Title: invoice.sty Version: 0.4 Author: Oliver Corff Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Berlin, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang 2001 Date: December 06, 2001 Archive Name: invoice.zip Description: A package for writing invoices Legal Notes: See end of this document 1. Installation and Use Unpack the archive invoice.zip in some temporary directory. Copy the files in TEXINPUT to a place where your TeX installation can find it. Rehash the directory database, if possible (not all distributions provide this possibility). Run the file 00README.tex through latex first before doing anything else! 00README.tex is a document with dynamic contents. See doc/invoice.tex for an incomplete documentation of the invoice package. 2. Legal Notes This software is published under the GPL. Usual disclaimers apply. Thank you for using invoice! Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin, Shanghai, Shenyang December 2001 Oliver Corff corff@zedat.fu-berlin.de