Comprehensive TeX Archive Network: package description ------------------------------------------------------ Name: texdraw Author: Peter Kabal Last changed in archive: 1995/12/19 Archive-path: graphics/texdraw Description: Description= The TeXdraw package consists of a set of macro definitions for the TeX typesetting program. These macros allow the user to produce PostScript drawings from within TeX. The main benefits of TeXdraw accrue from the ability to produce drawings from TeX, using TeX fonts for labelling the drawing. TeXdraw interfaces with the dvips (dvi to PostScript) print program. Basic drawing features include: (1) moves, lines and arrow vectors --- selectable gray level, line width pattern, arrowhead size and type (2) circles, ellipses, arcs, and Bezier curves (3) general fill command to fill a region defined by lines and Bezier curves (selectable gray level) (4) TeX text, including mathematics, can be positioned and superimposed on the drawing