Last Changes to ArabTeX
Version management:
- We distinguish major versions "m.00", minor versions "m.nn-"
with nn > 0, and patch versions "m.nnx" where "x" is a letter.
- to update from an older major version: reinstall completely.
- to update from an older minor version: replace the contents of
"TEXINPUT" and, if so indicated, "REPORT". Replace the fonts
only if so indicated explicitly.
- to update to a newer patch version: replace the ASCII file
"apatch.sty" and, if you use Hebrew, "hepatch.sty". These files
are distributed as unpacked text files, and will be applied
automatially whenever starting ArabTeX.
- Patch versions within the same minor version are cumulative, so
a newer patch will encompass all earlier versions.
- To back out from a patch version, replace "apatch.sty" by an
earlier version (within the same minor version only!) if still
locally available, or else edit out the current additions from
"apatch.sty" and, if applicable, "hepatch.sty" (save a copy
first!). Also please inform the author why you had to back out.
- There is no provision to return gracefully to earlier minor or
even major versions. We can make them available on request, but
you should have good reasons, and there will be no support.
Current minor version:
Version 3.10
There is a draft version of the new
user manual.
Please note that this version is incomplete and still being updated.
Current patch versions:
For information on earlier versions: see
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Prof. Klaus Lagally
Institut fuer Informatik
Universitaet Stuttgart
Breitwiesenstrasse 20-22
D-70565 Stuttgart
Copyright (c) 1990 - 2001,
Klaus Lagally