The TeX Catalogue Online

by Graham Williams

CTAN Edition

akletterComprehensive letter support.
An advanced letter document class which extends LaTeX's usual letter class, providing support for building your own letterhead and marking fold points for window envelopes. Options supported by the package include: letterpaper for US letter; a4offset for a modified A4 layout suitable for platic binders that cover a part of the left margin. Also includes isodate to set the date as YYYY-MM-DD as descibed in ISO 8601 and DIN 5008 and akfaxps a new configuration example that uses Times/Courier. See also brief dinbrief envlab formlett
Visit CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/akletter/Download from somewhere nearby (Search)Download from DanteIncluded in TeXLive distribution in latex3License: lppl Version: 1.5h Catalogued: 2000/05/29