The TeX Catalogue Online

by Graham Williams

CTAN Edition

amsprocLaTeX document class for AMS conference proceedings
A LaTeX document class for conference proceedings that is tailored to the design of American Mathematical Society publications. If you have a standard installation of LaTeX, you should find that amsproc is already present because it is included in the AMS-LaTeX distribution. For publication-specific AMS document classes (coll-l.cls, conm-p-l.cls, lam-l.cls, llsci-l.cls, psam-l.cls, pspum-l.cls, etc.), see See also amslatex
Visit CTAN:macros/latex/required/amslatex/classes/Visit the Package's Home PageDownload from somewhere nearby (Search)Download from DanteLicense: lppl Version: 2.08 Catalogued: 2001/02/21