Sesh Nesout, a TeX package for hieroglyphic typesetting Copyright (C) 1993,1994 Serge Rosmorduc This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ********************************************************************** This is a set of utilities for hieroglyphic typesetting in LaTeX. You will find it quite changed since the previous version : * many improvement in sesh * There is a font editor, Sbzr, and the font have (perhaps) been bettered ********************************************************************** IMPORTANT : Well, not so important, but : I give this program under the GNU Licence, and I don't ask for anything... except that I'd like to know a little what happens to my program. I'd be very glad to receive news from you, even something short like : "I got it out of sheer curiosity". If you use it, even a little, I'd be very glad to receive your comments. A few demo files would also be very welcome. STILL IMPORTANT : WHAT TO GET !!!!! AS YOUR INSTALLATION MAY VARY, YOU HAVE A CHOICE OF FONT FILES TO GET, DEPENDING ON THE SOFTWARE YOU HAVE. SO READ THIS, IF YOU DON'T WANT TO RETRIEVE FILES YOU DON'T NEED OR/AND COULD BUILD ANYWAY. Organization : * original tar files : (A) egyptouser.tar -> TeX styles, documentation, and sesh, the C preprocessor (B) egyptopk.tar -> the pk and tfm fonts for TeX. (C) egyptomf.tar -> the metafont sources for the fonts (D) egyptobzr.tar -> the font font sources for the font editor. (E) Sbzr.tar -> the font editor the basic set is (A) and (B). you just need latex and a c compiler (for example gcc) to use it. retrieve (C) if you plan to use font resolutions different other than 300dpi. You need the metafont program to use (C). you can build (B) from (C), so you can do without (B) If you want to be able to redraw some signs, or to add new one, you need (D) and (E). (and <>, for example GNU sed) (E) can be used on his own for drawing new fonts and/or cleaning fonts created with the gnu font utils. to use (E), you need : metafont the GNU font utils (fontutils-0.6.tar, on any complete GNU-distributing FTP site. actually, you only need one of the programs, called bzrto). The font editor allows you to edit the fonts produced by these programs, so it's of interest to you even if frankly my dear you don't give a damn about hieroglyphs. SUIT, a library that allows easy production of user interfaces. it can be found at many ftp sites, (to find it, look with archie at sites that hold the srgp library, because "suit" is a sunstring used in many file names :-)) Sbzr has been successfully built and used on a 486 PC running Linux, and on a sparc under sunos 4.1. As suit exists on MS/DOS, Windows, Mac, sgi, ... it should be possible (with work) to run it on these machines. (E) and (D) can be used to re-build (C) which can be used to rebuild (B) :-) Content : if a directory doesn't exist on your installation, don't panic, you probably don't need it :-) I've indicated between parenthesis the packages each directory is part of. Fonts : font-related things Makefile : a GNU makefile. for building things. useful with (C), necessary with (D) fonts : pk and tfm files (B) Sbzr : font editor (E) auxmf : hand made mf files (C) & (D) mf : automatically built mf files (C) enc : encoding needed by bzrto (D) goodbzr : the raw fonts (D) TEX : tex sources et al. (A) (The whole directory) EGypto.tex is the doc egypto.sty hierLtx.sty hiero.sty EgypUtil.sty the styles EGypto.dvi the latexed doc Seshnesout : (A) a C preprocessor for easy? text composition ********************************************************************** INSTALLATION : Well, this is difficult to explain, because your TEX installation may vary. If you know what .sty, .tfm and pk files are, no problem. If you don't know : if TEX is on YOUR computer, you can always find files similar to the one I describe and assume you can put the new files at the same place. If you work on a computer that's not your own, go and ask the system manager :-) (A) : 1) put the tex style (.sty) files where they belong, that is somewhere where TeX can find them. If you have installed NFSS2 or latex2e, then you should also put OT1diacr.fd at the same place. 2) cd to Seshnesout, EDIT THE MAKEFILE, and compile sesh. well... this is on a Un*x box, for example a PC under Linux. Elsewhere : * You probably won't need flex or bison and awk, because the files they create are already there. * Use a C compiler with Unix-like libraries... I would suggest GCC. J. Kraus told me he had no problem building the programs with gcc under OS/2, but that it was quite impossible on DOS with other compilers. 3) get the fonts (from (B), for example), and install them in the right place. 4) print or view EGypto.dvi, the documentation. (B) : put the .tfm files where other .tfm files live, and pk files where pk files live. that's all. (C) the makefile should allow you to build the fonts for 300dpi. If you want other sizes, put the mf files where they belong, and proceed. (D) and (E) get the gnufontutils, and SUIT. install them. edit the Makefile in the Sbzr directory. Compile Sbzr. Then you can edit the bzr files and generate the mf fonts. BE AWARE THAT (C), (D), and (E) use a Makefile for GNUMAKE. you can do manually without it, anyway. ********************************************************************** As to SUIT : The full SUIT distribution including Postscript documentation can be obtained from . contrib/suit contains user contributed SUIT fixes/enhancements/applications/documents is the forum for discussing SUIT issues. ********************************************************************** Serge Rosmorduc, lifac ENS de Cachan 61, avenue du Pr\'esident Wilson 94235 Cachan Cedex tel (16 1) 47 40 24 93 fax (16 1) 47 40 24 64 Serge Rosmorduc 5 rue Beranger, 92240 Malakoff FRANCE