% $Id: xydoc.bib,v 3.6 1998/03/06 01:28:05 krisrose Exp $ % % BibTeX References for the Xy-pic documentation. % % This file is part of the Xy-pic package for graphs and diagrams in TeX. % See the companion README and INSTALL files for further information. % Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Kristoffer H. Rose % % The Xy-pic package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the % Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your % option) any later version. % % The Xy-pic package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY % or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License % for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along % with this package; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., % 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. % % CONTENTS: % Journals, publishers, and institutions. % Special TeX definitions. % My TeX production. % Other TeX related references, sorted by author. % Other references, sorted by author. % Log. % % NOTE: uses the abbreviations \TeX, \MF, \LaTeX, \AMS, \PiCTeX, and \Xy. @Preamble{"\label{BIBLIOGRAPHY}"} % % JOURNALS, PUBLISHERS, AND INSTITUTIONS. % Journals given in BibTeX standard styles: @string{cacm = "Communications of the ACM"} @string{sicomp = "SIAM Journal on Computing"} @string{tcs = "Theoretical Computer Science"} @string{jfp = "Journal of Functional Programming"} @string{lasc = "{LISP} and Symbolic Computation"} @string{spe = "Software Practice and Experience"} % Publishers... @string{A-W = "Addison-Wesley"} @string{N-H = "North-Holland"} @string{P-H = "Prentice-Hall"} @string{S-V = "Springer-Verlag"} @string{LNCS = "{LNCS}"} % Organizations... @string{ACM = "Association for Computing Machinery"} @string{AMS = "American Mathematical Society"} @string{DIKU = "{DIKU}, University of Copenhagen"} % % Xy-pic (most recent first). % Start of v3 as `published' from DIKU on the form required for % registration with PUF and ANL... % Kit. @Misc{RM95:Xy-pic, author = "Kristoffer H. Rose and Ross R. Moore", title = "{\Xy}-pic, version 3", month = jun, year = 1995, howpublished = "computer software kit", note = "includes User's Guide~\cite{R95:Xy-picUG}, and Reference Manual~\cite{RM95:Xy-picRM}" } % 1. @Manual{R95:Xy-picUG, author = {Kristoffer H. Rose}, YEAR = {1995}, TITLE = {{\Xy}-pic User's Guide}, organization = {{DIKU}, University of Copenhagen}, address = {Universitetsparken 1, DK--2100 K{\o}benhavn {\O}}, month = jun, edition = {3.0}, keywords = {diagram, picture, graph, arrow, curve, commutative diagram}, summary = {{\Xy}-pic is a package for typesetting graphs and diagrams using Knuth's \TeX\ typesetting system. \Xy-pic works with most of the many formats available, \eg, plain \TeX, \LaTeX, \AMS-\LaTeX, and \AMS-\TeX. Several styles of input for various diagram types are supported; they all share a mnemonic notation based on the logical composition of visual components used}, supersedes = {D-200}, SEMNO = {D-237}, PUF = {---}, ID = {Man} } % 2. @Manual{RM95:Xy-picRM, author = {Kristoffer H. Rose and Ross R. Moore}, YEAR = {1995}, TITLE = {{\Xy}-pic Reference Manual}, organization = {{DIKU}, University of Copenhagen}, address = {Universitetsparken 1, DK--2100 K{\o}benhavn {\O}}, month = jun, edition = {3.0}, keywords = {diagram, picture, graph, arrow, curve, commutative diagram}, summary = {{\Xy}-pic is a package for typesetting graphs and diagrams. It is structured as several modules, each defining a custom notation for a particular kind of graphical object or structure. Example objects are arrows, curves, frames, and colouring/rotation on drivers that support it; these can be organised in matrix, directed graph, path, polygon, knot, and 2-cell structure. Xy-pic works with most formats, including LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, AMS-TeX, and plain TeX, and has been used to typeset complicated diagrams from many application areas including category theory, automata theory, algebra, neural networks, and database theory}, supersedes = {D-201}, SEMNO = {D-238}, PUF = {---}, ID = {Man} } % 3. @Misc{RM95:Xy-picCSTC, author = "Kristoffer H. Rose and Ross R. Moore", title = "{\Xy}-pic Complete Sources with {\TeX}\-nical Commentary", month = jun, year = 1995, howpublished = "not yet available" } % 4. @Misc{R95:Xy-picUnix, author = "Kristoffer H. Rose", title = "{\Xy}-pic Unix Distribution", month = jun, year = 1995, howpublished = "computer software" } % 5. @Misc{M95:Xy-picMac, author = "Ross R. Moore", title = "{\Xy}-pic Macintosh Distribution", month = jun, year = 1995, howpublished = "computer software" } % 6. @Misc{M95:Xy-picMacFonts, author = "Ross R. Moore", title = "{\Xy}-pic fonts, for Macintosh", month = jun, year = 1995, howpublished = "computer software" } % 7. @Misc{M95:Xy-macXFonts, author = "Ross R. Moore", title = "{\Xy}-pic extra font sizes, for Macintosh", month = jun, year = 1995, howpublished = "computer software" } % End of v3. @Misc{Xy-picHP, author = "Kristoffer H. Rose", title = "The {\Xy}-pic Home Page", howpublished = "\url{http://www.ens-lyon.fr/\~{}krisrose/Xy-pic.html}" } % Start of v2.12 as registered with Australian National Library: % Kit. @Misc{RM94:Xy-pic, author = "Kristoffer H. Rose and Ross R. Moore", title = "{\Xy}-pic, version 2.12", month = oct, year = 1994, howpublished = "computer software kit: ISBN 1 86408 117 1", note = "includes software, User's Guide and Reference Manual" } % 1. @TechReport{R94:Xy-picUGII, author = "Kristoffer H. Rose and Ross R. Moore", title = "{\Xy}-pic User's Guide and Installation Instructions", institution = "MPCE, Macquarie University", year = 1994, month = oct, type = "Mathematics Report", number = "94--148 (revised), ISBN 1 86408 125 2", address = "NSW 2109, Australia" } % 2. @TechReport{RM94:Xy-picRM, title = "{\Xy}-pic Reference Manual", author = "Kristoffer H. Rose and Ross R. Moore", institution = "MPCE, Macquarie University", year = 1994, month = oct, type = "Mathematics Report", number = "94--155, ISBN 1 86408 133 3", address = "NSW 2109, Australia", note = "Available with URL {ftp:/\kern-1pt/ftp.brics.dk\slash Staff\slash krisrose\slash TeX\slash xyrefer.ps}" } % 3. @Misc{RM94:Xy-picCSTC, author = "Kristoffer H. Rose and Ross R. Moore", title = "{\Xy}-pic Complete Sources with {\TeX}\-nical Commentary", year = 1994, month = oct, howpublished = "ISBN 1 86408 141 4" } % 4. @Misc{R94:Xy-picUnix, author = "Kristoffer H. Rose", title = "{\Xy}-pic Unix Distribution", year = 1994, month = oct, howpublished = "computer software: ISBN 1 86408 149 X", note = "Available with URL {ftp:/\kern-1pt/ftp.diku.dk\slash diku\slash users\slash kris\slash TeX\slash xy212run.tar.gz}" } % 5. @Misc{M94:Xy-picMac, author = "Ross R. Moore", title = "{\Xy}-pic Macintosh Distribution", year = 1994, month = oct, howpublished = "computer software: ISBN 1 86408 157 0", note = "Available with URL {ftp:/\kern-1pt/ftp.diku.dk\slash diku\slash users\slash kris\slash TeX\slash xy212mac.sit.hqx}" } % 6. @Misc{M94:Xy-picMacFonts, author = "Ross R. Moore", title = "{\Xy}-pic fonts, for Macintosh", year = 1994, month = oct, howpublished = "computer software: ISBN 1 86408 165 1", note = "Available with URL {ftp:/\kern-1pt/ftp.diku.dk\slash diku\slash users\slash kris\slash TeX\slash xy212mac.sit.hqx}" } % 7. @Misc{M94:Xy-macXFonts, author = "Ross R. Moore", title = "{\Xy}-pic extra font sizes, for Macintosh", year = 1994, month = oct, howpublished = "computer software: ISBN 1 86408 173 2", note = "Available with URL {ftp:/\kern-1pt/ftp.diku.dk\slash diku\slash users\slash kris\slash TeX\slash xymacxf.sit.hqx}" } % End of v2.12 as registered with Australian National Library... @TechReport{R94:Xy-picUG, author = "Kristoffer H. Rose", title = "{\Xy}-pic User's Guide", institution = "MPCE, Macquarie University", year = 1994, type = "Mathematics Report", number = "94--148", address = "NSW 2109, Australia", month = jun, note = "For version 2.10+. Latest version available with URL {\tt ftp:/\kern-1pt/ftp.diku.dk\slash diku\slash users\slash kris\slash TeX\slash xy\slash xyguide.ps}" } @TechReport{RM94:Xy-picRM-old, title = "{\Xy}-pic Reference Manual", author = "Kristoffer H. Rose and Ross R. Moore", institution = "MPCE, Macquarie University", year = 1994, month = jun, type = "Mathematics Report", number = "94--155", address = "NSW 2109, Australia", note = "For version 2.10+. Latest version available with URL {ftp:/\kern-1pt/ftp.diku.dk\slash diku\slash users\slash kris\slash TeX\slash xyrefer.ps}" } @Manual{M94:TypesettingNNX, title = "Typesetting Neural Nets using {\Xy}-pic", author = "Ross R. Moore", year = 1994, note = "Available through~\cite{Xy-picHP}" } @Misc{R94:Xy-picNCD, author = "Kristoffer H. Rose", title = "{\Xy}-pic and Notation for Categorical Diagrams", howpublished = "Invited talk at ECCT-94", year = 1994, month = jul, note = "Available through~\cite{Xy-picHP}" } @InProceedings{R92:HowTPDAT, author = "Kristoffer H. Rose", title = "How to Typeset Pretty Diagram Arrows with {\TeX}---Design Decisions used in {\Xy}-pic", pages = "183-190", booktitle = "{Euro\TeX~'92}---Proceedings of the 7th European {\TeX} Conference", year = 1992, editor = "Ji{\v{r}}{\'\i} Zlatu{\v{s}}ka", organization = "Czechoslovak {\TeX} Users Group", address = "Prague, Czechoslovakia", month = sep } % Kit. @Misc{R92:Xy-pic, author = "Kristoffer H. Rose", title = "{\Xy}-pic, version 2.6", year = 1992, howpublished = "computer software kit", note = "includes User's Manual~\cite{R92:TypesettingDXUM}" } @InProceedings{R92:TypesettingDXUM, author = "Kristoffer H. Rose", title = "Typesetting Diagrams with {\Xy}-pic: User's Manual", pages = "273-292", booktitle = "{Euro\TeX~'92}---Proceedings of the 7th European {\TeX} Conference", year = 1992, editor = "Ji{\v{r}}{\'\i} Zlatu{\v{s}}ka", organization = "Czechoslovak {\TeX} Users Group", address = "Prague, Czechoslovakia", month = sep } @Misc{R92:ExercisesX, author = "Kristoffer H. Rose", title = "Exercises in {\Xy}-pic", howpublished = "Handout at tutorial given at {Euro\TeX~'92}", year = 1992, month = sep, note = "Available by anonymous ftp in {\tt ftp.diku.dk: /diku\slash users\slash kris\slash TeX\slash Obsolete\slash xypicex.ps.Z}" } @Misc{R92:xypic.doc, author = "Kristoffer H. Rose", title = "{\Xy}-pic Macros: Technical Documentation", howpublished = "{\tt xypic.doc} of the {\Xy}-pic version 2.6 release", year = 1992, month = oct } @TechReport{H91:Xy-picTGDT, author = "Kristoffer H. Holm", title = "{\Xy}-pic: Typesetting Graphs and Diagrams with {\TeX}", institution = DIKU, year = 1991, type = "Student report", number = "91--7--10", address = "Universitets\-parken 1, {DK}-2100 K\o{}ben\-havn \O", month = jul, note = "Obsolete" } @Misc{R91:xy.doc, author = "Kristoffer H. Rose", title = "{\Xy}-pic Macros: Technical Documentation", howpublished = "{\tt xy.doc} of the $\beta$-release of the {\Xy}-pic package", year = 1991, month = nov, note = "Obsolete" } @Unpublished{HD90:DrawingGD, author = "Kristoffer H. Holm and Hans Dybkj\ae{}r", title = "Drawing Graphs and Diagrams", note = "Documents the obsolete {\tt graphs} macros", year = 1990, month = sep } % % TeX RELATED REFERENCES, SORTED BY AUTHOR. @Manual{AMS95:AMS-LaTeX, title = "{\AMS}-{\LaTeX} Version 1.2 User's Guide", organization = "American Mathematical Society", edition = "1.2b", year = 1995, month = jan } @Manual{AMS94:AMS-LaTeX, title = "{\AMS}-{\LaTeX} Version 1.2 User's Guide", organization = "American Mathematical Society", edition = "1.2", year = 1994, month = oct } @Manual{AMS91:AMS-LaTeX, title = "{\AMS}-{\LaTeX} Version 1.1 User's Guide", organization = "American Mathematical Society", edition = "1.1", year = 1991 } @Manual{B:DiagramM, title = "The Diagram Macros", author = "Michael Barr", note = "Available by anonymous ftp from {\tt triples.math.mcgill.ca:\-/pub/texmacros/diagdoc.tex}" } @Manual{B:UsersGD3, title = "User's Guide for Diagram 3", author = "Francis Borceux", address = "{L}ouvain-la-{N}euve", note = "Available from the author, borceux@agel.ucl.ac.be" } @Manual{B94:ExpandedPT, title = "Expanded plain {\TeX}", author = "Karl Berry", edition = "version 2.6", year = 1994, month = may, note = "Available for anonymous ftp from CTAN in {\tt macros\slash eplain\slash doc}." } @Book{GMS94:LaTeXC, author = "Michel Goossens and Frank Mittelbach and Alexander Samarin", title = "The {\LaTeX} Companion", publisher = A-W, year = 1994 } @article{HO87:TypesettingCSFTFT, author = "Roswitha T. Haas and Kevin C. O'Kane", title = "Typesetting Chemical Structure Formulas with the Text Formatter \TeX/\LaTeX", journal = "Computers \& Chemistry", year = 1987, volume = 11, number = 4, pages = "251-271" } @Article{K82:PIC-LTG, author = "Brian W. Kernighan", title = "{PIC}---A Language for Typesetting Graphics", journal = spe, year = 1982, volume = 12, number = 1, pages = "1-21" } @Manual{KC:eqn, title = "Typesetting Mathematics -- User's Guide", author = "B. W. Kernighan and L. L. Cherry", organization = "Bell labs" } @TechReport{K91:PIC-GLT, author = "Brian W. Kernighan", title = "{PIC}---A Graphics Language for Typesetting", institution = "{AT\&T} Bell Laboratories", year = 1991, type = "Computing Science Technical Report", number = 116, address = "Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974", month = may } @Book{K84:TeXbook, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "The {\TeX}book", publisher = A-W, year = 1984 } @Book{K86:ComputerMT, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "Computer Modern Typefaces", publisher = A-W, year = 1986, volume = "A", series = "Computers \& Typesetting" } @Book{K86:MFbook, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "The {\MF}book", publisher = A-W, year = 1986 } @Manual{K88:EEPIC, title = "{EEPIC} -- Extensions to epic and {\LaTeX} Picture Environment 1.1", author = "Conrad Kwok", organization = "Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Davis", year = 1988, month = feb } @Book{L86:LaTeX, author = "Leslie Lamport", title = "{\LaTeX}---A Document Preparation System", publisher = A-W, year = 1986 } @Book{L94:LaTeX, author = "Leslie Lamport", title = "{\LaTeX}---A Document Preparation System", publisher = A-W, year = 1994, edition = "2nd" } @Misc{L88:latex.tex, author = "Leslie Lamport", title = "{\LaTeX} Version 2.09", howpublished = "{\tt latex.tex} of {\LaTeX} distribution", year = 1988, month = aug } @Manual{L88:FeynmanLRGFD, title = "A {\LaTeX} Routine for Generating feynman Diagrams", author = "Michael Levine", edition = "1.0", year = 1988, month = oct, OPTnote = "{CTAN} {\tt macros/\-latex/\-contrib\slash \-feynman}" } @Article{N60:ReportALA60, author = "P. Naur and others", title = "Report on the Algorithmic Language {ALGOL} 60", journal = cacm, year = 1960, volume = 3, pages = "299-314" } @Manual{O79:NROFF/TROFFUM, title = "{NROFF/TROFF} User's Manual", author = "J. F. Osanna", organization = "Bell Laboratories", address = "Murray Hill, N.J.", year = 1979 } @TechReport{P86:EnhancementsPEL, author = "Sunil Podar", title = "Enhancements to the Picture Environment of {\LaTeX}", institution = "Dept. of Computer Science, S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook", year = 1986, number = "86-17", month = jul } @Manual{ps, title = "PostScript Language Reference Manual", organization = "Adobe Systems Incorporated", edition = "second", year = 1990 } @Manual{R87:UsersMDM, title = "User's Manual for Diagram Macros", author = "John Reynolds", year = 1987, month = dec, note = "Available by anonymous ftp from {\tt e.ergo.cs.cmu.edu}" } @Manual{dvips, title = "{DVIPS}: A {\TeX} Driver", author = "Tomas Rokicki", note = "Distributed with the dvips program found on CTAN archives" } @Manual{textures, title = "Textures User's Guide", organization = "Blue Sky Research", address = "Portland, Oregon", year = 1988, month = dec } @Book{S82:JoyT, author = "Michael D. Spivak", title = "The Joy of {\TeX}---A Gourmet Guide to Typesetting with the {\AMS-\TeX} Macro Package", publisher = A-W, year = 1982 } @Book{S90:JoyT, author = "Michael D. Spivak", title = "The Joy of {\TeX}---A Gourmet Guide to Typesetting with the {\AMS-\TeX} Macro Package", edition = "second", publisher = AMS, year = 1990 } @Misc{TWG-TDS, key = "TWG-TDS-0.98", author = "TUG Working Group TWG-TDS", title = "A Directory Structure for {\TeX} Files version 0.98", howpublished = "URL", year = 1995, month = may, note = "Available with URL {ftp:/\kern-1pt\slash jasper.ora.com\slash pub\slash twg-tds/}" } @Manual{T93:OzTeXUG, title = "{\OzTeX} User's Guide", author = "Andrew Trevorrow", address = "19 Abbot Lane, North Adelaide 5006, Australia", edition = "1.6", year = 1993, month = jul } @Manual{T90:CommutativeDT, title = "Commutative Diagrams in {\TeX}", author = "Paul Taylor", organization = "Department of Computing, Imperial College", address = "180 Queens Gate, London SW7 2BZ", year = 1990, month = jul } @Manual{T93:CommutativeDTV4, title = "Commutative Diagrams in {\TeX} (version 4)", author = "Paul Taylor", organization = "Department of Computing, Imperial College", address = "180 Queens Gate, London SW7 2BZ", year = 1993, month = jan } @Manual{W86:PiCTeXM, title = "The {\PiCTeX} Manual", author = "Michael J. Wichura", organization = "University of Washington", year = 1987 } @Misc{W87:pictex.tex, author = "Michael J. Wichura", title = "{\PiCTeX}, Version 1.1", howpublished = "{\tt pictex.tex} of {\PiCTeX} distribution", year = 1987, month = sep } % $Log: xydoc.bib,v $ % Revision 3.6 1998/03/06 01:28:05 krisrose % Releasing (with Y&Y fonts). % % Revision 3.4 1997/05/28 13:02:24 krisrose % Fixed missing breaks bug. % % Revision 3.3 1996/12/19 03:31:56 krisrose % Maintenance release % % Revision 3.2 1995/09/19 18:22:27 kris % Bug fix release. % % Revision 3.1 1995/09/05 20:31:32 kris % Releasing! % % Revision 3.0 1995/07/07 20:14:21 kris % Major release w/new User's Guide! % % Revision 2.14 1995/07/06 02:56:02 kris % Buglets... % % Revision 2.13 1995/07/04 15:11:17 kris % Ready to release v3? % % Revision 2.12 1994/10/25 11:34:25 kris % Interim release just before v3 [works with AMS-LaTeX 1.2]... % % Revision 2.11 1994/07/05 10:37:32 kris % Third 3beta release [bug fixes]. % Experimental graph feature included (for ECCT-94 presentation). % % Revision 2.10 1994/06/15 12:55:07 kris % Second 3beta release: bug fixes. % % Revision 2.9 1994/06/09 14:59:19 kris % Release 3beta. % % Revision 2.8 1994/04/08 04:30:00 kris % Second (bug fix) 3alpha release. % % Revision 2.7 1994/03/08 02:06:01 kris % Release 3alpha. % % Revision 1994/03/07 04:22:46 kris % Last internal 3alpha and pre-2.7 release. % % Name changed from xypicman.bib to xydoc.bib. % % Revision 1992/07/01 07:08:24 kris % Send to EuroTeX '92... % % Revision 2.6 1992/06/24 01:23:34 kris % Unchanged from xy.bib v.2.5. % % Revision 2.1 1992/01/02 14:54:07 kris % Release version. % % Revision 1.4 1991/11/27 06:44:34 kris % Fits \beta-test on DIKU. % % Revision 1.3 1991/08/23 01:05:45 kris % Tidied up; fits report.tex[1.28]. % % Revision 1.2 1991/08/05 04:02:12 kris % As used in student report 91-7-10. % % Revision 1.1 91/07/23 14:49:06 kris % Fits report.tex[1.5].