CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/carlisle This directory contains various packages that are not related to each other except by the fact that they have the same author. All the files in this directory, and the LaTeX packages that can be extracted from the source files in ths directory may be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. David Carlisle david@dcarlisle.demon.co.uk I shall add new files here from time to time, currently the directory contains the following. nopageno.sty Turn off all page numbers in standard LaTeX classes, without having to worry about \maketitle and friends putting them back. ltxtable.tex This generates and documents the package ltxtable.sty. A merger of longtable and tabularx packages from the Standard LaTeX tools collection. This produces multipage tables in which the column widths are automatically calculated to achieve a specified total table width. blkarray.sty Despite being in this `supported' directory this package is less supported than the others. I wrote it a long time ago. It is still documented using the conventions of LaTeX2.09 (although it appears to work with current LaTeX releases). I do not think I am going to be able to work on this in the foreseeable future, so have decided to let it out in its current state. It is not really a package for using in documents in its present state, but if you are interested in coding tables of various sorts in TeX, you may be interested to experiment with it... mylatex.ltx This file provides a method of making a special format tailored to one document, with all the class and packages, and other preamble material pre-loaded. This can save quite a lot of time on some systems. See the comments in the file. typehtml.dtx typehtml.ins Typeset HTML (ie World Wide web documents) directly from LaTeX. Process the file html.ins to produce the html.sty package file. Process the file html.dtx to produce examples, documentation and code listings. Currently this package can handle almost all of HTML2, and most of the math fragment of the draft HTML3. plain.sty Typeset plain TeX markup in LaTeX documents. Within \begin{plain} ... \end{plain} most plain TeX constructs work including commands such as \over which might have been disabled by other LaTeX packages such as amsmath. comma.sty Adds a new possibility for printing counter values in addition to \arabic, \roman, etc. \commaform inserts a comma every three digits, as in 12,345. It may be easily customised to insert any other TeX command (such as a thin space `\,') instead of a comma. colortbl.dtx colortbl.ins Add colour to LaTeX tables. Requires array and color packages. Process colortbl.ins to produce the package file colortbl.sty. Process colortbl.dtx to get the documentation (this requires longtable hhline and dcolumn from the standard `tools' distribution.) dotlessj.sty If you are using a font set without a dotless j (\j and \jmath) then this package will fake one. It requires the LaTeX color package. It does not require any explicit PostScript support. textcase.dtx textcase.ins \MakeTextUppercase and \MakeTextLowercase are similar to the standard \MakeUppercase and \MakeLowercase, but they do not change the case of any sections of mathematics within the argument. Improvements from Donald Arseneau mean that \label, \ref and \cite also work within the argument of these commands, without the symbolic `key name' being incorrectly uppercased. remreset.sty \@removefromreset: a companion to the standard \@addtoreset command allows counters to be removed from the reset list of a controlling counter. For example, a class file based on book class may say \@removefromreset{footnote}{chapter} so that footnotes are no longer reset every chapter (the book class default). scalefnt.sty \scalefont{2} selects the current font in twice the current size. \scalefont{.75} reduces the current font size by three quarters. fix2col.dtx fix2col.ins Two column fixes. a) Fix mark handling so \firstmark is taken from the first column if that column has marks at all. (A copy of Piet van Oostrum's fixmarks package, more or less.) b) Keep two column floats like figure* in sequence with single column floats like figure. (Modelled on Ed Sznyter's 2.09 package, fixfloats.) slashed.sty Commands for the `Feynman slashed character' notation. pspicture.ins pspicture.dtx Reimplement picture mode to use dvips specials, thus removing restrictions on available slopes etc. Previously distributed in other/misc. Should be re-implemented to accept graphics package style driver options.