This file is part of the CJK package Ver. 4.5.1 (17-Jun-2002). The history of the beta versions of the never released version 2.5 . -------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes beta 1 -> beta 2: hbf2gf: faster (search_min_max() removed) feof() seems to be broken under Amiga gcc 2.6.3; replaced with == EOF etc. some small bug fixes and typos default value of target_size is now design_size (and not 10 pt) Changes beta 2 -> beta 3: ttf2pk: ttfdir must now be defined only once (in MakeTeXPK/maketexp.btm) ttf2pkl instead of ttf2pk at some places erroneously used an updated (and modified) version of MakeTeXPK will be used Makefile under Unix erroneously used FS=MSDOS Changes beta 3 -> beta 4: ttf2pk: MakeTeXPK couldn't create DC fonts correctly. MakeTeXPK couldn't use already created .pk fonts in some cases; you must now change the PKFONTS and PKFONTS.xdvi variable in the kpathsearch configuration file (texmf.cnf) to add `:$pkdir/ttf2pk' ttf2pk.doc added InstallFont added hbf2gf: all float types changed to double. This makes life easier under Amiga pinyin.sty added \CJKcaption command added some caption files added. Will work with the koma-script style files included here (see below). Most of them are not complete now wrong punctuation character offsets in Bg5.chr corrected koma-script style files added. Note: this is only temporary until the next official release of the koma-script package Changes beta 4 -> beta 5: \CJK@enc replaced with specific encodings where possible SJIS encoding scheme added (SJIS.enc, SJISconv.tex etc.). Will currently not work with CEF.sty new commands \CJKCJK, \CJKhangul, and \CJKlatin for UTF8 encoding * handling of intercharacter glue enhanced. Now there will be no \CJKglue * before and after a block of CJK characters. Note that this is a * visually incompatible change to the previous versions of CJK! * (see the command \CJKtilde also) koma-script package removed (you should use the latest official release now); caption files updated mule2cjk added \CJKtilde and \standardtilde added MakeTeXPK hard linked into utils/hbf2gf Changes beta 5 -> beta 6: gmulatex script added \CJKhangul erroneously defined twice: \CJKCJK renamed into \CJKCJKchar, \CJKhangul (in UTF 8 environment) into \CJKhangulchar, \CJKlatin into \CJKlatinchar the `global' option didn't work correctly; many \CJK@global's added new command \CJKencshape to specify shapes on a per encoding base \CJKchar didn't work in preprocessed mode hbf2gf: new keyword `pk_files' (yes/no) new calling mode for use with MakeTeXPK: hbf2gf configuration_file [subfont_number resolution] hbf2gf.cfg renamed to b5so12.cfg (MakeTeXPK needs this name) some .cfg files added other small changes MakeTeXPK: taken from contrib/ttf2pk and enhanced to create CJK .pk files on demand from bitmap files name of the mode subdir changed from `(.../pk/)ttf2pk' to `(.../pk/)CJK'. maketexp.btm: similar changes as for MakeTeXPK; hard linked into utils/hbf2gf makettfp.btm: hard linked into utils/hbf2gf latin-3 and latin-4 added to mule2cjk Changes beta 6 -> beta 7: according to the newest LaTeX2e release, \MakeUppercase will be disabled instead of \uppercase in some cases. a severe bug disabled Korean encoding the encoding switching mechanism was broken; again many \CJK@global's added some commands which should be active only in certain encodings redefined to work with the `global' option (Bg5text environment, \mj etc.) to use the Japanese DNP fonts, an encoding `JISdnp' and two size functions (`DNP' and `DNPgen') are added * a new unifying fontencoding scheme has been introduced: * max. 4 characters encoding + max. 3 characters fontencoding * examples: * JISdnp, JISpmC etc. * this change causes many files to be renamed (e.g. Uhanja.fd->Uhanj.fd); * there is also a bunch of new/redefined functions to support this: * \CJKenc * \CJKfontenc * \CJKshape * \CJKencshape * CJK and CJK* environment * SOME OF THE ABOVE CHANGES ARE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS! CJK characters in verbatim environments will now be treated correctly by mule2cjk. Latin-encodings will still not work there hbf2gf: the collection of configuration files has been harmonized in size changes beta 7 -> 3.0: the protection mechanism has been completely rewritten. Encoding changes will now work in sectioning commands too. the pseudo-\if's has been replaced with real if's to avoid problems with nested \if...\else...\fi constructions. CNS directory renamed to CEF. CEF macros CX, CY and U implemented. Font definition files for CX and CY encodings added. CEF will now work with SJIS encoding too. CEFSconv added. CNS.sty removed. Has been integrated into CJK.sty . there are now three internally used active characters: ^^80, ^^A0: used by mule2cjk ^^ff : used by CEFconv and mule2cjk. we need those characters for verbatim environments. a new internal level introduced: we now have active characters | +--------------> bindings (normal, preprocessed) <- new | active character macros | +--------------> encodings (GB, Bg 5, ...) + | font encodings (none, dnp, pmC) | subfont selecting macros | +--------------> character macro sets (standard, Big 5, ...) | character selecting macros all encodings except UTF 8 will now work in preprocessed mode too. some additional checks whether a loading of a certain binding/encoding/ character set is neccessary. a new style option has been added: `active'. If activated, bindings will be local. Default is still `local' (with global bindings). You will need this option if you want to mix preprocessed text with non-preprocessed text in nested CJK environments. This can happen if you merge texts in various encodings. the offset for the roma subfont of dnp font encoding was incorrect. watanabe (a PD replacement of dnp fonts) font encoding for JIS added. \CJKchar has now an optional parameter to select the encoding. You can also use this command with Unicode encoding; additionally you can enter characters with or without the 8th bit set (GL or GR form) except for SJIS, Bg5 and UTF8 encoding. two new size functions: `CJKsub' and `CJKssub'. They are similar to `sub' and `ssub' except that the font substitution warnings appear only once per CJK fontset. All .fd files updated. MULEenc.sty added. Will be loaded automatically after a file has been processed with mule2cjk. Latin encodings will now work in verbatim environments also. switch -g from mule2cjk has been removed. It was never necessary since `"' and `\"' in german.sty select the same macro. mule2cjk now inserts LaTeX2e macros (\textexclamdown, \textcent etc.) analogously to the latin[12].def files of the LaTeX2e distribution (where applicable) for Latin encoded characters. the batch file muclatex processes mule encoded files which contain CEF macros. Stephen Simpson contributed a Bg 5 .fd file for NTU TT fonts (ntu2cjk and ttf2pk). pinyin.sty didn't work in tabbing environments; the syllable \me was missing; the syllables \Na and \na were wrongly defined (Michael E. Deisher ). pinyin.sty now accepts DC fonts too. all .bat and .cmd files now have LF/CR pairs as newlines. .bat and .cmd batch files added for all equivalent script files in the utils directory. It might be useful to replace the TeX-coded preprocessors with this filters since they are faster. all .bat and .cmd files will call f_name.bat (f_name.cmd) to replace the extension (usually .tex) with .cjk . hbf2gf always used 300dpi resolution if used in mf-like mode (Zhang Zhengyou ). ---End of history.2_5---