The files in the archive paper??.zip include the following supported macros and files for LaTeX2e: paper.dtx latex-style files paper and journal in doc option format paper.cls latex-class file paper journal.cls latex-class file journal paper.sty compatibility mode. journal.sty dto. paper.dvi documentation in dvi format install.02 driver for installing the package local.02 input to the local latex-guide "`local.tex"' test02p.tex example input text for paper test02j.tex example input text for journal journal1.tex example input text for journal journal2.tex example input text for journal readme.02 this file Run `LaTeX install.02' for installing the package. Needs the `docstrip' utility. Updates are available via anonymous ftp to host `' or from CTAN. wenzel matiaske | mail: University of Paderborn | Dept. of Economics, FB5 | Warburger Strasse 100, D-33098 Paderborn | email: | www: