File : MacDevnag ReadMe Author : Bernard Desgraupes e-mail : Web page : Creation : 2000-11-03 19:43:00 Last modification : 2001-09-11 18:49:00 MacDevnag is a port to MacOs of the devnag program, a preprocessor for the 'Devanagari for TeX' package. It has the usual Macintosh look and feel, is scriptable and can be entirely driven with Apple Events. The original C program called devnag (for Unix) can be found on the CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network). 'devnag' has been written by Frans J. Velthuis Copyright (C) 1991-1998 University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 2000, 2001 It is now maintained by John Smith It is designed to preprocess input files containing Sanskrit or Hindi text. When you want to use the devanagari package and write Sanskrit, you must use a transliteration system but before you typeset your source file with TeX or LaTeX, you have to run it through devnag to convert your input to a more suitable form. Your input file will usually have a .dn extension (for instance 'myfile.dn'). The file produced by devnag wil have a .tex extension ('myfile.tex'). Complete instructions come in the MacDevnag_Readme file inside the distribution.