% orbase.mf -- base file for the Oriya metafont % Copyright 1996 Jeroen Hellingman % % History: % 27-NOV-1996 last edit (JH) % 07-JUN-1996 added `hints' for discretion (JH) % 15-MAY-1996 created from oriya.mf (Jeroen Hellingman) % %% define the character codes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% input orcode.mf %% \section{boolean variables} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% skeleton reduces all lines to very thin lines boolean skeleton; skeleton := false; %% Setting calligraphic adds some effects that %% won't work fine with equal line thickness. %% The effects work nice with $(30 \leq rot \leq 60)$ boolean calligraphic; calligraphic := true; %% old skips all old designs of glyphs in the file boolean old; old := false; %% ligs: use consonant-matra ligatures boolean ligs; ligs := true; %% \section{picture variable} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% picture savepicture; %% \section{definitions} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % adjust the position of non-spacing characters, to be alined under or above the % previous character. def adjustpos(expr w) = if mode <> proof: currentpicture := currentpicture shifted -(w, 0uh); fi; enddef; def eye(suffix a,b,c,d) (expr w, h) = % define points of ellipse relative to z.a % z.a = left point, clockwise direction % w = width of ellipse % h = height of ellipse z.b = (x.a + .5w, y.a + .5h); z.c = (x.a + w, y.a); z.d = (x.a + .5w, y.a - .5h); enddef; def draw_eye(suffix a,b,c,d) = % draw eye through four points defined by eye draw z.a{up}..z.b{right}..z.c{down}..z.d{left}..cycle; enddef; %% tailtwo defines a tail which looks a bit like the roman numeral two %% it is used in yya, caa, and for secondary bha def tailtwo(suffix a, b, c, d, e, f, g) = z.a = z.b + (-4uw, -4uh); z.c = z.b + (3uw, -3uh); z.d = z.a + (0uw, -8uh); z.e = z.d + (3.5uw, 2uh); z.f = z.d + (7uw, -1uh); z.g = z.d + (10uw, 1uh); draw z.a..z.b{right}..z.c{down}..{curl0}z.d; draw z.d{curl0}..z.e{right}..z.f{right}..{curl0}z.g; drawdot(z.a); drawdot(z.d); drawdot(z.g); enddef; def new_tailtwo(suffix a, b, c, d, e, f, g) = z.a = z.b + (-4uw, -4uh); z.c = z.b + (4uw, -4uh); z.d = z.b + (0, -9uh); z.e = z.d + (4.5uw, -5.5uh); z.f = z.d + (7uw, -1uh); % not used z.g = z.d + (10uw, 1uh); % not used draw z.a{up}..z.b{right}..z.c{down}..{curl0}z.d; draw z.d--z.e; drawdot(z.a); drawdot(z.d); drawdot(z.e); enddef; % various types of outer circles with the vowel signs attached to % them def outer_circle = pickup curvepen; % z1 to be defined by caller z2 = (good.x 0uw, 16uh); z3 = (.5[x2,x4], good.y (25uh+overshoot)); % x4 to be defined by caller y4 = 16uh; z5 = (x4-1uw, 12uh); draw z1..z2{up}..z3{right}..z4{down}..z5; drawdot(z5); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5); enddef; def aa_circle = pickup curvepen; % z1 to be defined by caller z2 = (good.x 0uw, 16uh); z3 = (.5[x2,x4], good.y (25uh+overshoot)); % x4 to be defined by caller y4 = 25uh-joint; draw z1..z2{up}..z3{right}..{curl0}z4; pickup barpen; z5 = (x4, 25uh); z6 = (x5, 0uh); draw z5--z6; drawdot(z5); drawdot(z6); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); enddef; def i_circle = pickup curvepen; % z1 defined by caller z2 = (good.x 0uw, 14uh); z6 = (6uw, good.y 20uh); z7 = (15uw, 18uh); draw z1..z2{up}..z6{right}..z7; z8 = (8uw, 20.125uh); z9 = (good.x 7uw, 22uh); z3 = (14.5uw, good.y (25uh+overshoot)); % x4 defined by caller y4 = 16uh; z5 = (x4-1uw, 12uh); draw z8..z9{up}..z3{right}..z4{down}..z5; drawdot(z5); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); enddef; def narrow_i_circle = pickup curvepen; % z1 defined by caller z2 = (good.x 0uw, 15uh); z6 = (5uw, good.y 20uh); z7 = (12uw, 19uh); draw z1..z2{up}..z6{right}..z7; z8 = (6uw, 20.125uh); z9 = (good.x 5uw, 22uh); z3 = (12.5uw, good.y (25uh+overshoot)); % x4 defined by caller y4 = 16uh; z5 = (x4-1uw, 12uh); draw z8..z9{up}..z3{right}..z4{down}..z5; drawdot(z5); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); enddef; def u_circle = pickup curvepen; % z1 defined by caller z2 = (good.x 0uw, 16uh); z3 = (0.4833[x2,x4], good.y (25uh+overshoot)); % curious value % x4 defined by caller y4 = 10uh; z5 = (x4 - 14uw, good.y -10uh); z6 = (good.x (x4 - 18uw), -7uh); z7 = (x5, good.y -4uh); z8 = (x4, good.y -11uh); z9 = (x4 + 6uw, -9uh); draw z1..z2{up}..z3{right}..tension0.9..z4{down}..tension1.1..z5{left} ..z6{up}..z7{right}..z8{right}..z9; drawdot(z9); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); enddef; def uu_circle = pickup curvepen; % z1 to be defined by caller z2 = (good.x 0uw, 16uh); z3 = (.5[x2,x4], good.y (25uh+overshoot)); % x4 to be defined by caller y4 = 10uh; z5 = (x4-6uw, -3uh); % matches z2 in "Oriya vowel sign uu" z6 = (good.x(x5-5uw), -8uh); % z3 z7 = (x5-2uw, good.y -11uh); % z4 z8 = (x5+3.5uw, good.y -8.5uh); % z5 z9 = (x5+14uw, good.y -14uh); % z6 z9' = (x9+2uw, y9+1uh); % z7 draw z1..z2{up}..z3{right}..tension 0.9..z4{down}..z5..z6{down}..z7{right} ..z8{right}..z9{right}..z9'; drawdot(z9'); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,9'); enddef; def tail_circle = pickup curvepen; % z1 defined by caller z2 = (good.x 0uw, 16uh); z3 = (.5[x2, x4], good.y (25uh+overshoot)); y4 = 13uh; z5 = (x4 - 3uw, 2uh); z6 = (x4 + 2uw, -4uh); draw z1..z2{up}..z3{right}..tension0.95..z4{down}..z5; drawdot(z5); draw z5--z6; drawdot(z6); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); enddef; def loop_tail_circle = % loop tail circle as on uu and ri pickup curvepen; % z1 = (5.5uw, 9.5uh); % z1 defined by caller z2 = (good.x 0uw, 16uh); z3 = (.5[x2,x4], good.y (25uh+overshoot)); % adjusted % z4 = (28uw, 16uh); % adjusted (x4 defined by caller) y4 = 16uh; z5 = (x4-3uw, good.y 9uh); % adjusted draw z1..z2{up}..z3{right}..z4{down}..tension 0.9..z5; drawdot(z5); % loop and tail z6 = (x4 + 1uw, 6.5uh); z7 = (x4 - 1uw, 0uh); z8 = (x4 + 3.1667uw, -5uw); draw z5{right}..z6..z7; draw z7--z8; drawdot(z6); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); enddef; % a set of new macros, for better appearance of the letters def define_new_outer_circle = % z1 to be defined by caller z2 = (good.x 0uw, 16uh); z3 = (.5[x2,x4], good.y (25uh+overshoot)); % x4 to be defined by caller y4 = 16uh; z5 = (x4-1.5uw, 12uh); enddef; def draw_new_outer_circle = pickup curvepen; draw z1{left}..z2{up}..z3{right}..z4{down}..z5; drawdot(z5); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5); enddef; def new_outer_circle_path = z1{left}..z2{up}..z3{right}..z4{down}..z5 enddef; def new_outer_circle = define_new_outer_circle; draw_new_outer_circle; enddef; def new_aa_circle = pickup curvepen; % z1 to be defined by caller z2 = (good.x 0uw, 16uh); z3 = (.5[x2,x4], good.y (25uh+overshoot)); % x4 to be defined by caller y4 = 25uh-joint; draw z1{left}..z2{up}..z3{right}..{curl0}z4; pickup barpen; z5 = (x4, 25uh); z6 = (x5, 0uh); draw z5--z6; drawdot(z5); drawdot(z6); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); enddef; def new_i_circle = pickup curvepen; % z1 defined by caller z2 = (good.x 0uw, 15uh); z6 = (6uw, good.y 20uh); z7 = (15uw, 18uh); draw z1..z2{up}..z6{right}..z7; z8 = (8uw, 20.125uh); z9 = (good.x 7uw, 22uh); z3 = (14.5uw, good.y (25uh+overshoot)); % x4 defined by caller y4 = 16uh; z5 = (x4-1.5uw, 12uh); draw z8{left}..z9{up}..z3{right}..z4{down}..z5; drawdot(z5); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); enddef; def new_narrow_i_circle = pickup curvepen; % z1 defined by caller z2 = (good.x 0uw, 15uh); z6 = (5uw, good.y 20uh); z7 = (12uw, 19uh); draw z1{left}..z2{up}..z6{right}..z7; z8 = (6uw, 20.125uh); z9 = (good.x 5uw, 22uh); z3 = (12.5uw, good.y (25uh+overshoot)); % x4 defined by caller y4 = 16uh; z5 = (x4-1uw, 12uh); draw z8..z9{up}..z3{right}..z4{down}..z5; drawdot(z5); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); enddef; def new_u_circle = pickup curvepen; % z1 defined by caller z2 = (good.x 0uw, 16uh); z3 = (0.4833[x2,x4], good.y (25uh+overshoot)); % curious value % x4 defined by caller y4 = 10uh; z5 = (x4 - 14uw, good.y -10uh); z6 = (good.x (x4 - 18uw), -7uh); z7 = (x5, good.y -4uh); z8 = (x4, good.y -11uh); z9 = (x4 + 6uw, -9uh); draw z1{left}..z2{up}..z3{right}..tension0.9..z4{down}..tension1.1..z5{left} ..z6{up}..z7{right}..z8{right}..z9; drawdot(z9); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); enddef; def new_uu_circle = pickup curvepen; % z1 to be defined by caller z2 = (good.x 0uw, 16uh); z3 = (.5[x2,x4], good.y (25uh+overshoot)); % x4 to be defined by caller y4 = 10uh; z5 = (x4-6uw, -3uh); % matches z2 in "Oriya vowel sign uu" z6 = (good.x(x5-5uw), -8uh); % z3 z7 = (x5-2uw, good.y -11uh); % z4 z8 = (x5+3.5uw, good.y -8.5uh); % z5 z9 = (x5+14uw, good.y -14uh); % z6 z9' = (x9+2uw, y9+1uh); % z7 draw z1{left}..z2{up}..z3{right}..tension 0.9..z4{down}..z5..z6{down}..z7{right} ..z8{right}..z9{right}..z9'; drawdot(z9'); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,9'); enddef; def new_tail_circle = pickup curvepen; % z1 defined by caller z2 = (good.x 0uw, 16uh); z3 = (.5[x2, x4], good.y (25uh+overshoot)); y4 = 13uh; z5 = (x4 - 3uw, 2uh); z6 = (x4 + 2uw, -4uh); draw z1{left}..z2{up}..z3{right}..tension0.95..z4{down}..z5; drawdot(z5); draw z5--z6; drawdot(z6); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); enddef; def new_loop_tail_circle = % loop tail circle as on uu and ri pickup curvepen; % z1 = (5.5uw, 9.5uh); % z1 defined by caller z2 = (good.x 0uw, 16uh); z3 = (.5[x2,x4], good.y (25uh+overshoot)); % adjusted % z4 = (28uw, 16uh); % adjusted (x4 defined by caller) y4 = 16uh; z5 = (x4-3uw, good.y 9uh); % adjusted draw z1{left}..z2{up}..z3{right}..z4{down}..tension 0.9..z5; drawdot(z5); % loop and tail z6 = (x4 + 1uw, 6.5uh); z7 = (x4 - 1uw, 0uh); z8 = (x4 + 3.1667uw, -5uw); draw z5{right}..z6..z7; draw z7--z8; drawdot(z6); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); enddef; % top left eye, that turns the pa into a pha. def top_left_eye = pickup curvepen; z31 = (x31, 18uh); z32 = (x31+3.5uw, good.y 16uh); z33 = (good.x (x31+7uw), 20.5uh); z34 = (x32, good.y 25uh); z35 = (x31, 23uh); draw z31..z32{right}..z33{up}..z34{left}..z35; penlabels(31,32,33,34,35) enddef; def ta_tail = pickup curvepen; z2 = z1 + (-3.5uw, 2uh); z3 = z1 + (-7uw, -2uh); z4 = z1 + (6uw, -12uh); draw z1..z2{left}..z3{down}..{curl0}z4; penlabels(1,2,3,4); enddef; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % end of orbase.mf