Package: EPSDICE Version: 1.2 Date: 2001/09/04 Author: Thomas Heim ( Purpose: A scalable dice font Distributed files: epsdice.ins -- docstrip installer file epsdice.dtx -- source and sample doc dice.pdf -- dice drawings in pdf format readme -- this file Generated files: epsdice.sty -- the package epsdice.cfg -- a config file dice.eps -- dice drawings in eps format Test installation: With all distributed files in your present working directory, run epsdice.ins through LaTeX. Then run epsdice.dtx through LaTeX or pdfLaTeX (twice) and read the sample document. If you decide to keep the package, move the files according to the instructions in epsdice.dtx/ins. Changes from version 1.1: - Introduced `@' in counter name (program encapsulation) - More detailed documentation of the PostScript code is now included in the sample document - renamed files with drawings to `dice.eps' and `dice.pdf' - Now distributed as .ins and .dtx files (plus binary .pdf) - *** NO CHANGES TO USER INTERFACE *** Changes from version 1.0: (suggested by Rolf Niepraschk; Thanks!) - Removed package option [dvips] for graphicx. - Changed bounding box specifications to viewport specification to facilitate clipping in pdflatex. - Added epsdice.pdf (generated from epsdice.eps). - Replaced documentation by dicetest.tex.