The TeX Catalogue Online

by Graham Williams

CTAN Edition

lgrindProduce beautiful listings of source code with LaTeX.
LGrind is a descendant of the Unix utility vgrind. It prepares various programming language source code (e.g., C, C plus plus, Pascal, BASIC, Modula-2, Fortran, RATFOR Yacc, PostScript, Prolog, MLisp, Icon, LaTeX, Perl, CSH Bourne Shell, assembler, 68000 assembler, asm68 VMS assembler, ISP, LDL, Linda, MODEL, MatLab, Russell) for pretty-printing within LaTeX. Options for producing includable files and pro- cessing embedded listings in LaTeX texts are provided.
Visit CTAN:support/lgrind/Download from somewhere nearby (Search)Download from DanteLicense: dfsg Version: 3.64 Catalogued: 1999/12/18