========== How to install greektex under MS-WINDOWS ============ Note: These instructions will produce a system which works with bilingual WINDOWS editors and emtex. It depends on the "codepage facility" of emtex, and will not work necessarily with other TeX implementations under WINDOWS. First of all exit windows. You will get the DOS prompt which looks something like this: C> or C:\WINDOWS> or C:\> You may already have (a recent version of) pkunzip, if not copy it in some directory on the DOS path. Most likely the directory C:\DOS will be in your path so you can type: copy a:\pkunzip.exe c:\dos replacing "a:" with "b:" depending on the drive which contain the greektex package (if you are installing from a floppy disk drive). Note: if you have a previous version of greektex installed at the same places then invoke the pkunzip program with the -o parameter, for example, instead of typing: "pkunzip gedocs" issue the command "pkunzip -o gedocs". 1. ========================== Go to a directory on the DOS path, most likely by typing cd c:\dos Type: pkunzip a:gkconv.zip gkconv.exe readme.eng Note: gkconv.zip contains several "conversion filters", and in the future you may want to unzip all of it. 2. =========================== Now you have to change the current directory to the one you keep document files. First type: cd \emtex\doc replacing the "\emtex" part with the directory you have installed the emtex package only if you haven't followed the default setup. Then type pkunzip a:gedocs replacing "a:" with "b:" if necessary. This will unpack the files: greektex.doc, greekdrv.doc. These files have Greek in them, with the DOS encoding, which is different from the encoding used by WINDOWS. To read them with a WINDOWS editor you must convert them. Type: gkconv -fd -tw -i greektex.doc -o greekdoc.txt gkconv -fd -tw -i greekdrv.doc -o greekdrv.txt You can use WINDOWS notepad (or any other WINDOWS ASCII editor) to read the .txt files. 3. ============================ Go to the directory where your emTeX looks for inputs, which contains plain.tex, lplain.tex, latex.tex and the various .sty files for LaTeX by typing: cd \emtex\texinput Then type: pkunzip a:geinputs replacing "a:" with "b:" if necessary. This will unpack the files: geplain.tex, gehyphen.gr, geletcat.gr, geabbr.gr gehyphen.tex, geletcat.tex, geabbr.tex gelplain.tex, gelfonts.tex geamsla.tex, gelfonts.new, gefontdf.ori gegreek.sty gegreek.tex Note: The files with the extension .gr have Greek in them and cannot be read directly by a WINDOWS editor. They are not needed by greektex, which uses only the teX-equivalent files with the same names and the extension .tex. They are included because they "explain" how the system works. If you want to read them under WINDOWS, you must convert them exactly as you converted the greektex.doc file in Step 2 above. 4. ============================ Go to the directory where your TeX looks for tfm files, e.g. cmr10.tfm should be there, by typing: cd \emtex\tfm Then type: pkunzip a:cltfm replacing "a:" with "b:" if necessary. 5. ============================ Go to the directory where your dvi driver looks for 300 DPI pk files. In this directory you should be able to see files such as cmr10.pk, cmbx10.pk, or lj_0.fli etc. (You may have some trouble finding this directory; search for cmr10.pk or lj_0, or ask the person who installed your emtex!) In this font directory, type pkunzip a:clpk replacing "a:" with "b:" if necessary. 6. ============================ Go to the directory where your TeX looks for format files, plain.fmt, lplain.fmt should be there (The file of TeX strings tex.poo is also there) by typing: cd \emtex\texfmts if you are using normal tex.exe or tex186.tex from the emtex package or by typing: cd \emtex\btexfmts if you are using btex.exe or tex386.exe. Then type: copy a:cpwin.tcp replacing "a:" with "b:" if necessary. Note: in the following commands you should replace "tex" with "tex386" or "tex186" or "btex" if you are using any of these emTeX versions of TeX. Finally issue the commands: tex /i /ccpwin.tcp /o geplain \dump tex /i /ccpwin.tcp /o gelplain \dump If you have the necessary AMS fonts and macro files and you want to install a Greeklish version of AMS-LaTeX, type also: tex /i /ccpwin.tcp /o geamsla \dump This will produce the files geplain.fmt, gelplain.fmt and geamsla.fmt. After this procedure, to latex the file george.tex (which may have Greek text in it using the Greek ms-windows encoding) you type tex &gelplain george To process george.tex in the Greek extension of plain tex, you type tex &geplain george To process george.tex in the Greek extension of AMS-LaTeX, you type tex &geamsla george (You will surely want to create batch files with friendlier names for these commands.)