% \iffalse %% File: euro.dtx Copyright (C) 1999,2001 Melchior FRANZ % %<*preamble> % % (1) run `euro.dtx' through LaTeX to get `euro.ins', % (if you don't already have it) % % (2) run `euro.ins' through (La)TeX to get % the package `euro.sty' % % [or use `docstrip', and extract `euro.sty' from `euro.dtx' % using option `package'] % % (3) now run `euro.dtx' three times through LaTeX % to get the documentation file `euro.dvi' % % % This package needs the fp-package! % % fp -- CTAN//macros/latex/contrib/other/fp/ -- (by Michael MEHLICH) % % %% ==================================================================== %% @LaTeX-package-file{ %% author = "Melchior FRANZ", %% version = "1.0", %% date = "12 October 2001", %% filename = "euro.dtx", %% address = "Melchior FRANZ %% Rieder Hauptstrasse 52 %% A-5212 SCHNEEGATTERN %% AUSTRIA", %% telephone = "++43 7746 3109", %% URL = "http://unet.univie.ac.at/~a8603365/", %% email = "a8603365@unet.univie.ac.at", %% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %% keywords = "euro", %% supported = "yes", %% docstring = "This document describes the euro package, which %% converts arbitrary national currency amounts %% using the Euro as base unit, and typesets monetary amounts %% in almost any desired way. Write e.g. \ATS{17.6} to get %% something like `17,60 \"oS (1,28 Euro)' automatically. %% Conversion rates for the so-called Euro-zone countries %% are already built-in. Further rates can be added easily." %% } %% ==================================================================== % % COPYRIGHT NOTICE: % This package is free software that can be redistributed and/or modified % under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License as specified % in the file macros/latex/base/lppl.txt on any CTAN archive server. % % % % % %<*batchfile> \begin{filecontents}{euro.ins} \def\batchfile{euro.ins} \input docstrip.tex \askforoverwritefalse \keepsilent \generate{\file{euro.sty}{\from{euro.dtx}{package}}} \endbatchfile \end{filecontents} % % % %<*driver> \def\fileversion{1.0} \def\filedate{2001/10/12} \documentclass[draft]{ltxdoc} % \IfFileExists{euro.sty} {\usepackage{euro}[1999/05/15]\let\EUROSTYfound\active} {\GenericWarning{euro.dtx} {Package file `euro.sty' not found. All the instructive^^J^^A examples will be replaced by boldfaced question marks.^^J^^A (Generate `euro.sty' by (La)TeXing `euro.ins' and process^^J^^A `euro.dtx' three times to get the documentation right.)^^J} \newcommand*\EURO[1]{\EUROii} \newcommand*\EUROii[2][]{\textbf{??}} \newcommand*\EUROFORMAT[2]{} \newcommand*\EUROADD[3]{} \newcommand*\EUROSYM[2]{}} % \usepackage{multicol} %\usepackage{color} \newcommand*\color[1]{} \setcounter{tocdepth}{2} \begin{document} \DocInput{euro.dtx} \end{document} % % \fi % % % \CheckSum{451} % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % % \newcommand*\opt{\textsf} % \newcommand*\DescribeOption[1]{\leavevmode % \marginpar{\raggedleft\opt{\strut#1\strut}}\ignorespaces} % % \newcommand*\ATS{\EURO{ATS}} % \newcommand*\EUR{\EURO{EUR}} % \newcommand*\DEM{\EURO{DEM}} % \newcommand*\ESP{\EURO{ESP}} % \newcommand*\ITL{\EURO{ITL}} % \newcommand*\USD[1]{{% % \EUROFORMAT{main}{\in}% % \EUROFORMAT{in}{\val\,\$}% % \EUROFORMAT{EUR}{\form,.,\round{-2}}% % \EURO{EUR}{#1}}} % \newcommand*\NUM[1]{{% % \EUROFORMAT{main}{\in}% % \EUROFORMAT{in}{\val}% % \EUROFORMAT{EUR}{\form,.,\round{-10}}% % \EURO{EUR}{#1}}} % % % \makeatletter % ^^A Don't use this! It's really ugly! :-( % \newcommand*\euro{\unitlength.7em % \begin{picture}(1.2,1)(-.2,.1) % \linethickness{.05em} % \qbezier(.8,.9)(.5,1.2)(.1,.87) % \qbezier(.1,.87)(-.0,.78)(0,.5) % \qbezier(.0,.5)(-.0,.22)(.35,.1) % \qbezier(.35,.1)(.54,.02)(.77,.22) % \put(-.12,.65){\line(1,0){.9}} % \put(-.12,.46){\line(1,0){.8}} % \end{picture}} % % \newenvironment{example}[1][.45\textwidth] % {\par\medskip\begin{tabular}{p{#1}l}} % {\end{tabular}\noindentafter\medbreak} % % \newenvironment{syntax} % {\par\medskip\def\<##1>{$\langle$\textit{##1}$\rangle$}% % \indent\begin{tabular}{l}} % {\end{tabular}\noindentafter\medbreak} % % \newcommand*\noindentafter{\@nobreaktrue\everypar{{\setbox\z@\lastbox}}} % % \newenvironment{labeling}[1] % {\list{}{\settowidth{\labelwidth}{\textbf{#1}} % \leftmargin\labelwidth\advance\leftmargin\labelsep % \def\makelabel##1{\textbf{##1}\hfil}}}{\endlist} % % \makeatother % % \changes{v0.1}{1999/02/01}{initial version}% % \changes{v0.2}{1999/05/15}{interface completely new; integer rounding implemented}% % \changes{v1.0}{2001/10/12}{greek currency added}% % % % % % \title{The \texttt{euro} package} % \author{Melchior \textsc{FRANZ}} % \date{October 12, 2001} % \maketitle % % % % \begin{abstract} % \EUROSYM{EUR}{\euro}^^A introduce the Euro symbol for within the abstract only % % This article describes the |euro| package^^A % \footnote{This package has version number \fileversion, last revised \filedate.}, % which converts arbitrary currency units into each other using the \emph{Euro} % (official symbol \euro % \footnote{The \euro\ symbol of this documentation is % `handmade'---it is really ugly and not to be used in real documents. Take the well designed symbol % defined e.\,g.~in the |eurosym| package by \textsc{Henrik Theiling} eventually using % the |eurofont| package by \textsc{Rowland McDonnell} to select the proper fo(u)nt/shape.}^^A % ) as base unit, and formats monetary amounts in almost any desired way. % The respective conversion rates are predefined for the national % currency units of the \emph{Euro-zone} countries, every other % currency unit can be added easily. % The package allows to type e.\,g.\ |\ATS{17.6}| to get something % like \ATS{17.6}. All necessary calculations are with high precision done % by the great |fp| package^^A % \footnote{\(\langle\)|CTAN//macros/latex/contrib/other/fp/|\(\rangle\)} % by \textsc{Michael Mehlich}, % which you have to install to get this package working. % The package complies with the concerned rules and orders of the European % Council. % \end{abstract} % % % % {\setlength{\parskip}{0pt}\tableofcontents} % \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\begin{multicols}{2}} % % % \section{Introduction} % % Twelve European countries are currently joining the so-called \emph{Euro-zone.} % Until the end of 2001 their national currency units will only % exist as a subunit of the common \emph{Euro} currency % with conversion rates already irrevocably fixed. % Finally, on the 1st of january 2002 the \emph{Euro} will take over. % % It's meanwhile common practice in Europe to write monetary amounts both in the national % currency and in the new \euro\ currency, % thus helping to become familiar with the \emph{Euro}. % % But it's a nuisance to convert every value by hand or even with % a calculator. Let our computers do all the hard work. % Although \TeX\ is unable to do such calculations with % its basic arithmetic functions, there's a way out: The |fp| package % allows to deal with numbers ranging from % \(-999999999999999999{,}999999999999999999\) to % \(+999999999999999999{,}999999999999999999\) with high precision. % % Since there are so many currencies and possible formats to choose from, % this package provides only a customizable interface. All parameters are % predefined in a common way though, so that no further definitions will be % necessary in most cases. The package tries to load an optional file % `|euro.cfg|' where such local customizing commands may be placed in % (see section~\ref{sec:config} for further explanation). % % % % % % \section{How to use the package} % % \subsection{The main macro} % % The \DescribeMacro{\EURO}|\EURO| command does the main work. % It takes the \textit{source currency unit,} an optional \textit{destination currency unit,} % both as three-digits \textsc{ISO} currency codes (see table \ref{tab:iso}), and % the respective \emph{money amount}. % % \begin{syntax} % |\EURO{|\|}[|\|]{|\|}| % \end{syntax} % % % \begin{table} % \begin{quote} % \begin{center} % \begin{tabular}{ll@{\hspace{2cm}}ll} % \texttt{EUR}& Europe& \texttt{GRD}& Greece\\ % \texttt{ATS}& Austria& \texttt{IEP}& Ireland\\ % \texttt{BEF}& Belgium& \texttt{ITL}& Italy\\ % \texttt{DEM}& Germany& \texttt{LUF}& Luxembourg\\ % \texttt{ESP}& Spain& \texttt{NLG}& The Netherlands\\ % \texttt{FIM}& Finnland& \texttt{PTE}& Portugal\\ % \texttt{FRF}& France % \end{tabular} % % \caption{ISO currency codes of the \emph{Euro} and of the twelve \emph{Euro-zone} countries.} % \label{tab:iso} % \end{center} % \end{quote} % \end{table} % % A dot is to be used as \emph{decimal `point'} separating a number's integer and % fractional part. Numbers may of course be negative. % If the optional destination currency unit is omitted, the \emph{Euro} is taken. % % \begin{example} % |\EURO{BEF}[FIM]{70}|& \EURO{BEF}[FIM]{70}\\ % |\EURO{FIM}[BEF]{70}|& \EURO{FIM}[BEF]{70}\\ % |\EURO{BEF}[BEF]{70}|& \EURO{BEF}[BEF]{70}\rlap{\hspace{3.5em}[surprised?]}\\ % |\EURO{FIM}{17.8}|& \EURO{FIM}{17.8} % \end{example} % \null % % % % % \subsection{How to change the local style} % % The ISO currency codes don't really look good in running text. You % can replace them by some other currency symbol or tag using the % \DescribeMacro{\EUROSYM}|\EUROSYM| command. % % \begin{syntax} % |\EUROSYM{|\|}{|\|}| % \end{syntax} % % We Austrians, for example, prefer to write `\"oS' instead of `ATS'. % We don't have to write |\EUROSYM{ATS}{\"oS}| though, because this national % style (like those of some other countries) is already predefined. If your % national style is still missing, please drop me a line, and I will insert it. % Meanwhile the \textsc{ISO} currency codes are used in such cases. % % \begin{example} % |\EURO{FRF}{16.3}|& \EURO{FRF}{16.3}\\ % |\EUROSYM{FRF}{Francs}|&\\ % |\EURO{FRF}{16.3}|& \EUROSYM{FRF}{Francs}\EURO{FRF}{16.3} % \end{example} % % The official Euro symbol is not provided by default, since there are a lot of % different fonts and methods to produce an \euro\ sign. Type % |\EUROSYM{EUR}{|\(\langle\)\textit{euro symbol}\(\rangle\)|}| to % replace the word `Euro' with your local \euro\ sign. % (I'm still hoping that some day the text companion fonts will contain the official in % addition or instead of the phantasy \emph{Euro} symbols.) % This documentation, for example, says |\EUROSYM{EUR}{\euro}| % because it has its own |\euro| symbol built-in. (Isn't it beautiful?) % % \begin{example} % |\EURO{LUF}{137.8}|& \EURO{LUF}{137.8}\\ % |\EUROSYM{EUR}{\euro}|&\\ % |\EURO{LUF}{137.8}|& \EUROSYM{EUR}{\euro}\EURO{LUF}{137.8} % \end{example} % % \EUROSYM{EUR}{\euro} ^^A define this globally now % % % Writing e.\,g.~|\EURO{ATS}{...}| again and again is cumbersome, so it's recommended to % define macros for the most often used currency units. You may put such definitions % into your local configuration file (see section~\ref{sec:config}). % % \begin{example} % |\newcommand*\ATS{\EURO{ATS}}|\\ % |\ATS{9.90}|& \ATS{9.90}\\ % |\ATS[ITL]{19.90}|& \ATS[ITL]{19.90} % \end{example} % \null % % % % % \subsection{The package options} % \label{sec:options} % % The |euro| package provides six package options. See table~\ref{tab:options} for % a short demonstration. % % \begin{labeling}{\opt{emdash}~~} % \item[\textbf{\opt{eco}}] % The \opt{eco} option typesets monetary amounts as, I think, % economists prefer it, with \textsc{ISO} codes preceding the values. % \item[\textbf{\opt{dot}}] % The \opt{dots} option inserts dots as three-digits group % separators. (Default is a little space like \rule{.4pt}{.75em}\,\rule{.4pt}{.75em}.) % \item[\textbf{\opt{table}}] % Turns the \emph{table mode} on globally. % While integers are normally printed without decimal point and fractional part (sic!), % it may especially in tables be desirable to typeset a decimal point followed by a dash. % See section \ref{sec:align} for how to keep this behaviour local to a particular table. % \item[\textbf{\opt{emdash}}] % Lets the \opt{table} dashes be `---'. Doesn't turn on \emph{table mode}. % (This option is selected by default, so it doesn't make much sense at % the moment. But this might change some day.) % \item[\textbf{\opt{endash}}] % Lets the \opt{table} dashes be `--'. Doesn't turn on \emph{table mode}. % \item[\textbf{\opt{zeros}}] % Lets zeros be printed instead of dashes. Doesn't turn on \emph{table mode}. % \end{labeling} % % % \begin{table} % \begin{center} %^^A the options are only faked here ;-) % \makeatletter % \begin{tabular}{lr}% % |\EURO{ATS}{1000}| with&\\[.5ex] % \hline\\[-1.5ex] % default settings& % \EURO{ATS}{1000}\\ % \opt{dots}&\let\EURO@lsep.\let\EURO@rsep.^^A % \EURO{ATS}{1000}\\ % \opt{endash}&\let\EURO@table\EURO@endash % \EUROFORMAT{main}{\table\in\ (\out)}^^A % \EURO{ATS}{1000}\\ % \opt{emdash}&\let\EURO@table\EURO@emdash % \EUROFORMAT{main}{\table\in\ (\out)}^^A % \EURO{ATS}{1000}\\ % \opt{zeros}&\let\EURO@table\EURO@zeros % \EUROFORMAT{main}{\table\in\ (\out)}^^A % \EURO{ATS}{1000}\\ % \opt{eco}& % \EUROFORMAT{in}{\iso~\val}^^A % \EUROFORMAT{out}{\iso~\val}^^A % \EURO{ATS}{1000}\\ % \opt{eco}\(+\)\opt{endash}&\let\EURO@table\EURO@endash % \EUROFORMAT{main}{\table\in\ (\out)}^^A % \EUROFORMAT{in}{\iso~\val}^^A % \EUROFORMAT{out}{\iso~\val}^^A % \EURO{ATS}{1000}\\ % \opt{eco}\(+\)\opt{emdash}&\let\EURO@table\EURO@emdash % \EUROFORMAT{main}{\table\in\ (\out)}^^A % \EUROFORMAT{in}{\iso~\val}^^A % \EUROFORMAT{out}{\iso~\val}^^A % \EURO{ATS}{1000}\\ % \end{tabular} % \end{center} % \caption{Package options} % \label{tab:options} % \end{table} % % % % % \subsection{Adding currency units} % % If some day further countries will join the \emph{Euro-zone,} you can easily % add their currency units to your document files or, better, to % your local `|euro.cfg|' configuration file. % The |euro| package will then, of course, be updated as soon as possible. % % \begin{syntax} % |\EUROADD{|\|}{|\|}{|\|}| % \end{syntax} % % The conversion rate describes, how many units of the new currency % equal 1~\euro. You can also add currencies, that will % probably never become member of the \emph{Euro-zone,} like the US-\$. But be aware that such % conversion rates may change daily/hourly! See \(\langle\)|http://europa.eu.int/|\(\rangle\) for the % actual rates. The used \textsc{ISO} code serves as identifier for the % respective currency unit. % % \EUROADD{GBP}{\textit{\char`\$}}{0.6694} % \begin{example} % |% 1 Euro = 0.6694 Pound Sterling (March 11, 1999)|\hspace*{-4.5cm}\\ % |%|\\ % |\EUROADD{GBP}{\textsterling}{0.6694}|\hspace*{-3cm}\\ % |\newcommand*\GBP{\EURO{GBP}}|\\ % \\ % |\GBP{47.11}|& \EURO{GBP}{47.11}\\ % |\GBP[FRF]{47.11}|& \EURO{GBP}[FRF]{47.11}\\ % |\EURO{EUR}[GBP]{1}|& \EURO{EUR}[GBP]{1} % \end{example} % % The pound symbol in this example looks a bit too slanted. You'd better take % |\textsterling| from the |textcomp| package, which I didn't! % % % % % % % \section{Further customization} % \label{sec:format} % % The desirable format for monetary amounts may differ from country to country and from purpose to purpose. % The |euro| package uses three kinds of format strings to customize the format, each of which may % consist of some \emph{reserved keywords} and any other \TeX\ commands. It's a good idea % to put such commands in your local configuration file (see section~\ref{sec:config}). % % % % \subsection{The main format} % % The main format defines how source and destination currency shall be arranged. % % \begin{syntax} % |\EUROFORMAT{main}{|\
|}| % \end{syntax} % % The \emph{reserved keywords} |\in| and |\out| stand for the source and the destination currency. % The following table shows some possible formats with the first line showing the % default definition. % % \begin{example}[.58\hsize] % & |\EURO{ATS}{30}| yields\\[.5ex] % \hline\\[-1.5ex] % |\EUROFORMAT{main}{\in\ (\out)}|& \EURO{ATS}{30}\\ % |\EUROFORMAT{main}{\in\slash\out}|& \EUROFORMAT{main}{\in\slash\out}\EURO{ATS}{30}\\ % |\EUROFORMAT{main}{\in\ ($=$\,\out)}|& \EUROFORMAT{main}{\in\ ($=$\,\out)}\EURO{ATS}{30}\\ % |\EUROFORMAT{main}{\in\ (that is \out)}|& \EUROFORMAT{main}{\in\ (that is \out)}\EURO{ATS}{30}\\ % |\EUROFORMAT{main}{\out}|& \EUROFORMAT{main}{\out}\EURO{ATS}{30} % \end{example} % \null % % % % % \subsection{The currency format} % % % The currency format defines how the source and the destination currency % shall be formatted. % % \begin{syntax} % |\EUROFORMAT{in}{|\|}|\\ % |\EUROFORMAT{out}{|\|}| % \end{syntax} % % The \emph{reserved keywords} |\val|, |\iso| and |\sym| have a special meaning, but % almost every other \TeX\ command may be used as well. % % \medskip\indent % \begin{tabular}{@{\texttt\bgroup}l@{\egroup\quad}p{.8\hsize}} % \string\val& monetary amount\\ % \string\iso& \textsc{ISO} currency code\\ % \string\sym& national currency style\slash tag (if defined; \textsc{ISO} code else)\\ % \end{tabular} % % \medskip\noindent % For some currency units % the |\sym| command produces only the \textsc{ISO} code instead of the national style, % which I didn't know. This will (with your help!) be changed in future releases. % The following table shows the only combinations that make sense to me, but % you are free to let your phantasy find new ones. All said about the |in| format % string is also true for the |out| format. % % {\EUROFORMAT{main}{\in}\newcommand\EUROaux{\hspace{1.2cm}} % \begin{example}[.58\textwidth] % with |\EUROFORMAT{main}{\in}| & |\EURO{ATS}{30}| yields\\ % \hspace{2cm}and&\\[.5ex] % \hline\\[-1.5ex] % |\EUROFORMAT{in}{\val~\sym}|& \EUROaux\EURO{ATS}{30}\\ % |\EUROFORMAT{in}{\val~\iso}|& \EUROaux\EUROFORMAT{in}{\val~\iso}\EURO{ATS}{30}\\ % |\EUROFORMAT{in}{\sym~\val}|& \EUROaux\EUROFORMAT{in}{\sym~\val}\EURO{ATS}{30}\\ % |\EUROFORMAT{in}{\iso~\val}|& \EUROaux\EUROFORMAT{in}{\iso~\val}\EURO{ATS}{30} % \end{example}} % \null % % % % % % % % \subsection{The number format} % % The number format, finally, defines how the numbers themselves should be % typeset considering positive\slash negative numbers, rounding and so on. % % \begin{syntax} % |\EUROSYM{all}{|\|}|\\ % |\EUROSYM{|\|}{|\|}| % \end{syntax} % % The definitions labeled with |all| will be used for all currency units % except those, which were defined explicitly using their three-digits % \textsc{ISO} codes as identifier. % Only the \emph{Italian Lira} is defined this way by default, because it wouldn't make sense % to write \emph{Lira} amounts with two fractional digits like the other European currencies.^^A % \footnote{The package, for example, says something like % \texttt{\string\EUROFORMAT\char`\{ITL\char`\}\char`\{\string\round\char`\{0\char`\}\char`\}}.} ^^A 8-P % The \textit{number format string} may contain the commands |\form|, |\round|, |\zero|, |\plus|, % and |\minus|, each of which takes one or more arguments. % You have only to mention the points that shall differ from the % default behaviour. % Such a number format might look horrible like this % % \begin{example} % |\EUROFORMAT{all}{%|\\ % | \form{\,}{,}{\,}%|\\ % | \round{-2}%|\\ % | \zero{0}{0}{}%|\\ % | \plus{}{}%|\\ % | \minus{\(-\)}{}}| % \end{example} % % (which, by fortune, is the predefined default format\footnote{Well, that is a lie: In fact, % it is only the equivalent of the default definition, which is defined in another way.}), % but it might as well be empty or contain only one of the commands and its arguments. % Here again all arguments are predefined quite reasonably, so you won't have % to struggle around with these cryptographic things. % % To make further explanations easier, figure~\ref{fig:nomencl} describes the elements % that a number may consist of (using my own nomenclature). % % \begin{center} % \begin{figure} % {\setlength{\unitlength}{1mm} % \begin{picture}(80,60)(-15,10) % \put(50,55){\makebox(0,0)[l]{preamble}} % \put(48,55){\line(-1,0){46.5}} % \put(1.5,55){\line(0,-1){27}} % \put(50,50){\makebox(0,0)[l]{integer part}} % \put(3,24){\makebox(8,10){\downbracefill}} % \put(48,50){\line(-1,0){41}} % \put(7,50){\line(0,-1){19}} % \put(50,45){\makebox(0,0)[l]{decimal point}} % \put(48,45){\line(-1,0){36.5}} % \put(11.5,45){\line(0,-1){17}} % \put(50,40){\makebox(0,0)[l]{fractional part}} % \put(12.5,24){\makebox(11,10){\downbracefill}} % \put(48,40){\line(-1,0){30}} % \put(18,40){\line(0,-1){9}} % \put(50,35){\makebox(0,0)[l]{postamble (none in this example)}} % \put(48,35){\line(-1,0){23}} % \put(25,35){\line(0,-1){7}} % \put(0,25){\makebox(0,0)[l]{\(-\)1 000,234 567}} % \put(50,15){\makebox(0,0)[l]{fractional group separator}} % \put(48,15){\line(-1,0){30}} % \put(18,15){\line(0,1){8}} % \put(50,10){\makebox(0,0)[l]{integer group separator}} % \put(48,10){\line(-1,0){43}} % \put(5,10){\line(0,1){13}} % \end{picture}} % \caption{Elements that a number may consist of.} % \label{fig:nomencl} % \end{figure} % \end{center} % % % % % % \subsubsection{The \texttt{\char`\\form} command} % % The \DescribeMacro{\form}|\form| command takes three arguments: the \emph{integer group separator}, % the \emph{decimal point} and the \emph{fractional group separator}. % % \begin{syntax} % |\form|\\ % | {|\|}|\\ % | {|\|}|\\ % | {|\|}| % \end{syntax} % % % \begin{description} % \item[group separators:] % separate groups of three decimal digits to improve readability of greater numbers. % It's a small space by default, but taking a space, a dot or just nothing might be % desirable in some cases. % \item[decimal point:] % separates a number's integer part from the fractional part. It's a comma by default. % % {\EUROFORMAT{main}{\in} % \EUROFORMAT{in}{\align\val\hspace*{1cm}} % \newcommand*\test[3]{\EUROFORMAT{EUR}{\form{#1}{#2}{#3}}\EURO{EUR}{1000.12345}} % \medskip\noindent % \begin{center} % \begin{tabular}{lr} % |\form{.}{,}{.}|& \test{.}{,}{.}\\ % |\form{\,}{,}{\,}|& \test{\,}{,}{\,}\\ % |\form{~}{,}{~}|& \test{~}{,}{~}\\ % |\form{}{,}{}|& \test{}{,}{}\\ % |\form{,}{.}{,}|& \test{,}{.}{,}\\ % |\form{,}{$\cdot$}{,}|& \test{,}{$\cdot$}{,} % \end{tabular} % \end{center}} % \end{description} % % % % % \subsubsection{The \texttt{\char`\\round} command} % % The \DescribeMacro{\round}|\round| command takes the \emph{rounding number} as argument. % % \begin{syntax} % |\round{|\|}| % \end{syntax} % % It describes where to round the given money amount. Positive values round to integer digits, % negative numbers round to fractional digits. Numbers lower than \(-9\) suppress rounding. % % {\EUROFORMAT{main}{\align\in} % \EUROFORMAT{in}{\val} % \newcommand*\test[1]{\EUROFORMAT{EUR}{\round{#1}}\EURO{EUR}{12345.67898765}} % \medskip\noindent % \begin{center} % \begin{tabular}{r@{\hspace{1cm}}r@{\hspace{1.8cm}}}% % \textit{rounding}& \textit{result}\\[.5ex] % \hline\\[-1.5ex] % |-10|& \test{-10}\\ % |-4|& \test{-4}\\ % |-3|& \test{-3}\\ % |-2|& \test{-2}\\ % |-1|& \test{-1}\\ % |0|& \test{0}\\ % |1|& \test{1}\\ % |2|& \test{2}\\ % |3|& \test{3}\\ % |4|& \test{4}\\ % |5|& \test{5} % \end{tabular} % \end{center}} % % % % % \subsubsection{The \texttt{\char`\\zero} command} % % The \DescribeMacro{\zero}|\zero| command describes how to deal with zeros. It takes % three arguments: the \emph{overall zero} part, the \emph{integer zero} part and the % \emph{fractional zero} part. % % \begin{syntax} % |\zero{|\|}{|\|}{|\|}| % \end{syntax} % % \noindent % The following table shows some of the possible settings. The first entry is % the predefined one, which should be used for running text. % The last line shows the number format that is obtained in table mode with % the default style \DescribeOption{emdash}\opt{emdash} selected. % % {\makeatletter % \EUROFORMAT{main}{\align\in} % \EUROFORMAT{in}{\val} % \newcommand*\test[4]{\EUROFORMAT{EUR}{\zero{#1}{#2}{#3}}\EURO{EUR}{#4}} % \def\|{\hspace{.1em}} % \medskip\noindent % \begin{center} % \begin{tabular}{rr@{\hspace{1cm}}r@{\hspace{1cm}}r@{\hspace{1cm}}}% % & \texttt{0\rlap{.0}} & \texttt{0\rlap{.3}} & \texttt{3\rlap{.0}}\\[.5ex] % \hline\\[-1.5ex] % |\zero{0}{0}{}|& \test{0}{0}{}{0}& \test{0}{0}{}{0.3}& \test{0}{0}{}{3.0}\\ % |\zero{0}{0}{,00}|& \test{0}{0}{,00}{0}& \test{0}{0}{,00}{0.3}& \test{0}{0}{,00}{3.0}\\ % |\zero{0}{}{}|& \test{0}{}{}{0}& \test{0}{}{}{0.3}& \test{0}{}{}{3.0}\\ % |\zero{---\EURO@align{,---}}{---}{,---}|& % \quad\test{---\EURO@align{,---}}{---}{,---}{0}& % \test{---\EURO@align{,---}}{---}{,---}{0.3}& % \test{---\EURO@align{,---}}{---}{,---}{3.0}\\ % |\zero{0}{---}{,---}|& % \test{0}{---}{,---}{0}& % \test{0}{---}{,---}{0.3}& % \test{0}{---}{,---}{3.0}\\ % \end{tabular} % \end{center}} % % \bigskip\noindent % The |\EURO@align| command gets replaced by |\rlap| when alignment is requested. % You only have to state it in the first argument, if you want to align |0.0| % amounts in tables. % % % % % \subsubsection{The \texttt{\char`\\plus} and \texttt{\char`\\minus} commands} % % The \DescribeMacro{\plus}|\plus| and |\minus| commands allow to % define a preamble\slash postamble for positive, and negative numbers, respectively. % \DescribeMacro{\minus}^^A % % \begin{syntax} % |\plus{|\|}{|\|}|\\ % |\minus{|\|}{|\|}| % \end{syntax} % % While |\plus| isn't used by default, |\minus| is defined to provide a preceding % minus sign for negative numbers. (The negative numbers of the last two lines % are \emph{really} red, believe me!) % % {\EUROFORMAT{main}{\align\in\hspace*{10mm}} % \EUROFORMAT{in}{\val} % \newcommand*\test[3]{\EUROFORMAT{EUR}{\minus{#1}{#2}}\EURO{EUR}{#3}} % \medskip\noindent % \begin{center} % \begin{tabular}{rrr}% % & positive numbers & negative numbers\\[.5ex] % \hline\\[-1.5ex] % |\minus{\(-\)}{}|& \test{\(-\)}{}{12000}& \test{\(-\)}{}{-12000}\\ % |\minus{(}{)}|& \test{(}{)}{.79}& \test{(}{)}{-.79}\\ % |\minus{\color{red}(}{)}|&^^A % \test{\color{red}(}{)}{123.456}&^^A % \test{\color{red}(}{)}{-123.456}\\^^A % |\minus{\color{red}\(-\)}{}|\qquad&^^A % \test{\color{red}\(-\)}{}{10}&^^A % \test{\color{red}\(-\)}{}{-10}^^A % \end{tabular} % \end{center}} % % % % % % \subsection{Tables and alignment} % \label{sec:align} % % To achieve proper alignment in tables there's an |\align| command that % can be used in any of the different format strings no matter if it's a % \emph{main}, an \emph{in}, \emph{out}, or one of the \emph{number} formats. % This command is to be stated before the % concerned |\in|, |\out|, or |\val| command, respectiveley. % That |\align| command lets a number's fractional part have % no width, thus allowing to align such numbers properly in a flush-right % table column (|r| column). The example below also shows how to use % the \DescribeMacro{\table}|\table| keyword. It turns the \opt{table} % mode on for the current table. You can also turn this mode on globally, % if you state the \opt{table} package option. If you find the `---' dashes % too long, you can load the package with the \DescribeOption{endash}\opt{endash} % option. % % % \medskip % \newcommand*\ALNUM{\EUROFORMAT{main}{\table\in}\EUROFORMAT{in}{\align\val}\EURO{EUR}} % \begin{tabular}{lr} % |\newcommand*\ALNUM{%|\\ % | \EUROFORMAT{main}{\table\in}% % no \out currency|\hspace*{-2cm}\\ % | \EUROFORMAT{in}{\align\val}% % no symbol/ISO code|\hspace*{-10cm}\\ % | \EURO{EUR}}%|\\[2ex] % |\begin{tabular}{r}|&\\ % |\textbf{costs}\\|& \textbf{costs}\\ % |\ALNUM{123456}\\|& \ALNUM{123456}\\ % |\ALNUM{1234.56}\\|& \ALNUM{1234.56}\\ % |\ALNUM{12.3456}\\|& \ALNUM{12.3456}\\ % |\ALNUM{0.123456}|& \ALNUM{0.123456}\\ % |\end{tabular}| % \end{tabular} % % \medskip\noindent % It may be necessary to put a |\hspace| after such an aligned number, % especially when it is applied more than once. The second column would % have to be |\llap|ped in this case. % % \medskip % \newcommand*\IEP{^^A % \EUROFORMAT{main}{\align\in\hspace{1.8cm}\llap{\align\out}}^^A % \EUROFORMAT{in}{\val}^^A % \EUROFORMAT{out}{\val}^^A % \EURO{IEP}} % \begin{example}[.9\textwidth] % |\newcommand*\IEP{%|\\ % | \EUROFORMAT{main}{\align\in\hspace{1.8cm}\llap{\align\out}}%|\hspace*{-1cm}\\ % | \EUROFORMAT{in}{\val}%|\\ % | \EUROFORMAT{out}{\val}%|\\ % | \EURO{IEP}}| % \end{example} % \null % % \begin{tabular}{llr} % |\begin{tabular}{lr}|&\\ % |\bf Month& \bf Irish Pound/Euro\\|& \bf Month& \bf Irish Pound/Euro\\ % |January& \IEP{6070.83}\\|& January& \IEP{6070.83}\\ % |February& \IEP{1200}\\|& February& \IEP{1200}\\ % |March& \IEP{0.123}\\|& March& \IEP{0.123}\\ % |April& \IEP{441.0358}|& April& \IEP{441.0358}\\ % |\end{tabular}| % \end{tabular} % % \medskip\noindent % It would have been much simpler though, not to combine two % columns in one |\EURO| command, but to use two separate entries. % \medskip % % % % % \subsection{Dirty tricks} % % % Of course, the format hasn't to deal with the \euro, nor with monetary amounts % at all. (The |EUR| currency in the following examples has no meaning, % we could also have used any other currency, provided that no |\out| command % is used within the \emph{format string.}) % % \begin{example}[.6\textwidth] % |\newcommand*\USD[1]{{%|\\ % | \EUROFORMAT{main}{\in}%|\\ % | \EUROFORMAT{in}{\val\,\$}%|\\ % | \EUROFORMAT{EUR}{\form,.,\round{-2}}%|\\ % | \EURO{EUR}{#1}}}|\\[1.5ex] % |\USD{-123450.6789}|& \USD{-123450.6789}\\[1ex] % \end{example} % % These examples are probably too complicated for the simple things they do. % But they may serve as examples of how to use some of the customization % commands. % % \begin{example}[.6\textwidth] % |\newcommand*\NUM[1]{{%|\\ % | \EUROFORMAT{main}{\in}%|\\ % | \EUROFORMAT{in}{\val}%|\\ % | \EUROFORMAT{EUR}{\form,.,\round{-10}}%|\\ % | \EURO{EUR}{#1}}}|\\[1.5ex] % |\NUM{1000} red ants|& \NUM{1000} red ants % \end{example} % \null % % % % \subsection{The default settings} % % The following lines show, how the |\EURO| command's default behaviour % could have been defined. The real settings, however, were defined on % a lower programming level. % % \begin{example}[.6\textwidth] % |\EUROFORMAT{main}{\in\ (\out)}|\\ % |\EUROFORMAT{in}{\val~\sym}|\\ % |\EUROFORMAT{out}{\val~\sym}|\\ % |\EUROFORMAT{all}{%|\\ % | \form{\,}{,}{\,}%|\\ % | \round{-2}%|\\ % | \zero{0}{0}{}%|\\ % | \plus{}{}%|\\ % | \minus{\(-\)}{}}|\\ % |\EUROFORMAT{ITL}{%|\\ % | \round{0}}| % \end{example} % \null % % % % \subsection{The configuration file} % \label{sec:config} % % If you want to change the predefined settings, create a % file named `|euro.cfg|' and put it in a directory, where \TeX\ % can find it. This configuration file will then be loaded % at the end of the |euro.sty| file, so you may redefine % any settings or commands, select package options and even % introduce new package options. But if you intend to give % your documents to others, don't forget to give them the % used configuration files, too! That's how such a file % could look like: % % \begin{example}[.92\textwidth] % |% introduce the US-Dollar and the British Pound Sterling|\\ % |\EUROADD{USD}{\$}{1.0891}|\\ % |\EUROADD{GBP}{\textsterling}{0.6694}| % \end{example} % % \indent % \begin{example}[.85\textwidth] % |% let the Italian Lire be rounded to 10s|\\ % |\EUROFORMAT{ITL}{\round{1}}|\\ % |% and let their symbol be only `L.'|\\ % |\EUROSYM{ITL}{L.}| % \end{example} % % \indent % \begin{example}[.92\textwidth] % |% declare a new package option `bold',|\\ % |% which typesets the source currency in boldface type 8-P|\\ % |\DeclareOption{bold}{%|\\ % | \EUROFORMAT{main}{\textbf{\in} (\out)}}| % \end{example} % % \indent % \begin{example}[.85\textwidth] % |% always select the `endash' option|\\ % |\ExecuteOptions{endash}|\\ % |\endinput| % \end{example} % \null % % % % % % \begin{thebibliography}{0} % \bibitem{Duden}{Duden, Volume 1: \textit{Die Rechtschreibung.} Bibliographisches Institut, % Mann\-heim--Wien--Z\"urich, 1986, 19th~edition.} % % \bibitem{EUrates}{European Council: \textit{Council Regulation (EC) No.~2866/98 of 31~December~1998 % on the conversion rates between the euro and the currencies of the Member States adopting % the euro.} Official Journal L~359. 31~December~1998.} % % \bibitem{EUratesGRD}{European Council: \textit{Council Regulation (EC) No.~1478/2000 of 19~June 2000 % amending Regulation (EC) No.~2866/98 on the conversion rates between the euro and the currencies % of the Member States adopting the euro.} Official Journal L~167. 7~July~2000.} % % \bibitem{EUround}{European Council: \textit{Certain provisions related to the introduction of the % Euro.} Council Regulation 1103/97, 17~June~1997.} % % \bibitem{DEK}{\textsc{Knuth, Donald Ervin:} \textit{The \TeX book.} % Addison--Wesley Publishing Company, Reading/Massachusetts, 1989, 16th~edition.} % % \bibitem{Tschichold}{\textsc{Tschichold, Jan:} \textit{Ausgew\"ahlte Aufs\"atze % \"uber Fragen der Gestalt des Buches und der Typographie.} % Birkh\"auser, Basel, 1987, 2nd~edition.} % \end{thebibliography} % % % % % % % \StopEventually{\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\end{multicols}}} % % % % \section{The implementation} % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{euro}[2001/10/12 v1.0 euro (mf)] \RequirePackage{fp-basic} \RequirePackage{fp-snap} \FPmessagesfalse % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{The engine} % % \begin{macro}{\EURO@zero} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@lzero} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@rzero} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@lminus} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@rminus} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@lplus} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@rplus} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@align} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@lsep} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@lsep} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@point} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@round} % These macros are for internal use only. They partly predefine the % format strings. Never change them here, but create a `|euro.cfg|' % file, where you can redefine them without causing undesirable % side effects. % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\EURO@zero{0} \newcommand*\EURO@lzero{0} \newcommand*\EURO@rzero{} \newcommand*\EURO@lminus{\(-\)} \newcommand*\EURO@rminus{} \newcommand*\EURO@lplus{} \newcommand*\EURO@rplus{} \newcommand*\EURO@align{} \newcommand*\EURO@lsep{\,} \newcommand*\EURO@rsep{\,} \newcommand*\EURO@point{,} \newcommand*\EURO@round{-2} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % % % % \begin{macro}{\EURO} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@@} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@scan} % These macros manage the whole package. All the \emph{format string} % macros (also called \emph{keywords}) are defined here locally. % Note the beautiful |####|s! \texttt{;-)} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\EURO[1]{\bgroup\def\EURO@icurr{#1}\EURO@@} \newcommand*\EURO@@[2][EUR]{\FPset\EURO@ival{#2}% \def\EURO@set##1##2##3##4##5{\FPset##5{##1}}% \csname EURO@@\EURO@icurr\endcsname\EURO@ifac \csname EURO@@#1\endcsname\EURO@ofac \FPdiv\EURO@oval\EURO@ival\EURO@ifac \FPmul\EURO@oval\EURO@oval\EURO@ofac \def\EURO@set##1##2##3##4##5{\def##5{##4}}% \EURO@@main\EURO@ \EURO@@all\EURO@dflt \let\EURO@set\EURO@scan \def\in{{\csname EURO@@\EURO@icurr\endcsname\EURO@ival \def\EURO@set####1####2####3{}\EURO@@in}}% \def\out{{\csname EURO@@#1\endcsname\EURO@oval \def\EURO@set####1####2####3{}\EURO@@out}}% \def\align{\def\EURO@align####1{\rlap{####1}\let\EURO@align\relax}}% \let\table\EURO@table \def\form##1##2##3{\def\EURO@lsep{##1}\def\EURO@rsep{##3}% \def\EURO@point{##2}}% \def\round##1{\def\EURO@round{##1}}% \let\zero\EURO@setzero \def\minus##1##2{\def\EURO@lminus{##1}\def\EURO@rminus{##2}}% \def\plus##1##2{\def\EURO@lplus{##1}\def\EURO@rplus{##2}}% \EURO@\egroup} \newcommand*\EURO@scan[5]{% \def\val{\FPifzero#5\EURO@zero\else\EURO@num#5\fi}% \def\iso{#2}\def\sym{#3}\def\EURO@form{#4}% \ifx\EURO@form\empty\let\EURO@form\EURO@dflt\fi \EURO@form}% \newcommand*\EURO@setzero[3]{\def\EURO@zero{#1}% \def\EURO@lzero{#2}\def\EURO@rzero{#3}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % % % % % \begin{macro}{\EUROSYM} % \begin{macro}{\EUROFORMAT} % \begin{macro}{\EUROADD} % These macros replace the third\slash fourth parameter of the % respective currency entry with another currency code\slash % format string, or add a new currency entry. % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\EUROSYM[2]{% \def\EURO@set##1##2##3##4{\toks@={\EURO@set{##1}{##2}{#2}{##4}}% \expandafter\edef\csname EURO@@#1\endcsname{\the\toks@}}% \csname EURO@@#1\endcsname} \newcommand*\EUROFORMAT[2]{% \def\EURO@set##1##2##3##4{\toks@={\EURO@set{##1}{##2}{##3}{#2}}% \expandafter\edef\csname EURO@@#1\endcsname{\the\toks@}}% \csname EURO@@#1\endcsname} \newcommand*\EUROADD[3]{% \expandafter\def\csname EURO@@#1\endcsname{\EURO@set{#3}{#1}{#2}{}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % % % % \begin{macro}{\EURO@num} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@split} % Takes a macro containing a number, passes the integer part to |\EURO@grp| and % outputs everything else, cares about rounding and such\dots % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\EURO@num[1]{{% \FPifneg#1% \EURO@lminus\let\EURO@post\EURO@rminus\FPneg#1#1% \else \EURO@lplus\let\EURO@post\EURO@rplus \fi \EURO@rround#1% \let\EURO@aux#1% \FPtrunc#1#10% \FPifzero#1\EURO@lzero\else\EURO@grp#1\fi \EURO@align{% \FPsub\EURO@aux\EURO@aux#1% \FPifzero\EURO@aux \ifnum\EURO@round<0 \EURO@rzero\fi \else \ifnum\EURO@round<0 \ifnum\EURO@round<-9 \FPclip\EURO@aux\EURO@aux \else \FPtrunc\EURO@aux\EURO@aux{-\EURO@round}% \fi \EURO@point \expandafter\EURO@split\EURO@aux\relax\relax\relax\EURO@ \fi \fi \EURO@post}}% \let\EURO@align\relax} \newcommand*\EURO@split{} \def\EURO@split0.#1#2#3#4\EURO@{#1#2#3% \EURO@threedig#4\relax\relax\relax\EURO@} \newcommand*\EURO@threedig[3]{% \if#1\relax \let\EURO@\relax \else \EURO@rsep#1#2#3\let\EURO@\EURO@threedig \fi\EURO@} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % % % % % % \begin{macro}{\EURO@rround} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@rfac} % Takes a macro containing a number, returns it rounded. % |\EURO@rfac| calculates the rounding factor \(10^r\) % for positive \(r\) (\emph{rounding number}). % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\EURO@rround[1]{% \count@=\EURO@round\relax \ifnum\count@<1% \count@-\count@ \FPround#1#1\count@ \else \FPset\EURO@aux1% \EURO@rfac\EURO@aux\count@ \FPdiv#1#1\EURO@aux \FPround#1#10% \FPmul#1#1\EURO@aux \fi} \newcommand*\EURO@rfac[2]{% \ifnum#2>0 \advance#2-1 \EURO@rfac#1#2\FPmul#1#1{10}\fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % % % % % % \begin{macro}{\EURO@grp} % Let's do some recursion---it's fun! (This macro does the three-digit grouping.) % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\EURO@grp[1]{\bgroup% \FPtrunc#1#10% \FPiflt#1{1000}% #1% \else \let\EURO@aux=#1% \FPdiv#1#1{1000}% \FPtrunc#1#10% \EURO@grp#1% \FPmul#1#1{1000}% \FPsub\EURO@aux\EURO@aux#1% \FPtrunc\EURO@aux\EURO@aux0% \count0=\EURO@aux\relax \EURO@lsep \ifnum\count0<100 0\ifnum\count0<10 0\fi\fi\EURO@aux \fi\egroup} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % \subsection{The facts} % % \begin{macro}{\EURO@@ATS} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@@BEF} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@@DEM} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@@ESP} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@@FIM} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@@FRF} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@@GRD} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@@IEP} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@@ITL} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@@LUF} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@@NLG} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@@PTE} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@@EUR} % These values have been irrevocably fixed by the European Council on suggestion % by the European Commission and been published in the \emph{Council Regulation (EC) No.~2866/98} % \cite{EUrates} and \emph{No.~1478/2000} \cite{EUratesGRD} % (taken from |http://europa.eu.int/|). % \changes{v1.0}{2001/10/12}{greek currency added}% % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\EURO@@ATS{\EURO@set{13.7603}{ATS}{\"oS}{}} \newcommand*\EURO@@BEF{\EURO@set{40.3399}{BEF}{BEF}{}} \newcommand*\EURO@@DEM{\EURO@set{1.95583}{DEM}{DM}{}} \newcommand*\EURO@@ESP{\EURO@set{166.386}{ESP}{Pt.}{}} \newcommand*\EURO@@FIM{\EURO@set{5.94573}{FIM}{FIM}{}} \newcommand*\EURO@@FRF{\EURO@set{6.55957}{FRF}{FRF}{}} \newcommand*\EURO@@GRD{\EURO@set{340.750}{GRD}{GRD}{}} \newcommand*\EURO@@IEP{\EURO@set{.787564}{IEP}{IEP}{}} \newcommand*\EURO@@ITL{\EURO@set{1936.27}{ITL}{Lit.}{}} \newcommand*\EURO@@LUF{\EURO@set{40.3399}{LUF}{LUF}{}} \newcommand*\EURO@@NLG{\EURO@set{2.20371}{NLG}{NLG}{}} \newcommand*\EURO@@PTE{\EURO@set{200.482}{PTE}{PTE}{}} \newcommand*\EURO@@EUR{\EURO@set{1.00000}{EUR}{Euro}{}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % % % % % \begin{macro}{\EURO@@main} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@@in} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@@out} % \begin{macro}{\EURO@@all} % Define the generic format macros and `fill' them with % some default settings. Define the number format for % the \emph{Italian Lira} and the package options, % load the optional `|euro.cfg|' file and, finally: % Exit. % % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\EURO@@main{\EURO@set0{}{}{}} \newcommand*\EURO@@in{\EURO@set0{}{}{}} \newcommand*\EURO@@out{\EURO@set0{}{}{}} \newcommand*\EURO@@all{\EURO@set0{}{}{}} \EUROFORMAT{main}{\in\ (\out)} \EUROFORMAT{in}{\val~\sym} \EUROFORMAT{out}{\val~\sym} \EUROFORMAT{ITL}{\round0} \DeclareOption{eco}% {\EUROFORMAT{in}{\iso~\val}% \EUROFORMAT{out}{\iso~\val}} \newcommand*\EURO@emdash{\EURO@setzero {0}{---}{\EURO@point---}} \newcommand*\EURO@endash{\EURO@setzero {0}{--\kern.1em}{\EURO@point\kern.1em--}} \newcommand*\EURO@zeros{\EURO@setzero {0\EURO@align{\EURO@point00}}{0}{\EURO@point00}} \DeclareOption{emdash}{\let\EURO@table\EURO@emdash} \DeclareOption{endash}{\let\EURO@table\EURO@endash} \DeclareOption{zeros}{\let\EURO@table\EURO@zeros} \DeclareOption{table}{\EURO@table} \DeclareOption{dots}{\let\EURO@lsep.\let\EURO@rsep.} \ExecuteOptions{emdash} \InputIfFileExists{euro.cfg}% {\PackageInfo{euro}{Local config file euro.cfg used}}{} \ProcessOptions \endinput % % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % % % % \Finale ^^A.E.I.O.U.^^