######################################################################## # Creating a installed version of KOMA-Script # Copyright (c) Markus Kohm, 1999-2002 # #>>>> USE THIS ONLY, IF THERE IS A TDS-COMPATIBLE TEX-INSTALLATION! <<<< #>>>> DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BUT THE CUSTOMIZATION SECTION! <<<< #>>>> YOU NEED GNU-MAKE TO RUN THIS! <<<< # # Defined rules for users: # # all default rule if make is called without parameter, # generates all KOMA-Script-files but not the guides # install installs all files in a TDS-tree # # guides makes all the guides but ps-files # (doesn't need installation) # optionalguides # like guides but does also make the ps-files # # scrguide2p # generates a scrguide2p.ps, a postscript file with two # A5 pages together at A5 pages # (doesn't need installation) # scrguide4p # generates a scrguide4p.ps, a postscript file with for # A5 pages aranged at A4 page for book printing (doesn't # need installation) # scrguide4p16 # generates a scrguide4p16.ps, a postscript file like # scrguide4p.ps but with signature=16 (see psbook) # (doesn't need installation) # # srcclean deletes all generated files (but *tar.gz) # distclean deletes all generated files (but *tar.gz) not part of # the distribution # clean deletes all temporary files # # dist generates a tar file koma-script-.tar.gz with all # files of the distribution ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # Start of customization section ######################################################################## # The texmf-directory, where to install new stuff (see texmf.cnf) # If you don't know what to do, search for directory texmf at /usr. # With teTeX and linux often one of following is used: #INSTALLTEXMF=/usr/TeX/texmf #INSTALLTEXMF=/usr/local/TeX/texmf #INSTALLTEXMF=/usr/share/texmf #INSTALLTEXMF=/usr/local/share/texmf # user tree: #INSTALLTEXMF=$(HOME)/texmf # Try to use user's tree known by kpsewhich: #INSTALLTEXMF=`kpsewhich -expand-var '$$HOMETEXMF'` # Try to use the local tree known by kpsewhich: INSTALLTEXMF=`kpsewhich --expand-var '$$TEXMFLOCAL'` # But you may set INSTALLTEXMF to every directory you want. # Use following, if you only want to test the installation: #INSTALLTEXMF=/tmp/texmf # If texhash must run after installation, you can invoke this: TEXHASH=texhash ######### Edit following only, if you want to change defaults! # The directory, where to install *.cls and *.sty CLSDIR=$(INSTALLTEXMF)/tex/latex/koma-script # The directory, where to install documentation DOCDIR=$(INSTALLTEXMF)/doc/latex/koma-script # The directory, where to install the sources SRCDIR=$(INSTALLTEXMF)/source/latex/koma-script # The directory, where to install demo-files # If we have some, we have to add following 2 lines to install rule: # $(MKDIR) $(DEMODIR); \ # $(INSTALL) $(DEMO_FILES) $(DEMODIR); \ DEMODIR=$(DOCDIR)/demo # We need this, because the documentation needs the classes and packages # It's not realy a good solution, but it's a working solution, if no # KOMA-Script was installed. TEXINPUTS := $(PWD):$(TEXINPUTS) ######################################################################## # End of customization section ######################################################################## # Used command: LATEX = latex PDFLATEX = pdflatex NONSTOPMODE = \\nonstopmode\\input BATCHMODE = \\batchmode\\input RM = rm -f RMDIR = rm -fr CP = cp -f CPALL = cp -Rpf CD = cd MV = mv -f SYMLINK = ln -sf INSTALL = install -m 644 MKDIR = install -m 755 -d MAKEINDEX = makeindex -g -r -s scrguide.ist MAKECHANGE = makeindex -g -r -s scrguide.gst -o MAKEIDX = makeindex -g GENINDEX = $(PWD)/genindex.pl BIBTEX = bibtex DVIPS = dvips -Pwww ECHO = echo TARCREATE = tar -zcvf TARCREATEBZ = tar -jcvf ZIPCREATE = zip -9o DIRNAME = dirname LL = ls -l SED = sed CUT = cut GREP = grep PSSELECT = psselect PSBOOK = psbook PSTOPS = pstops EVAL = eval LOGMESSAGE = 'KOMA-Script was made at '`date`'.' GERMREADME = 'Wenn Sie Deutsch verstehen, lesen Sie bitte liesmich.txt.' ENGREADME = 'If you do not understand german, read readme.txt.' ######################################################################## # files needed only for generation of documentation files RMEXT = *.log *.aux *.toc *.lot *.lof *.out *.ilg *.idx *.ind \ *.blg *.bbl *.glg *.glx *.glo *.gls # documentation files RMOUT = *.pdf *.dvi *.ps # class and package files RMCLS = *.cls *.sty # sources of KOMA-Script News NEWS_SRC = scr_new1.tex \ scr_new2.tex \ scr_new3.tex \ scr_new4.tex \ scr_new5.tex \ scr_new6.tex \ scr_new7.tex \ scr_new8.tex \ scr_new9.tex \ scrnew10.tex \ scrnew11.tex \ scrnew12.tex \ scrnew13.tex \ scrnew14.tex \ scrnew15.tex \ scrnew16.tex \ scrnew17.tex \ scrnew18.tex \ scrnew19.tex \ scrnew20.tex \ scrnew21.tex # folder with german manual DE_GUIDE_DIR = scrguide # source of german manual DE_GUIDE_SRC = $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide2.tex \ $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/einleit.tex \ $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/satzspgl.tex \ $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/hauptcls.tex \ $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/layout.tex \ $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/datmzeit.tex \ $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/brief.tex \ $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/adressen.tex \ $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/adrkonv.tex \ $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/datladen.tex \ $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.bib \ $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.bst \ $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.dbj \ $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.mbs \ $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.ist \ $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.gst # folder with english manual EN_GUIDE_DIR = scrguide/english EN_GUIDE_RELTO_BASE = ../.. # source of english manual EN_GUIDE_SRC = $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/main.tex \ $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide2.tex \ $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/introduc.tex \ $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/maincls.tex \ $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/headfoot.tex \ $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/datetime.tex \ $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/letter.tex \ $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/addressf.tex \ $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/addrconv.tex \ $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.bib \ $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide-en.bst \ $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide-en.dbj \ $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.mbs \ $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.ist \ $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.gst # other source files (unused) MISC_SRC = Makefile.unx \ genindex.pl # source of all manuals GUIDE_SRC = koma-script.tex \ $(DE_GUIDE_SRC) $(EN_GUIDE_SRC) # ready made KOMA-Script News NEWS = ${NEWS_SRC:.tex=.dvi} # ready made german guides DE_GUIDES = scrguide.dvi \ scrguide.pdf # ready made german guides (optional) O_DE_GUIDES = scrguide.ps # ready made english guides EN_GUIDES = scrguien.dvi \ scrguien.pdf # ready made english guide (optional) O_EN_GUIDES = scrguien.ps # ready made guides GUIDES = koma-script.pdf \ komascript.pdf \ komascr.pdf \ $(DE_GUIDES) $(EN_GUIDES) # ready made guide (optional) OGUIDES = $(O_DE_GUIDES) $(O_EN_GUIDES) # primary dtx files DTX_FILES = scrclass.dtx \ scraddr.dtx \ scrlettr.dtx \ script20.dtx \ scrtime.dtx \ scrpage.dtx # dtx includes DTX_INCLUDE = scrlogo.dtx # batch files INS_FILES = komascr.ins \ scrclass.ins \ scrtime.ins \ scrpage.ins # all sourced need to made classes and packages CLS_SRC = $(DTX_FILES) \ $(DTX_INCLUDE) \ $(INS_FILES) \ $(MISC_SRC) # all files needed by generations SRC_FILES = $(CLS_SRC) \ $(GUIDE_SRC) \ $(NEWS_SRC) # text files TEXT_FILES = ChangeLog \ liesmich.txt \ readme.txt \ LEGAL.TXT \ LEGALDE.TXT \ INSTALL.TXT \ INSTALLD.TXT # misc installation files MISC_FILES = komabug.tex \ koma-script.xml # files at distribution source DIST_SRC = $(TEXT_FILES) \ $(SRC_FILES) \ $(MISC_FILES) # files at distribution contents file XDIST_FILES = 00README \ $(GUIDES) \ $(DIST_SRC) # files at distribution DIST_FILES = 00CONTEN \ $(XDIST_FILES) # files to be installed at CLSDIR CLS_FILES = scrartcl.cls \ scrreprt.cls \ scrbook.cls \ typearea.sty \ scrlfile.sty \ scrlettr.cls \ scrlttr2.cls \ scraddr.sty \ DIN.lco \ DINmtext.lco \ SNleft.lco \ SN.lco \ KOMAold.lco \ script.sty \ script_s.sty \ script_l.sty \ scrtime.sty \ scrdate.sty \ scrpage.sty \ scrpage2.sty # files to be installed at DOCDIR DOC_FILES = $(GUIDES) \ $(TEXT_FILES) \ $(NEWS) \ komabug.tex # optional files to be installed at DOCDIR ODOC_FILES = $(OGUIDES) # installation documentation files IDOC_FILES = ${DTX_FILES:.dtx=.dvi} # installation documentation log files ILOG_FILES = ${DTX_FILES:.dtx=.log} ######################################################################## all: komascript.log #guides guides: $(GUIDES) optionalguides: guides $(OGUIDES) komascript.log: Makefile $(CLS_SRC) $(NEWS) $(LATEX) komascr.ins $(ECHO) $(LOGMESSAGE) > komascript.log Makefile: Makefile.unx @if test -r Makefile && test Makefile.unx -nt Makefile; then\ $(ECHO) "Makefile.unx is newer than Makefile!";\ $(ECHO) "Delete or Re-edit it!";\ exit 1;\ fi $(SYMLINK) Makefile.unx Makefile scr_new%.dvi: scr_new%.tex $(LATEX) $(NONSTOPMODE) $< $(LATEX) $(BATCHMODE) $< scrnew%.dvi: scrnew%.tex $(LATEX) $(NONSTOPMODE) $< $(LATEX) $(BATCHMODE) $< scrguide: $(DE_GUIDES) scrguide2p: scrguide2p.ps scrguide4p16: scrguide4p16.ps scrguide4p: scrguide4p.ps screnggu: scrguide-english scrguien: scrguide-english scrguide-english: $(EN_GUIDES) scrguide.dvi: $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide2.dvi $(CP) $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide2.dvi scrguide.dvi scrguide.ps: scrguide.dvi $(DVIPS) scrguide.dvi -oscrguide.ps scrguide2p.ps: scrguide.ps $(PSSELECT) -p1,2,_,3- scrguide.ps tmp.ps $(PSTOPS) -w29.7cm -h21cm '2:0L(21cm,0)+1L(21cm,14.85cm)' \ tmp.ps tmp2.ps $(SED) 's/%%BoundingBox: 0 0 420 596/%%BoundingBox: 0 0 596 842/' \ tmp2.ps > scrguide2p.ps $(RM) tmp.ps tmp2.ps scrguide4p16.ps: scrguide.ps $(PSBOOK) -s16 scrguide.ps tmp.ps $(PSTOPS) '4:0L(21cm,0)+1L(21cm,14.85cm),2R(0,29.7cm)+3R(0,14.85cm)' \ tmp.ps tmp2.ps $(SED) 's/%%BoundingBox: 0 0 420 596/%%BoundingBox: 0 0 596 842/' \ tmp2.ps > scrguide4p16.ps $(RM) tmp.ps tmp2.ps scrguide4p.ps: scrguide.ps $(PSBOOK) scrguide.ps tmp.ps $(PSTOPS) '4:0L(21cm,0)+1L(21cm,14.85cm),2R(0,29.7cm)+3R(0,14.85cm)' \ tmp.ps tmp2.ps $(SED) 's/%%BoundingBox: 0 0 420 596/%%BoundingBox: 0 0 596 842/' \ tmp2.ps > scrguide4p.ps $(RM) tmp.ps tmp2.ps scrguide.pdf: $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide2.pdf $(CP) $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide2.pdf scrguide.pdf scrguien.dvi: $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/main.dvi $(CP) $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/main.dvi scrguien.dvi scrguien.ps: scrguien.dvi $(DVIPS) scrguien.dvi -oscrguien.ps scrguien.pdf: $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/main.pdf $(CP) $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/main.pdf scrguien.pdf screnggu.dvi: $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/screnggu.dvi $(CP) $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/screnggu.dvi . screnggu.ps: screnggu.dvi $(DVIPS) screnggu.dvi -oscrenggu.ps screnggu.pdf: $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/screnggu.pdf $(CP) $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/screnggu.pdf . koma-script.pdf: koma-script.tex $(PDFLATEX) $(NONSTOPMODE) koma-script.tex komascript.pdf: koma-script.pdf $(SYMLINK) koma-script.pdf komascript.pdf komascr.pdf: koma-script.pdf $(SYMLINK) koma-script.pdf komascr.pdf ifneq ($(USEMULTIINDEX),false) USEMULTIINDEX = test -x $(GENINDEX) endif $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide2.dvi: komascript.log $(DE_GUIDE_SRC) $(CD) $(DE_GUIDE_DIR) && \ $(RM) $(RMEXT) && \ ( oncemore=true; \ while $$oncemore; do \ $(LATEX) $(NONSTOPMODE) scrguide2.tex && \ $(BIBTEX) scrguide2 && \ $(MAKECHANGE) scrguide2.chn scrguide2.glo && \ $(MAKEINDEX) scrguide2 && \ ( ! $(USEMULTIINDEX) || $(GENINDEX) scrguide2 ); \ if test $$? != 0; then rm scrguide2.dvi; exit 1; fi;\ if $(GREP) Rerun scrguide2.log;\ then oncemore=true; else oncemore=false; fi;\ done;\ ) $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide2.pdf: komascript.log $(DE_GUIDE_SRC) $(CD) $(DE_GUIDE_DIR) && \ $(RM) $(RMEXT) && \ ( oncemore=true; \ while $$oncemore; do \ $(PDFLATEX) $(NONSTOPMODE) scrguide2.tex && \ $(BIBTEX) scrguide2 && \ $(MAKECHANGE) scrguide2.chn scrguide2.glo && \ $(MAKEINDEX) scrguide2 && \ ( ! $(USEMULTIINDEX) || $(GENINDEX) scrguide2 ); \ if test $$? != 0; then rm scrguide2.pdf; exit 1; fi;\ if $(GREP) Rerun scrguide2.log;\ then oncemore=true; else oncemore=false; fi;\ done;\ ) $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/main.dvi: komascript.log $(EN_GUIDE_SRC) $(CD) $(EN_GUIDE_DIR) && \ $(RM) $(RMEXT) && \ ( oncemore=true; \ while $$oncemore; do \ $(LATEX) $(NONSTOPMODE) main.tex && \ $(BIBTEX) main && \ $(MAKECHANGE) main.chn main.glo && \ $(MAKEINDEX) main && \ ( ! $(USEMULTIINDEX) || $(GENINDEX) main ); \ if test $$? != 0; then rm main.dvi; exit 1; fi;\ if $(GREP) Rerun main.log;\ then oncemore=true; else oncemore=false; fi;\ done;\ ) $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/main.pdf: komascript.log $(EN_GUIDE_SRC) $(CD) $(EN_GUIDE_DIR) && \ $(RM) $(RMEXT) && \ ( oncemore=true; \ while $$oncemore; do \ $(PDFLATEX) $(NONSTOPMODE) main.tex && \ $(BIBTEX) main && \ $(MAKECHANGE) main.chn main.glo && \ $(MAKEINDEX) main && \ ( ! $(USEMULTIINDEX) || $(GENINDEX) main ); \ if test $$? != 0; then rm main.pdf; exit 1; fi;\ if $(GREP) Rerun main.log;\ then oncemore=true; else oncemore=false; fi;\ done;\ ) $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide2.tex: $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide2.tex $(SYMLINK) $(EN_GUIDE_RELTO_BASE)/$(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide2.tex \ $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide2.tex $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.bib: $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.bib $(SYMLINK) $(EN_GUIDE_RELTO_BASE)/$(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.bib \ $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.bib $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.ist: $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.ist $(SYMLINK) $(EN_GUIDE_RELTO_BASE)/$(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.ist \ $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.ist $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.mbs: $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.mbs $(SYMLINK) $(EN_GUIDE_RELTO_BASE)/$(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.mbs \ $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.mbs $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.gst: $(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.gst $(SYMLINK) $(EN_GUIDE_RELTO_BASE)/$(DE_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.gst \ $(EN_GUIDE_DIR)/scrguide.gst ######################################################################## install: clean komascript.log @if test "x" = "x$(INSTALLTEXMF)" || ! $(MKDIR) $(INSTALLTEXMF) \ || ! test -w "$(INSTALLTEXMF)"; then \ $(ECHO) "Not able to write to install directory \"$(INSTALLTEXMF)\"";\ $(ECHO) "Please edit INSTALLTEXMF at the Makefile first!"; \ exit 1 ; \ fi @if test `pwd` = $(CLSDIR) -o `pwd` = $(SRCDIR) -o `pwd` = $(DOCDIR); \ then \ $(CPALL) ./ /tmp/koma-script.tmp; \ $(CD) /tmp/koma-script.tmp; \ $(MAKE) install; \ $(RMDIR) /tmp/koma-script.tmp; \ else \ $(MKDIR) $(CLSDIR); \ $(INSTALL) $(CLS_FILES) $(CLSDIR); \ $(MKDIR) $(DOCDIR); \ $(INSTALL) $(DOC_FILES) $(DOCDIR); \ for file in "$(ODOC_FILES)"; do \ if test -r "$$file"; then \ $(INSTALL) $$file $(DOCDIR); \ fi; \ done; \ for file in $(DIST_FILES); do \ dir=`dirname $$file`; \ if test "x$$dir" = "x"; \ then $(INSTALL) $$file $(SRCDIR); \ else $(MKDIR) $(SRCDIR)/$$dir; \ $(INSTALL) $$file $(SRCDIR)/$$dir; \ fi; \ done; \ $(INSTALL) komascript.log $(DOCDIR); \ fi @if test -z "$(TEXHASH)" ; then \ $(ECHO) ;\ $(ECHO) '>>> Maybe you have to run texhash or something else, now. <<<';\ $(ECHO) ;\ else \ $(EVAL) $(TEXHASH); \ fi ######################################################################## srcclean: distclean $(RM) $(RMOUT) 00* distclean: clean $(RM) $(RMCLS) $(IDOC_FILES) $(CD) $(DE_GUIDE_DIR) && $(RM) $(RMOUT) $(CD) $(EN_GUIDE_DIR) && $(RM) $(RMOUT) clean: $(RM) $(RMEXT) $(CD) $(DE_GUIDE_DIR) && $(RM) $(RMEXT) $(CD) $(EN_GUIDE_DIR) && $(RM) $(RMEXT) ######################################################################## .SUFFIXES: .dtx .dvi .log .dtx.dvi: $(LATEX) $(NONSTOPMODE) $< $(LATEX) $(BATCHMODE) $< $(MAKEIDX) -r -s gind.ist $(<:.dtx=.idx) $(MAKEIDX) -r -s gglo.ist $(<:.dtx=.glo) -o $(<:.dtx=.gls) $(LATEX) $(BATCHMODE) $< .dtx.log: $(LATEX) $(NONSTOPMODE) $< $(LATEX) $(BATCHMODE) $< $(MAKEIDX) -r -s gind.ist $(<:.dtx=.idx) $(MAKEIDX) -r -s gglo.ist $(<:.dtx=.glo) -o $(<:.dtx=.gls) $(LATEX) $(BATCHMODE) $< ifeq ($(USER),mjk) release: @for src in $(INS_FILES);do \ $(CP) $${src} $${src}.bak; \ $(SED) 's/\\let\\ifbeta\\iftrue/\\let\\ifbeta\\iffalse/1' \ <$${src}.bak >$${src}; \ done beta: @for src in $(INS_FILES);do \ $(CP) $${src} $${src}.bak; \ $(SED) 's/\\let\\ifbeta\\iffalse/\\let\\ifbeta\\iftrue/1' \ <$${src}.bak >$${src}; \ done endif dist: komascript.log $(DIST_FILES) $(ILOG_FILES) $(IDOC_FILES) @if $(GREP) "Checksum not passed" *.log; then \ $(ECHO) "Cannot create tar because of checksum error" >&2; \ else \ $(RM) koma-script-`date -I`.tar.gz; \ $(TARCREATE) koma-script-`date -I`.tar.gz $(DIST_FILES); \ fi dist-bzip: komascript.log $(DIST_FILES) $(ILOG_FILES) $(IDOC_FILES) @if $(GREP) "Checksum not passed" *.log; then \ $(ECHO) "Cannot create tar because of checksum error" >&2; \ else \ $(RM) koma-script-`date -I`.tar.bz2; \ $(TARCREATEBZ) koma-script-`date -I`.tar.bz2 $(DIST_FILES); \ fi dist-zip: komascript.log $(DIST_FILES) $(ILOG_FILES) $(IDOC_FILES) @if $(GREP) "Checksum not passed" *.log; then \ $(ECHO) "Cannot create zip because of checksum error" >&2; \ else \ $(RM) koma-script-`date -I`.zip; \ $(ZIPCREATE) koma-script-`date -I`.zip $(DIST_FILES); \ fi distsrc: komascript.log $(DIST_SRC) $(ILOG_FILES) $(IDOC_FILES) @if $(GREP) "Checksum not passed" *.log; then \ $(ECHO) "Cannot create tar because of checksum error" >&2; \ else \ $(TARCREATE) koma-script-src-`date -I`.tar.gz $(DIST_SRC); \ fi 00CONTEN: $(XDIST_FILES) $(LL) $(XDIST_FILES) > 00CONTEN $(LL) 00CONTEN >> 00CONTEN $(LL) $(DIST_FILES) > 00CONTEN $(LL) $(DIST_FILES) > 00CONTEN.TMP $(CUT) -b 35- 00CONTEN.TMP > 00CONTEN $(RM) 00CONTEN.TMP 00README: $(ECHO) $(GERMREADME) > 00README $(ECHO) $(ENGREADME) >> 00README ########################################################################