PARALLEL-package (2.0 beta) -- typesetting two texts parallel ============================================================= What is it? ----------- The PARALLEL-package provides a small tool to typeset in two columns or on two pages parallel, e.g. if you want to set two languages besides. Please remember: this is only an ``interim-public-beta'' until I'll have finished the complete documentation, the code should be fine. date/release: parallel 2.0 beta 1997/11/10 primary site: CTAN /tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/parallel/ Installation ------------ (You need LateX2e) 1) Run latex on "parallel.ins" and three times on "parallel.drv". 2) Put "parallel.sty" where latex can find it. 3) View and/or print "parallel.dvi", latex the "exampl*.tex", if you want. Author & Thanks --------------- Matthias Eckermann (me), Munich, Germany, - debugging : Bernd Raichle (br), Stuttgart, Germany - contributions : Wonkoo Kim (wk), Pittsburgh, PA, USA Disclaimer/ License ------------------- This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Permission is granted to distributed verbatim copies of all files together with all other files of the PARALLEL-style. You are allowed to modify one or all of the files, if and only if you change the name of the modified file. You are allowed to distribute the modfied files but only TOGETHER with the unmodified versions. You have to document all changes and the name of the author of the changes. No other permissions to copy or distribute this file in any form are granted. You are NOT ALLOWED to take money for the distribution or use of either this file or a changed version, except for a nominal charge for copying etc.