-*-text-*- $Id: TRAILER,v 3.7 1999/02/16 15:12:50 krisrose Exp $


This is to announce a release of my diagram typesetting package Xy-pic.

With version 3.7 we explicitly grant permission to use the unmodified
Xy-pic fonts and specials in distributed documents.


Xy-pic is a package for typesetting a variety of graphs and diagrams
with TeX.  Xy-pic works with most formats (including LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX,
AMS-TeX, and plain TeX), in particular Xy-pic is provided as a LaTeX2e
`supported package' (following the `CTAN LaTeX2e bundle' standard).

Further specifics of the package are in the distribution README file.


The primary purpose of release 3.7 is the granting of special permission
to copy the Xy-pic fonts and graphic specials inside documents, for
example in DVI, PostScript, and PDF files.  This has no practical
significance except making current (reasonable) practice explicitly

Release 3.7 furthermore fixes a few bugs in release 3.6 and adds a few
features: a "smart turning path" feature and an extension with macro
expansion in kernel expressions and polygon shapes by George C. Necula,
and the beginnings of an emulation of LaTeX picture mode proposed by
Paul Burchard and Bill Richter.

Special thanks to George Necula for the bug fixes and impressive
extensions, to Bill Richter for extending Paul Burchard's pb-diagram to
use Xy-pic as a backend and for contributing the `picture' feature, to
Berthold Horn of Y&Y Inc. for releasing the copyright on their
PostScript fonts, and to Pieter Donche and Marcelo Cunha dos Santos for
the bug reports.


Xy-pic can be retrieved through the World Wide Web Xy-pic `home page':

  URL:			http://www.ens-lyon.fr/~krisrose/Xy-pic.html

as well as by anonymous ftp from

  CTAN:			macros/generic/diagrams/xypic

Check the README file in each location for specifics, in particular
check that you have reached a version 3.7 copy (some archives take a
while to mirror the latest files)!


The first public release (version 1.40) of Xy-pic was created by
Kristoffer H. Rose, DIKU, U of Copenhagen (now ENS-Lyon, France) and
distributed via Usenet on December 19, 1991.  This quickly became
version 2 of which version 2.6 was the stable for sevarl years.

The thorough rewrite that became version 3 is a continued
collaboration with Ross Moore, Macquarie U, Sydney, initiated through
a visit to Macquarie (Jan-May 1994 supported by the Australian
Research Council, Macquarie University, and using donated DEC
equipment).  However, full backwards compatibility is maintained
(except for the unavoidable but fully documented obscure cases).

Xy-pic is Copyright (c) 1991-1998 by Kristoffer H. Rose and 1994-1998
by Ross Moore under GNU COPYLEFT (GPL) which means that you can use
the package for any purpose but if you provide the macros or any code
derived from them to a third party then you are obliged to include the
entire Xy-pic package (full details in the file COPYING).  The
PostScript fonts are additionally Copyright (c) 1997 Y&Y Inc.  The
FONTCOPYING file details the special permissions to distribute fonts
without the full requirements of the GPL.


	 This is the end of the announcement.  Enjoy Xy-pic!
