Sie finden eine deutsche Version dieses Textes in LIESMICH! pdfcprot bundle =============== Redistribution of this bundle is allowed provided that all files that make up the pdfcprot bundle are contained. The list of all files making up this bundle is given below. This bundle has been created for the use with LaTeX2e and pdftex. Although a great effort has been made to eliminate all bugs, this bundle is provided `as is' without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you. The files: ---------- All files marked with an exclamation mark (!) are REQUIRED as a part of the distribution. You are NOT ALLOWED to distribute them separately, any distribution MUST contain ALL of the required files. All unmarked files are OPTIONAL parts of the distribution. You may leave them out but you MUST NOT redistribute them without including the REQUIRED files. ! pdfcprot.ins - Install file for the pdfcprot bundle ! pdfcprot.dtx - contains: pdfcprot.sty - pdfcprot package to activate character protruding - adjustment file for character protruding for the Palatino font ! README.txt - you are just reading it. ! INSTALL.txt - the installation manual ! LEGAL.txt - the dry part: legal stuff, warranty, license If one or more of the above files marked with an exclamation mark (!) is missing, please inform the author about the missing files and where you have gotten the bundle from. E-Mail: Unfortunatly I don't have the time to read usenet so you won't reach me in de.comp.text.tex, but if you're member of TEX-D-L, you may contact me there. Installation: ------------- The following describes the general procedure for installing this bundle. If you have a TeX system compatible to TDS (most of the newer TeX systems are), please read INSTALL.TXT. Copy all files to a directory, where TeX/LaTeX can find them. Run pdfcprot.ins through LaTeX, e.g. at UNIX type: tex "&latex" pdfcprot.ins or latex pdfcrpot.ins You'll get a a new sty- and cpa-file. Copy them to the corresponding LaTeX-directory. See INSTALL.TXT for further information. Do not forget to run the initialization procedures specific to your TeX distribution, e.g. if you use teTeX, run 'texhash' If you want the documentation for the package (highly RECOMMENDED) including the implementation, you have to run the dtx-files through LaTeX. Again, using a UNIX system type: tex "&latex" pdfcprot.dtx or latex pdfcprot.dtx Do that three times to get correct references and table of contents . To get an index run: makeindex -s pdfcprot makeindex -s -o pdfcprot.gls pdfcprot.glo And after run again latex (once should be sufficient). Bug-reports: ------------ To report a bug, run just mail me.