Files in this example: Documention: MANIFEST -- this file 00README Scripts to build the example (and clean up) CLEAN.bat DO_pdf.bat DO_postscript.bat The actual example files jules-verne.tex -- the main root file. latex this. jules-verne.sty -- a document-specific style, used to set things up textcompfix.sty _/ two different workarounds for a problem with textcompsym.sty \ the textcomp package and PostScript fonts. jules-verne-dedication.tex -- the main text files for the example jules-verne-ack.tex jules-verne-summary.tex jules-verne-chapter1.tex jules-verne-chapter2.tex jules-verne-chapter3.tex jules-verne-chapter4.tex jules-verne-chapter5.tex jules-verne-programs.tex -- demonstrates the listings package jules-verne-vita.tex hack-applabel.tex -- stupid hacks to work around latex bugs hack-chaplabel.tex hack-part.tex jules-verne-bib.bib -- bibliography database jules-verne-gloss.bib -- glossary database jules-verne-losa.bib -- list of symbols/abbreviations database code/crc16.c -- programs for the listings package code/ code/crc32.c code/crc32.cxx code/ code/crc8.m fig/jules-verne-test.eps -- example figure. Note that you need fig/jules-verne-test.pdf -- both .eps and .pdf; try the epstopdf prog.