-*-coding: koi8-r;-*- ruhyphen package (Collection of Russian hyphenation patterns) Version 1.4 (August 7, 2001) This package contains hyphenation patterns for Russian language, which can be used for various Cyrillic font encodings. It contains all Russian hyphenation patterns we know of (currently, these are seven different patterns, --- see below), so you can choose your favorite pattern. :-) Copyright notice and distribution conditions are given in the beginning of the file `ruhyphen.tex'. It applies to all *.tex files in this package (listed below). Note that seven pattern files (ruhyph*.tex, except ruhyphen.tex) are copyrighted by their authors. Thus, all patterns are freely distributable. However, two pattern files, ruhyphas.tex and ruhyphzn.tex, have restrictions on commercial usage. See the above files for more information. To install, copy all *.tex files to your texmf tree. For example, create a directory $TEXMF/tex/generic/ruhyphen/ and put all *.tex files there. Before creating a format file, edit the file ruhyphen.tex and select the pattern and font encoding to use (see below for the list of patterns and supported font encodings). Usually, hyphenation setup is based on file `hyphen.cfg' which loads hyphenation patterns in proper encodings for languages which you will use. It is highly recommended to install BABEL package which provides a unified mechanism for hyphenation configurations, and comes with it's own `hyphen.cfg'. This is recommended not only to LaTeX users, but also if you will use a `cyrplain' bundle of the T2 package to `russify' plain TeX-based formats. You have two options: either use patterns for Russian language in separate TeX \language (so to get proper hyphenation you must switch languages explicitly in your documents using commands like \Russian, \English, \French, etc), or use one `combined' Russian-English language. If you will use only Russian and English languages in your documents, the latter option is more convenient (in this case, there will be no need to switch between Russian and English languages to get proper hyphenation). This option is recommended especially for Plain-TeX based macro packages: Plain TeX, AMS-TeX, Texinfo, BLUe TeX, etc; it can be convenient for LaTeX as well, if you mostly typeset bilingual Russian-English documents. In case of using BABEL's mechanism of hyphenation setup, edit the file language.dat (it is part of BABEL, and could usually be found in the `tex/generic/config' directory of the TDS-compliant TEXMF tree). In the case of using separate languages, use `ruhyphen.tex' as the Russian hyphenation file, i.e. put the following lines: english hyphen russian ruhyphen For combined Russian-English patterns, use `ruenhyph.tex' as the hyphenation file, i.e. put the following lines: ruseng ruenhyph =russian =english In both cases, lines for other languages could be commented or leaved depending on your needs. Note that it is better in general to have original English patterns preloaded for the default language, so you may use also the following: english hyphen ruseng ruenhyph =russian In this case, documents in English will be hyphenated exactly as they should, and English fragments inside a Russian text will be hyphenated as close as possible to this. This variant requires, however, more TeX memory for patterns, and you should not forget to switch \language to Russian when needed (using babel with `russian' as the last option will do this automatically). If you refuse to install BABEL, you can create your own `hyphen.cfg' file containing e.g. the following lines: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- %\def\English{\language0 } %\def\Russian{\language1 } %\English \input hyphen %\Russian \input ruhyphen \lefthyphenmin=2 \righthyphenmin=2 % disallow x- or -x breaks; -xx OK %\English %\lefthyphenmin=2 \righthyphenmin=3 % disallow x- or -xx breaks ---------------------------------------------------------------------- or simply ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \input ruenhyph ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Basically, if you need to typeset multilingual documents, --- you should use LaTeX and T2* Cyrillic encodings. :-) Note that, when running the file ruhyphen.tex (or ruenhyph.tex) through TeX, the only global effect is execution of \patterns (and \hyphenation for exceptions) for the current language, and also setting the \lefthyphenmin and \righthyphenmin to 2. In particular, no global changes of \lccode, \uccode, \catcode, etc. values are made. So, to activate hyphenation, you have to set (at least) the \lccode values for lowercase and uppercase Russian letters globally in your TeX file to match the font encoding (and maybe also make other settings, like \uccode and \sfcode). This is usually done in separate packages (where those font encodings are defined). Files in this package are organized in a very flexible and compact way, sharing the same hyphenation pattern files for different font encodings. Thus, having (currently available) seven different patterns and five different font encodings, we have 7*5=35 different possible combinations of pattern and encoding (which is specified in the file ruhyphen.tex), or, adding also combined `Russian-English' patterns (loaded via ruenhyph.tex), we have 70 different combinations supported! It is very easy to add the support for any new pattern or font encoding, --- just add an additional file ruhyph.tex for new patterns (and generate the corresponding file cyryo.tex using `mkcyryo' script), or a file koi2.tex for new encoding, and add corresponding lines to `ruhyphen.tex'. Descriptions of files: 1) main hyphenation files These are Russian hyphenation patterns created by different people. Some patterns were generated with `patgen', some were created manually. The quality of all patterns is comparable. Nevertheless, for the highest quality of hyphenation we recommend using ruhyphal.tex (which is switched on by default). The patterns are stored in koi8-r Cyrillic encoding (in a form both compact and convenient for reading and editing by humans), but we provide a means for re-encoding of patterns (using some TeX hackery) to any desired font encoding (see below), so there is no need to modify these main files. All patterns were (re)named according to the standard scheme ruhyph*.tex, where `*' denotes the origin of patterns. The following files are included into this collection (in alphabetical order): ruhyphal.tex 02-Aug-01 created by Alexander I. Lebedev (previously were an extended and corrected variant of Dimitri Vulis' patterns, but now are independenly generated with patgen, using the rus-ispell dictionary). ftp://mch5.chem.msu.su/pub/russian/hyphen/ruhyphal.tar.gz ruhyphas.tex v1.0b4a 23-Jul-98 of `ashyphen' created by Andrey Slepuhin , ftp://forest.nmd.msu.ru/pub/tex/hyphenation/ ruhyphct.tex 31-Dec-89 is a version found in a CyrTUG TeX distribution ruhyphdv.tex The original patterns created by Dimitri Vulis , re-encoded to koi8-r. ruhyphmg.tex 30-May-98 patterns created by Mikhail Grinchuk . Created manually, with the aim to get more or less good results with smallest feasible memory usage. Current version hyphenates with relatively big number of errors, but patterns are really small. ruhyphvl.tex 22-Jul-00 Dimitri Vulis' patterns extended by M. Vorontsova and S. Lvovski , and later modified by A.Cherepanov, V.Kryukov and A.Shen, ftp://mccme.ru/users/shen/texkoi/ ruhyphzn.tex v2.0beta of `znhyphen' created by Sergei V. Znamenskii , ftp://ftp.botik.ru/rented/znamensk/tex_dists/03_97/rusifika.zip 2) additional patterns for the letter `cyryo' Generated from the base files using `mkcyryo' script, these files provide patterns for the `cyryo' letter to make its behavior with respect to hyphenation identical to `cyre'. This can be done by making \lccode of `cyryo' equal to the code of `cyre' -- this is not the best solution because it will lead to incorrect work of \lowercase, and, moreover, in LaTeX it is forbidden to change \lccode values. These files should be used with the corresponding main hyphenation files. There are some words with two `cyryo' letters (the following examples were provided by Alexander I. Lebedev): ÔÒ£È×£ÄÅÒÎÙÊ ÔÒ£È×£ÒÓÔÎÙÊ ÔÒ£ÈËÏÌ£ÓÎÙÊ ÔÒ£ÈÒÕÂÌ£×ËÁ ÔÒ£ÈÒÕÂÌ£×ÙÊ ÔÒ£ÈÛ£ÒÓÔÎÙÊ ÞÅÔÙÒ£È×£ÓÅÌØÎÙÊ ÞÅÔÙÒ£ÈËÏÌ£ÓÎÙÊ because of this, it is insufficient to add patterns with only one `cyryo' letter, so we generate also patterns with two `cyryo' (however, in practice all of them are `reduced' by the `reduce-patt' script :). cyryoal.tex generated from ruhyphal.tex cyryoas.tex generated from ruhyphas.tex cyryoct.tex generated from ruhyphct.tex cyryodv.tex generated from ruhyphdv.tex cyryomg.tex generated from ruhyphmg.tex cyryovl.tex generated from ruhyphvl.tex cyryozn.tex generated from ruhyphzn.tex Makefile rules for generation of `cyryo*.tex' files. Run `make distclean' to remove all `cyryo*.tex' files; run `make' to regenerate them. mkcyryo shell script used for generation of `cyryo*.tex' files reduce-patt a perl script which could be used to verify which patterns do not correspond to `real' words present in a wordlist. It is used by `mkcyryo' script to remove unnecessary patterns. This was suggested by Alexander Lebedev, and requires his excellent rus-ispell dictionary available at ftp://mch5.chem.msu.su/pub/russian/ispell/rus-ispell.tar.gz (we used version 0.99e2 in preparation of this package). The following command will generate a lowercased wordlist with letter `cyryo', needed for `mkcyryo' and `reduce-patt' scripts: cat russian.dict | ispell -d russian -e | tr ' à-ÿ' '\012À-ß' | \ grep £ | ./sortkoi8 | uniq > /tmp/.wl-lc-cyryo Remove `grep £' from a pipe to get a full lowercased wordlist /tmp/.wl-lc-full useful for `reduce-patt' in general. 3) TeX files for re-encoding of patterns from koi8-r to various TeX font encodings. These files use commands like \lccode `\= (instead of \lccode =), where is an 8-bit letter code (in koi8-r encoding, in which patterns are stored) and is the slot number in the destination font encoding. This makes the patterns "stable" against reencoding to any Cyrillic encoding, and also usable with non-standard "on the fly" reencoding mechanisms like TCX or TCP (switched on at TeX format creation phase) used in some TeX implementations (provided that these transformations are 1-to-1 in *all* the range 128--255, -- otherwise the results may be incorrect). This was suggested by Alexander Cherepanov (we'd like to thank him also for other useful suggestions on the ruhyphen package). However, we do not recommend using non-standard mechanisms like TCX or TCP in general (in favor of the portable and more powerful approach with active characters provided by inputenc LaTeX package and also used in cyrplain package). As suggested by Alexander Fryntov, these files also include support for five additional Cyrillic letters present in koi8-ru encoding, so that they could be used e.g. for the Ukrainian hyphenation patterns. koi2t2a.tex koi8-r to T2A encoding (for Russian letters, also T2B, T2C, T2D, X2). This is the main font encoding to be used for typesetting Cyrillic with TeX. koi2ucy.tex koi8-r to UCY (Omega Unicode Cyrillic) encoding. koi2lcy.tex koi8-r to LCY (similar to cp866) encoding used e.g. in `old' LH fonts. koi2ot2.tex koi8-r to OT2 7-bit Cyrillic TeX encoding used e.g. in AMS Washington Cyrillic fonts (wncy*) and LH fonts (wn*). To get better hyphenation and kerning, you may use virtual fonts without WN-ligatures, like WLCY or WL fonts. koi2koi.tex koi8-r to koi8-r setup (needed anyway to setup \lccode values). Note, that `koi' is bad name for TeX font encoding. catkoi.tex Set the \catcode values of the lowercase Russian letters in the koi8-r encoding to 12. The purpose of this file is to avoid strange effects in case of unusual catcodes (e.g. active) for the letters used in hyphenation files. 4) files to be used by users ruhyphen.tex main `head' file which inputs the specified patterns and re-encodes them to the specified font encoding. Users can edit this file, selecting the patterns and font encodings. ruenhyph.tex alternative `head' file which inputs combined Russian-English patterns. Do not mix patterns for 7-bit Cyrillic font encodings (OT2) with English patterns! This can be used only for 8-bit Cyrillic font encodings (and, of course, for UCY). 5) other files README this file enrhm2.tex Avoid -xx breaks for English when \righthyphenmin=2. Used by ruenhyph.tex. hypht2.tex This file contains additional hyphenation patterns including the character hyphen `-'. It enables the hyphenation of words containing explicit hyphens when using fonts with \hyphenchar\font <> `\- (e.g. T2* encoded fonts). Derived from `hypht1.tex' by Bernd Raichle; see comments there. :-) To switch on hyphenation of words containing explicit hyphens, one should (apart from preloading this file into format) set \lccode`\-=`\-, and also \defaulthyphenchar=127 before loading fonts (i.e. before \usepackage[T2A]{fontenc}), or set \hyphenchar\font=127 for already preloaded font. Note that loading these additional patterns requires significant additional amount of TeX hyphenation trie size. sortkoi8 shell script; simple wrapper for `sort' to sort Russian texts in koi8-r encoding alphabetically. sorthyph Perl script for sorting hyphenation files (Latin or Cyrillic in koi8-r encoding). trans shell script for re-encoding between cp1251, koi8-r, cp866, iso-8859-5, and Mac Cyrillic charsets (not used here). The following properties of patterns are customizable in the file ruhyphen.tex: * which font encoding to use. Note that this setting has nothing to do with the input encodings of your (La)TeX documents! * which of seven available pattern files to use. * [1st optional line] whether to load patterns for the letter `cyryo'. * [2nd optional line] whether to load patterns which enable hyphenation of words containing explicit hyphens (only in case of using T2* font encodings). See the above description of hypht2.tex for additional information. * [3rd optional line] whether to load two patterns .ne8 and 8ne. which disallow breaking off the `ne' from a word (where `n' and `e' are corresponding Russian letters; `ne' in Russian means `not' and breaking it can confuse the reader). This was suggested by Alexander Lebedev. * [4th optional line] whether to load patterns which disallow breaking a consonant followed by hard sign from a word. Such words are absent in `modern' Russian language, but were used when `old orthography' was in use. This was suggested by Alexander V. Lukyanov. And last but not least, * whether to load the file ruhyphen.tex or ruenhyph.tex (for combined Russian-English hyphenation). Happy TeXing! Mail your comments, questions, and Russian hyphenation patterns which are absent in this collection to: Werner Lemberg Vladimir Volovich