Here are three programs and a script for use with Gerd Neugebauer's excellent cwpuzzle.sty package for typesetting crossword puzzles in LaTeX. The purpose of the programs is to convert the popular Across Lite(R) puzzle formats, both binary and text, to LaTeX input suitable for use with Gerd's package. Build the programs like this: gcc -o nytconv nytconv.c gcc -o nytsconv nytsconv.c gcc -o usaconv usaconv.c 1. nytconv This program converts Across Lite(R) binary puzzle files: nytconv puzzlefile.puz >puzzlefile.tex where of course 'puzzlefile' is the name of the binary input file. The program is best suited to puzzles up to size 15x15, which is the standard daily puzzle size for the New York Times. NYT puzzles are distributed from their web site in Across Lite binary format. The web site is but registration (currently free) is needed to access the contents of the site. 2. nytsconv This program is very similar to the previous one except it's for the larger Sunday puzzles, up to about 23x23. nytsconv puzzlefile.puz >puzzlefile.tex 3. usaconv This program converts Across Lite(R) text files. Puzzles such as the USA Today daily puzzle and the Times of London daily puzzle are converted to LaTeX input via a two step process. You should go to the Across Lite web site, to pick up a USA Today conversion program and a Times of London conversion program. You can then pick up the puzzles (, or, convert to Across Lite text form, and then convert to LaTeX. usaconv puzzlefile.txt >puzzlefile.tex Well, you might say, what's the point? There are several. I don't want to solve crosswords on screen; I want printed copy to work with. So, why not just print from the Across Lite program? Because (1) I'm a LaTeX fanatic, and more importantly (2) I use an automated procedure to download the NYT and USA puzzles every morning, format them, and ready them for printing whenever I want a fresh puzzle! The only work I have to do is to actually solve the puzzle. (I don't have the skill needed to solve difficult cryptics such as the Times of London puzzles so I don't download them regularly.) Another important point is generating your own crosswords with computerized tools. Tools such as Crossword Express ( help you to produce crosswords quickly and effectively. One of the output format is Across Lite binary. This can then be converted (with the nyt- or nyts- conversion program, depending on puzzle size) and dropped into a LaTeX document. This is nice for newsletters, educational material, etc. There is still another possibility using postscript tools usually found on Unix systems. You might collect, say, 100 puzzles, convert them all to LaTeX input, and process them. Then you can use tools such as psbook to make books of puzzles to take along on boring business trips or interesting vacation trips. For those of you with an interest, here is my automated Perl script for downloading and formatting puzzles. It requires the program 'wget' which can be found at (This site is sometimes hard to reach. Keep trying. Or contact me for alternatives.) Now, the script, which will require local site modification: --------------- #!/usr/bin/perl chdir("/usr/games/crossword"); ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime(time); # NY Times $mpart = (Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec)[$mon]; if ($mday lt 10){$puzzle = $mpart."0".$mday.$year;} else {$puzzle = $mpart.$mday.$year;} system("/usr/bin/wget --http-user=myname --http-passwd=secret$puzzle.puz"); if ($wday ne 0) {system("./nytconv $puzzle.puz >$puzzle.tex");} else {system("./nytsconv $puzzle.puz >$puzzle.tex");} system("/usr/bin/latex $puzzle"); if ($wday ne 0) {system("/usr/bin/dvips -x 1400 $puzzle");} else {system("/usr/bin/dvips -x 1100 $puzzle");} system("/usr/bin/psnup -l -2 -pletter $ $puzzle.wps"); system("echo \"quit\" >>$puzzle.wps"); system("/usr/bin/gs -q -sDEVICE=laserjet -r300 -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=$puzzle.lj $puzzle.wps "); system("gzip -9 -f $puzzle.lj"); system("/bin/rm *dvi *ps *log *aux *tex"); # USA Today if ($wday ne 6 && $wday ne 0) { # no weekend puzzles $month = $mon + 1; if ($month lt 10) {$directory = $year."0".$month;} else {$directory = $year.$month;} if ($mday lt 10){$puzzle = "ut".$directory."0".$mday;} else {$puzzle = "ut".$directory.$mday;} system("/usr/bin/wget$directory/$puzzle.puz"); system("./usa-acl $puzzle.puz $puzzle.txt"); system("./usaconv $puzzle.txt >$puzzle.tex"); system("/usr/bin/latex $puzzle"); system("/usr/bin/dvips -x 1400 $puzzle"); system("/usr/bin/psnup -l -2 -pletter $ $puzzle.wps"); system("echo \"quit\" >>$puzzle.wps"); system("/usr/bin/gs -q -sDEVICE=laserjet -r300 -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=$puzzle.lj $puzzle.wps "); system("gzip -9 -f $puzzle.lj"); system("/bin/rm *dvi *ps *log *aux *tex *txt"); } exit; -------------- For any questions, bug reports, or especially improvements, please contact me: Bob Newell Bismarck, North Dakota 28 November, 1996