@gd{gnu, word = {GNU}, definition = {classic recursive acronym, ``GNU's Not Unix''} } @gd{losa, word = {LOSA}, definition = {List of Symbols or Abbreviations} } @gd{losahang, word = {losahang}, definition = {The Graduate Office prefers that the symbol descriptions are rigidly separated from the symbols themselves, as you see in this list. Sometimes, if you have very long symbols/abbreviations, you may need to make \texttt{\bs{}losahang} bigger than its default value of 2cm. In this example, thanks to the very long `neuromorphic engineering' ``symbol'', I extended \texttt{\bs{}losahang} to 5cm using the command: \texttt{\bs{}setlength\{\bs{}losahang\}\{5cm\}}. That is why this ``list of symbols'' facility should be limited to \textbf{symbols} and \textbf{abbreviations}, which are short; use \texttt{gatech-thesis-gloss} for true glossaries. The Graduate Office does not mention glossaries, but does mention the List of Symbols or Abbreviations. However, this is not to imply that you may not create a glossary if you wish; the \emph{old} OGS style manual did mention a glossary or `List of Nomenclature' along with the List of Symbols or Abbreviations.} } @gd{morphgrow, word = {\oplus}, definition = {morphological growth operator} } @gd{PE, word = {PE}, definition = {processing element} } @gd{neuroeng, word = {neuromorphic engineering}, definition = {reverse engineering the information representation used by neurobiology, and developing artificial systems that employ these representations in their operation. The presence of this ``symbol'' in the list of symbols also demonstrates why you should use the \texttt{gatech-thesis-gloss} style for glossaries, and that long words like ``neuromorphic engineering'' should appear \emph{there}, and not \emph{here}. \emph{Here} is for \textbf{symbols} and \textbf{abbreviations}} } @gd{VLSI, word = {VLSI}, definition = {Very Large Scale Integration or Integrated} } @gd{aVLSI, word = {aVLSI}, definition = {analog VLSI} }