% ***** CYRACC.DEF ***** 11 Aug 85, bb % % This file contains definitions of accents and special characters % required for cyrillic. The \font specification(s) should be made % elsewhere, and should include % \newfam\cyrfam % \font\...cyr=mcyr... % % An appropriate definition for cyrillic, usable in math and text, is % \def\cyr{\fam\cyrfam\...cyr\cyracc} % % See end of file (after \endinput) for notes. \def\ubar#1{\oalign{#1\crcr\hidewidth \vbox to.2ex{\hbox{\char22}\vss}\hidewidth}} % this is definition of \b from PLAIN; it may not work in math mode \def\cydot{$\cdot$} % temporary -- real dot will be in accent font \def\cprime{$'$} \def\Cprime{$'$} \def\cdprime{$''$} \def\Cdprime{$\ubar{\hbox{$''$}}$} \def\dbar{dj} % make real barred d when accent font available \def\Dbar{Dj} % "" \def\dz{dz} % ultimately, d will have to become active, to \def\Dz{Dz} % make these control sequences unnecessary \def\dzh{dzh\cydot } \def\Dzh{Dzh\cydot } \def\cyracc{\def\cydot{{\kern0pt}}% \def\cprime{\char"7E }\def\Cprime{\char"5E }% \def\cdprime{\char"7F }\def\Cdprime{\char"5F }% \def\dbar{dj}\def\Dbar{Dj}% \def\dz{\char"1E }\def \Dz{\char"16 }% \def\dzh{\char"0A }\def \Dzh{\char"02 }% \def\'##1{\if c##1\char"0F % \else \if C##1\char"07 % \else \accent"26 ##1\fi \fi }% \def\`##1{\if e##1\char"0B % \else \if E##1\char"03 % \else \errmessage{accent \string\` not defined in cyrillic}% ##1\fi \fi }% \def\=##1{\if e##1\char"0D % \else \if E##1\char"05 % \else \if \i##1\char"0C % \else \if I##1\char"04 % \else \errmessage{accent \string\= not defined in cyrillic}% ##1\fi \fi \fi \fi }% \def\u##1{\if \i##1\accent"24 i% \else \accent"24 ##1\fi }% \def\"##1{\if \i##1\accent"20 \char"3D % \else \if I##1\accent"20 \char"04 % \else \accent"20 ##1\fi \fi }} \endinput % octal 214 removed jmcosu