This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.0 from eplain.texi. START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Eplain: (eplain). Expanding on plain TeX. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY This file documents the Eplain macros. Copyright (C) 1989, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 97 Karl Berry. Steven Smith wrote the documentation for the commutative diagram macros. (He also wrote the macros.) Some additions/corrections by Adam Lewenberg. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" is included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" may be included in a translation approved by the author instead of in the original English.  File:, Node: Macro index, Next: Concept index, Prev: Freedom, Up: Top Macro index *********** * Menu: * .aux file <1>: Cross-references. * .aux file: Citations. * .bbl file: Citations. * .bib file: Citations. * .bst files: Citations. * .fmt file <1>: Invoking Eplain. * .fmt file: Installation. * .idx files: Indexing. * .ind files: Indexing. * .toc file: Contents. * @indexproof insertion class: Proofing index terms. * abovecolumnskip: Multiple columns. * abovecolumnspenalty: Tables. * abovelistpenalty: Formatting lists. * abovelistskip: Formatting lists. * abovelistskipamount: Formatting lists. * adjarrow: Arrows and morphisms. * adjmapdown: Arrows and morphisms. * adjmapleft: Arrows and morphisms. * adjmapright: Arrows and morphisms. * adjmapup: Arrows and morphisms. * advancebottommargin: Margins. * advanceleftmargin: Margins. * advancerightmargin: Margins. * advancetopmargin: Margins. * afterindexterm: Customizing indexing. * afterindexterm hook: Indexing commands. * AMSLaTeX: Logos. * amsppt.sty: Invoking Eplain. * AMSTeX: Logos. * arrow: Arrows and morphisms. * bblem: Formatting bibliographies. * bblfilebasename: Citations. * bblhook: Formatting bibliographies. * bblnewblock: Formatting bibliographies. * bblrm: Formatting bibliographies. * bblsc: Formatting bibliographies. * begin for index entries: Modifying index entries. * beginindex hook: Typesetting an index. * beginlist: Formatting lists. * begin{theindex}: Typesetting an index. * belowcolumnskip: Multiple columns. * belowfootnoterulespace: Footnotes. * belowlistskip: Formatting lists. * belowlistskipamount: Formatting lists. * biarrow: Arrows and morphisms. * biblabelcontents: Formatting bibliographies. * biblabelextraspace: Formatting bibliographies. * biblabelprint: Formatting bibliographies. * biblabelwidth: Formatting bibliographies. * bibliography: Citations. * bibliographystyle: Citations. * BibTeX: Logos. * bihline: Arrows and morphisms. * bimapdown: Arrows and morphisms. * bimapleft: Arrows and morphisms. * bimapright: Arrows and morphisms. * bimapup: Arrows and morphisms. * bisline: Arrows and morphisms. * bivline: Arrows and morphisms. * blackbox: Boxes. * blanklineskipamount in justified text: Justification. * blanklineskipamount in obeyed text: Obeying spaces. * bottommargin: Margins. * boxit: Boxes. * boxitspace: Boxes. * catcode: Category codes. * center: Justification. * centereddisplays: Displays. * channelwidth <1>: Commutative diagram parameters. * channelwidth: Arrows and morphisms. * cite: Citations. * cmtt8: Proofing index terms. * columnfill: Multiple columns. * commdiag: Construction of commutative diagrams. * commdiagbaselines <1>: Commutative diagram parameters. * commdiagbaselines: Construction of commutative diagrams. * csn: \csn and \ece. * definecontentsfile: Contents. * defineindex: Indexing. * definexref: Defining generic references. * discretionaries: Paths. * displaylines: Displays. * doublecolumns: Multiple columns. * drawline: Slanted lines and vectors. * drawvector: Slanted lines and vectors. * eattoken: Macro arguments. * ece: \csn and \ece. * edefappend: \edefappend. * ehrule: Rules. * end for index entries: Modifying index entries. * endlist: Formatting lists. * endnumberedlist: Lists. * endorderedlist: Lists. * endunorderedlist: Lists. * end{theindex}: Typesetting an index. * eplain: Invoking Eplain. * eplain.aux: Installation. * eqalignno: Displays. * eqconstruct: Formatting equation references. * eqdef: Equation references. * eqdefn: Equation references. * eqnumber: Equation references. * eqprint: Formatting equation references. * eqref: Equation references. * eqrefn: Equation references. * eqsubdef: Subequation references. * eqsubdefn: Subequation references. * eqsubreftext: Subequation references. * everyfootnote: Footnotes. * evrule: Rules. * expandonce: \expandonce. * fileexists (conditional): Auxiliary files. * flushleft: Justification. * flushright: Justification. * fmtversion: Introduction. * footnotemarkseparation: Footnotes. * footnoteruleheight: Footnotes. * footnoterulewidth: Footnotes. * for: Iteration. * frac: Fractions. * fullmonthname: Time of day. * futurenonspacelet: \futurenonspacelet. * generaldisplay: Formatting displays. * getproperty: Properties. * gloggingall: Diagnostics. * gobble: Macro arguments. * gobbletwo: Macro arguments. * gridcommdiag: Construction of commutative diagrams. * gtracingall: Diagnostics. * gutter: Multiple columns. * gutterbox: Multiple columns. * hangindent for index entries: Typesetting an index. * harrowlength <1>: Commutative diagram parameters. * harrowlength: Arrows and morphisms. * hchannel: Commutative diagram parameters. * hgrid <1>: Commutative diagram parameters. * hgrid: Construction of commutative diagrams. * hline: Arrows and morphisms. * hmorphposn <1>: Commutative diagram parameters. * hmorphposn: Arrows and morphisms. * hmorphposndn <1>: Commutative diagram parameters. * hmorphposndn: Arrows and morphisms. * hmorphposnlft <1>: Commutative diagram parameters. * hmorphposnlft: Arrows and morphisms. * hmorphposnrt <1>: Commutative diagram parameters. * hmorphposnrt: Arrows and morphisms. * hmorphposnup <1>: Commutative diagram parameters. * hmorphposnup: Arrows and morphisms. * hoffset: Proofing index terms. * hookaction: Hooks. * hookactiononce: Hooks. * hookappend: Hooks. * hookprepend: Hooks. * hookrun: Hooks. * hruledefaultdepth: Rules. * hruledefaultheight: Rules. * hsize: Margins. * hyphenpenalty for index entries: Typesetting an index. * identity: Macro arguments. * idx: Indexing commands. * idxbeginrangemark: Customizing indexing. * idxbeginrangeword: Customizing indexing. * idxencapoperator: Customizing indexing. * idxendrangemark: Customizing indexing. * idxendrangeword: Customizing indexing. * idxmarked: Indexing commands. * idxname: Indexing commands. * idxnameseparator: Indexing commands. * idxpagenum: Customizing indexing. * idxseealsoword: Customizing indexing. * idxseeword: Customizing indexing. * idxsubentryseparator: Customizing indexing. * idxsubmarked: Indexing commands. * iffileexists: Auxiliary files. * ifrewritetocfile: Contents. * ifundefined: \ifundefined. * indexfilebasename: Typesetting an index. * indexfonts: Typesetting an index. * indexitem hook: Typesetting an index. * indexprooffont: Proofing index terms. * indexproofterm: Proofing index terms. * indexproofunbox: Proofing index terms. * indexsetmargins: Proofing index terms. * indexspace: Typesetting an index. * innerdef: Allocation macros. * innerinnerdef: Allocation macros. * innernewbox: Allocation macros. * innernewcount: Allocation macros. * innernewdimen: Allocation macros. * innernewfam: Allocation macros. * innernewhelp: Allocation macros. * innernewif: Allocation macros. * innernewinsert: Allocation macros. * innernewlanguage: Allocation macros. * innernewread: Allocation macros. * innernewskip: Allocation macros. * innernewtoks: Allocation macros. * innernewwrite: Allocation macros. * insidemargin: Proofing index terms. * interfootnoteskip: Footnotes. * interitemskip: Formatting lists. * interitemskipamount: Formatting lists. * item in indexes: Typesetting an index. * itemletter: Formatting lists. * itemnumber: Formatting lists. * jobname <1>: Auxiliary files. * jobname <2>: Typesetting an index. * jobname: Citations. * LAMSTeX: Logos. * LaTeX: Logos. * lbracechar: Category codes. * leftdisplayindent: Displays. * leftdisplays: Displays. * leftdisplaysetup: Formatting displays. * leftmargin: Margins. * leqalignno: Displays. * letreturn: Category codes. * letter: Category codes. * lft: Arrows and morphisms. * li: Lists. * linenumberedlisting: Verbatim listing. * listcompact: Lists. * listing: Verbatim listing. * listingfont: Verbatim listing. * listleftindent: Formatting lists. * listmarkerspace: Formatting lists. * listrightindent: Formatting lists. * loggingall: Diagnostics. * makeactive: Category codes. * makeblankbox: Boxes. * makecolumns: Tables. * makeheadline: Proofing index terms. * makeindex: Indexing. * mapdown: Arrows and morphisms. * mapleft: Arrows and morphisms. * mapright: Arrows and morphisms. * mapup: Arrows and morphisms. * matrix: Construction of commutative diagrams. * MF: Logos. * monthname: Time of day. * morphdist <1>: Commutative diagram parameters. * morphdist: Arrows and morphisms. * new...: Allocation macros. * noarrow: Invoking Eplain. * noauxfile: Invoking Eplain. * nobibtex: Invoking Eplain. * nocite: Citations. * numberedfootnote: Footnotes. * numberedlist: Lists. * numberedlistdepth: Formatting lists. * numberedmarker: Formatting lists. * numbername: Writing out numbers. * obeywhitespace: Obeying spaces. * orderedlist: Lists. * other: Category codes. * outer: Allocation macros. * outsidemargin: Proofing index terms. * pageno: Proofing index terms. * pagetotal: Multiple columns. * paperheight: Margins. * paperwidth: Margins. * parindent in indexes: Typesetting an index. * path: Paths. * percentchar: Category codes. * previouseverydisplay: Formatting displays. * printbetweencitations: Formatting citations. * printcitefinish: Formatting citations. * printcitenote: Formatting citations. * printcitestart: Formatting citations. * printitem: Formatting lists. * quadcolumns: Multiple columns. * raggedright for index entries: Typesetting an index. * rbracechar: Category codes. * readindexfile: Typesetting an index. * readtocfile: Contents. * ref: Using generic references. * refn: Using generic references. * refs: Using generic references. * rewritetocfile (conditional): Contents. * rightmargin: Margins. * rt: Arrows and morphisms. * sanitize: Converting to characters. * sarrowlength <1>: Commutative diagram parameters. * sarrowlength: Arrows and morphisms. * see for index entries: Modifying index entries. * seealso for index entries: Modifying index entries. * setproperty: Properties. * setuplistinghook: Verbatim listing. * sidx: Indexing commands. * sidxmarked: Indexing commands. * sidxname: Indexing commands. * sidxsubmarked: Indexing commands. * singlecolumn: Multiple columns. * sline: Arrows and morphisms. * SLiTeX: Logos. * specialpathdelimiters (conditional): Paths. * subeqnumber: Subequation references. * subitem in indexes: Typesetting an index. * subsubitem in indexes: Typesetting an index. * testfileexistence: Auxiliary files. * TeX: Logos. * timestamp: Time of day. * timestring: Time of day. * toc...entry: Contents. * tocfilebasename: Contents. * today: Time of day. * topmargin: Margins. * tracingall: Diagnostics. * tracingboxes: Diagnostics. * tracingoff: Diagnostics. * triplecolumns: Multiple columns. * uncatcodespecials: Category codes. * unorderedlist: Lists. * unorderedlistdepth: Formatting lists. * unorderedmarker: Formatting lists. * varrowlength <1>: Commutative diagram parameters. * varrowlength: Arrows and morphisms. * vchannel: Commutative diagram parameters. * verbatim: Verbatim listing. * verbatimescapechar: Verbatim listing. * vgrid <1>: Commutative diagram parameters. * vgrid: Construction of commutative diagrams. * vline: Arrows and morphisms. * vmorphposn <1>: Commutative diagram parameters. * vmorphposn: Arrows and morphisms. * vmorphposndn <1>: Commutative diagram parameters. * vmorphposndn: Arrows and morphisms. * vmorphposnlft <1>: Commutative diagram parameters. * vmorphposnlft: Arrows and morphisms. * vmorphposnrt <1>: Commutative diagram parameters. * vmorphposnrt: Arrows and morphisms. * vmorphposnup <1>: Commutative diagram parameters. * vmorphposnup: Arrows and morphisms. * vpenalty: Mode-specific penalties. * vruledefaultwidth: Rules. * writenumberedtocentry: Contents. * writetocentry: Contents. * xeplain.tex: Introduction. * xrdef: Page references. * xref: Page references. * xrefn: Using generic references. * xrefwarning conditional: Using generic references. * xrefwarningfalse: Citations. * xrlabel: Converting to characters.  File:, Node: Concept index, Prev: Macro index, Up: Top Concept index ************* * Menu: * active characters: Category codes. * after index terms: Customizing indexing. * alignments: Tables. * allocation macros: Allocation macros. * alphanumeric references: Citations. * AMSLaTeX: Logos. * AMSTeX: Logos. * AMSTeX conflicts: Invoking Eplain. * arguments, ignoring: Macro arguments. * arrows: Arrows and morphisms. * atom: Properties. * axuiliary files, existence of: Auxiliary files. * backslash character: Category codes. * balancing of columns with \singlecolumn: Multiple columns. * Berry, Karl: Introduction. * bibliographies: Citations. * bibliography fonts: Formatting bibliographies. * bibliography items, extra space between: Formatting bibliographies. * bibliography, formatting the: Formatting bibliographies. * BibTeX <1>: Logos. * BibTeX: Citations. * black boxes: Boxes. * Borceux, Francis: Construction of commutative diagrams. * Bott, Raoul: Construction of commutative diagrams. * boxes, open: Boxes. * Brockett, Roger W.: Construction of commutative diagrams. * Butterfly Lemma: Construction of commutative diagrams. * category codes: Category codes. * centering: Justification. * characters, converting to: Converting to characters. * citations: Citations. * citations, formatting: Formatting citations. * citations, undefined: Citations. * column balancing with \singlecolumn: Multiple columns. * column eject: Multiple columns. * commas after index terms: Customizing indexing. * commutative diagrams: Commutative diagrams. * contents: Contents. * continued index entries: Typesetting an index. * covering homotopy property: Construction of commutative diagrams. * cross-references: Cross-references. * cross-references, defining general <1>: Using generic references. * cross-references, defining general: Defining generic references. * cross-referencing index entries: Modifying index entries. * cube: Construction of commutative diagrams. * customizing indexing: Customizing indexing. * date: Time of day. * defining general references <1>: Using generic references. * defining general references: Defining generic references. * definitions, global: Category codes. * diagnostics: Diagnostics. * Diagram, macros for LaTeX: Construction of commutative diagrams. * displays, left-justifying: Displays. * double column output: Multiple columns. * double columns in indexes: Typesetting an index. * eject in multicolumns: Multiple columns. * electronic mail addresses, breaking: Paths. * empty labels: Equation references. * emtex, installation under: Installation. * environments, user-defined: User-defined environments. * Eplain, installing: Installation. * Eplain, invoking: Invoking Eplain. * Eplain, purpose of: Introduction. * equation labels, characters valid in: Equation references. * equation numbers, formatting of: Formatting equation references. * equations, giving numbers to all: Equation references. * equations, groups of: Subequation references. * equations, numbering: Equation references. * equations, references to: Equation references. * error messages: Diagnostics. * escape character, changing verbatim: Verbatim listing. * expansion, one-level: \expandonce. * filenames, breaking: Paths. * files, verbatim listing of: Verbatim listing. * footnotes, numbered: Footnotes. * for loops: Iteration. * format file: Installation. * formatting index entries: Typesetting an index. * fractions: Fractions. * freedom, programming: Freedom. * ftp of MakeIndex: Indexing. * gobbling arguments: Macro arguments. * golden mean: Construction of commutative diagrams. * Graham, Ronald L.: Citations. * grid: Construction of commutative diagrams. * help messages: Diagnostics. * hooks: Hooks. * ignoring arguments: Macro arguments. * index entries and ranges: Modifying index entries. * index entries' page numbers, modifying: Modifying index entries. * index entries, and cross-referencing: Modifying index entries. * index entry continuations: Typesetting an index. * index entry formatting: Typesetting an index. * index entry general sorting: Indexing commands. * index fonts: Typesetting an index. * index groupings: Typesetting an index. * index terms, proofing: Proofing index terms. * index typesetting: Typesetting an index. * indexes, multiple: Indexing. * indexing: Indexing. * indexing and trailing spaces: Indexing terms. * indexing commands: Indexing commands. * indexing terms: Indexing terms. * insertion classes: Multiple columns. * installation: Installation. * interface copyright: User interface copyright. * item labels, changing: Formatting lists. * iteration: Iteration. * justification: Justification. * Knuth, Donald Ervin <1>: Category codes. * Knuth, Donald Ervin: Citations. * labels on items, changing: Formatting lists. * labels, characters valid in: Cross-references. * labels, empty: Equation references. * Lamport, Leslie: Introduction. * LAMSTeX: Logos. * Lang, Serge <1>: Construction of commutative diagrams. * Lang, Serge: Arrows and morphisms. * LaTeX <1>: Slanted lines and vectors. * LaTeX <2>: Logos. * LaTeX <3>: Citations. * LaTeX: Introduction. * left-justification: Justification. * left-justification of displays: Displays. * linear systems theory: Construction of commutative diagrams. * lines: Slanted lines and vectors. * list of figures: Contents. * list of tables: Contents. * listing files: Verbatim listing. * lists: Lists. * lists, formatting: Formatting lists. * logos: Logos. * lookahead without spaces: \futurenonspacelet. * margins, changing: Margins. * margins, index terms in: Proofing index terms. * mathematics displays, formatting: Displays. * Metafont: Logos. * minimal realizations: Construction of commutative diagrams. * modifying index entries' page numbers: Modifying index entries. * morphisms: Arrows and morphisms. * multiple column output: Multiple columns. * multiple indexes: Indexing. * names, of TeX variants: Logos. * newlinechar: Diagnostics. * newlines, obeying: Obeying spaces. * numbered lists: Lists. * numbered references: Citations. * numbers, written form of: Writing out numbers. * open boxes: Boxes. * ordered list: Lists. * output routine and index proofing: Proofing index terms. * Patashnik, Oren: Citations. * patents, software: Software patents. * pathnames, breaking: Paths. * proofing index terms: Proofing index terms. * properties: Properties. * quadruple column output: Multiple columns. * ranges and index entry: Modifying index entries. * rectangles: Boxes. * references, alphanumeric: Citations. * references, defining general <1>: Using generic references. * references, defining general: Defining generic references. * references, numbered: Citations. * register allocation: Allocation macros. * return character: Category codes. * right-justification: Justification. * rms <1>: User interface copyright. * rms: Introduction. * rule thickness: Rules. * see also index entries and sorting: Customizing indexing. * see, and index entries: Modifying index entries. * silent indexing: Indexing terms. * skipping tokens: \ifundefined. * SLiTeX: Logos. * Snake Lemma: Arrows and morphisms. * software patents: Software patents. * sorting an index: Indexing. * sorting of index entries: Indexing commands. * space above index entries: Typesetting an index. * spaces, ignoring: \futurenonspacelet. * spaces, obeying: Obeying spaces. * spaces, trailing and indexing commands: Indexing terms. * Stallman, Richard: Introduction. * subequations, referring to: Subequation references. * subterm in indexing: Indexing terms. * table of contents: Contents. * table of contents, short: Macro arguments. * tables: Tables. * tabs: Obeying spaces. * Texinfo: Introduction. * time of day: Time of day. * tracing: Diagnostics. * trailing spaces and indexing commands: Indexing terms. * triple column output: Multiple columns. * Tu, Loring W.: Construction of commutative diagrams. * typesetting an index: Typesetting an index. * undefined control sequence, checking for: \ifundefined. * undefined labels, warnings about: Installation. * universal mapping property: Construction of commutative diagrams. * unordered lists: Lists. * user interface copyright: User interface copyright. * vectors: Slanted lines and vectors. * verbatim listing: Verbatim listing. * version number: Introduction. * Warner, Frank W.: Construction of commutative diagrams. * whatsits made by index entries: Indexing commands. * whitespace: Obeying spaces. * Zassenhaus, Hans: Construction of commutative diagrams.