README lineno.sty v3.07 $Id: README,v 3.5 2001/07/31 02:57:33 stephan Exp $ The LaTeX package lineno.sty provides line numbers on paragraphs. After TeX has broken a paragraph into lines there will be line numbers attached to them, with the possibility to make references through the LaTeX \ref, \pageref cross reference mechanism. % Copyright 1995--1999 Stephan I. B"ottcher % % This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms % of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN % archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % version 1 of the License, or any later version. Todo: ??? Changes: 2001-07-30 SiB: [hyperref] option obsolete. 2001-01-17 SiB: LaTeX class option [twocolumn] support 2001-01-04 SiB: LaTeX class option [fleqn] support 2000-12-18 SiB: longtable compatibility 2000-07-01 SiB: extra \newlabel items, [hyperref] option 2000-03-10 SiB: indirect call of \output, to work with multicol. 1999-08-28 SiB: fixed the footnote problem using \holdinginserts 1999-06-11 SiB: included the extensions into lineno.sty 1999-03-02 SIB: Added LPPL License Files: README This file. COPYING The LPPL header. lineno.sty The package itself, ready to use. lineno.tex The source documentation. ulineno.tex The pathetic attempt of a users manual. As of version v3.00, the extension packages for lineno have all been incorporated into lineno.sty itself. Except for itemrule.sty, which was removed. Home: CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/lineno Author: Stephan I. B"ottcher Compatibility with other packages: wrapfig.sty works since v2.05 multicol.sty works partly since 3.02. Do NOT use \linelabel. Do NOT put a multicol in internal vertical mode {table}, {figure}, etc. hyperref.sty \ref to a \linelabel works since v3.03. longtable.sty broke with lineno.sty loaded, but not enabled. This is fixed in v3.04. To print the documented source: Take the style-file `lineno.sty', and feed it to a Un*x shell. (Or download the extracted source documentation `lineno.tex'.) csh> source ./lineno.sty sh> . ./lineno.sty (Please ignore the error message at the beginning about the iffalse.) Please have a look at a similar work of Michal Jaegermann and James Fortune: CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/numline/