%%% File: instruct.txt %%% A part of mfpic 0.6 2002/09/12 %%% This is an beta-test version of mfpic. See manifest.txt for a list of files and a brief description of each. Files Required -------------- In a minimal installation only mfpic.tex is required by TeX or LaTeX, grafbase.mf for Metafont, grafbase.mp and dvipsnam.mp for MetaPost. The file mfpic.sty merely inputs mfpic.tex. It allows for use in the LaTeX \usepackage command. The rest of the .tex files are documentation and test files. -- Install mfpic.tex where TeX will find it, mfpic.sty where LaTeX will find it. On any TDS compliant system (such as teTeX, fpTeX, TeXLive, or MiKTeX) they can be put in $TEXMF/tex/generic/mfpic/ (where $TEXMF indicates a directory serving as a root of a texmf tree). -- Install All .mp files (grafbase.mp and dvipsnam.mp) where MetaPost will find them, for example $TEXMF/metapost/mfpic/ . -- Install grafbase.mf where Metafont will find it. For example, $TEXMF/metafont/mfpic/ . -- If required by your TeX system, UPDATE THE FILENAME DATABASE. Please process the documentation mfpicdoc.tex and the supplement mppicdoc.tex (run plain TeX on them, making sure header.tex, indexing.tex and mfpicdoc.ind are where TeX will find them), and read them before trying anything further. If you are familiar with mfpic, version or later, you can probably get going right away, or after reading mppicdoc.tex for MetaPost specific info (except for several new commands). The remaining instructions here are about using mfpic with MetaPost, assuming you have used mfpic with Metafont before. In order to turn on MetaPost support you put something like this in your file.tex (plain TeX, plain pdfTeX or LaTeX209): +-----------------------+ | \input mfpic | | \usemetapost | | \opengraphsfile{figs} | +-----------------------+ or in LaTeX2e or pdfLaTeX: +------------------------------+ | \usepackage[metapost]{mfpic} | | \opengraphsfile{figs} | +------------------------------+ Using mfpic with MetaPost ------------------------- For the most part, mfpic with MetaPost support is used just like mfpic with Metafont, but instead of running a combination of Metafont and gftopk on the output .mf file, one uses Metapost on the output .mp file. That is: 1) Run the appropriate TeX on your file.tex. A file figs.mp is produced. 2) Run "mpost figs" (or "mp figs" on some systems). This creates files figs.1, figs.2, etc., one for each mfpic environment. 3) Run TeX again, this resolves bounding box information and includes the eps figures. 4) Process with an appropriate dvi-to-whatever processor that supports .eps or MetaPost figure inclusions. (Omitted for pdf(La)TeX) For this to work out of the box with plain TeX and LaTeX209 you need epsf.tex (normally distributed with dvips), for pdfTeX and pdfLaTeX you need supp-mis.tex and supp-pdf.tex (often distributed with pdftex, these are part of the ConTeXt system, CTAN/macros/context/cont-tmf.zip), and for LaTeX2e you need the graphics package plus (for pdfLaTeX) a reasonably recent version of pdftex.def and a config file graphics.cfg that can detect pdfLaTeX. The graphics package is in most TeX distributions, or can be found in CTAN/macros/latex/required/graphics/ The file epsf.tex officially supports only dvips, but many dvi-to- whatever software that can handle eps inclusions will also work with it. If your system happens not to be compatible with epsf.tex, and you need to use plain TeX, you will need to \input the appropriate macro files, and redefine \setmfpicgraphic and \getmfpicoffset to the appropriate graphic inclusion command. See mppicdoc.tex. The syntax of the mfpic environments has _not_ changed. You still type "\mfpic" or "\begin{mfpic}" to start a picture, and \lines{(0,0),(1,1)} to draw a line, for example. There are a few new commands, and some old commands now take optional arguments (see mfpicdoc and mppicdoc), but these are, well, optional. On the other hand, any old \mfsrc hacks are almost certainly doomed to failure, as grafbase.mp is quite different from grafbase.mf. Compatibility ------------- This version is intended to be backward compatible with versions or later in the sense that old files can still be processed without change. The following should all work (within limits, in particular nothing is likely to work for hacks that used \mfsrc): 1) Running MetaPost on old .mf files created with mfpic or later. Unless you hacked about with \mfsrc, this _should_ create _some_ sort of picture without error messages (assuming none occurred before). Postscript is a little more sensitive to the order of drawing, so things might not look quite the same (see mppicdoc). On the other hand, sometimes they look better. Please let us know if you try this and anything goes wrong that you think should not. 2) Using \input mfpic _without_ \usemetapost. This will create a Metafont file, not the same file as before but it should be possible to run either Metafont + gftopk, or MetaPost on the result. In fact, some bugs have been removed (but maybe some have been added, too). You could try this in old files (that used mfpic or later). If you do try this, please let us know if anything goes wrong. 3) Adding \usemetapost to old files (using mfpic or later). Things should work (except for \mfsrc commands), but just as in (1) above, Postscript can be more sensitive to the order of drawing. Again, please report any problems. Do _not_ run MetaFONT on figs.mp. Also, make sure MetaPost can find grafbase.mp, otherwise it may try to input grafbase.mf. This will never succeed. Actually, two incompatibilities have been introduced. If you use \savepic{\foo} to save an mfpic-ture for later use, you must now first allocate the storage bin with \newsavepic{\foo} (analogous to the LaTeX \savebox-\newsavebox scheme). In LaTeX2e documents, inputting mfpic.tex after \begin{document} will produce an error (due to LaTeX preamble-only commands like \ProvidesPackage). Let us know the good as well as the bad results you have. Where? ------ The latest test versions of this distribution should be available at my web site. -- Dan Luecking email: luecking@uark.edu Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701-1201 U.S.A