%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This file is part of the MPATTERN package % % mpattern.mp: MetaPost macros for pattern defining and filling % % Author: Piotr Bolek % version 0.2: (Sep 25, 1998) % % $Id: mpattern.mp,v 1.6 1998/09/25 10:48:56 piotrek Exp $ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% boolean P_used_already_; % Record all numbers (charcode) of pictures extra_beginfig := extra_beginfig & "numeric Pwritten_[]; Pcharcode_[charcode]=1; P_used_already_:=false;"; % Working variables to store fragments of Pattern definition string PBBox_, PHead_, PTail_, PPaintProc_, Pname_, Pdefs_; string Pmatrix_; PHead_="<< /PaintType 1 /PatternType 1 /TilingType 1 "; % 11.08.98 PPaintProc_="/PaintProc { begin "; PPaintProc_="/PaintProc { pop "; % 11.08.98 PTail_=" end } >>"; % matrix makepattern"; PTail_=" } >>"; % matrix makepattern"; Pdefs_=""; % New line string string Pnl_; Pnl_=char 13; % Number of defined patterns numeric Pnum_; Pnum_=0; % Split string defining pattern on new line chars % and use each piece as argument to special vardef Psplit_and_write_(expr s)= save Pfirst_, Plast_; Pfirst_:=0; Plast_:=0; for i=0 upto length(s): if ( substring (i,i+1) of s = Pnl_ ): Plast_:=i; special substring (Pfirst_,Plast_) of s; Pfirst_:=i+1; fi; endfor; enddef; % Find maximum charcode not used for picture yet vardef Pmax_charcode_= save Pn_; for i=999 downto 1: Pn_:=i; exitif unknown Pcharcode_[i]; endfor; Pn_ enddef; def PmakeBB_= PBBox_ := "/BBox [" & decimal Plft_ & " " & decimal Plow_ & " " & decimal Prt_ & " " & decimal Pup_ & "]" & Pnl_; enddef; def Psteps_= PBBox_ := PBBox_ & "/XStep " & decimal if unknown PXStep_: (Prt_-Plft_) else: PXStep_ fi & Pnl_ & "/YStep " & decimal if unknown PYStep_: (Pup_-Plow_) else: PYStep_ fi; enddef; vardef Pfindbounds_= % save Plow_, Plft_, Pup_, Prt_; % numeric Plow_, Plft_, Pup_, Prt_; Plow_ = ypart (llcorner currentpicture); Plft_ = xpart (llcorner currentpicture); Pup_ = ypart (urcorner currentpicture); Prt_ = xpart (urcorner currentpicture); PmakeBB_; enddef; % Read file in which the body of patterns PaintProc is stored vardef PReadFile_= save Pfile_, Pline_, Pall_; string Pfile_, Pline_, Pall_; Pline_=Pall_=""; Pfile_:=jobname & "." & decimal charcode; forever: Pline_ := readfrom Pfile_; exitif Pline_ = EOF; if substring(length Pline_-3,length Pline_) of Pline_ = "def": Pdefs_ := Pdefs_ & Pline_ & Pnl_; else: if (substring (0,2) of Pline_ = "%%") or (substring (0,8) of Pline_ = "showpage") or (substring (0,4) of Pline_ = "%!PS"): else: Pall_:=Pall_ & Pline_ & Pnl_; fi; fi; endfor; Pall_ enddef; % Join all parts of pattern definition vardef PmakePattern_(expr name)= save Pread_; string Pread_; Pread_ = PReadFile_; % Write string used later to identify pattern % batchmode; % message "Defining pattern " & name & "->" & decimal (Pnum_*epsilon); % errorstopmode; "% Pattern:" & if (not known PColor_): decimal (Pnum_*epsilon) else: decimal (PColor_) fi & ":" & name & Pnl_ & PHead_ & Pnl_ & PBBox_ & Pnl_ & Pdefs_ & PPaintProc_ & Pnl_ & Pread_ & PTail_ & Pnl_ & Pmatrix_ & " makepattern" & Pnl_ & "/" & name & " exch def" & Pnl_ enddef; % find PatternColor -- color which will be replaced by pattern vardef Pfindcolor_(expr s)= save Pfirst_, Plast_; numeric Pfirst_, Plast_; Pfirst_=Plast_=0; for i=0 upto 255: if substring(i,i+1) of s=":": if Pfirst_=0: Pfirst_:=i+1; else: Plast_:=i; fi; fi; exitif Plast_<>0; endfor; scantokens (substring (Pfirst_,Plast_) of s) enddef; %%%%%%%%%%%%%% User interface macros % Define BoundingBox of pattern vardef patternbbox(expr a)(text b)= % save Plft_, Plow_, Prt_, Pup_, Pi_, Pz_; % numeric Plft_, Plow_, Prt_, Pup_, Pi_, Pz_[]; save Pi_, Pz_; numeric Pi_, Pz_[]; if pair a: Plft_:=min(xpart(a),xpart(b)); Plow_:=min(ypart(a),ypart(b)); Prt_:=max(xpart(a),xpart(b)); Pup_:=max(ypart(a),ypart(b)); else: Pi_=1; for t=b: Pz_[Pi_]=t; Pi_:=Pi_+1; endfor; Plft_:=min(a,Pz_2); Plow_:=min(Pz_1,Pz_3); Prt_:=max(a,Pz_2); Pup_:=max(Pz_1,Pz_3); fi; PmakeBB_; enddef; def beginpattern(suffix name)= numeric PXStep_, PYStep_; numeric Plow_, Plft_, Pup_, Prt_; numeric PColor_; Pmatrix_:=" matrix "; % Declare variable in which the pattern definition will be stored string name; Pname_:=str name; Pnum_:=Pnum_+1; % Use the largest available picture number (charcode) % for storing the body od patten PaintProc beginfig(Pmax_charcode_); enddef; def endpattern= if unknown PBBox_: Pfindbounds_; fi; endfig; Psteps_; begingroup; save Punknown_, Ppattern_; string Punknown_, Ppattern_; Ppattern_=PmakePattern_(Pname_); % free used charcode Pcharcode_[charcode]:=whatever; PBBox_:=Punknown_; Pdefs_:=""; % Assign pattern to string variable scantokens(Pname_ & "=Ppattern_;"); endgroup; enddef; primarydef p withpattern s= hide( Pc_:=Pfindcolor_(s); % write definition of pattern used in picture % but not yet written to output file; if unknown Pwritten_[Pc_]: Psplit_and_write_(s); Pwritten_[Pc_]:=1; fi; if not P_used_already_: batchmode; message "Pattern:" & decimal charcode; errorstopmode; P_used_already_:=true; fi; ) p withcolor Pc_*white enddef; def patterntransform expr t= Pmatrix_ := "[ " & decimal xxpart t & " " & decimal yxpart t & " " & decimal xypart t & " " & decimal yypart t & " " & decimal xpart t & " " & decimal ypart t & " ]"; % show Pmatrix_; enddef; def patternxstep expr t= show t; PXStep_ = t; enddef; def patternystep expr t= show t; PYStep_ = t; enddef; def patternstep text t= show t; if pair t: PXStep_ = xpart t; PYStep_ = ypart t; else: (PXStep_,PYStep_)=t; fi; enddef; def patterncolor expr t= show t; PColor_ = t; enddef;