%% %% IEEEfull.bib %% %% BibTeX bibliography string definitions of the FULL titles of %% IEEE journals and magazines %% %% NOTE: This text file uses UNIX line feed conventions. When (human) %% reading this file on other platforms, you may have to use a text %% editor that can handle lines terminated by the UNIX line feed %% character (0x0A). %% %% This file is designed for bibliography styles that require %% full-length titles and is not for use in bibliographies that %% abbreviate titles. %% %% Version 1.00 (2002/08/13) %% %% Composed by Michael Shell %% %% See: %% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/IEEEtran/ %% for latest version and current contact information. %% %% Special thanks to Laura Hyslop of IEEE for her help in obtaining the %% information needed to compile this file. %% %%********************************************************************** %% Legal Notice: %% This code is offered as-is without any warranty either expressed or %% implied; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or %% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE! %% User assumes all risk. %% In no event shall IEEE or any contributor to this code be liable for %% any damages or losses, including, but not limited to, incidental, %% consequential, or any other damages, resulting from the use or misuse %% of any information contained here. %% %% This code is distributed under the Perl Artistic License %% ( http://language.perl.com/misc/Artistic.html ) %% and may be freely used, distributed and modified - subject to the %% constraints therein. %% Retain all contribution notices, credits and disclaimers. %% %% All comments are the opinions of their respective authors and are not %% necessarily endorsed by the IEEE. %%********************************************************************** % % % USAGE: % % \bibliographystyle{mybstfile} % \bibliography{IEEEfull,mybibfile} % % where the IEEE titles in the .bib database entries use the strings % defined here. e.g., % % % journal = IEEE_J_AC, % % % to yield "{IEEE} Transactions on Automatic Control" % % % WARNING: IEEE uses abbreviated journal titles in their bibliographies! % Because this file provides the full titles, you should NOT use this file % for work that is to be submitted to the IEEE. % % For IEEE work, you should use the abbreviated titles provided in the % companion file, IEEEabrv.bib. % % % ** NOTES ** % % 1. Journals have been grouped according to subject in order to make it % easier to locate and extract the definitions for related journals - % as most works use references that are confined to a single topic. % Magazines are listed in straight alphabetical order. % % 2. String names are closely based on IEEE's own internal acronyms. % % 3. Older, out-of-print IEEE titles are included (but not including titles % dating prior to IEEE's formation from the IRE and AIEE in 1963). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% IEEE Journals %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % aerospace and military @STRING{IEEE_J_AES = "{IEEE} Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems"} @STRING{IEEE_J_ANE = "{IEEE} Transactions on Aerospace and Navigational Electronics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_ANNE = "{IEEE} Transactions on Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_AS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Aerospace"} @STRING{IEEE_J_AIRE = "{IEEE} Transactions on Airborne Electronics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_MIL = "{IEEE} Transactions on Military Electronics"} % autos, transportation and vehicles (non-aerospace) @STRING{IEEE_J_ITS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems"} @STRING{IEEE_J_VT = "{IEEE} Transactions on Vehicular Technology"} @STRING{IEEE_J_VC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Vehicular Communications"} % circuits, signals, systems, audio and controls @STRING{IEEE_J_SPL = "{IEEE} Signal Processing Letters"} @STRING{IEEE_J_ASSP = "{IEEE} Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing"} @STRING{IEEE_J_AU = "{IEEE} Transactions on Audio"} @STRING{IEEE_J_AUEA = "{IEEE} Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_AC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Automatic Control"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CAS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Circuits and Systems"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CASVT = "{IEEE} Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CASI = "{IEEE} Transactions on Circuits and Systems---Part {I}: Fundamental Theory and Applications"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CASII = "{IEEE} Transactions on Circuits and Systems---Part {II}: Analog and Digital Signal Processing"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CT = "{IEEE} Transactions on Circuit Theory"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CST = "{IEEE} Transactions on Control Systems Technology"} @STRING{IEEE_J_SP = "{IEEE} Transactions on Signal Processing"} @STRING{IEEE_J_SU = "{IEEE} Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_SAP = "{IEEE} Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing"} @STRING{IEEE_J_UE = "{IEEE} Transactions on Ultrasonics Engineering"} @STRING{IEEE_J_UFFC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control"} % communications @STRING{IEEE_J_COML = "{IEEE} Communications Letters"} @STRING{IEEE_J_JSAC = "{IEEE} Journal on Selected Areas in Communications"} @STRING{IEEE_J_COM = "{IEEE} Transactions on Communications"} @STRING{IEEE_J_COMT = "{IEEE} Transactions on Communication Technology"} @STRING{IEEE_J_WCOM = "{IEEE} Transactions on Wireless Communications"} % components, packaging and manufacturing @STRING{IEEE_J_ADVP = "{IEEE} Transactions on Advanced Packaging"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CHMT = "{IEEE} Transactions on Components, Hybrids and Manufacturing Technology"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CPMTA = "{IEEE} Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology---Part {A}"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CPMTB = "{IEEE} Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology---Part {B}: Advanced Packaging"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CPMTC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology---Part {C}: Manufacturing"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CAPT = "{IEEE} Transactions on Components and Packaging Technology"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CAPTS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CPART = "{IEEE} Transactions on Component Parts"} @STRING{IEEE_J_EPM = "{IEEE} Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing"} @STRING{IEEE_J_MFT = "{IEEE} Transactions on Manufacturing Technology"} @STRING{IEEE_J_PHP = "{IEEE} Transactions on Parts, Hybrids and Packaging"} @STRING{IEEE_J_PMP = "{IEEE} Transactions on Parts, Materials and Packaging"} % CAD @STRING{IEEE_J_TCAD = "{IEEE} Journal on Technology in Computer Aided Design"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CAD = "{IEEE} Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems"} % coding, data, information, knowledge @STRING{IEEE_J_IT = "{IEEE} Transactions on Information Theory"} @STRING{IEEE_J_KDE = "{IEEE} Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering"} % computers, computation, networking and software @STRING{IEEE_J_C = "{IEEE} Transactions on Computers"} @STRING{IEEE_J_ECOMP = "{IEEE} Transactions on Electronic Computers"} @STRING{IEEE_J_EVC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Evolutionary Computation"} @STRING{IEEE_J_FUZZ = "{IEEE} Transactions on Fuzzy Systems"} @STRING{IEEE_J_MC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Mobile Computing"} @STRING{IEEE_J_NET = "{IEEE/ACM} Transactions on Networking"} @STRING{IEEE_J_NN = "{IEEE} Transactions on Neural Networks"} @STRING{IEEE_J_PDS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems"} @STRING{IEEE_J_SE = "{IEEE} Transactions on Software Engineering"} % computer graphics, imaging, and multimedia @STRING{IEEE_J_IP = "{IEEE} Transactions on Image Processing"} @STRING{IEEE_J_MM = "{IEEE} Transactions on Multimedia"} @STRING{IEEE_J_VCG = "{IEEE} Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics"} % cybernetics, ergonomics, robots, man-machine, and automation @STRING{IEEE_J_JRA = "{IEEE} Journal of Robotics and Automation"} @STRING{IEEE_J_HFE = "{IEEE} Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_MMS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Man-Machine Systems"} @STRING{IEEE_J_PAMI = "{IEEE} Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence"} @STRING{IEEE_J_RA = "{IEEE} Transactions on Robotics and Automation"} @STRING{IEEE_J_SMC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_SMCA = "{IEEE} Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics---Part {A}: Systems and Humans"} @STRING{IEEE_J_SMCB = "{IEEE} Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics---Part {B}: Cybernetics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_SMCC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics---Part {C}: Applications and Reviews"} @STRING{IEEE_J_SSC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Systems Science and Cybernetics"} % earth, wind, fire and water @STRING{IEEE_J_GE = "{IEEE} Transactions on Geoscience Electronics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_GRS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing"} @STRING{IEEE_J_OE = "{IEEE} Journal of Oceanic Engineering"} % education, engineering, history, IEEE, professional @STRING{IEEE_J_PROC = "Proceedings of the {IEEE}"} @STRING{IEEE_J_EDU = "{IEEE} Transactions on Education"} @STRING{IEEE_J_EM = "{IEEE} Transactions on Engineering Management"} @STRING{IEEE_J_EWS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Engineering Writing and Speech"} @STRING{IEEE_J_PC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Professional Communication"} % electromagnetics, antennas, EMI, magnetics and microwave @STRING{IEEE_J_AWPL = "{IEEE} Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters"} @STRING{IEEE_J_MGWL = "{IEEE} Microwave and Guided Wave Letters"} @STRING{IEEE_J_MWCL = "{IEEE} Microwave and Wireless Components Letters"} @STRING{IEEE_J_AP = "{IEEE} Transactions on Antennas and Propagation"} @STRING{IEEE_J_EMC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility"} @STRING{IEEE_J_MAG = "{IEEE} Transactions on Magnetics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_MTT = "{IEEE} Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques"} @STRING{IEEE_J_RFI = "{IEEE} Transactions on Radio Frequency Interference"} @STRING{IEEE_J_TJMJ = "{IEEE} Translation Journal on Magnetics in Japan"} % energy and power @STRING{IEEE_J_EC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Energy Conversion"} @STRING{IEEE_J_PWRAS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems"} @STRING{IEEE_J_PWRD = "{IEEE} Transactions on Power Delivery"} @STRING{IEEE_J_PWRE = "{IEEE} Transactions on Power Electronics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_PWRS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Power Systems"} % industrial, commercial and consumer @STRING{IEEE_J_APPIND = "{IEEE} Transactions on Applications and Industry"} @STRING{IEEE_J_BC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Broadcasting"} @STRING{IEEE_J_BCTV = "{IEEE} Transactions on Broadcast and Television Receivers"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CE = "{IEEE} Transactions on Consumer Electronics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_IE = "{IEEE} Transactions on Industrial Electronics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_IECI = "{IEEE} Transactions on Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation"} @STRING{IEEE_J_IA = "{IEEE} Transactions on Industry Applications"} @STRING{IEEE_J_IGA = "{IEEE} Transactions on Industry and General Applications"} % instrumentation and measurement @STRING{IEEE_J_IM = "{IEEE} Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement"} % insulation and materials @STRING{IEEE_J_JEM = "{IEEE/TMS} Journal of Electronic Materials"} @STRING{IEEE_J_DEI = "{IEEE} Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation"} @STRING{IEEE_J_EI = "{IEEE} Transactions on Electrical Insulation"} % mechanical @STRING{IEEE_J_MECH = "{IEEE/ASME} Transactions on Mechatronics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_MEMS = "{IEEE/ASME} Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems"} % medical and biological @STRING{IEEE_J_BME = "{IEEE} Transactions on Biomedical Engineering"} % Note: The B-ME journal later dropped the hyphen and became the BME. @STRING{IEEE_J_B-ME = "{IEEE} Transactions on Bio-Medical Engineering"} @STRING{IEEE_J_BMELC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Bio-Medical Electronics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_ITBM = "{IEEE} Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine"} @STRING{IEEE_J_ME = "{IEEE} Transactions on Medical Electronics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_MI = "{IEEE} Transactions on Medical Imaging"} @STRING{IEEE_J_MCTE = "{IEEE} Transactions on Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Engineering"} @STRING{IEEE_J_NB = "{IEEE} Transactions on NanoBioscience"} @STRING{IEEE_J_NSRE = "{IEEE} Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering"} @STRING{IEEE_J_RE = "{IEEE} Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering"} % optics, lightwave and photonics @STRING{IEEE_J_PTL = "{IEEE} Photonics Technology Letters"} @STRING{IEEE_J_JLT = "{IEEE/OSA} Journal of Lightwave Technology"} % physics, electrons, nanotechnology, nuclear and quantum electronics @STRING{IEEE_J_EDL = "{IEEE} Electron Device Letters"} @STRING{IEEE_J_JQE = "{IEEE} Journal of Quantum Electronics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_JSTQE = "{IEEE} Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_ED = "{IEEE} Transactions on Electron Devices"} @STRING{IEEE_J_NANO = "{IEEE} Transactions on Nanotechnology"} @STRING{IEEE_J_NS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Nuclear Science"} @STRING{IEEE_J_PS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Plasma Science"} % reliability @STRING{IEEE_J_DMR = "{IEEE} Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability"} @STRING{IEEE_J_R = "{IEEE} Transactions on Reliability"} % semiconductors, superconductors, electrochemical and solid state @STRING{IEEE_J_ESSL = "{IEEE/ECS} Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters"} @STRING{IEEE_J_JSSC = "{IEEE} Journal of Solid-State Circuits"} @STRING{IEEE_J_ASC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Applied Superconductivity"} @STRING{IEEE_J_SM = "{IEEE} Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing"} % sensors @STRING{IEEE_J_SENSOR = "{IEEE} Sensors Journal"} % VLSI @STRING{IEEE_J_VLSI = "{IEEE} Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration ({VLSI}) Systems"} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% IEEE Magazines %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @STRING{IEEE_M_AES = "{IEEE} Aerospace and Electronics Systems Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_HIST = "{IEEE} Annals of the History of Computing"} @STRING{IEEE_M_AP = "{IEEE} Antennas and Propagation Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_ASSP = "{IEEE} {ASSP} Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_CD = "{IEEE} Circuits and Devices Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_CAS = "{IEEE} Circuits and Systems Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_COM = "{IEEE} Communications Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_COMSOC = "{IEEE} Communications Society Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_CSE = "{IEEE} Computation in Science and Engineering"} % CSEM changed to CSE in 1999 @STRING{IEEE_M_CSEM = "{IEEE} Computation in Science and Engineering Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_C = "{IEEE} Computer"} @STRING{IEEE_M_CAP = "{IEEE} Computer Applications in Power"} @STRING{IEEE_M_CGA = "{IEEE} Computer Graphics and Applications"} @STRING{IEEE_M_CONC = "{IEEE} Concurrency"} @STRING{IEEE_M_CS = "{IEEE} Control Systems Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_DTC = "{IEEE} Design and Test of Computers"} @STRING{IEEE_M_EI = "{IEEE} Electrical Insulation Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_EMB = "{IEEE} Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_EMR = "{IEEE} Engineering Management Review"} @STRING{IEEE_M_EXP = "{IEEE} Expert"} @STRING{IEEE_M_IA = "{IEEE} Industry Applications Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_IM = "{IEEE} Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_IS = "{IEEE} Intelligent Systems"} @STRING{IEEE_M_IC = "{IEEE} Internet Computing"} @STRING{IEEE_M_ITP = "{IEEE} {IT} Professional"} @STRING{IEEE_M_MICRO = "{IEEE} Micro"} @STRING{IEEE_M_MW = "{IEEE} Microwave Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_MM = "{IEEE} Multimedia"} @STRING{IEEE_M_NET = "{IEEE} Network"} @STRING{IEEE_M_PCOM = "{IEEE} Personal Communications Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_POT = "{IEEE} Potentials"} @STRING{IEEE_M_PER = "{IEEE} Power Engineering Review"} @STRING{IEEE_M_RA = "{IEEE} Robotics and Automation Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_SP = "{IEEE} Signal Processing Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_S = "{IEEE} Software"} @STRING{IEEE_M_SPECT = "{IEEE} Spectrum"} @STRING{IEEE_M_TS = "{IEEE} Technology and Society Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_WC = "{IEEE} Wireless Communications Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_TODAY = "Today's Engineer"} %-- %EOF