % not to use assignments, because |n.c| and |m.c| % may be floating: save ap;pair ap; setupobjectfunction(n); ap-f(n)("A")=CLOV_("armA")*dir(CLOV_("angleA")); nc_core_$(n)(p) (smoothen(object_(n)("A")--ap--object_(m)("B") cutbefore BpathObj(n) cutafter BpathObj(m))(CLOV_("linearc"))) (smoothen(objectpoint_(n)("A")--ap--objectpoint_(m)("B")) (CLOV_("linearc"))); enddef; % variant for matrices: % We connect two nodes of the matrix |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same % matrix. It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve % trans-connections. vardef mcdiagg@#(expr ai,aj,bi,bj) text options= ncdiagg@#(matpos(@#)((ai,aj)))(matpos(@#)((bi,bj))) options; enddef; % variant for trees: % We connect two nodes of the tree |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same tree. % It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve trans-connections. vardef tcdiagg@#(text ai)(text bi) text options= ncdiagg@#(ntreepos(@#)(ai))(ntreepos(@#)(bi)) options; enddef; % |@#| is the object to which a line is added % |n| is the source subobject, |m| is the target. % We also distinguish the case when |n| and |m| are objects % and when they are points (numerics vs pairs). vardef ncbar@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","ncbar")(n)(m)(options); enddef; % ``reverse'' |ncbar| vardef rncbar@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","ncbar")(m)(n)(options); enddef; vardef ncbar_(suffix $)(suffix n,m)(suffix p)= % we have to find additional points; we must be careful % not to use assignments, because |n.c| and |m.c| % may be floating: save ap,posap;pair ap[];numeric posap; setupobjectfunction(n); % we use different arms, but the same angles (see PSTricks documentation): ap1-f(n)("A")=CLOV_("armA")*dir(CLOV_("angleA")); ap2-f(m)("B")=CLOV_("armB")*dir(CLOV_("angleA")); ap3=posap[f(n)("A"),ap1]=whatever[ap2,ap2+(ap2-f(m)("B")) rotated 90]; ap4=whatever[f(m)("B"),ap2]=whatever[ap1,ap1+(ap1-f(n)("A")) rotated 90]; if posap<1: ap5=ap1;ap6=ap4; else: ap5=ap3;ap6=ap2; fi; nc_core_$(n)(p) (smoothen(object_(n)("A")--ap5--ap6--object_(m)("B") cutbefore BpathObj(n) cutafter BpathObj(m))(CLOV_("linearc"))) (smoothen(objectpoint_(n)("A")--ap5--ap6--objectpoint_(m)("B")) (CLOV_("linearc"))); enddef; % variant for matrices: % We connect two nodes of the matrix |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same % matrix. It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve % trans-connections. vardef mcbar@#(expr ai,aj,bi,bj) text options= ncbar@#(matpos(@#)((ai,aj)))(matpos(@#)((bi,bj))) options; enddef; % variant for trees: % We connect two nodes of the tree |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same tree. % It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve trans-connections. vardef tcbar@#(text ai)(text bi) text options= ncbar@#(ntreepos(@#)(ai))(ntreepos(@#)(bi)) options; enddef; % |@#| is the object to which a line is added % |n| is the source subobject, |m| is the target. % We also distinguish the case when |n| and |m| are objects % and when they are points (numerics vs pairs). vardef ncloop@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","ncloop")(n)(m)(options); enddef; % ``reverse'' |ncloop| vardef rncloop@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","ncloop")(m)(n)(options); enddef; vardef ncloop_(suffix $)(suffix n,m)(suffix p)= % we have to find additionnal points; we must be careful % not to use assignments, because |n.c| and |m.c| % may be floating: save ap,posap;pair ap[];numeric posap; setupobjectfunction(n); ap1-f(n)("A")=CLOV_("armA")*dir(CLOV_("angleA")); f(m)("B")-ap2=CLOV_("armB")*dir(CLOV_("angleB")); ap3-ap1=CLOV_("loopsize")*unitvector((ap1-f(n)("A")) rotated 90); ap4=whatever[ap3,ap3+(ap2-f(m)("B"))] =whatever[ap2,ap2+(ap2-f(m)("B")) rotated 90]; nc_core_$(n)(p) (smoothen(object_(n)("A")--ap1--ap3--ap4--ap2--object_(m)("B") cutbefore BpathObj(n) cutafter BpathObj(m))(CLOV_("linearc"))) (smoothen(objectpoint_(n)("A")--ap1--ap3--ap4--ap2--objectpoint_(m)("B")) (CLOV_("linearc"))); enddef; % variant for matrices: % We connect two nodes of the matrix |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same % matrix. It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve % trans-connections. vardef mcloop@#(expr ai,aj,bi,bj) text options= ncloop@#(matpos(@#)((ai,aj)))(matpos(@#)((bi,bj))) options; enddef; % variant for trees: % We connect two nodes of the tree |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same tree. % It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve trans-connections. vardef tcloop@#(text ai)(text bi) text options= ncloop@#(ntreepos(@#)(ai))(ntreepos(@#)(bi)) options; enddef; % |firstpart| returns the time elapsed between the beginning of |p| % and the point where the distance to the origin (on |p|) is |d| def firstpart_(expr d,p)= arctime(d/arclength(p),p) enddef; % Cut a path |p| in pieces of approximate arclength |d| % (this is actually a macro I wrote in April 1995) vardef divide_equally_(expr p,d)= save a,q,v; numeric a; path q,v; hide( v=p; q=point 0 of v; forever: a:=firstpart_(d,v); q:=q{direction 0 of v}..{direction a of v}(point a of v); exitif abs(a-length(v))<.1mm; v:=subpath(a,infinity) of v; endfor; ) q enddef; vardef zigzagit__(expr p)= save n,q,r,zz;path q,r;pair zz[]; hide( n=floor(arclength(p)/(CLOV_("coilwidth")*CLOV_("coilheight"))+0.5); % we now divide |p| in |n| pieces q=divide_equally_(p,arclength(p)/n); % here, we must now introduce additional points for i:=0 upto length(q)-1: zz[i*3]=point i of q; zz[i*3+1]=.25[point i of q,point (i+1) of q] +CLOV_("coilwidth")/2 *(unitvector((point (i+1) of q)-(point i of q)) rotated 90); zz[i*3+2]=.75[point i of q,point (i+1) of q] +CLOV_("coilwidth")/2 *(unitvector(point (i+1) of q-point i of q) rotated -90); endfor; zz[length(q)*3]=point infinity of q; % when joining the points, we must take care not to introduce % additional angles, in case |p| was not a straight line r=zz[0]--zz[1] for i:=1 upto length(q)-1: -- zz[3*i-1]--zz[3*i+1] endfor --zz[3*(length(q)-1)+2]--zz[3*length(q)]; ) r enddef; % coil function def coilf_(expr q,i)= ( if i>0: (arcpoint (i/n,q) +((.5CLOV_("coilwidth") *(sind(frac(i)*360), 2*newcoilheight*i +cosd(frac(i)*360)*sind(CLOV_("coilaspect")))) -(0,.5CLOV_("coilwidth")*sind(CLOV_("coilaspect"))+(i/n)*arclength(q))) rotated (angle(arcdirection (i/n,q))-90) ) else: (arcpoint (0,q) +((.5CLOV_("coilwidth") *(0,sind(CLOV_("coilaspect")))) -(0,.5CLOV_("coilwidth")*sind(CLOV_("coilaspect")))) rotated (angle(arcdirection (0,q))-90) ) fi ) enddef; vardef coilit__(expr p)= save n,q,newcoilheight;path q; hide( n=round(arclength(p)/(CLOV_("coilheight")*CLOV_("coilwidth"))); % we slightly change the coilheight so that the coil % turns an integer number of times if n>0: newcoilheight=arclength(p)/n/CLOV_("coilwidth"); fi; q=coilf_(p,0) for i:=1 upto n*(360/CLOV_("coilinc")): ..coilf_(p,i*(CLOV_("coilinc")/360)) endfor; ) q enddef; % This function takes two paths where the last point % of the first path is the first point of the second path; % it creates a path looking like |p--q|, but where the % common point is not duplicated. def combinepaths_(expr p,q)= ((subpath(0,length(p)-1) of p).. controls (postcontrol (length(p)-1) of p) and (precontrol length(p) of p) ..q) enddef; vardef zigcoil_(expr type,p)= save na,nb; hide( % first, we cut two ends at lengths |coilarmA| and |coilarmB| na=firstpart_(CLOV_("coilarmA"),p); nb=firstpart_(CLOV_("coilarmB"),reverse p); ) % we merge three paths, but we take care that no double points are added; % the double points would make it difficult to smooth the curve afterwards combinepaths_( combinepaths_(subpath (0,na) of p, scantokens(type)(subpath (na,length(p)-nb) of p)), subpath (length(p)-nb,infinity) of p) enddef; vardef zigzagit(expr p)= zigcoil_("zigzagit__",p) enddef; vardef coilit(expr p)= zigcoil_("coilit__",p) enddef; def frac(expr i)= (i-floor(i)) enddef; % function giving the time with respect to arclength: % arctime 0 of p=beginning % arctime 1 of p=end % vardef arctime(expr i,p)= save t; hide( if i=0: t=0; elseif i=1: t=length(p); else: save d,min,max; d=i*arclength(p); min=0;max=length(p); forever: t:=(min+max)/2; if arclength(subpath(0,t) of p)=0: boxh elseif boxd>=0: (2*boxs-boxd) % boxsize is half the width, % according to PSTricks' documentation else: boxs fi enddef; % Compute the |boxdepth| parameter def compute_boxd(expr boxs,boxh,boxd)= if boxd>=0: boxd elseif boxh>=0: (2*boxs-boxh) % boxsize is half the width, % according to PSTricks' documentation else: boxs fi enddef; vardef ncbox_(suffix $)(suffix n,m)(suffix p)= % we have to find additional points; we must be careful % not to use assignments, because |n.c| and |m.c| % may be floating: save ap,boxh,boxd;pair ap[]; setupobjectfunction(n); boxh=compute_boxh(CLOV_("boxsize"),CLOV_("boxheight"),CLOV_("boxdepth")); boxd=compute_boxd(CLOV_("boxsize"),CLOV_("boxheight"),CLOV_("boxdepth")); f(n)("A")-ap1=CLOV_("nodesepA")*unitvector(f(m)("B")-f(n)("A")); ap5-ap1=boxh*unitvector(dir(90+angle(f(m)("B")-f(n)("A")))); ap1-ap2=boxd*unitvector(dir(90+angle(f(m)("B")-f(n)("A")))); ap4-ap3=ap5-ap2; ap4-ap5=(CLOV_("nodesepA") +CLOV_("nodesepB") +arclength(f(n)("A")--f(m)("B")))*unitvector(f(m)("B")-f(n)("A")); % we set nodesepA and nodesepB to 0 because they are used with another % meaning in |addPath| (I am just following what PSTricks does.) o_nodesepA_val:=0; o_nodesepB_val:=0; nc_core_double_$(n)(p) (smoothen(ap1--ap2--ap3--ap4--ap5--ap1)(CLOV_("linearc"))); enddef; % variant for matrices: % We connect two nodes of the matrix |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same % matrix. It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve % trans-connections. vardef mcbox@#(expr ai,aj,bi,bj) text options= ncbox@#(matpos(@#)((ai,aj)))(matpos(@#)((bi,bj))) options; enddef; % variant for trees: % We connect two nodes of the tree |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same tree. % It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve trans-connections. vardef tcbox@#(text ai)(text bi) text options= ncbox@#(ntreepos(@#)(ai))(ntreepos(@#)(bi)) options; enddef; % |@#| is the object to which a line is added % |n| is the source subobject, |m| is the target. % We also distinguish the case when |n| and |m| are objects % and when they are points (numerics vs pairs). vardef ncarcbox@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","ncarcbox")(n)(m)("arrows(draw)",options); enddef; % ``reverse'' |ncarcbox| vardef rncarcbox@#(text n)(text m) text options = ncshort_@#("nc","ncarcbox")(m)(n)("arrows(draw)",options); enddef; vardef ncarcbox_(suffix $)(suffix n,m)(suffix p)= % we have to find additional points; we must be careful % not to use assignments, because |n.c| and |m.c| % may be floating: save ap,boxh,boxd;pair ap[]; setupobjectfunction(n); boxh=compute_boxh(CLOV_("boxsize"),CLOV_("boxheight"),CLOV_("boxdepth")); boxd=compute_boxd(CLOV_("boxsize"),CLOV_("boxheight"),CLOV_("boxdepth")); ap20=unitvector(dir(90+angle(f(m)("B")-f(n)("A"))+CLOV_("arcangleA"))); ap21=-ap24=ap20 rotated -90; ap22=-ap25=ap21 rotated (-2*CLOV_("arcangleA")); ap23=ap20 rotated (-2*CLOV_("arcangleA")); ap1-f(n)("A")=boxh*ap20; f(n)("A")-ap2=boxd*ap20; ap5-f(m)("B")=boxh*ap23; f(m)("B")-ap4=boxd*ap23; ap1-ap11=ap2-ap12=ap21*CLOV_("nodesepA"); ap15-ap5=ap14-ap4=ap22*CLOV_("nodesepB"); if CLOV_("arcangleA")=0: % normally, one would use |ncbox| instead of |ncarcbox| in this case, % but we make sure it works anyway ap6=.5[ap1,ap5]; ap3=.5[ap2,ap4]; else: if abs(CLOV_("arcangleA"))=90: ap0=.5[ap1,ap5]; else: ap0=whatever[ap1,ap2]=whatever[ap5,ap4]; fi; ap6-ap0=(ap1-ap0) rotated (.5*(angle(ap5-ap0)-angle(ap1-ap0))); ap3-ap0=(ap2-ap0) rotated (.5*(angle(ap5-ap0)-angle(ap1-ap0))); fi; % we set nodesepA and nodesepB to 0 because they are used with another % meaning in |addPath| (I am just following what PSTricks does.) o_nodesepA_val:=0; o_nodesepB_val:=0; nc_core_double_$(n)(p) (ap11{ap21}..ap1{ap21}..ap6..{ap22}ap5..ap15{ap22}..{ap25}ap14.. {ap25}ap4..ap3..{ap24}ap2{ap24}..{ap24}ap12..{ap21}ap11); enddef; % variant for matrices: % We connect two nodes of the matrix |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same % matrix. It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve % trans-connections. vardef mcarcbox@#(expr ai,aj,bi,bj) text options= ncarcbox@#(matpos(@#)((ai,aj)))(matpos(@#)((bi,bj))) options; enddef; % variant for trees: % We connect two nodes of the tree |@#|. % This cannot be used to connect nodes that are not in the same tree. % It is simpler to name the nodes in order to achieve trans-connections. vardef tcarcbox@#(text ai)(text bi) text options= ncarcbox@#(ntreepos(@#)(ai))(ntreepos(@#)(bi)) options; enddef; % |@#| is the object to which a line is added % |n| is the source and target subobject % we could also distinguish the case when |n| is an object % and when it is a point (numerics vs pairs) vardef nccircle@#(text n) text options = o_patharray("_upath_"); % The first parameter is not relevant since we have only local options ExecuteOptions()(options); if string n: save tmp;string tmp; tmp="(" & str @# & ")(" & nameToSuffixString_(n) & ")"; sc_("nccircle_" & tmp)(patharray_suffix_); else: nccircle_(@#)(n)(patharray_suffix_); fi; enddef; % |n| is either an object (if numeric) or a point (if it is a pair) vardef nccircle_(suffix $)(suffix n)(suffix p)= if str $<>"": if unknown $p.n_: addPathVariables$(p); fi; fi; settodefaultifnotknown_("angleA")(numeric)(0); settodefaultifnotknown_("linewidth")(numeric)(curve_linewidth_default); settodefaultifnotknown_("nodesepA")(numeric)(0); settodefaultifnotknown_("nodesepB")(numeric)(0); if str $ <>"": $p.n_:=$p.n_+1; $p._draw_[$p.n_]:=LocalOptionValue("cdraw","cdraw_default"); $p.name[$p.n_]:=LocalOptionValue("name",""); $p._connect_[$p.n_]:="nccircle"; $p.arrows[$p.n_]:=CLOV_("arrows"); $p.visible[$p.n_]:=CLOV_("visible"); $p.pathfilled[$p.n_]:=false; $p.pathfillcolor[$p.n_]:=black; $p.angleA[$p.n_]:=o_angleA_val; $p.angleB[$p.n_]:=o_angleB_val; $p.linewidth[$p.n_]:=o_linewidth_val; $p.nodesepA[$p.n_]:=o_nodesepA_val; $p.nodesepB[$p.n_]:=o_nodesepB_val; nc_inc_$(p); fi; % we have to find one additional point; we must be careful % not to use assignments, because |n.c| may be floating: save ap;pair ap; if numeric n: ap=n.c+2cm*dir(90+o_angleA_val); % 2cm should be a parameter else: ap=n+2cm*dir(90+o_angleA_val); % 2cm should be a parameter fi; nc_core_$(n)(p) (n.c{dir(o_angleA_val)}..ap..n.c cutbefore BpathObj(n) cutafter BpathObj(n)) (n{dir(o_angleA_val)}..ap..n); enddef; % variant for matrices: vardef mccircle@#(expr ai,aj) text options= nccircle@#(matpos(@#)((ai,aj))) options; enddef; %==================================================================== % Labels % Labels are pictures. We use an internal array |ipic_| in order % to store the labels that are not the standard labels (such % as the contents of a circle, etc.) % This should be common to all labels def objlabel_(suffix $)(expr p) text options = ExecuteOptions($)(options); if unknown $ipic_1: ObjPictureArray(ipic_)(0); ObjPointArray(ipic_.off_)(0); ObjTransformArray(ipic_.transf_)(0); ObjColorArray(ipic_.col_)(0); ObjBooleanArray(ipic_.erase_)(0); fi; $ipic_.n_:=$ipic_.n_+1; % we give default values to the options, in case they don't have any settodefaultifnotknown_("labrotate")(numeric)(0); settodefaultifnotknown_("labpos")(numeric)(0.5); settodefaultifnotknown_("labcolor")(color)(black); settodefaultifnotknown_("labpoint")(string)("ic"); settodefaultifnotknown_("laberase")(boolean)(false); % picture: $ipic_[$ipic_.n_]=p; $ipic_[$ipic_.n_]:=$ipic_[$ipic_.n_] shifted -.5[urcorner(p),llcorner(p)] rotated o_labrotate_val; % transformation $ipic_.transf_.n_:=$ipic_.transf_.n_+1; $ipic_.transf_[$ipic_.transf_.n_]=identity; % we also store the color: $ipic_.col_.n_:=$ipic_.col_.n_+1; $ipic_.col_[$ipic_.col_.n_]=o_labcolor_val; $ipic_.erase_.n_:=$ipic_.erase_.n_+1; $ipic_.erase_[$ipic_.erase_.n_]=o_laberase_val; enddef; % This is used in |ObjLabel| % the shift uses values defined in |plain.mp| % (labeloffset, laboff, etc.); see the code for |thelabel|. def labshift_(suffix $)= (2 % 2 instead of 1 in the original code *labeloffset*laboff.sc_(o_labdir_val) - (labxf.sc_(o_labdir_val)*(lrcorner $ipic_[$ipic_.off_.n_]) + labyf.sc_(o_labdir_val)*(ulcorner $ipic_[$ipic_.off_.n_]) + (1-labxf.sc_(o_labdir_val)-labyf.sc_(o_labdir_val)) *(llcorner $ipic_[$ipic_.off_.n_]) ) ) enddef; % not used def opposite_(expr c)= if c="n": "s" elseif c="s": "n" elseif c="e": "w" elseif c="w": "e" elseif c="ne": "sw" elseif c="nw": "se" elseif c="sw": "ne" else: "nw" fi enddef; % def cardtodir_(expr c)= if c="n": "top" elseif c="s": "bot" elseif c="e": "rt" elseif c="w": "lft" elseif c="ne": "urt" elseif c="nw": "ulft" elseif c="sw": "llft" else: "lrt" fi enddef; % This adds the picture |p| on point |a| of object |@#|. % Two options are recognized: |labshift| and |labrotate|. vardef ObjLabel@#(expr p) text options = objlabel_(@#)(p) options; % offset: addPointToPointArray@#(ipic_.off_); save tmpoff;pair tmpoff; if unknown o_labpathname_val and unknown o_labpathid_val: if unknown o_labcard_val: settodefaultifnotknown_("labshift")(pair)((0,0)); tmpoff=@#sc_(o_labpoint_val)+o_labshift_val; else: % The |labcard| option is handled like the |labdir| option, % but from the |labcard| point of the object. For instance, % |labcard(s)| will be handled like a |labdir(bot)| on point |s| % of the object. We use |cardtodir_| to transform a cardinal point % into a direction. settodefaultifnotknown_("labdir")(string)(cardtodir_(o_labcard_val)); tmpoff=@#sc_(o_labcard_val); fi; else: tmpoff=objpathlabel_(@#); if known o_labangle_val: @#ipic_[@#ipic_.n_]:=@#ipic_[@#ipic_.n_] rotated o_labangle_val; fi; fi; if known o_labdir_val: @#ipic_.off_[@#ipic_.off_.n_]=tmpoff+labshift_(@#); else: @#ipic_.off_[@#ipic_.off_.n_]=tmpoff; fi; enddef; % This function places a label at a place % that is the value of the expression |t|. vardef ObjComputedLabel@#(expr p)(text t) text options = objlabel_(@#)(p) options; % offset: addPointToPointArray@#(ipic_.off_); @#ipic_.off_[@#ipic_.off_.n_]=t; enddef; % |pathid| is a path index in the standard or user path arrays. % We distinguish the two cases with the sign of |pathid|. % The |labpos| option will be the parameter of the path. vardef objpathlabel_(suffix $)= save pathn,tmpoff;numeric pathn;pair tmpoff; hide( if known o_labpathid_val: pathn=o_labpathid_val; else: % we search in the path arrays for a path of that name; % this will give us its index: forsuffixes $$=_upath_,_spath_: if known $.$$n_: for i:=1 upto $.$$n_: if $.$$name[i]=o_labpathname_val: if str $$="_upath_": pathn=-i; else: pathn=i; fi; fi; exitif $.$$name[i]=o_labpathname_val; endfor; fi; endfor; fi; save untied;boolean untied;untied=true; if known $c:untied:=false;fi; % we temporarily tie the object if necessary if untied:$c=origin;fi; if pathn>0: tmpoff=point (o_labpos_val*length(Path$(_spath_,pathn))) of Path$(_spath_,pathn); if known o_labangle_val: o_labangle_val:=o_labangle_val +angle(direction (o_labpos_val*length(Path$(_spath_,pathn))) of Path$(_spath_,pathn)); fi; else: tmpoff=point (o_labpos_val*length(Path$(_upath_,-pathn))) of Path$(_upath_,-pathn); if known o_labangle_val: o_labangle_val:=o_labangle_val +angle(direction (o_labpos_val*length(Path$(_upath_,-pathn))) of Path$(_upath_,-pathn)); fi; fi; % if the object was initially untied, we untie it if untied:untieObj($);fi; ) tmpoff enddef; % Draw the non-standard labels of object |@#|: vardef drawLabels@#= if known @#ipic_.n_: for i:=1 upto @#ipic_.n_: if @#ipic_.erase_[i]: unfill bbox(@#ipic_[i] transformed @#ipic_.transf_[i] shifted @#ipic_.off_[i]); fi; draw @#ipic_[i] transformed @#ipic_.transf_[i] shifted @#ipic_.off_[i] withcolor @#ipic_.col_[i]; endfor; fi; enddef; %==================================================================== % Line styles % This is adapted from the definition of |double| in |feynmp.mp|: def draw_double(expr p)(expr sep)(expr lwidth) text s = save oldpen; pen oldpen; oldpen := currentpen; pickup pencircle scaled (2lwidth+sep); % we use |cutdraw|, otherwise the ends are closed because % |undraw| will only remove some inner part cutdraw(p) s; pickup pencircle scaled sep; undraw p; pickup oldpen; enddef; def drawarrow_double(expr p)(expr sep)(expr lwidth) text s = save oldpen; pen oldpen; oldpen := currentpen; pickup pencircle scaled (2lwidth+sep); drawarrow(p) s; pickup pencircle scaled sep; undraw p; pickup oldpen; enddef; def rdrawarrow_double(expr p)(expr sep)(expr lwidth) text s = drawarrow_double(reverse p)(sep)(lwidth) s; enddef; %==================================================================== % Trees % A tree can be thought of as a root and a (possibly empty) list of subtrees. % One could think of creating an object for the root and putting % subobjects for all subtrees. However, doing so is not a good thing, % because one has at the same place the shape of the root and % the links to subtrees. So, if one wants to change the shape of % the root (and possibly other nodes), one has either % - to make a copy of the function defining the object % and to change the shape (points, equations, paths), or % - to make a copy of another function defining the desired shape % and add what is relevant to subtrees % But, there is a better way: one can define a generic ``tree node'' % object, having not only the usual subtrees as its subobjects, % but also the root. Then, changing the shape of the root becomes % independent of the rest of tree (assuming the interface conventions % are respected, of course). The tree node object can even be % parameterized more, for instance by a function deciding the layout % of the subtrees (packed or not, considering only the bounding box, % or looking inside, etc.) % Tree: Generic Trees % |@#| is a name for an object (must be a suffix) % |@#| will be the number of the object, but will also be used % as a prefix for other variables. vardef newTree@#(suffix theroot)(text subtrees) text options= ExecuteOptions(@#)(options); assignObj(@#,"Tree"); StandardInterface; save n,eq;numeric n;string eq; n=0; forsuffixes $:=subtrees:n:=n+1;endfor; ObjNumeric nst; setNumeric(nst)(n); % The |_spath_| variables are for connections % between the root and the subtrees addPathVariables@#(_spath_); SubObject(subt,obj(newobjstring_)); if Option@#("treemode","L"): % We put the subtrees in an |VBox| object % and we use this non-documented construction to pass an option, % because we can't pass the option the usual way, at least not simply: begingroup; o_flip(OptionValue@#("treeflip")); o_align(OptionValue@#("Lalign")); o_vbsep(OptionValue@#("vbsep")); o_elementsize(OptionValue@#("treenodevsize")); newVBox.obj(@#subt)(subtrees); endgroup; elseif Option@#("treemode","R"): % We put the subtrees in an |VBox| object: begingroup; o_flip(OptionValue@#("treeflip")); o_align(OptionValue@#("Ralign")); o_vbsep(OptionValue@#("vbsep")); o_elementsize(OptionValue@#("treenodevsize")); newVBox.obj(@#subt)(subtrees); endgroup; elseif Option@#("treemode","U"): % We put the subtrees in an |HBox| object: begingroup; o_flip(OptionValue@#("treeflip")); o_align(OptionValue@#("Ualign")); o_hbsep(OptionValue@#("hbsep")); o_elementsize(OptionValue@#("treenodehsize")); newHBox.obj(@#subt)(subtrees); endgroup; else: % default case % We put the subtrees in an |HBox| object: begingroup; o_flip(OptionValue@#("treeflip")); o_align(OptionValue@#("Dalign")); o_hbsep(OptionValue@#("hbsep")); o_elementsize(OptionValue@#("treenodehsize")); newHBox.obj(@#subt)(subtrees); endgroup; fi; % The root is also a subobject: SubObject(root,theroot); % we now build the equations: % CURRENTLY, WE ASSUME THAT THE SUBTREES ARE LARGER THAN THE ROOT, % BUT IT SHOULD BE MADE MORE GENERAL % (right now, nothing here depends on the width of the root) % (the tree can still be built, but it can happen that the root % protrudes) % 1 horizontal equation: the root is in the middle of the tree % |xpart(root.c)=xpart(subt.c)| % 2 horizontal equation: horizontal space at the edges % |xpart(subt.w-@#w)=xpart(@#e-subt.e)=0mm;| % 3 vertical equation: vertical distance between root and subtrees % |ypart(root.s-subt.n)=1cm;| % 4 vertical equation: vertical space at the top % |ypart(@#n-root.n)=0mm;| % 5 vertical equation: vertical space at the bottom % |ypart(subt.s-@#s)=0mm;| if Option@#("treemode","L") or Option@#("treemode","R"): % 1: |ypart(root.c)=ypart(subt.c)| eq:="ypart(obj(@#root).c)=ypart(obj(@#subt).c);"; % 2: |ypart(subt.s-@#s)=ypart(@#n-subt.n)=5mm;| eq:=eq & "ypart(obj(@#subt).s-@#s)=ypart(@#n-obj(@#subt).n)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("dy")) & ";"; if Option@#("treemode","L"): % 3: |xpart(root.w-subt.e)=1cm;| if OptionValue@#("treenodehsize")>0: eq:=eq & "xpart(obj(@#root).e-obj(@#subt).e)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("hsep")+OptionValue@#("treenodehsize")) & ";"; else: eq:=eq & "xpart(obj(@#root).w-obj(@#subt).e)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("hsep")) & ";"; fi; % 4: |xpart(@#e-root.e)=0mm;| eq:=eq & "xpart(@#e-obj(@#root).e)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("dx")) & ";"; % 5: |xpart(subt.w-@#w)=0mm;| eq:=eq & "xpart(obj(@#subt).w-@#w)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("dx")) & ";"; else: % R % 3: |xpart(subt.w-root.e)=1cm;| if OptionValue@#("treenodehsize")>0: eq:=eq & "xpart(obj(@#subt).w-obj(@#root).w)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("hsep")+OptionValue@#("treenodehsize")) & ";"; else: eq:=eq & "xpart(obj(@#subt).w-obj(@#root).e)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("hsep")) & ";"; fi; % 4: |xpart(root.w-@#w)=0mm;| eq:=eq & "xpart(obj(@#root).w-@#w)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("dx")) & ";"; % 5: |xpart(@#e-subt.e)=0mm;| eq:=eq & "xpart(@#e-obj(@#subt).e)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("dx")) & ";"; fi; else: % includes default case % 1: |xpart(root.c)=xpart(subt.c)| eq:="xpart(obj(@#root).c)=xpart(obj(@#subt).c);"; % 2: |xpart(subt.w-@#w)=xpart(@#e-subt.e)=5mm;| eq:=eq & "xpart(obj(@#subt).w-@#w)=xpart(@#e-obj(@#subt).e)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("dx")) & ";"; if Option@#("treemode","U"): % 3: |ypart(subt.s-root.n)=1cm;| if OptionValue@#("treenodevsize")>0: eq:=eq & "ypart(obj(@#subt).s-obj(@#root).s)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("vsep")+OptionValue@#("treenodevsize")) & ";"; else: eq:=eq & "ypart(obj(@#subt).s-obj(@#root).n)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("vsep")) & ";"; fi; % 4: |ypart(root.s-@#s)=0mm;| eq:=eq & "ypart(obj(@#root).s-@#s)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("dy")) & ";"; % 5: |ypart(@#n-subt.n)=0mm;| eq:=eq & "ypart(@#n-obj(@#subt).n)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("dy")) & ";"; else: % default case % 3: |ypart(root.s-subt.n)=1cm;| if OptionValue@#("treenodevsize")>0: eq:=eq & "ypart(obj(@#root).n-obj(@#subt).n)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("vsep")+OptionValue@#("treenodevsize")) & ";"; else: eq:=eq & "ypart(obj(@#root).s-obj(@#subt).n)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("vsep")) & ";"; fi; % 4: |ypart(@#n-root.n)=0mm;| eq:=eq & "ypart(@#n-obj(@#root).n)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("dy")) & ";"; % 5: |ypart(subt.s-@#s)=0mm;| eq:=eq & "ypart(obj(@#subt).s-@#s)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("dy")) & ";"; fi; fi; ObjCode StandardEquations,eq; % |"xpart(@#n)=xpart(@#s);ypart(@#ne)=ypart(@#nw);";| StandardTies; if OptionValue@#("hideleaves"): hideTreeLeaves(@#); fi; memorizeConnections_@#(true); enddef; % |t| is the tree, |n| is the child number, |par| is the parameter % |val| is the new value def setTreeEdge(suffix t)(expr n)(suffix par)(expr val)= t._spath_.par[n]:=val; enddef; % This function memorizes the connections between the root and the % subtrees; it is also used when a subtree is replaced by another one, % or when the number of subtrees changes. % The value of |fromoptions| determines % whether we take the connection information % from the options, or from a memorized structure vardef memorizeConnections_@#(expr fromoptions)= % we memorize the connection paths: for i:=1 upto @#nst: % only connections to non empty boxes if not isEmptyBox(obj(obj(@#subt).sb[i])): if not(isHFan(Obj(TreeRootObj_(obj(obj(@#subt).sb[i]))))) and not(isVFan(Obj(TreeRootObj_(obj(obj(@#subt).sb[i]))))): % the next call will inherit the options of |Tree| that are % relevant to the |edge| argument, such as |cdraw|: if OptionValue@#("edge")<>"none": if fromoptions: sc_(connectionCommand_@#(i,true)); else: % we use the |pp| variable which is defined in % |replaceTreeElement.exp|: sc_(connectionCommand_@#(i,false)); fi; fi; else: ncfan@#(obj(@#root))(Obj(TreeRootObj_(obj(obj(@#subt).sb[i]))))(i); fi; fi; endfor; enddef; % |n| is the fan object and |i| is the rank in the subtrees vardef fanconnection_@#(suffix root,n,a,b)(expr i)= if OptionValue.n("pointedfan"): addPath@#(_spath_,i, smoothen(((.5[n.a,n.b]--root.ic) intersectionpoint BpathObj(root)) --n.a--.5[n.a,n.b], OptionValue.n("fanlinearc")) & smoothen(.5[n.a,n.b]--n.b-- ((.5[n.a,n.b]--root.ic) intersectionpoint BpathObj(root)), OptionValue.n("fanlinearc"))); else: addPath@#(_spath_,i, smoothen(((n.a--root.ic) intersectionpoint BpathObj(root))--n.a --.5[n.a,n.b], OptionValue.n("fanlinearc")) & smoothen(.5[n.a,n.b]--n.b-- ((n.b--root.ic) intersectionpoint BpathObj(root)), OptionValue.n("fanlinearc"))); fi; @#_spath_.n_:=@#_spath_.n_+1; % the value |"fandraw"| allows us to detect that the memorized path % corresponds to a fan @#_spath_.arrows[@#_spath_.n_]:="fandraw"; enddef; vardef ncfan@#(suffix n)(suffix m)(expr i)= if isHFan(m): fanconnection_@#(n,m,ie,iw)(i); elseif isVFan(m): fanconnection_@#(n,m,in,is)(i); fi; enddef; % temporary def fandraw = draw enddef; % This function builds a complex connection command from options. % The result is a string. vardef connectionCommand_@#(expr i,fromoptions)= save cmd;string cmd; hide( if fromoptions: cmd=OptionValue@#("edge"); else: cmd=pp._connect_[i]; fi; cmd:=cmd & "." & str @# & "(obj(" & str @# & ".root))(Obj(TreeRootObj_(obj(obj(" & str @# & ".subt).sb[" & decimal i & "]))))" & " " & quote("patharray(_spath_)") optionCase_("angleA",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("angleB",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("arcangleA",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("arcangleB",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("linewidth",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("nodesepA",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("nodesepB",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("loopsize",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("boxsize",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("boxheight",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("boxdepth",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("visible",i,fromoptions)(booleantostring)(@#) optionCase_("pathfilled",i,fromoptions)(booleantostring)(@#) optionCase_("pathfillcolor",i,fromoptions)(colortostring)(@#) optionCase_("linearc",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("linetensionA",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("linetensionB",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("coilarmA",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("coilarmB",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("coilheight",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("coilwidth",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("coilaspect",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("coilinc",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("posA",i,fromoptions)()(@#) optionCase_("posB",i,fromoptions)()(@#) optionCase_("armA",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("armB",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("offsetA",i,fromoptions)(pairtostring)(@#) optionCase_("offsetB",i,fromoptions)(pairtostring)(@#) optionCase_("name",i,fromoptions)()(@#) optionCase_("linecolor",i,fromoptions)(colortostring)(@#) optionCase_("border",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("bordercolor",i,fromoptions)(colortostring)(@#) optionCase_("linestyle",i,fromoptions)()(@#) optionCase_("doubleline",i,fromoptions)(booleantostring)(@#) optionCase_("doublesep",i,fromoptions)(decimal)(@#) optionCase_("arrows",i,fromoptions)()(@#); ) cmd enddef; def pairtostring(expr p)= "(" & decimal (xpart(p)) & "," & decimal(ypart(p)) & ")" enddef; def booleantostring(expr b)= if b:"true" else: "false" fi enddef; def colortostring(expr p)= "(" & decimal(redpart(p)) & "," & decimal(greenpart(p)) & "," & decimal(bluepart(p)) & ")" enddef; def optionCase_(expr opname,i,fromoptions)(text type)(suffix $)= if fromoptions: if expandafter known sc_("o_" & opname & "_val"): & "," & quote(opname &"(" & type (OptionValue$(opname)) & ")") fi else: if known pp.sc_(opname)[i]: & "," & quote(opname & "(" & type (pp.sc_(opname)[i]) & ")") fi fi enddef; streamline("Tree")("(expr theroot)(text subtrees)", "suffixpar(theroot)suffixlist(subtrees)"); % useful shortcuts: def T =newTree enddef; def _T =new_Tree enddef; def T_=new_Tree_ enddef; def BpathTree(suffix n)= StandardBpath(n) enddef; % This returns the internal number of the root object % In order to get the appropriate suffix, one should apply |Obj| % to the result. def TreeRootObj_(suffix sb)= (if isBB(sb): TreeRootObj_(obj(sb.sub)) elseif isTree(sb): TreeRootObj_(obj(sb.root)) else: sb fi ) enddef; % CHOOSE A BETTER NAME % This returns the center of the root object def TreeRoot_(suffix sb)= Obj(TreeRootObj_(sb)).ic enddef; % This returns the bounding path of the root object def TreeRootPath_(suffix sb)= BpathObj(Obj(TreeRootObj_(sb))) enddef; vardef drawTree(suffix n)= drawFramedOrFilledObject_(n); % pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; % draw n.nw--n.ne--n.se--n.sw--cycle withcolor red; % pickup pencircle scaled .4pt; drawMemorizedPaths_(n); drawObj(obj(n.subt)); % and draw connections (this should be parameterized too) for i:=1 upto n.nst: % only connections to non empty boxes: if not isEmptyBox(obj(obj(n.subt).sb[i])): if isHFan(Obj(TreeRootObj_(obj(obj(n.subt).sb[i])))) or isVFan(Obj(TreeRootObj_(obj(obj(n.subt).sb[i])))): drawfan_(n,Obj(TreeRootObj_(obj(obj(n.subt).sb[i]))))(i,false); else: % drawn by |drawMemorizedPaths_| fi; fi; endfor; % |unfill| is necessary to cut points of fans unfill BpathObj(obj(n.root)); drawObj(obj(n.root)); enddef; setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("treemode")("D"); % default is top-down setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("treeflip")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("treenodehsize")(-1pt); % like PSTricks setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("treenodevsize")(-1pt); % like PSTricks setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("dx")(0mm); % left/right margins setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("dy")(0mm); % top/down margins % internal horizontal separation between root and subtrees setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("hsep")(1cm); % internal vertical separation between root and subtrees setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("vsep")(1cm); % the next two options are passed to |newHBox| or |newVBox| % and concern the separation between subtrees: setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("hbsep")(1cm); setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("vbsep")(1cm); setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("hideleaves")(false); % leaves are in the bb setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("edge")("ncline"); % we don't have a default for |cdraw|, which means |ncline|, |ncangle|, ...'s % default will be used setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("framed")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("filled")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("fillcolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("framewidth")(.5bp); setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("framecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("framestyle")(""); setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("Dalign")("top"); setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("Ualign")("bot"); setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("Lalign")("right"); setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("Ralign")("left"); setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("shadow")(false); % no shadow by default setObjectDefaultOption("Tree")("shadowcolor")(black); % Declaration of a few arrays. % This must be a |def| and not a |vardef|: def declare_pp_variables_= save pp; string pp._draw_[],pp._connect_[],pp.posA[],pp.posB[],pp.name[], pp.linestyle[],pp.arrows[]; numeric pp.angleA[],pp.angleB[],pp.arcangleA[],pp.arcangleB[], pp.linewidth[],pp.border[],pp.nodesepA[],pp.nodesepB[], pp.loopsize[],pp.boxsize[],pp.boxheight[],pp.boxdepth[], pp.linearc[],pp.linetensionA[],pp.linetensionB[], pp.armA[],pp.armB[],pp.doublesep[], pp.coilarmA[],pp.coilarmB[],pp.coilheight[],pp.coilwidth[], pp.coilaspect[],pp.coilinc[], pp.n_; boolean pp.visible[],pp.doubleline[],pp.pathfilled[]; color pp.linecolor[],pp.bordercolor[],pp.pathfillcolor[]; pair pp.offsetA[],pp.offsetB[]; enddef; vardef resetPathArray@#(suffix $$)= % reset the user arrays: if known @#.$$n_: @#.$$n_:=0; forsuffixes $:=pathoptions_: @#.$$.$n_:=0; endfor; deletePaths@#($$); fi; enddef; % This function either replaces a subtree or adds a subtree at the end % of the subtrees. % This function always resets the tree. vardef replaceTreeElement.exp@#(expr i)(suffix rep)= resetObj.exp@#; if isHBox(obj(@#subt)): replaceHBoxElement.exp.obj(@#subt)(i)(rep); else: replaceVBoxElement.exp.obj(@#subt)(i)(rep); fi; if i=@#nst+1: @#nst:=@#nst+1; % extend the path parameters % we use the same parameters as those for the last connection if OptionValue@#("edge")<>"none": @#_spath_.n_:=@#_spath_.n_+1; forsuffixes $:=pathoptions_: @#_spath_$[@#_spath_.n_]:=@#_spath_$[@#_spath_.n_-1]; endfor; fi; fi; if OptionValue@#("edge")<>"none": % memorize the path parameters in a local array: declare_pp_variables_; pp.n_=@#_spath_.n_; for j:=1 upto pp.n_: forsuffixes $:=pathoptions_: pp$[j]=@#_spath_$[j]; endfor; endfor; % reset the standard arrays: resetPathArray@#(_spath_); fi; % reset the user arrays: resetPathArray@#(_upath_); resetObj.exp@#; % recreate the standard paths from the memorized information memorizeConnections_@#(false); enddef; % This function deletes a subtree. % This function always resets the tree. vardef deleteTreeElement.exp@#(expr i)= resetObj.exp@#; if isHBox(obj(@#subt)): deleteHBoxElement.exp.obj(@#subt)(i); else: deleteVBoxElement.exp.obj(@#subt)(i); fi; @#nst:=@#nst-1; if OptionValue@#("edge")<>"none": % memorize the path parameters in a local array: declare_pp_variables_; pp.n_=@#_spath_.n_-1; % first part (before the removed element) for j:=1 upto i-1: forsuffixes $:=pathoptions_: pp$[j]=@#_spath_$[j]; endfor; endfor; % second part (after the removed element) for j:=i upto pp.n_: forsuffixes $:=pathoptions_: pp$[j]=@#_spath_$[j+1]; endfor; endfor; % reset the standard arrays: resetPathArray@#(_spath_); fi; % reset the user arrays: resetPathArray@#(_upath_); resetObj.exp@#; % recreate the standard paths from the memorized information memorizeConnections_@#(false); enddef; % This function sets the bounding box of a tree to its root. % It will be more general later. def hideTreeLeaves(suffix $)= % we have merely to give the right shifts as parameters of % |rebindrelativeObj|: rebindrelativeObj($)(ypart(obj($root).n-$n),ypart(obj($root).s-$s), xpart(obj($root).e-$e),xpart(obj($root).w-$w)); enddef; % streamlined version vardef hideTreeLeaves_(expr n)= % we have merely to give the correct shifts as parameters of % |rebindrelativeObj|: rebindrelative_Obj(obj(iname_[n])) (ypart(obj(obj(iname_[n]).root).n-obj(iname_[n]).n), ypart(obj(obj(iname_[n]).root).s-obj(iname_[n]).s), xpart(obj(obj(iname_[n]).root).e-obj(iname_[n]).e), xpart(obj(obj(iname_[n]).root).w-obj(iname_[n]).w) ) enddef; %===================================================================== % A fan is an object normally only used in trees. It is directly % inspired of PSTricks' fans. % This object is actually very similar to a HRazor or VRazor. % It only behaves like a fan in a Tree context. vardef newHFan@#(expr dx,dy) text options= ExecuteOptions(@#)(options); assignObj(@#,"HFan"); StandardInterface; ObjCode StandardEquations, "@#ise-@#isw=(" & decimal dx & ",0)", "@#ine-@#ise=(0," & decimal dy & ")"; enddef; streamline("HFan")("(expr dx,dy)","(dx,dy)"); % won't be used def BpathHFan(suffix n)=StandardBpath(n) enddef; % This is not used, but the parent calls |drawfan_| def drawHFan(suffix n)= % empty, because the fan is drawn by the parent %draw n.ise--n.isw; drawMemorizedPaths_(n); enddef; % |forceedge| is a boolean that can override the option value |"edge"| def drawfan_(suffix n,fan)(expr i,forceedge)= if (OptionValue.fan("edge")="yes") or forceedge: if OptionValue.fan("filled"): fill Path.n(_spath_,i)--cycle withcolor OptionValue.fan("fillcolor"); else: if OptionValue.fan("fanlinestyle")<>"": draw Path.n(_spath_,i) scantokens(OptionValue.fan("fanlinestyle")) withcolor OptionValue.fan("fillcolor"); else: draw Path.n(_spath_,i) withcolor OptionValue.fan("fillcolor"); fi; fi; fi; enddef; vardef drawfan@#(suffix fan)(expr i)= drawfan_(@#,fan)(i,true); enddef; setObjectDefaultOption("HFan")("filled")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("HFan")("edge")("yes"); setObjectDefaultOption("HFan")("pointedfan")(true); setObjectDefaultOption("HFan")("fanlinestyle")(""); setObjectDefaultOption("HFan")("fanlinearc")(0); setObjectDefaultOption("HFan")("fillcolor")(black); %===================================================================== vardef newVFan@#(expr dx,dy) text options= ExecuteOptions(@#)(options); assignObj(@#,"VFan"); StandardInterface; ObjCode StandardEquations, "@#ise-@#isw=(" & decimal dx & ",0)", "@#ine-@#ise=(0," & decimal dy & ")"; enddef; streamline("VFan")("(expr dx,dy)","(dx,dy)"); % won't be used def BpathVFan(suffix n)=StandardBpath(n) enddef; % This is not used, but the parent calls |drawfan_| def drawVFan(suffix n)= % empty, because the fan is drawn by the parent %draw n.ine--n.ise; drawMemorizedPaths_(n); enddef; setObjectDefaultOption("VFan")("filled")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("VFan")("edge")("yes"); setObjectDefaultOption("VFan")("pointedfan")(true); setObjectDefaultOption("VFan")("fanlinestyle")(""); setObjectDefaultOption("VFan")("fanlinearc")(0); setObjectDefaultOption("VFan")("fillcolor")(black); %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PTree: Proof Trees % |@#| is a name for an object (must be a suffix) % |@#| will be the number of the object, but will also be used % as a prefix for other variables. % |left| and |right| are the rule names (they are pictures) % |conclusion| is a picture too. % Even though this object seems simple, its code is quite complex % because we try to cover all special cases. % However, we assume that there is at least either a conclusion % or one subtree. Calling this function with no subtrees and % no conclusion will produce an error. vardef newPTree@#(expr conclusion)(text subtrees)(expr left,right) text options= ExecuteOptions(@#)(options); assignObj(@#,"PTree"); % parameters that should be options: save vdist,rdistl,rdistr,dist_n,dist_s,dist_e,dist_w; % vertical distance between premisses and conclusion: vdist=OptionValue@#("vsep"); % rule distance left rdistl=OptionValue@#("lrsep"); % rule distance right rdistr=OptionValue@#("rrsep"); % distances around the proof: dist_n=dist_s=OptionValue@#("dy"); dist_e=dist_w=OptionValue@#("dx"); StandardInterface; ObjPoint ledge,redge, % a |PTree| has two additionnal points that % are useful for a fine positionning of the % horizontal line (actually, we could do without them, % by analyzing the structure of the tree, but this % is a first attempt) lstart,lend; % These are the points where the line starts and % where it ends. These variables are not really % necessary, but having them is convenient. save n,i,eq,spl,spr;numeric n,i,spl,spr;string eq; % we count the number of subtrees: n=0; forsuffixes $:=subtrees: % we have to be careful because there is always at least one loop, % even if |subtrees| is empty (because an empty suffix is a valid suffix): if length(str $)>0:n:=n+1;fi; endfor; ObjNumeric nst; % the number of subtrees is stored in the object setNumeric(nst)(n); i=0; SubObject(subt,obj(newobjstring_)); if not numeric conclusion: SubObject(conc,obj(newobjstring_)); fi; if not numeric left: SubObject(lr,obj(newobjstring_)); fi; if not numeric right: SubObject(rr,obj(newobjstring_)); fi; % We put the subtrees in an HBox object except if there are no subtrees: if n>0: begingroup; % we define options passed to |newHBox| o_hbsep(OptionValue@#("hsep")); if Option@#("treemode","U"): o_align("top"); else: o_align("bot"); fi; newHBox.obj(@#subt)(subtrees); endgroup; else: newEmptyBox.obj(@#subt)(0,0); fi; % if string conclusion:if conclusion="": newEmptyBox.obj(@#conc)(0,0); else:newBox.obj(@#conc)(conclusion) "framed(false)";fi; elseif picture conclusion:newBox.obj(@#conc)(conclusion) "framed(false)"; else: % object SubObject(conc,Obj(conclusion)); fi; if string left:if left="": newEmptyBox.obj(@#lr)(0,0); else:newBox.obj(@#lr)(left) "framed(false)";fi; elseif picture left:newBox.obj(@#lr)(left) "framed(false)"; else: % object SubObject(lr,Obj(left)); fi; if string right:if right="": newEmptyBox.obj(@#rr)(0,0); else:newBox.obj(@#rr)(right) "framed(false)";fi; elseif picture right:newBox.obj(@#rr)(right) "framed(false)"; else: % object SubObject(rr,Obj(right)); fi; % We now build the equations: here are the equations for a top-down tree % (the conclusion being under the subtrees) % 1 horizontal equation: the conclusion is in the middle % of the last line of the subtree % |xpart(conc.c)=xpart(.5[subt.ledge,subt.redge])| % 2 vertical equation: vertical distance between root and subtrees % |ypart(subt.s-conc.n)=vdist;| % depends on option % 3 vertical equation: vertical space at the top % |ypart(@#n-subt.n)=dist_n;| % depends on option % 4 vertical equation: vertical space at the bottom % |ypart(conc.s-@#s)=dist_s;| % depends on option % 5 Edges: % |@#ledge=conc.sw;@#redge=conc.se;| % depends on option % 6 Start and end of the line: % |ypart(@#lstart)=ypart(@#lend)=.5[ypart(subt.s),ypart(conc.n)]| % |xpart(@#lstart)=min(xpart(subt.ledge),xpart(conc.w))| % |xpart(@#lend)=max(xpart(subt.redge),xpart(conc.e))| % 7 horizontal space at right of subtree % |max(xpart(@#lend)+wd(@#rr)+rdistr-xpart(subt.e),0)| % 8 horizontal space at left of subtree % |min(xpart(@#lstart)-wd(@#lr)-rdistl-xpart(subt.w),0)| % 9 Attachment of the rules: % |@#lstart-(rdistl,0)=@#lr.e| % |@#lend=@#rr.w-(rdistr,0)| % % Left and right edges of the subtree are actually not defined, % because it is an |HBox|. But even the components of the |HBox| % may lack these features if we are at the top of the proof tree. % So, what we do is that we compute the positions of the edges % with respect to the |.s| point of the subtree. save subledge,subredge;pair subledge,subredge; if not isEmptyBox(obj(@#subt)): if isPTree(obj(obj(@#subt).sb[1])): subledge=obj(obj(@#subt).sb[1]).ledge-obj(@#subt).s; else: subledge=obj(obj(@#subt).sb[1]).sw-obj(@#subt).s; fi; if isPTree(obj(obj(@#subt).sb[@#nst])): subredge=obj(obj(@#subt).sb[@#nst]).redge-obj(@#subt).s; else: subredge=obj(obj(@#subt).sb[@#nst]).se-obj(@#subt).s; fi; else: % if the subtree is empty, we use the edges of the conclusion % with respect to the |.n| point of the conclusion subledge=obj(@#conc).nw-obj(@#conc).n; subredge=obj(@#conc).ne-obj(@#conc).n; % see below how it is used when there are no subtrees fi; eq:=""; % 1 |xpart(conc.c)=xpart(.5[subt.ledge,subt.redge])| % |=xpart(.5[subt.s+subledge,subt.s+subredge])| % |=.5(xpart(subt.s)+xpart(subledge),xpart(subt.s)+xpart(subredge))| % (if for some reason conc.ledge and conc.redge exist, we replace % conc.c by .5[conc.ledge,conc.redge]) if (not isEmptyBox(obj(@#subt))) and (not isEmptyBox(obj(@#conc))): eq:=eq & "xpart("; if pair obj(@#conc).ledge and pair obj(@#conc).redge: eq:=eq & ".5[obj(@#conc).ledge,obj(@#conc).redge]"; else: eq:=eq & "obj(@#conc).c"; fi; eq:=eq & ")=.5[xpart(obj(@#subt).s)" & (signeddecimal xpart(subledge)) & ",xpart(obj(@#subt).s)" & (signeddecimal xpart(subredge)) & "];"; fi; % 2 |ypart(subt.s-conc.n)=vdist;| % depends on options if (not isEmptyBox(obj(@#subt))) and (not isEmptyBox(obj(@#conc))): if Option@#("treemode","U"): eq:=eq & "ypart(obj(@#conc).s-obj(@#subt).n)=" & decimal vdist & ";"; else: eq:=eq & "ypart(obj(@#subt).s-obj(@#conc).n)=" & decimal vdist & ";"; fi; fi; % 3 |ypart(@#n-subt.n)=dist_n;| % depends on option if Option@#("treemode","U"): if (not isEmptyBox(obj(@#conc))): eq:=eq & "ypart(@#n-obj(@#conc).n)=" & decimal dist_n & ";"; else: eq:=eq & "ypart(@#n-obj(@#subt).n)=" & decimal (vdist/2) & ";"; fi; else: if (not isEmptyBox(obj(@#subt))): eq:=eq & "ypart(@#n-obj(@#subt).n)=" & decimal dist_n & ";"; else: eq:=eq & "ypart(@#n-obj(@#conc).n)=" & decimal (vdist/2) & ";"; fi; fi; % 4 |ypart(conc.s-@#s)=dist_s;| % depends on option if Option@#("treemode","U"): if (not isEmptyBox(obj(@#subt))): eq:=eq & "ypart(obj(@#subt).s-@#s)=" & decimal dist_s & ";"; else: eq:=eq & "ypart(obj(@#conc).s-@#s)=" & decimal (vdist/2) & ";"; fi; else: if (not isEmptyBox(obj(@#conc))): eq:=eq & "ypart(obj(@#conc).s-@#s)=" & decimal dist_s & ";"; else: eq:=eq & "ypart(obj(@#subt).s-@#s)=" & decimal (vdist/2) & ";"; fi; fi; % 5 |@#ledge=conc.sw;@#redge=conc.se;| % depends on option if (not isEmptyBox(obj(@#conc))): if Option@#("treemode","U"): eq:=eq & "@#ledge=obj(@#conc).nw;@#redge=obj(@#conc).ne;"; else: eq:=eq & "@#ledge=obj(@#conc).sw;@#redge=obj(@#conc).se;"; fi; else: % |@#ledge=@#lstart; @#redge=@#lend;| eq:=eq & "@#ledge=@#lstart;@#redge=@#lend;"; fi; % 6 Start and end of the line: % |ypart(@#lstart)=ypart(@#lend)=ypart(conc.n)+vdist/2| % |if xpart(subt.redge)-xpart(subt.ledge) > xpart(conc.e)-xpart(conc.w):| % |xpart(@#lstart)=xpart(subt.ledge)| % |xpart(@#lend)=xpart(subt.redge)| % |else:| % | xpart(@#lstart)=xpart(conc.w)| % | xpart(@#lend)=xpart(conc.e)| % |fi| if Option@#("treemode","U"): if not isEmptyBox(obj(@#conc)): eq:=eq & "ypart(@#lstart)=ypart(@#lend)" & "=ypart(obj(@#conc).s)-" & decimal (vdist/2) & ";"; else: eq:=eq & "ypart(@#lstart)=ypart(@#lend)" & "=ypart(obj(@#subt).n)+" & decimal (vdist/2) & ";"; fi; else: if not isEmptyBox(obj(@#conc)): eq:=eq & "ypart(@#lstart)=ypart(@#lend)" & "=ypart(obj(@#conc).n)+" & decimal (vdist/2) & ";"; else: eq:=eq & "ypart(@#lstart)=ypart(@#lend)" & "=ypart(obj(@#subt).s)-" & decimal (vdist/2) & ";"; fi; fi; if xpart(subredge)-xpart(subledge) > (if pair obj(@#conc).ledge: xpart(obj(@#conc).redge)-xpart(obj(@#conc).ledge) else: xpart(obj(@#conc).e)-xpart(obj(@#conc).w) fi): eq:=eq & "xpart(@#lstart)=xpart(obj(@#subt).c)" & (signeddecimal xpart(subledge)) & (signeddecimal(OptionValue@#("lstartdx"))) & ";"; eq:=eq & "xpart(@#lend)=xpart(obj(@#subt).c)" & (signeddecimal xpart(subredge)) & (signeddecimal(OptionValue@#("lenddx"))) & ";"; % 7 horizontal space at right of subtree % |max(xpart(@#lend)+rdistr+wd(@#rr)-xpart(subt.e),0)| % |= max(xpart(obj(@#subt).redge)+rdistr+wd(@#rr)-xpart(obj(@#subt).e),0)| spr=xpart(obj(@#subt).s)+xpart(subredge)+rdistr +xpart(obj(@#rr).e-obj(@#rr).w)-xpart(obj(@#subt).e); if spr<0: spr:=0;fi;spr:=spr+dist_e; % 8 horizontal space at left of subtree % |min(xpart(@#lstart)-wd(@#lr)-rdistl-xpart(subt.w),0)| % |= min(xpart(obj(@#subt).ledge)-wd(@#lr)-rdistl-xpart(obj(@#subt).w),0)| spl=xpart(obj(@#subt).s)+xpart(subledge) -xpart(obj(@#lr).e-obj(@#lr).w)-rdistl-xpart(obj(@#subt).w); if spl>0:spl:=0;fi;spl:=spl-dist_w; eq:=eq & "xpart(@#e)-xpart(obj(@#subt).e)=" & (signeddecimal spr) & ";"; eq:=eq & "xpart(obj(@#subt).w)-xpart(@#w)=" & (signeddecimal (-spl)) & ";"; else: if pair obj(@#conc).ledge: eq:=eq & "xpart(@#lstart)=xpart(obj(@#conc).ledge)" & (signeddecimal(OptionValue@#("lstartdx"))) & ";"; eq:=eq & "xpart(@#lend)=xpart(obj(@#conc).redge)" & (signeddecimal(OptionValue@#("lenddx"))) & ";"; else: eq:=eq & "xpart(@#lstart)=xpart(obj(@#conc).w)" & (signeddecimal(OptionValue@#("lstartdx"))) & ";"; eq:=eq & "xpart(@#lend)=xpart(obj(@#conc).e)" & (signeddecimal(OptionValue@#("lenddx"))) & ";"; fi; % 7 horizontal space at right of conclusion % |max(xpart(@#lend)+rdistr+wd(@#rr)-xpart(conc.e),0)| % |= max(rdistr+wd(@#rr),0)| spr=rdistr+xpart(obj(@#rr).e-obj(@#rr).w); if spr<0: spr:=0;fi;spr:=spr+dist_e; % 8 horizontal space at left of conclusion % |min(xpart(@#lstart)-wd(@#lr)-rdistl-xpart(conc.w),0)| % |= min(-wd(@#lr)-rdistl,0)| spl=-xpart(obj(@#lr).e-obj(@#lr).w)-rdistl; if spl>0:spl:=0;fi;spl:=spl-dist_w; if pair obj(@#conc).ledge: eq:=eq & "xpart(@#e)-xpart(obj(@#conc).redge)=" & (signeddecimal spr) & ";"; eq:=eq & "xpart(obj(@#conc).ledge)-xpart(@#w)=" & (signeddecimal (-spl)) & ";"; else: eq:=eq & "xpart(@#e)-xpart(obj(@#conc).e)=" & (signeddecimal spr) & ";"; eq:=eq & "xpart(obj(@#conc).w)-xpart(@#w)=" & (signeddecimal (-spl)) & ";"; fi; fi; % % 9 Attachment of the rules: % |@#lstart=@#lr.e| % |@#lend=@#rr.w| if not isEmptyBox(obj(@#lr)): eq:=eq & "@#lstart-(rdistl,0)=obj(@#lr).e;"; fi; if not isEmptyBox(obj(@#rr)): eq:=eq & "@#lend=obj(@#rr).w-(rdistr,0);"; fi; ObjCode StandardEquations,eq; % |"xpart(@#n)=xpart(@#s);ypart(@#ne)=ypart(@#nw);";| StandardTies; enddef; streamline("PTree")("(expr conclusion)(text subtrees)(expr left,right)", "suffixpar(conclusion)suffixlist(subtrees)(left,right)"); def BpathPTree(suffix n)= StandardBpath(n) enddef; % CHOOSE A BETTER NAME def PTreeRoot_(suffix sb)= (if isBB(sb): PTreeRoot_(obj(sb.sub)) elseif isPTree(sb): PTreeRoot_(obj(sb.root)) else: sb.ic fi ) enddef; def PTreeRootPath_(suffix sb)= (if isBB(sb): PTreeRootPath_(obj(sb.sub)) elseif isPTree(sb): PTreeRootPath_(obj(sb.root)) else: BpathObj(sb) fi ) enddef; def drawPTree(suffix n)= drawFramedOrFilledObject_(n); if not isEmptyBox(obj(n.conc)): drawObj(obj(n.conc)); fi; if not isEmptyBox(obj(n.subt)): drawObj(obj(n.subt)); fi; if not isEmptyBox(obj(n.lr)): drawObj(obj(n.lr)); fi; if not isEmptyBox(obj(n.rr)): drawObj(obj(n.rr)); fi; if OptionValue.n("rule")>0: pickup pencircle scaled OptionValue.n("rule"); draw n.lstart -- n.lend; fi; % pickup pencircle scaled 2pt; % draw n.ledge withcolor red; % draw n.redge withcolor red; pickup pencircle scaled .4pt; drawMemorizedPaths_(n); enddef; setObjectDefaultOption("PTree")("treemode")("D"); % default is down setObjectDefaultOption("PTree")("dx")(0mm); % left/right margins setObjectDefaultOption("PTree")("dy")(0mm); % top/down margins setObjectDefaultOption("PTree")("hsep")(3mm); % internal horizontal separation % between subtrees setObjectDefaultOption("PTree")("vsep")(2mm); % internal vertical separation setObjectDefaultOption("PTree")("lrsep")(2mm); % separation with left rule setObjectDefaultOption("PTree")("rrsep")(2mm); % separation with right rule setObjectDefaultOption("PTree")("lstartdx")(0); % positive towards the right setObjectDefaultOption("PTree")("lenddx")(0); % positive towards the right setObjectDefaultOption("PTree")("rule")(.5bp); % rule thickness setObjectDefaultOption("PTree")("framed")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("PTree")("filled")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("PTree")("fillcolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("PTree")("framewidth")(.5bp); setObjectDefaultOption("PTree")("framecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("PTree")("framestyle")(""); setObjectDefaultOption("PTree")("shadow")(false); % no shadow by default setObjectDefaultOption("PTree")("shadowcolor")(black); % Two simplified versions, where only one rule is given: vardef newPTreeL@#(expr conclusion)(text subtrees)(expr left) text options= newPTree@#(conclusion)(subtrees)(left,"") options enddef; vardef newPTreeR@#(expr conclusion)(text subtrees)(expr right) text options= newPTree@#(conclusion)(subtrees)("",right) options enddef; % A version with no subtrees and no rules: vardef newAxiom@#(expr axiom) text options= newPTree@#(axiom)("")("","") options enddef; vardef newAssumption@#(expr assumption)= newBox@#(assumption) "framed(false)", "dx(0)", "dy(0)" enddef; % This is identical to |newAssumption|, but it would be confusing % to use |newAssumption| where a conclusion occurs. vardef newConclusion@#(expr conclusion)= newBox@#(conclusion) "framed(false)", "dx(0)", "dy(0)" enddef; %===================================================================== % |HBox| class % |HBox|: Generic Horizontal Alignments % |@#| is a name for an object (must be a suffix) % |@#| will be the number of the object, but will also be used % as a prefix for other variables. vardef newHBox@#(text sublist) text options = ExecuteOptions(@#)(options); assignObj(@#,"HBox"); StandardInterface; save n,i,eq;numeric n,i;string eq; n=0; forsuffixes $:=sublist:n:=n+1;endfor; ObjSubArray(sb)(n); % |n| is the number of horizontal elements ObjNumeric nst,tallest; setNumeric(nst)(n); i=0; if OptionValue@#("flip"): forsuffixes $:=sublist:i:=i+1; SubObjectOfArray(sb[n+1-i],$); endfor; else: forsuffixes $:=sublist:i:=i+1; SubObjectOfArray(sb[i],$); endfor; fi; % we now build the equations: % 1: horizontal equation: horizontal separation between elements % if elementsize<0: % |xpart(sb[2].w-sb[1].e)=xpart(sb[3].w-sb[2].e)=...| % |=xpart(sb[n].w-sb[n-1].e)=5mm;| % if elementsize>=0: % |xpart(sb[2].c-sb[1].c)=xpart(sb[3].c-sb[2].c)=...| % |=xpart(sb[n].c-sb[n-1].c)=hbsep+elementsize;| % % 2: horizontal equation: horizontal space at the edges % |xpart(sb[1].w-@#w)=xpart(@#e-sb[n].e)=0mm;| % 3: vertical equation: elements are lined up at the top % |ypart(sb[1].n)=ypart(sb[2].n)=...=ypart(sb[n].n)| % or at the bottom (default) (depending on the options) % |ypart(sb[1].s)=ypart(sb[2].s)=...=ypart(sb[n].s)| % or at the center % |ypart(sb[1].c)=ypart(sb[2].c)=...=ypart(sb[n].c)| % 4: vertical equation: vertical space at the top % |ypart(@#n-sb[i].n)=0mm;| where |sb[i]| is the tallest % 5: vertical equation: vertical space at the bottom % |ypart(sb[i].s-@#s)=0mm;| where |sb[i]| is the tallest % 1: if OptionValue@#("elementsize")<0: eq:="if @#sb.n_>1:" & "xpart(obj(@#sb[2]).w-obj(@#sb[1]).e) " & "if @#sb.n_>2:" & "for i:=3 upto @#sb.n_: " & "=xpart(obj(@#sb[i]).w-obj(@#sb[i-1]).e)" & "endfor " & "fi" & "=" & decimal(OptionValue@#("hbsep")) & ";" & "fi;"; else: eq:="if @#sb.n_>1:" & "xpart(obj(@#sb[2]).c-obj(@#sb[1]).c) " & "if @#sb.n_>2:" & "for i:=3 upto @#sb.n_: " & "=xpart(obj(@#sb[i]).c-obj(@#sb[i-1]).c)" & "endfor " & "fi" & "=" & decimal(OptionValue@#("hbsep")+OptionValue@#("elementsize")) & ";" & "fi;"; fi; % 2: |xpart(sb[1].w-@#w)=xpart(@#e-sb[n].e)=5mm;| if OptionValue@#("elementsize")<0: eq:=eq & "xpart(obj(@#sb[1]).w-@#w)" & "=xpart(@#e-obj(@#sb[@#sb.n_]).e)=" & decimal(OptionValue@#("dx")) & ";"; else: eq:=eq & "xpart(obj(@#sb[1]).c-@#w)" & "=xpart(@#e-obj(@#sb[@#sb.n_]).c)=" & decimal(OptionValue@#("dx")+.5*OptionValue@#("elementsize")) & ";"; fi; % The next equation depends on an option: save alignsuffix;string alignsuffix; alignsuffix="s"; if Option@#("align","top"):alignsuffix:="n"; elseif Option@#("align","center"):alignsuffix:="c"; fi; % 3: |ypart(sb[1].alignsuffix)=ypart(sb[2].alignsuffix)=...| % |=ypart(sb[n].alignsuffix)| eq:=eq & "if @#sb.n_>1:" & "ypart(obj(@#sb[1])." & alignsuffix & ")" & "for i:=2 upto @#sb.n_: " & "=ypart(obj(@#sb[i])." & alignsuffix & ")" & "endfor;" & "fi;"; % first, we compute the tallest subtree: setTallest@#; % 4: |ypart(@#n-sb[tallest].n)=0mm;| eq:=eq & "ypart(@#n-obj(@#sb[@#tallest]).n)=" & decimal(OptionValue@#("dy")) & ";"; % 5: |ypart(sb[tallest].s-@#s)=0mm;| eq:=eq & "ypart(obj(@#sb[@#tallest]).s-@#s)=" & decimal(OptionValue@#("dy")) & ";"; ObjCode StandardEquations,eq; % |"xpart(@#n)=xpart(@#s);ypart(@#ne)=ypart(@#nw);";| StandardTies; enddef; % The result of |setTallest| must be greater than 0. vardef setTallest@#= save tallest_height; @#tallest:=1;tallest_height=0; for i:=1 upto @#nst: if ypart(obj(@#sb[i]).n-obj(@#sb[i]).s)>tallest_height: @#tallest:=i; tallest_height:=ypart(obj(@#sb[i]).n-obj(@#sb[i]).s); fi; endfor; enddef; streamline("HBox")("(text sublist)","suffixlist(sublist)"); def BpathHBox(suffix n)= StandardBpath(n) enddef; def drawHBox(suffix n)= drawFramedOrFilledObject_(n); drawObjArray(n)(sb); drawMemorizedPaths_(n); enddef; % Default values of |HBox|: setObjectDefaultOption("HBox")("dx")(0mm); setObjectDefaultOption("HBox")("dy")(0mm); setObjectDefaultOption("HBox")("hbsep")(1mm); setObjectDefaultOption("HBox")("elementsize")(-1pt); % like PSTricks setObjectDefaultOption("HBox")("align")("bot"); setObjectDefaultOption("HBox")("framed")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("HBox")("filled")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("HBox")("fillcolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("HBox")("framewidth")(.5bp); setObjectDefaultOption("HBox")("framecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("HBox")("framestyle")(""); setObjectDefaultOption("HBox")("flip")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("HBox")("shadow")(false); % no shadow by default setObjectDefaultOption("HBox")("shadowcolor")(black); % Replace an element in an |HBox| or add an element at the end of the list. % A succeeding call to this function resets the object. vardef replaceHBoxElement.exp@#(expr i)(suffix rep)= setcurrentobjname_(str @#); if (i<1) or (i>@#sb.n_+1): errmessage "Value out of range"; elseif i<@#sb.n_+1: % first, we reset the object in order to be sure we have its right % dimensions when we try to update |tallest| resetObj.exp@#; @#sb[i]:=str rep; % we recompute the tallest element: setTallest@#; resetObj.exp@#; else: % |i=@#sb.n_+1| % we add |rep| at the end of the |HBox| % first, we reset the object in order to be sure we have its right % dimensions when we try to update |tallest| resetObj.exp@#; @#sb.n_:=@#sb.n_+1; @#sb[@#sb.n_]:=str rep; setTallest@#; % not fast, but short resetObj.exp@#; % we need to add one tie, and the easiest is to recreate them all: @#nsubobjties_:=0; StandardTies; fi; enddef; % Delete an element in an |HBox| % A succeeding call to this function resets the object. vardef deleteHBoxElement.exp@#(expr i)= setcurrentobjname_(str @#); if (i<0) or (i>@#sb.n_): errmessage "Value out of range"; else: resetObj.exp@#; for j:=i upto @#sb.n_-1: @#sb[j]:=@#sb[j+1]; endfor; @#sb[@#sb.n_]:=whateverstring; @#sb.n_:=@#sb.n_-1; setTallest@#; resetObj.exp@#; % we reconstruct the standard ties @#nsubobjties_:=0; StandardTies; fi; enddef; % The next class is the vertical analog of |HBox|. It would have % been possible to merge |newHBox| and |newVBox| in something like % |newAlign| (|xpart| becoming |ypart|, |.w| becoming |.s|, etc.) % but we didn't do it for the sake of clarity. It is left as an % exercise. %===================================================================== % |VBox| class % |VBox|: Generic Vertical Alignments % The objects are stacked up (and not down as in \TeX). % |@#| is a name for an object (must be a suffix) % |@#| will be the number of the object, but will also be used % as a prefix for other variables. vardef newVBox@#(text sublist) text options = ExecuteOptions(@#)(options); assignObj(@#,"VBox"); StandardInterface; save n,i,eq;numeric n,i;string eq; n=0; forsuffixes $:=sublist:n:=n+1;endfor; ObjSubArray(sb)(n); % |n| is the number of vertical elements ObjNumeric nst,widest; setNumeric(nst)(n); i=0; if OptionValue@#("flip"): forsuffixes $:=sublist:i:=i+1; SubObjectOfArray(sb[n+1-i],$); endfor; else: forsuffixes $:=sublist:i:=i+1; SubObjectOfArray(sb[i],$); endfor; fi; % we now build the equations: % 1: vertical equation: vertical separation between elements % |ypart(sb[2].s-sb[1].n)=ypart(sb[3].s-sb[2].n)=...| % |=ypart(sb[n].s-sb[n-1].n)=5mm;| % 2: vertical equation: vertical space at the edges % |ypart(sb[1].s-@#s)=ypart(@#n-sb[n].n)=0mm;| % 3: horizontal equation: elements are lined up at the left (default) % |xpart(sb[1].w)=xpart(sb[2].w)=...=xpart(sb[n].w)| % or at the right (depending on the options) % |xpart(sb[1].e)=xpart(sb[2].e)=...=xpart(sb[n].e)| % or at the center % |xpart(sb[1].c)=xpart(sb[2].c)=...=xpart(sb[n].c)| % 4: horizontal equation: horizontal space at the right % |xpart(@#e-sb[i].e)=0mm;| where |sb[i]| is the widest % 5: horizontal equation: vertical space at the left % |xpart(sb[i].w-@#w)=0mm;| where |sb[i]| is the widest % 1: if OptionValue@#("elementsize")<0: eq:="if @#sb.n_>1:" & "ypart(obj(@#sb[2]).s-obj(@#sb[1]).n)" & "if @#sb.n_>2:" & "for i:=3 upto @#sb.n_: " & "=ypart(obj(@#sb[i]).s-obj(@#sb[i-1]).n)" & "endfor " & "fi" & "=" & decimal(OptionValue@#("vbsep")) & ";" & "fi;"; else: eq:="if @#sb.n_>1:" & "ypart(obj(@#sb[2]).c-obj(@#sb[1]).c)" & "if @#sb.n_>2:" & "for i:=3 upto @#sb.n_: " & "=ypart(obj(@#sb[i]).c-obj(@#sb[i-1]).c)" & "endfor " & "fi" & "=" & decimal(OptionValue@#("vbsep")+OptionValue@#("elementsize")) & ";" & "fi;"; fi; % 2: |ypart(sb[1].s-@#s)=ypart(@#n-sb[n].n)=5mm;| if OptionValue@#("elementsize")<0: eq:=eq & "ypart(obj(@#sb[1]).s-@#s)" & "=ypart(@#n-obj(@#sb[@#sb.n_]).n)=" & decimal(OptionValue@#("dy")) & ";"; else: eq:=eq & "ypart(obj(@#sb[1]).c-@#s)" & "=ypart(@#n-obj(@#sb[@#sb.n_]).c)=" & decimal(OptionValue@#("dy")+.5*OptionValue@#("elementsize")) & ";"; fi; % The next equation depends on an option: save alignsuffix;string alignsuffix; alignsuffix="w"; % default if Option@#("align","right"):alignsuffix:="e"; elseif Option@#("align","center"):alignsuffix:="c"; fi; % 3: |xpart(sb[1].alignsuffix)=xpart(sb[2].alignsuffix)=...| % |=xpart(sb[n].alignsuffix)| eq:=eq & "if @#sb.n_>1:" & "xpart(obj(@#sb[1])." & alignsuffix & ")" & "for i:=2 upto @#sb.n_: " & "=xpart(obj(@#sb[i])." & alignsuffix & ")" & "endfor;" & "fi;"; % first, we compute the widest subtree: setWidest@#; % 4: |xpart(@#e-sb[widest].e)=0mm;| eq:=eq & "xpart(@#e-obj(@#sb[@#widest]).e)=" & decimal(OptionValue@#("dx")) & ";"; % 5: |xpart(sb[widest].w-@#w)=0mm;| eq:=eq & "xpart(obj(@#sb[@#widest]).w-@#w)=" & decimal(OptionValue@#("dx")) & ";"; ObjCode StandardEquations,eq; % |"ypart(@#n)=ypart(@#s);xpart(@#ne)=xpart(@#nw);";| StandardTies; enddef; % The result of |setWidest| must be greater than 0. vardef setWidest@#= save widest_width;@#widest:=1;widest_width=0; for i:=1 upto @#nst: if xpart(obj(@#sb[i]).e-obj(@#sb[i]).w)>widest_width: @#widest:=i; widest_width:=xpart(obj(@#sb[i]).e-obj(@#sb[i]).w); fi; endfor; enddef; streamline("VBox")("(text sublist)","suffixlist(sublist)"); def BpathVBox(suffix n)= StandardBpath(n) enddef; def drawVBox(suffix n)= drawFramedOrFilledObject_(n); drawObjArray(n)(sb); drawMemorizedPaths_(n); enddef; % Default values of |VBox|: setObjectDefaultOption("VBox")("dx")(0mm); setObjectDefaultOption("VBox")("dy")(0mm); setObjectDefaultOption("VBox")("vbsep")(1mm); setObjectDefaultOption("VBox")("elementsize")(-1pt); % like PSTricks setObjectDefaultOption("VBox")("align")("left"); setObjectDefaultOption("VBox")("framed")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("VBox")("filled")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("VBox")("fillcolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("VBox")("framewidth")(.5bp); setObjectDefaultOption("VBox")("framecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("VBox")("framestyle")(""); setObjectDefaultOption("VBox")("flip")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("VBox")("shadow")(false); % no shadow by default setObjectDefaultOption("VBox")("shadowcolor")(black); % Replace an element in an |VBox| or add an element at the end of the list. % A succeeding call to this function resets the object. vardef replaceVBoxElement.exp@#(expr i)(suffix rep)= setcurrentobjname_(str @#); if (i<1) or (i>@#sb.n_+1): errmessage "Value out of range"; elseif i<@#sb.n_+1: % first, we reset the object in order to be sure we have its right % dimensions when we try to update |widest| resetObj.exp@#; @#sb[i]:=str rep; % we recompute the widest element: setWidest@#; resetObj.exp@#; else: % |i=@#sb.n_+1| % we add |rep| at the end of the |VBox| % first, we reset the object in order to be sure we have its right % dimensions when we try to update |widest| resetObj.exp@#; @#sb.n_:=@#sb.n_+1; @#sb[@#sb.n_]:=str rep; setWidest@#; % not fast, but short resetObj.exp@#; % we need to add one tie, and the easiest is to recreate them all: @#nsubobjties_:=0; StandardTies; fi; enddef; % Delete an element in an |VBox| % A succeeding call to this function resets the object. % This function should be merged with |deleteHBoxElement.exp| vardef deleteVBoxElement.exp@#(expr i)= setcurrentobjname_(str @#); if (i<0) or (i>@#sb.n_): errmessage "Value out of range"; else: resetObj.exp@#; for j:=i upto @#sb.n_-1: @#sb[j]:=@#sb[j+1]; endfor; @#sb[@#sb.n_]:=whateverstring; @#sb.n_:=@#sb.n_-1; setWidest@#; resetObj.exp@#; % we reconstruct the standard ties @#nsubobjties_:=0; StandardTies; fi; enddef; %===================================================================== % |Matrix| class % |Matrix|: Generic Matrix % |@#| is a name for an object (must be a suffix) % |@#| will be the number of the object, but will also be used % as a prefix for other variables. vardef newMatrix@#(expr Nx,Ny)(text elements) text options = ExecuteOptions(@#)(options); assignObj(@#,"Matrix"); StandardInterface; save i,eq;numeric i;string eq; ObjSubArray(sb)(Nx*Ny); ObjNumeric nx,ny; setNumeric(nx)(Nx); setNumeric(ny)(Ny); ObjNumericArray(wd)(Ny); ObjNumericArray(ht)(Nx); i=0; forsuffixes $:=elements:i:=i+1; if $<>0: % null box SubObjectOfArray(sb[i],$); fi; endfor; % We compute for each column, which element is the widest, % and for each line, which one is the tallest; the indices % are stored in the |wd| and |ht| arrays: % This assumes that there is at least one object in each column % and line. % First, the tallest elements in each line: if OptionValue@#("matrixnodevsize")<0: for i:=1 upto Nx: % find the first column which contains an object and initialize % |@#ht[i]| to its index: @#ht[i]=0; for k:=1 upto Ny: if known @#sb[(i-1)*Ny+k]: @#ht[i]:=k;fi; exitif @#ht[i]=k; endfor; for j:=@#ht[i]+1 upto Ny: if known @#sb[(i-1)*Ny+j]: if ypart(obj(@#sb[(i-1)*Ny+j]).n-obj(@#sb[(i-1)*Ny+j]).s)> ypart(obj(@#sb[(i-1)*Ny+@#ht[i]]).n-obj(@#sb[(i-1)*Ny+@#ht[i]]).s): @#ht[i]:=j; fi; fi; endfor; @#ht[i]:=(i-1)*Ny+@#ht[i]; endfor; else: for i:=1 upto Nx: @#ht[i]=1; endfor; fi; % Then, the widest elements in each column: if OptionValue@#("matrixnodehsize")<0: for i:=1 upto Ny: @#wd[i]=0; % find the first line which contains an object and initialize % |@#wd[i]| to its index: for k:=1 upto Nx: if known @#sb[(k-1)*Ny+i]: @#wd[i]:=k;fi; exitif @#wd[i]=k; endfor; for j:=@#wd[i]+1 upto Nx: if known @#sb[(j-1)*Ny+i]: if xpart(obj(@#sb[(j-1)*Ny+i]).e-obj(@#sb[(j-1)*Ny+i]).w)> xpart(obj(@#sb[(@#wd[i]-1)*Ny+i]).e-obj(@#sb[(@#wd[i]-1)*Ny+i]).w): @#wd[i]:=j; fi; fi; endfor; @#wd[i]:=(@#wd[i]-1)*Ny+i; endfor; else: for i:=1 upto Ny: @#wd[i]=1; endfor; fi; % The basic equations are: % horizontally: % |xpart(sb[wd(1)].w-@#w)=5mm;| % |xpart(@#e-sb[wd(ny)].e)=5mm;| % |for i=1 upto ny-1| % |xpart(sb[wd(i+1)].w-sb[wd(i)].e)=5mm;| **** % |for i=1 upto ny| % |for j=1 upto nx| % |xpart(sb[(j-1)*ny+i].c)=xpart(sb[wd(i)].c)| % vertically: % |ypart(@#n-sb[ht(1)].n)=5mm;| % |ypart(sb[ht(nx)].s-@#s)=5mm;| % |for i=1 upto nx-1| % |ypart(sb[ht(i)].s-sb[ht(i+1)].n)=5mm;| **** % |for i=1 upto ny| % |for j=1 upto nx| % |ypart(sb[(j-1)*ny+i].c)=ypart(sb[ht(j)].c)| % % `****' shows where matrixnode(h|v)size needs to be taken into account % These two equations become: % |xpart(sb[wd(i+1)].c-sb[wd(i)].c)=matrixnodehsize;| % |ypart(sb[ht(i)].c-sb[ht(i+1)].c)=matrixnodevsize;| % % By not hardwiring the widest and tallest elements % we allow ourselves the possibility to replace elements % and still have the size adjusted (after resetting the object). % The only assumption is that there is always at least one non null % object in each column and each line. eq:="save fal_;" & "vardef fal_(expr i,s)=" & "save l;" & "hide(l=length(s);)" & "substring if i>l: (l-1,l) else: (i-1,i) fi of s " & "enddef; " & "xpart(obj(@#sb[@#wd[1]]).w-@#w)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("dx")) &";" & "xpart(@#e-obj(@#sb[@#wd[@#ny]]).e)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("dx")) &";" & "for i:=1 upto @#ny-1:"; if OptionValue@#("matrixnodehsize")>=0: eq:=eq & "xpart(obj(@#sb[@#wd[i+1]]).c-obj(@#sb[@#wd[i]]).c)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("matrixnodehsize")) &";"; else: eq:=eq & "xpart(obj(@#sb[@#wd[i+1]]).w-obj(@#sb[@#wd[i]]).e)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("hsep")) &";"; fi; eq:=eq & "endfor;" & "for i:=1 upto @#ny:" & "for j:=1 upto @#nx:" & "if ((j-1)*@#ny+i<>@#wd[i]) and (known @#sb[(j-1)*@#ny+i]):" & "xpart(obj(@#sb[(j-1)*@#ny+i]).sc_(fal_(i," & quote(OptionValue@#("halign")) & ")))" & "=xpart(obj(@#sb[@#wd[i]]).sc_(fal_(i," & quote(OptionValue@#("halign")) & ")));" & "fi;" & "endfor;" & "endfor;" & "ypart(@#n-obj(@#sb[@#ht[1]]).n)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("dy")) &";" & "ypart(obj(@#sb[@#ht[@#nx]]).s-@#s)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("dy")) &";" & "for i:=1 upto @#nx-1:"; if OptionValue@#("matrixnodevsize")>=0: eq:=eq & "ypart(obj(@#sb[@#ht[i]]).s-obj(@#sb[@#ht[i+1]]).n)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("matrixnodevsize")) &";"; else: eq:=eq & "ypart(obj(@#sb[@#ht[i]]).s-obj(@#sb[@#ht[i+1]]).n)=" & decimal (OptionValue@#("vsep")) &";"; fi; eq:=eq & "endfor;" & "for i:=1 upto @#ny:" & "for j:=1 upto @#nx:" & "if ((j-1)*@#ny+i<>@#ht[j]) and (known @#sb[(j-1)*@#ny+i]):" & "ypart(obj(@#sb[(j-1)*@#ny+i]).sc_(fal_(i," & quote(OptionValue@#("valign")) & ")))" & "=ypart(obj(@#sb[@#ht[j]]).sc_(fal_(i," & quote(OptionValue@#("valign")) & ")));" & "fi;" & "endfor;" & "endfor;"; ObjCode StandardEquations,eq; StandardTies; enddef; streamline("Matrix")("(expr nx,ny)(text sublist)", "(nx,ny)suffixlist(sublist)"); def BpathMatrix(suffix n)= StandardBpath(n) enddef; def drawMatrix(suffix n)= drawFramedOrFilledObject_(n); drawObjArray(n)(sb); drawMemorizedPaths_(n); enddef; % Default values of |Matrix|: setObjectDefaultOption("Matrix")("dx")(0mm); setObjectDefaultOption("Matrix")("dy")(0mm); setObjectDefaultOption("Matrix")("hsep")(1mm); setObjectDefaultOption("Matrix")("vsep")(1mm); setObjectDefaultOption("Matrix")("halign")("c"); setObjectDefaultOption("Matrix")("valign")("c"); setObjectDefaultOption("Matrix")("framed")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("Matrix")("filled")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("Matrix")("fillcolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("Matrix")("framewidth")(.5bp); setObjectDefaultOption("Matrix")("framecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("Matrix")("framestyle")(""); setObjectDefaultOption("Matrix")("shadow")(false); % no shadow by default setObjectDefaultOption("Matrix")("shadowcolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("Matrix")("matrixnodehsize")(-1pt); setObjectDefaultOption("Matrix")("matrixnodevsize")(-1pt); % Some special functions on matrices: % This function replaces the element at position (i,j) by element |rep| % Since we call |resetObj.exp|, this function cancels transformations. % However, the new matrix has its equations correctly applied % to the new object. % |i| is the line, |j| the column % It is possible to create new columns or new lines by giving to % |i| (or |j|) the value of the number of lines (or columns) plus one. vardef replaceMatrixElement.exp@#(expr i,j)(suffix rep)= % first, we reset the object in order to be sure we have its right % dimensions when we try to update |ht[i]| and |wd[j]| resetObj.exp@#; % first, see if a new column or a new line are needed if i=@#nx+1: if (j>0) and (j<=@#ny): % create new line @#nx:=@#nx+1; @#sb.n_:=@#nx*@#ny; % increase size of |@#ht[]| array @#ht.n_:=@#nx; @#ht[i]=(i-1)*@#ny+j; if xpart(rep.e-rep.w)>xpart(obj(@#sb[@#wd[j]]).e-obj(@#sb[@#wd[j]]).w): @#wd[j]:=(i-1)*@#ny+j; fi; % we replace the string representing the subobject @#sb[(i-1)*@#ny+j]:= str rep; % we reset the object again, this time in order to take the changes % to |ht[i]| and |wd[j]| into account resetObj.exp@#; elseif j=@#ny+1: % in this case, we create a new line and a new column % first, a new column: addmatrixcolumn_@#; % create new line @#nx:=@#nx+1; @#sb.n_:=@#nx*@#ny; % increase sizes of |@#ht[]| array @#ht.n_:=@#nx; % we now update |@#ht| and |@#wd| because of the new object; % this is easy, because the object is alone on its line and column. @#ht[@#nx]:=@#nx*@#ny; @#wd[@#ny]:=@#nx*@#ny; % we add the subobject: @#sb[@#nx*@#ny]:= str rep; % and we reset the object resetObj.exp@#; else: errmessage "Column number out of range"; fi; elseif (i>@#nx+1) or (i<1): errmessage "Line number out of range"; else: if (j>0) and (j<=@#ny): % AVERAGE CASE % we replace the string representing the subobject @#sb[(i-1)*@#ny+j]:= str rep; % we recompute the |ht[i]| and |wd[j]| values; since it is possible % that we replace the largest element by a smaller one, the new largest % element can be different from both the previous largest and the % new element; so, in order to simplify the code, we recompute % |ht[i]| and |wd[j]| from scratch. @#ht[i]:=(i-1)*@#ny+j; % we are sure this element exists updateHeight_@#(i); @#wd[j]:=(i-1)*@#ny+j; % we are sure this element exists updateWidth_@#(j); % we reset the object again, this time in order to take the changes % to |ht[i]| and |wd[j]| into account resetObj.exp@#; elseif j=@#ny+1: addmatrixcolumn_@#; @#sb.n_:=@#nx*@#ny; % we now update |@#ht| and |@#wd| because of the new object; % the width is easy, because the object is alone on its column. @#wd[@#ny]:=i*@#ny; % for the height, we update |@#ht[i]|: if ypart(rep.n-rep.s) > ypart(obj(@#sb[@#ht[i]]).n-obj(@#sb[@#ht[i]]).s): @#ht[i]:=i*@#ny; fi; % we add the subobject: @#sb[i*@#ny]:= str rep; % and we reset the object resetObj.exp@#; else: errmessage "Column number out of range"; fi; fi; enddef; % This function is only used by |replaceMatrixElement.exp| vardef addmatrixcolumn_@#= % create a new column for k:=@#nx downto 1: for l:=@#ny downto 1: if known @#sb[(k-1)*@#ny+l]: @#sb[(k-1)*(@#ny+1)+l]:=@#sb[(k-1)*@#ny+l]; else: @#sb[(k-1)*(@#ny+1)+l]:=whateverstring; fi; endfor; endfor; % we must also refresh the new column: for k:= 1 upto @#nx: @#sb[k*(@#ny+1)]:=whateverstring; endfor; % The values of |@#ht[i]| and |@#wd[i]| are now incorrect % because of the new column that changed the indices. % for k:=1 upto @#nx: @#ht[k]:=@#ht[k]+((@#ht[k]-1) div @#ny); endfor; for k:=1 upto @#ny: @#wd[k]:=@#wd[k]+((@#wd[k]-1) div @#ny); endfor; @#ny:=@#ny+1; % increase sizes of |@#wd[]| array @#wd.n_:=@#ny; enddef; % This function is only used by |replaceMatrixElement.exp| vardef updateHeight_@#(expr i)= for k:=1 upto @#ny: if known @#sb[(i-1)*@#ny+k]: if @#ht[i]>0: if ypart(obj(@#sb[(i-1)*@#ny+k]).n-obj(@#sb[(i-1)*@#ny+k]).s)> ypart(obj(@#sb[@#ht[i]]).n-obj(@#sb[@#ht[i]]).s): @#ht[i]:=(i-1)*@#ny+k; fi; else: @#ht[i]:=(i-1)*@#ny+k; fi; fi; endfor; enddef; % This function is only used by |replaceMatrixElement.exp| vardef updateWidth_@#(expr j)= for k:=1 upto @#nx: if known @#sb[(k-1)*@#ny+j]: if @#wd[j]>0: if xpart(obj(@#sb[(k-1)*@#ny+j]).e-obj(@#sb[(k-1)*@#ny+j]).w)> xpart(obj(@#sb[@#wd[j]]).e-obj(@#sb[@#wd[j]]).w): @#wd[j]:=(k-1)*@#ny+j; fi; else: @#wd[j]:=(k-1)*@#ny+j; fi; fi; endfor; enddef; % Delete matrix element (i,j). In certain cases, we reduce the number % of columns or lines. % We assume that after deletion the matrix is not empty. vardef deleteMatrixElement.exp@#(expr i,j)= % The easy case is when the element we want to remove was neither % alone on its line, nor on its column if isaloneoncolumn_@#(i,j): if isaloneonline_@#(i,j): % case 1 (toughest case) % Here, we have to shift up to three whole blocks of the matrix for k:=1 upto (@#nx-1)*(@#ny-1): if known @#sb[transfer_@#(k,@#nx-1,@#ny-1,i,j)]: @#sb[k]:=@#sb[transfer_@#(k,@#nx-1,@#ny-1,i,j)]; else: @#sb[k]:=whateverstring; fi; endfor; % the last column and line must be refreshed for k:=(@#nx-1)*(@#ny-1)+1 upto @#nx*@#ny: @#sb[k]:=whateverstring; endfor; % |@#wd[]| and |@#ht[]| must be updated, % as well as their number of elements. for k:=1 upto i-1: @#ht[k]:=transferi_@#(@#ht[k],@#nx-1,@#ny-1,i,j); endfor; for k:=i+1 upto @#nx: @#ht[k-1]:=transferi_@#(@#ht[k],@#nx-1,@#ny-1,i,j); endfor; for k:=1 upto j-1: @#wd[k]:=transferi_@#(@#wd[k],@#nx-1,@#ny-1,i,j); endfor; for k:=j+1 upto @#ny: @#wd[k-1]:=transferi_@#(@#wd[k],@#nx-1,@#ny-1,i,j); endfor; % |@#nx| and |@#ny| must be updated @#nx:=@#nx-1;@#ny:=@#ny-1; @#sb.n_:=@#nx*@#ny; @#ht.n_:=@#ht.n_-1;@#wd.n_:=@#wd.n_-1; else: % case 2: we remove column |j| for k:=1 upto @#nx*(@#ny-1): if known @#sb[transfer_@#(k,@#nx,@#ny-1,@#nx+1,j)]: @#sb[k]:=@#sb[transfer_@#(k,@#nx,@#ny-1,@#nx+1,j)]; else: @#sb[k]:=whateverstring; fi; endfor; % the last column must be refreshed for k:=@#nx*(@#ny-1)+1 upto @#nx*@#ny: @#sb[k]:=whateverstring; endfor; % |@#wd[]| and |@#ht[]| must be updated, % as well as their number of elements. for k:=1 upto @#nx: @#ht[k]:=transferi_@#(@#ht[k],@#nx,@#ny-1,@#nx+1,j); endfor; % SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR |@#ht[i]|: @#ht[i]:=0;updateHeight_@#(i); for k:=1 upto j-1: @#wd[k]:=transferi_@#(@#wd[k],@#nx,@#ny-1,@#nx+1,j); endfor; for k:=j+1 upto @#ny: @#wd[k-1]:=transferi_@#(@#wd[k],@#nx,@#ny-1,@#nx+1,j); endfor; % |@#ny| must be updated @#ny:=@#ny-1; @#sb.n_:=@#nx*@#ny; @#wd.n_:=@#wd.n_-1; fi; else: if isaloneonline_@#(i,j): % case 3: we remove line |i| for k:=1 upto (@#nx-1)*@#ny: if known @#sb[transfer_@#(k,@#nx-1,@#ny,i,@#ny+1)]: @#sb[k]:=@#sb[transfer_@#(k,@#nx-1,@#ny,i,@#ny+1)]; else: @#sb[k]:=whateverstring; fi; endfor; % the last line must be refreshed for k:=(@#nx-1)*@#ny+1 upto @#nx*@#ny: @#sb[k]:=whateverstring; endfor; % |@#wd[]| and |@#ht[]| must be updated, % as well as their number of elements. for k:=1 upto i-1: @#ht[k]:=transferi_@#(@#ht[k],@#nx-1,@#ny,i,@#ny+1); endfor; for k:=i+1 upto @#nx: @#ht[k-1]:=transferi_@#(@#ht[k],@#nx-1,@#ny,i,@#ny+1); endfor; for k:=1 upto @#ny: @#wd[k]:=transferi_@#(@#wd[k],@#nx-1,@#ny,i,@#ny+1); % SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR |@#wd[j]|: endfor; @#wd[j]:=0;updateWidth_@#(j); % |@#nx| and |@#ny| must be updated @#nx:=@#nx-1; @#sb.n_:=@#nx*@#ny; @#ht.n_:=@#ht.n_-1; else: % case 4 (easiest case) % we cancel the subobject @#sb[(i-1)*@#ny+j]:=whateverstring; % and we recompute the |@#ht[i]| and |@#wd[j]| values: @#ht[i]:=0;updateHeight_@#(i); @#wd[j]:=0;updateWidth_@#(j); fi; fi; resetObj.exp@#; enddef; % This function is only used by |deleteMatrixElement.exp| % Given a slot |n| in a matrix |nnx|$\times$|nny|, where |nnx=@#nx| or % |@#nx-1|, and |nny=@#ny| or |@#ny-1|, this function finds % the slot number from the matrix |@#nx|$\times$|@#ny|. % |i| and |j| are the missing line and column indexes % If either |i| or |j| is equal to 0, only a line or only a column is missing. vardef transfer_@#(expr n,nnx,nny,i,j)= save l,c,res; hide( % line and column of |n|: l=((n-1) div nny)+1; c=n-(l-1)*nny; if i*j>0: if (l>=1) and (l=i): if c0: if i*j>0: if (l>=1) and (l=i): if ci) and (known @#sb[(k-1)*@#ny+j]): res:=false; fi; endfor; res enddef; % This function is only used by |deleteMatrixElement.exp| vardef isaloneonline_@#(expr i,j)= save res;boolean res;res=true; for k:=1 upto @#ny: if (k<>j) and (known @#sb[(i-1)*@#ny+k]): res:=false; fi; endfor; res enddef; % add brackets to an object % the left bracket is |left| and the right bracket is |right| vardef bracketit.exp(suffix $)(expr left,right)= save ratio;numeric ratio; ratio=ypart($n-$s)/ypart(urcorner left-lrcorner left); settodefaultifnotknown_("labshift")(pair) ((-.5ratio*xpart(urcorner left-ulcorner left),0)); ObjLabel.$(left scaled ratio) "labpoint(w)"; ratio:=ypart($n-$s)/ypart(urcorner right-lrcorner right); o_labshift_val:=(.5ratio*xpart(urcorner right-ulcorner right),0); ObjLabel.$(right scaled ratio) "labpoint(e)"; enddef; %===================================================================== % Definitions specific to the |EmptyBox| class % |@#| is a name for a box (must be a suffix) % |@#| will be the number of the box, but will also be used % as a prefix for other variables. vardef newEmptyBox@#(expr dx,dy) text options= ExecuteOptions(@#)(options); assignObj(@#,"EmptyBox"); StandardInterface; ObjCode StandardEquations, "@#ise-@#isw=(" & decimal dx & ",0)", "@#ine-@#ise=(0," & decimal dy & ")"; enddef; % shortcut (PSTricks compatibility) def Tn= new_EmptyBox(0,0) enddef; streamline("EmptyBox")("(expr dx,dy)","(dx,dy)"); def BpathEmptyBox(suffix n)=StandardBpath(n) enddef; def drawEmptyBox(suffix n)= if show_empty_boxes: drawFramedOrFilledObject_(n); fi; drawMemorizedPaths_(n); enddef; setObjectDefaultOption("EmptyBox")("filled")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("EmptyBox")("fillcolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("EmptyBox")("framed")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("EmptyBox")("framewidth")(.5bp); setObjectDefaultOption("EmptyBox")("framecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("EmptyBox")("framestyle")(""); setObjectDefaultOption("EmptyBox")("shadow")(false); % no shadow by default setObjectDefaultOption("EmptyBox")("shadowcolor")(black); % |HRazor| and |VRazor| are just wrappers around the |EmptyBox| class vardef newHRazor@#(expr dx) text options =newEmptyBox@#(dx,0) options enddef; vardef new_HRazor(expr dx)= new_EmptyBox(dx,0) enddef; vardef newVRazor@#(expr dy) text options =newEmptyBox@#(0,dy) options enddef; vardef new_VRazor(expr dy)= new_EmptyBox(0,dy) enddef; % Moreover, we define two handy abbreviations for the streamlined versions: def HR(expr dx)=new_HRazor(dx) enddef; def VR(expr dy)=new_VRazor(dy) enddef; %===================================================================== % Definitions specific to the |RandomBox| class % A class ``|RandomBox|'' with four random points. % |@#| is a name for a box (must be a suffix) % |@#| will be the number of the box, but will also be used % as a prefix for other variables. % |wd| is the width, |ht| the height, and |dx| and |dy| are % maximum allowed variations. Then to each point are % added |(uniformdeviate(dx),uniformdeviate(dy))| vardef newRandomBox@#(expr wd,ht,dx,dy) text options= ExecuteOptions(@#)(options); assignObj(@#,"RandomBox"); StandardInterface; % The random calculations are done only once, when the object % is created. So, there are no problems for duplicating such % an object. ObjCode MinimumStandardEquations, "xpart(@#ine)-xpart(@#inw)=" & decimal (wd+uniformdeviate(dx)-dx/2), "xpart(@#ise)-xpart(@#inw)=" & decimal (wd+uniformdeviate(dx)-dx/2), "xpart(@#isw)-xpart(@#inw)=" & decimal (uniformdeviate(dx)-dx/2), "ypart(@#inw)-ypart(@#ine)=" & decimal (uniformdeviate(dy)-dy/2), "ypart(@#inw)-ypart(@#ise)=" & decimal (ht+uniformdeviate(dy)-dy/2), "ypart(@#inw)-ypart(@#isw)=" & decimal (ht+uniformdeviate(dy)-dy/2); enddef; streamline("RandomBox")("(expr wd,ht,dx,dy)","(wd,ht,dx,dy)"); def BpathRandomBox(suffix n)=StandardBpath(n) enddef; def drawRandomBox(suffix n)= drawFramedOrFilledObject_(n); drawMemorizedPaths_(n); enddef; setObjectDefaultOption("RandomBox")("filled")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("RandomBox")("fillcolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("RandomBox")("framed")(true); setObjectDefaultOption("RandomBox")("framewidth")(.5bp); setObjectDefaultOption("RandomBox")("framecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("RandomBox")("framestyle")(""); setObjectDefaultOption("RandomBox")("shadow")(false); % no shadow by default setObjectDefaultOption("RandomBox")("shadowcolor")(black); %===================================================================== % Definitions specific to the |RecursiveBox| class % A class ``|RecursiveBox|'' with four points. % A constructor initializing a box containing |n| levels of itself. % |@#| is a name for a box (must be a suffix) % |@#| will be the number of the box, but will also be used % as a prefix for other variables. vardef newRecursiveBox@#(expr n) text options= ExecuteOptions(@#)(options); assignObj(@#,"RecursiveBox"); StandardInterface; % we create a subobject only when |n|>0 if n>0: % we find a name for the subobject: SubObject(sub,obj(newobjstring_)); % and we continue to create the hierarchy: newRecursiveBox.obj(@#sub)(n-1); rotateObj(obj(@#sub),OptionValue@#("rotangle")); % the equations are slightly adapted from |newBB|: ObjCode StandardEquations, "save lftmost,rtmost,topmost,botmost;", "string lftmost,rtmost,topmost,botmost;", "lftmost=find_lft_most.obj(@#sub);", "rtmost =find_rt_most.obj(@#sub);", "topmost=find_top_most.obj(@#sub);", "botmost=find_bot_most.obj(@#sub);", "xpart(@#inw)=xpart(obj(@#sub).obj(lftmost));", "xpart(@#ine)=xpart(obj(@#sub).obj(rtmost));", "ypart(@#inw)=ypart(obj(@#sub).obj(topmost));", "ypart(@#isw)=ypart(obj(@#sub).obj(botmost));"; else: ObjCode StandardEquations, "@#ise-@#isw=(" & decimal (OptionValue@#("dx")) & ",0)", "@#ine-@#ise=(0," & decimal (OptionValue@#("dy")) & ")"; fi; StandardTies; enddef; streamline("RecursiveBox")("(expr n)","(n)"); def BpathRecursiveBox(suffix n)=StandardBpath(n) enddef; def drawRecursiveBox(suffix n)= drawFramedOrFilledObject_(n); if known n.sub: drawObj(obj(n.sub)); fi; drawMemorizedPaths_(n); enddef; setObjectDefaultOption("RecursiveBox")("filled")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("RecursiveBox")("fillcolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("RecursiveBox")("framed")(true); setObjectDefaultOption("RecursiveBox")("framewidth")(.5bp); setObjectDefaultOption("RecursiveBox")("framecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("RecursiveBox")("framestyle")(""); setObjectDefaultOption("RecursiveBox")("dx")(5cm); setObjectDefaultOption("RecursiveBox")("dy")(5cm); setObjectDefaultOption("RecursiveBox")("rotangle")(10); setObjectDefaultOption("RecursiveBox")("shadow")(false); % no shadow by default setObjectDefaultOption("RecursiveBox")("shadowcolor")(black); %===================================================================== % Definitions specific to the |VonKochFlake| class % This class draws a generic Von Koch flake. % |@#| is a name for a box (must be a suffix) % |@#| will be the number of the box, but will also be used % as a prefix for other variables. vardef newVonKochFlake@#(expr n) text options= ExecuteOptions(@#)(options); assignObj(@#,"VonKochFlake"); StandardInterface; % define a triangle ObjPoint A,B,C; save p; pair p[]; % Compute the three vertices: p2-p1=(10cm,0);p3-p1=(p2-p1) rotated 60; % we create subobjects only when |n|>0 if n>0: % we find names for the three subobjects % (one for each side of the triangle) SubObject(suba,obj(newobjstring_)); SubObject(subb,obj(newobjstring_)); SubObject(subc,obj(newobjstring_)); % and we continue to create the hierarchy: newVonKochSide.obj(@#suba)(p1,p2,n-1); newVonKochSide.obj(@#subb)(p2,p3,n-1); newVonKochSide.obj(@#subc)(p3,p1,n-1); ObjCode StandardEquations, "@#B-@#A=(" & decimal xpart(p2-p1) & "," & decimal ypart(p2-p1) & ")", "@#C-@#A=(" & decimal xpart(p3-p1) & "," & decimal ypart(p3-p1) & ")", "@#A=@#isw","@#B=@#ise", "ypart(@#C)=ypart(@#inw)", "@#A=obj(@#suba).A=obj(@#subc).E", "@#B=obj(@#suba).E=obj(@#subb).A", "@#C=obj(@#subb).E=obj(@#subc).A"; else: ObjCode StandardEquations, "@#B-@#A=(" & decimal xpart(p2-p1) & "," & decimal ypart(p2-p1) & ")", "@#C-@#A=(" & decimal xpart(p3-p1) & "," & decimal ypart(p3-p1) & ")", "@#A=@#isw","@#B=@#ise","ypart(@#C)=ypart(@#inw)"; fi; StandardTies; enddef; streamline("VonKochFlake")("(expr n)","(n)"); def BpathVonKochFlake(suffix n)=n.A--n.B--n.C--cycle enddef; def drawVonKochFlake(suffix n)= if known n.suba:drawObj(obj(n.suba));else: draw n.A--n.B;fi; if known n.subb:drawObj(obj(n.subb));else: draw n.B--n.C;fi; if known n.subc:drawObj(obj(n.subc));else: draw n.C--n.A;fi; drawMemorizedPaths_(n); enddef; %===================================================================== % Definitions specific to the |VonKochSide| class % This class draws a generic Von Koch flake side. % |@#| is a name for a box (must be a suffix) % |@#| will be the number of the box, but will also be used % as a prefix for other variables. vardef newVonKochSide@#(expr pa,pb,n) text options= ExecuteOptions(@#)(options); assignObj(@#,"VonKochSide"); StandardInterface; % define a triangle ObjPoint A,B,C,D,E; save p; pair p[]; % Compute the five vertices: p1=pa;p5=pb;p2-p1=p4-p2=p5-p4=(p4-p3) rotated -60=(p3-p2) rotated 60; % we create subobjects only when |n|>0 if n>0: % we find names for the four subobjects % (one for each of the subdivision of the sides) SubObject(suba,obj(newobjstring_)); SubObject(subb,obj(newobjstring_)); SubObject(subc,obj(newobjstring_)); SubObject(subd,obj(newobjstring_)); % and we continue to create the hierarchy: newVonKochSide.obj(@#suba)(p1,p2,n-1); newVonKochSide.obj(@#subb)(p2,p3,n-1); newVonKochSide.obj(@#subc)(p3,p4,n-1); newVonKochSide.obj(@#subd)(p4,p5,n-1); ObjCode StandardEquations, "@#B-@#A=(" & decimal xpart(p2-p1) & "," & decimal ypart(p2-p1) & ")", "@#C-@#A=(" & decimal xpart(p3-p1) & "," & decimal ypart(p3-p1) & ")", "@#D-@#A=(" & decimal xpart(p4-p1) & "," & decimal ypart(p4-p1) & ")", "@#E-@#A=(" & decimal xpart(p5-p1) & "," & decimal ypart(p5-p1) & ")", "@#isw=@#A","@#ine=@#E", "@#A=obj(@#suba).A", "@#B=obj(@#suba).E=obj(@#subb).A", "@#C=obj(@#subb).E=obj(@#subc).A", "@#D=obj(@#subc).E=obj(@#subd).A", "@#E=obj(@#subd).E"; else: ObjCode StandardEquations, "@#B-@#A=(" & decimal xpart(p2-p1) & "," & decimal ypart(p2-p1) & ")", "@#C-@#A=(" & decimal xpart(p3-p1) & "," & decimal ypart(p3-p1) & ")", "@#D-@#A=(" & decimal xpart(p4-p1) & "," & decimal ypart(p4-p1) & ")", "@#E-@#A=(" & decimal xpart(p5-p1) & "," & decimal ypart(p5-p1) & ")", "@#isw=(xpart(@#A),ypart(@#A))", "@#ine=(xpart(@#E),ypart(@#E))"; fi; StandardTies; enddef; streamline("VonKochSide")("(expr pa,pb,n)","(pa,pb,n)"); def BpathVonKochSide(suffix n)=n.A--n.B--n.C--n.D--n.E enddef; def drawVonKochSide(suffix n)= if known n.suba:drawObj(obj(n.suba));else: draw n.A--n.B;fi; if known n.subb:drawObj(obj(n.subb));else: draw n.B--n.C;fi; if known n.subc:drawObj(obj(n.subc));else: draw n.C--n.D;fi; if known n.subd:drawObj(obj(n.subd));else: draw n.D--n.E;fi; drawMemorizedPaths_(n); enddef; %===================================================================== % Definitions specific to the |Box| class % A class ``Box'' with four points. % A constructor initializing the variable |p| (picture) % |@#| is a name for a box (must be a suffix) % |@#| will be the number of the box, but will also be used % as a prefix for other variables. % |v| is either a picture, a string or an object given by its number vardef newBox@#(expr v) text options= ExecuteOptions(@#)(options); assignObj(@#,"Box"); StandardInterface; StandardObjectOrPictureContainerSetup(v); if OptionValue@#("rbox_radius")>0: ObjPoint ene,ese,sse,ssw,wsw,wnw,nnw,nne; % we use paths for the rounded corners if necessary addPathVariables@#(_spath_); fi; if not OptionValue@#("fit"): @#a:=max(@#a,@#b);@#b:=@#a; % square fi; ObjCode StandardEquations, if numeric v: ".5[@#isw,@#ine]=.5[obj(@#sub)ne,obj(@#sub)sw]", % object elseif (picture v) or (string v): ".5[@#isw,@#ine]=@#p.off", % picture offset fi if OptionValue@#("rbox_radius")>0: "@#ine-@#nne=@#ise-@#sse=@#nnw-@#inw=@#ssw-@#isw=(" & decimal (OptionValue@#("rbox_radius")) & ",0)", "@#ine-@#ene=@#ese-@#ise=@#inw-@#wnw=@#wsw-@#isw=(0," & decimal (OptionValue@#("rbox_radius")) & ")", fi "@#ise-@#isw=(" & decimal (2@#a+2*OptionValue@#("dx")) & ",0)", "@#ine-@#ise=(0," & decimal (2@#b+2*OptionValue@#("dy")) & ")"; StandardTies; if OptionValue@#("rbox_radius")>0: addPath@#(_spath_,1, @#nnw{left}..{down}@#wnw--@#wsw{down} ..{right}@#ssw--@#sse{right}..{up}@#ese--@#ene{up} ..{left}@#nne--cycle ); defineBox_pathparameters(@#); fi; enddef; def defineBox_pathparameters(suffix $)= $_spath_.n_:=1; $_spath_._draw_[1]:=LocalOptionValue("cdraw","cdraw_default"); $_spath_.visible[1]:=true; $_spath_.pathfilled[1]:=false; $_spath_.pathfillcolor[1]:=black; $_spath_.border[1]:=CLOV_("border"); $_spath_.bordercolor[1]:=CLOV_("bordercolor"); $_spath_.linewidth[1]:=OptionValue$("framewidth"); $_spath_.linecolor[1]:=OptionValue$("framecolor"); $_spath_.nodesepA[1]:=0; $_spath_.nodesepB[1]:=0; $_spath_.arrows[1]:="draw"; $_spath_.linestyle[1]:=CLOV_("linestyle"); $_spath_.doubleline[1]:=false; forsuffixes $$=_draw_,visible,border,bordercolor,linewidth,linecolor, arrows,linestyle,nodesepA,nodesepB,doubleline,pathfilled,pathfillcolor: $_spath_$$n_:=1; endfor; enddef; def Tr_(expr p)= new_Box_(p)("framed(false)") enddef; def Tf= new_Box_("")("filled(true)") enddef; vardef newRBox@#(expr v) text options= newBox@#(v) "rbox_radius(1mm)", options; enddef; vardef new_RBox(expr v)= new_Box_(v)("rbox_radius(1mm)") enddef; streamline("Box")("(expr v)","(v)"); def BpathBox(suffix n)= (if OptionValue.n("rbox_radius")=0: StandardBpath(n) else: % good curve: % |cycle| was added because in certain cases, |unfill| is called % on the path returned by |BpathBox|. (Path.n(_spath_,1)--cycle) % bad curve: % (n.nnw{n.nnw-n.nne}..{n.wsw-n.wnw}n.wnw--n.wsw{n.wsw-n.wnw} % ..{n.sse-n.ssw}n.ssw--n.sse{n.sse-n.ssw} % ..{n.ene-n.ese}n.ese--n.ene{n.ene-n.ese} % ..{n.nnw-n.nne}n.nne--cycle) fi ) enddef; def drawBox(suffix n)= if OptionValue.n("rbox_radius")=0: drawFramedOrFilledObject_(n); else: if OptionValue.n("framed"): if OptionValue.n("shadow"): fill (BpathObj(n) shifted (1mm,-1mm)) withcolor OptionValue.n("shadowcolor"); fi; unfill BpathObj(n); fi; if OptionValue.n("filled"): fill BpathObj(n) withcolor OptionValue.n("fillcolor"); fi; fi; drawPictureOrObject(n); drawMemorizedPaths_(n); enddef; setObjectDefaultOption("Box")("dx")(3bp); % same value as in |boxes.mp| setObjectDefaultOption("Box")("dy")(3bp); % same value as in |boxes.mp| setObjectDefaultOption("Box")("filled")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("Box")("fillcolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("Box")("framed")(true); setObjectDefaultOption("Box")("shadow")(false); % no shadow by default setObjectDefaultOption("Box")("shadowcolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("Box")("fit")(true); setObjectDefaultOption("Box")("framewidth")(.5bp); setObjectDefaultOption("Box")("framecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("Box")("framestyle")(""); setObjectDefaultOption("Box")("rbox_radius")(0); % after rboxes.mp setObjectDefaultOption("Box")("picturecolor")(black); %===================================================================== % Definitions specific to the |Polygon| class % A polygon, either empty, or enclosing a picture or an object |v|. % |@#| is a name for a box (must be a suffix) % |@#| will be the number of the box, but will also be used % as a prefix for other variables. % |nsides| is the number of sides vardef newPolygon@#(expr v,nsides) text options= ExecuteOptions(@#)(options); assignObj(@#,"Polygon"); StandardInterface; StandardObjectOrPictureContainerSetup(v); ObjPointArray(po)(nsides); % we can now use |po1|, |po2|, ..., |po[nsides]| ObjNumeric ns; setNumeric(ns)(nsides); % now, we can use |@#ns| in the |ObjCode| % we actually define an ellipse on which we build the polygon: ObjNumeric cdx,cdy; % computed dx and dy @#cdx=@#cdy=pathsel__(@#a,@#b)(max(@#a,@#b),OptionValue@#("polymargin"), (@#a+d_,0){up}...(0,@#b+d_){left}); ObjCode StandardEquations, if numeric v: ".5[@#isw,@#ine]=.5[obj(@#sub)ne,obj(@#sub)sw]", % object elseif (picture v) or (string v): ".5[@#isw,@#ine]=@#p.off", % picture offset fi % the size of the box is related to the size of its contents if OptionValue@#("fit"): "@#ise-@#isw=(" & decimal (2@#a+2*@#cdx) & ",0)", "@#ine-@#ise=(0," & decimal (2@#b+2*@#cdy) & ")", else: "@#ise-@#isw=(" & decimal(2(@#a++@#b) + OptionValue@#("polymargin")) & ",0);", "@#ine-@#ise=(0," & decimal(2(@#a++@#b) + OptionValue@#("polymargin")) & ");", fi "save ys,op;numeric ys;", "def op expr $=(.5(@#ine-@#inw)) rotated $ yscaled ys enddef;", if OptionValue@#("fit"): "ys=" & decimal((@#b+@#cdy)/(@#a+@#cdx)) & ";", else: "ys=1;", fi "save k;for k:=1 upto " & decimal nsides & ":", "@#po[k]-.5(@#isw+@#ine)=op (" & decimal(OptionValue@#("angle")) & "+(k-1)*(360/@#ns));", "endfor;"; StandardTies; enddef; streamline("Polygon")("(expr v,nsides)","(v,nsides)"); def BpathPolygon(suffix n)= (for i:=1 upto n.po.n_: n.po[i]--endfor cycle) enddef; def drawPolygon(suffix n)= drawFramedOrFilledObject_(n); drawPictureOrObject(n); drawMemorizedPaths_(n); enddef; % These are all the options that can be used with a |Polygon|. setObjectDefaultOption("Polygon")("polymargin")(2mm); setObjectDefaultOption("Polygon")("angle")(0); setObjectDefaultOption("Polygon")("filled")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("Polygon")("fillcolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("Polygon")("framed")(true); setObjectDefaultOption("Polygon")("fit")(true); setObjectDefaultOption("Polygon")("framewidth")(.5bp); setObjectDefaultOption("Polygon")("framecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("Polygon")("framestyle")(""); setObjectDefaultOption("Polygon")("picturecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("Polygon")("shadow")(false); % no shadow by default setObjectDefaultOption("Polygon")("shadowcolor")(black); % a few common shortcuts: vardef newTriangle@#(expr v) text options= newPolygon@#(v,3) options; enddef; vardef newSquare@#(expr v) text options= newPolygon@#(v,4) options; enddef; vardef newPentagon@#(expr v) text options= newPolygon@#(v,5) options; enddef; vardef newHexagon@#(expr v) text options= newPolygon@#(v,6) options; enddef; vardef newHeptagon@#(expr v) text options= newPolygon@#(v,7) options; enddef; vardef newOctagon@#(expr v) text options= newPolygon@#(v,8) options; enddef; vardef newEnneagon@#(expr v) text options= newPolygon@#(v,9) options; enddef; vardef newDecagon@#(expr v) text options= newPolygon@#(v,10) options; enddef; % THESE SHORTCUTS SHOULD BE STREAMLINED (OR MAYBE NOT, TO DISCOURAGE THEIR USE % FOR THE MORE GENERIC newPolygon) %===================================================================== % Definitions specific to the |Ellipse| class % A constructor initializing the variable |p| (picture) % |@#| is a name for a box (must be a suffix) % |@#| will be the number of the box, but will also be used % as a prefix for other variables. vardef newEllipse@#(expr v) text options= ExecuteOptions(@#)(options); assignObj(@#,"Ellipse"); StandardInterface; StandardObjectOrPictureContainerSetup(v); if not OptionValue@#("fit"): @#a:=max(@#a,@#b);@#b:=@#a; % circle fi; ObjNumeric cdx,cdy; % computed dx and dy if (@#a=0) and (@#b=0): @#cdx=@#cdy=OptionValue@#("circmargin"); else: @#cdx=@#cdy=pathsel__(@#a,@#b)(max(@#a,@#b),OptionValue@#("circmargin"), (@#a+d_,0){up}...(0,@#b+d_){left}); fi; if not OptionValue@#("fit"): % we draw a circle that fits horizontally @#cdx:=OptionValue@#("circmargin"); @#cdy:=@#cdx; fi; ObjCode StandardEquations, if numeric v: ".5[@#isw,@#ine]=.5[obj(@#sub)ne,obj(@#sub)sw]", % object elseif (picture v) or (string v): ".5[@#isw,@#ine]=@#p.off", % picture offset fi "@#ise-@#isw=(" & decimal (2@#a+2*@#cdx) & ",0)", "@#ine-@#ise=(0," & decimal (2@#b+2*@#cdy) & ")"; StandardTies; enddef; streamline("Ellipse")("(expr v)","(v)"); % shortcut (PSTricks compatibility) def Toval_(expr p)= new_Ellipse(p) enddef; % The function drawing the ellipse uses the current transformation % of the object to get the right shape. However, when doing so, % we can't use the current points, since the current transformation % applies to the initial points... We can either inverse % the current transform (using |inverse|) or use some information % stored on the initial status. vardef ellipse@#(expr a_,b_,c_,d_)= (fullcircle xscaled (2@#a+2*@#cdx) yscaled (2@#b+2*@#cdy) transformed @#ctransform_ shifted ((a_+c_)/2) ) enddef; def BpathEllipse(suffix n)= ellipse.n(n.isw,n.ise,n.ine,n.inw) enddef; def drawEllipse(suffix n)= drawFramedOrFilledObject_(n); drawPictureOrObject(n); drawMemorizedPaths_(n); enddef; setObjectDefaultOption("Ellipse")("circmargin")(2bp); % same value as in |boxes.mp| setObjectDefaultOption("Ellipse")("framed")(true); setObjectDefaultOption("Ellipse")("filled")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("Ellipse")("fillcolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("Ellipse")("fit")(true); setObjectDefaultOption("Ellipse")("framewidth")(.5bp); setObjectDefaultOption("Ellipse")("framecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("Ellipse")("framestyle")(""); setObjectDefaultOption("Ellipse")("picturecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("Ellipse")("shadow")(false); % no shadow by default setObjectDefaultOption("Ellipse")("shadowcolor")(black); %===================================================================== % Definitions specific to the |Circle| class vardef newCircle@#(expr v) text options= ExecuteOptions(@#)(options); assignObj(@#,"Circle"); StandardInterface; StandardObjectOrPictureContainerSetup(v); ObjNumeric cdx,cdy; % computed dx and dy if (numeric v) or (picture v) or (string v): % object or picture @#cdx=(@#a++@#b)+OptionValue@#("circmargin")-@#a; @#cdy=(@#a++@#b)+OptionValue@#("circmargin")-@#b; %@#cdx=@#cdy=pathsel__(@#a,@#b)(max(@#a,@#b),OptionValue@#("circmargin"), % (@#a+d_,0){up}...(0,@#b+d_){left}); else: @#cdx=@#cdy=OptionValue@#("circmargin"); fi; ObjCode StandardEquations, if numeric v: ".5[@#isw,@#ine]=.5[obj(@#sub)ne,obj(@#sub)sw]", % object elseif (picture v) or (string v): ".5[@#isw,@#ine]=@#p.off", % picture offset fi "@#ise-@#isw=(" & decimal(2*max(@#a,@#b)+2*@#cdx) %decimal(@#a++@#b+OptionValue@#("circmargin")) & ",0)", "@#ine-@#ise=(0," & decimal(2*max(@#a,@#b)+2*@#cdy) %decimal(@#a++@#b+OptionValue@#("circmargin")) & ")"; StandardTies; enddef; streamline("Circle")("(expr v)","(v)"); % shortcuts (PSTricks compatibility) def Tcircle_(expr p)= new_Circle(p) enddef; % circle with a 1mm radius def Tc= new_Circle_("")("circmargin(1mm)") enddef; def Tc_(expr s)= new_Circle_("")("circmargin(" & decimal(s) & ")") enddef; % filled circle with a 1mm radius def TC= new_Circle_("")("filled(true)","circmargin(1mm)") enddef; % default filled circle def TCs= new_Circle_("")("filled(true)") enddef; def TC_(expr s)= new_Circle_("")("filled(true)","circmargin(" & decimal(s) & ")") enddef; vardef circle@#(expr a_,b_,c_,d_)= (fullcircle scaled 2(@#a+@#cdx) transformed @#ctransform_ shifted ((a_+c_)/2) ) enddef; def BpathCircle(suffix n)= circle.n(n.isw,n.ise,n.ine,n.inw) enddef; def drawCircle(suffix n_)= drawFramedOrFilledObject_(n_); drawPictureOrObject(n_); drawMemorizedPaths_(n_); enddef; setObjectDefaultOption("Circle")("circmargin")(2bp); % same value as in |boxes.mp| setObjectDefaultOption("Circle")("filled")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("Circle")("fillcolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("Circle")("framed")(true); setObjectDefaultOption("Circle")("framewidth")(.5bp); setObjectDefaultOption("Circle")("framecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("Circle")("framestyle")(""); setObjectDefaultOption("Circle")("picturecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("Circle")("shadow")(false); % no shadow by default setObjectDefaultOption("Circle")("shadowcolor")(black); %===================================================================== % Double Box vardef newDBox@#(expr v) text options= ExecuteOptions(@#)(options); assignObj(@#,"DBox"); StandardInterface; StandardObjectOrPictureContainerSetup(v); if not OptionValue@#("fit"): @#a:=max(@#a,@#b);@#b:=@#a; % square fi; ObjPoint swi,nwi,sei,nei; ObjCode StandardEquations, if numeric v: ".5[@#isw,@#ine]=.5[obj(@#sub)ne,obj(@#sub)sw]", % object elseif (picture v) or (string v): ".5[@#isw,@#ine]=@#p.off", % picture offset fi % inner/outer: "@#isw-@#swi=@#nei-@#ine=(-" & decimal(OptionValue@#("hsep")) & ",-" & decimal(OptionValue@#("vsep")) & ");", "@#ise-@#sei=@#nwi-@#inw=(" & decimal(OptionValue@#("hsep")) & ",-" & decimal(OptionValue@#("vsep")) & ");", % the size of the inner box is related to the size of its contents "@#sei-@#swi=(" & decimal(2@#a+2*OptionValue@#("dx")) & ",0)", "@#nei-@#sei=(0," & decimal(2@#b+2*OptionValue@#("dy")) & ")"; StandardTies; enddef; streamline("DBox")("(expr v)","(v)"); def BpathDBox(suffix n)=StandardBpath(n) enddef; def drawDBox(suffix n)= drawFramedOrFilledObject_(n); if OptionValue.n("framed"): draw n.swi--n.sei--n.nei--n.nwi--cycle withcolor OptionValue.n("framecolor") sc_(OptionValue.n("framestyle")); fi; drawPictureOrObject(n); drawMemorizedPaths_(n); enddef; setObjectDefaultOption("DBox")("filled")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("DBox")("fillcolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("DBox")("framed")(true); setObjectDefaultOption("DBox")("hsep")(1mm); setObjectDefaultOption("DBox")("vsep")(1mm); setObjectDefaultOption("DBox")("dx")(3bp); % same value as in |boxes.mp| setObjectDefaultOption("DBox")("dy")(3bp); % same value as in |boxes.mp| setObjectDefaultOption("DBox")("fit")(true); setObjectDefaultOption("DBox")("framewidth")(.5bp); setObjectDefaultOption("DBox")("framecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("DBox")("framestyle")(""); setObjectDefaultOption("DBox")("picturecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("DBox")("shadow")(false); % no shadow by default setObjectDefaultOption("DBox")("shadowcolor")(black); %===================================================================== % Double Ellipse vardef newDEllipse@#(expr v) text options= ExecuteOptions(@#)(options); assignObj(@#,"DEllipse"); StandardInterface; StandardObjectOrPictureContainerSetup(v); if not OptionValue@#("fit"): @#a:=max(@#a,@#b);@#b:=@#a; % circle fi; ObjPoint swi,nwi,sei,nei; ObjNumeric cdx,cdy; % computed dx and dy @#a:=@#a+OptionValue@#("hsep");@#b:=@#b+OptionValue@#("vsep"); if (@#a=0) and (@#b=0): @#cdx=@#cdy=OptionValue@#("circmargin"); else: @#cdx=@#cdy=pathsel__(@#a,@#b)(max(@#a,@#b),OptionValue@#("circmargin"), (@#a+d_,0){up}...(0,@#b+d_){left}); fi; if not OptionValue@#("fit"): % we draw a circle that fits horizontally @#cdx:=OptionValue@#("circmargin"); @#cdy:=@#cdx; fi; ObjCode StandardEquations, if numeric v: ".5[@#isw,@#ine]=.5[obj(@#sub)ne,obj(@#sub)sw]", % object elseif (picture v) or (string v): ".5[@#isw,@#ine]=@#p.off", % picture offset fi % inner/outer: "@#isw-@#swi=@#nei-@#ine=(-" & decimal(OptionValue@#("hsep")) & ",-" & decimal(OptionValue@#("vsep")) & ");", "@#ise-@#sei=@#nwi-@#inw=(" & decimal(OptionValue@#("hsep")) & ",-" & decimal(OptionValue@#("vsep")) & ");", "@#ise-@#isw=(" & decimal(2@#a+2*@#cdx) & ",0)", "@#ine-@#ise=(0," & decimal(2@#b+2*@#cdx) & ")"; StandardTies; enddef; streamline("DEllipse")("(expr v)","(v)"); vardef innerellipse@#(expr a_,b_,c_,d_)= (fullcircle xscaled (2@#a+2*@#cdx-2*OptionValue@#("hsep")) yscaled (2@#b+2*@#cdx-2*OptionValue@#("vsep")) transformed @#ctransform_ shifted ((a_+c_)/2) ) enddef; def BpathDEllipse(suffix n)=BpathEllipse(n) enddef; def drawDEllipse(suffix n)= drawFramedOrFilledObject_(n); if OptionValue.n("framed"): draw innerellipse.n(n.swi,n.sei,n.nei,n.nwi) withcolor OptionValue.n("framecolor") sc_(OptionValue.n("framestyle")); fi; drawPictureOrObject(n); drawMemorizedPaths_(n); enddef; setObjectDefaultOption("DEllipse")("circmargin")(2bp); % same value as in |boxes.mp| setObjectDefaultOption("DEllipse")("filled")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("DEllipse")("fillcolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("DEllipse")("framed")(true); setObjectDefaultOption("DEllipse")("hsep")(1mm); setObjectDefaultOption("DEllipse")("vsep")(1mm); setObjectDefaultOption("DEllipse")("fit")(true); setObjectDefaultOption("DEllipse")("framewidth")(.5bp); setObjectDefaultOption("DEllipse")("framecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("DEllipse")("framestyle")(""); setObjectDefaultOption("DEllipse")("picturecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("DEllipse")("shadow")(false); % no shadow by default setObjectDefaultOption("DEllipse")("shadowcolor")(black); % It would of course be easy to create triple boxes, triple circles, etc. %===================================================================== % Definitions specific to the |BB| class (Bounding Box) % Sometimes, we want to make a new object hiding the positions % of an object. For instance, if we rotate an object upside down, % the |.s| component will be at the top, etc., and this is likely % to produce unwanted effects when such an object is a subobject % somewhere. One solution is to move the bounding points, % without moving the contents (with respect to the whole bounding box). % This may be a problem if the drawing macros of the object rely % on the bounding box (which would be bad practice). % So here we provide another solution which is simply a class % to encapsulate cleanly a strange object. This class merely adds a layer. % % The computation of the new bounding box only looks at the corners % of the object, not at other points or subobjects. |rebindObj| might % be used to ensure that nothing protrudes. vardef newBB@#(suffix t) text options= ExecuteOptions(@#)(options); assignObj(@#,"BB"); StandardInterface; SubObject(sub,t); % We inject the following in the equations, using |obj(@#sub)| % instead of |t|, so that |resetObj.exp|, or any other function % using the object code, can reexecute the function code. % |lftmost=find_lft_most.t;| % |rtmost =find_rt_most.t;| % |topmost=find_top_most.t;| % |botmost=find_bot_most.t;| % The equations are now: % |xpart(@#nw)=xpart(obj(@#sub).obj(lftmost))| % |xpart(@#ne)=xpart(obj(@#sub).obj(rtmost))| % |ypart(@#nw)=ypart(obj(@#sub).obj(topmost))| % |ypart(@#sw)=ypart(obj(@#sub).obj(botmost))| % (the other points are found with the standard equations) ObjCode StandardEquations, "save lftmost,rtmost,topmost,botmost;", "string lftmost,rtmost,topmost,botmost;", "lftmost=find_lft_most.obj(@#sub);", "rtmost =find_rt_most.obj(@#sub);", "topmost=find_top_most.obj(@#sub);", "botmost=find_bot_most.obj(@#sub);", "xpart(@#inw)=xpart(obj(@#sub).obj(lftmost));", "xpart(@#ine)=xpart(obj(@#sub).obj(rtmost));", "ypart(@#inw)=ypart(obj(@#sub).obj(topmost));", "ypart(@#isw)=ypart(obj(@#sub).obj(botmost));"; StandardTies; enddef; % create a streamlined version streamline("BB")("(expr t)","suffixpar(t)"); def BpathBB(suffix n)= StandardBpath(n) enddef; def drawBB(suffix n)= drawFramedOrFilledObject_(n); drawObj(obj(n.sub)); drawMemorizedPaths_(n); enddef; setObjectDefaultOption("BB")("filled")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("BB")("fillcolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("BB")("framed")(false); setObjectDefaultOption("BB")("framewidth")(.5bp); setObjectDefaultOption("BB")("framecolor")(black); setObjectDefaultOption("BB")("framestyle")(""); setObjectDefaultOption("BB")("shadow")(false); % no shadow by default setObjectDefaultOption("BB")("shadowcolor")(black); endinput