============================================================ The LaTeX packages tmmaths.sty and tmmathm.sty version 2.1 Typesetting text and math using "Times" PostScript fonts ============================================================ Walter Schmidt was@VR-Web.de 2001-10-09 The macro packages tmmaths.sty and tmmathm.sty serve for using MicroPress' TM-Math fonts with LaTeX. Prerequisites ============= You need the TM-Math fonts, which are provided by MicroPress, Inc, see . This includes the Type1 fonts as well as the metrics, .vf and .fd files. * Note that the packages tmmaths and tmmathm require a * recent distribution of the TM-Math fonts, which includes * the AMS symbols. Installing the macro packages ============================= The documented source of the packages is the file tmmaths.dtx. To generate the package files you should run: latex tmmaths.ins The resulting files tmmaths.sty and tmmathm.sty must then be moved to a directory where LaTeX will find them. In a TDS-compliant TeX system, such as teTeX or VTeX/Free, we recommend the directory texmf/tex/latex/tmmath. Documentation on the packages is obtained by running LaTeX on the document source: latex tmmaths.dtx News ==== 2001-10-09 (v2.1) fixed definition of \r A for OT1 encoding, which would clash with amsmath.sty 2001-06-24 (v2.0) additional package tmmathm.sty; fixed AMS multiple integrals (again...); adopted MicroPress' definition of Aring for OT1; 2001-02-12 (v1.2a) added support for the TM-AMS fonts 2000-04-15 (v1.2) updated for use with TM-Math fonts v1.2 1999-08-30 (v1.0) bug with multiple integrals from amsmath package fixed Notes ===== Adobe and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Times is a trademark of Linotype-Hell AG. and/or its subsidiaries. TM-Math is a trademark of MicroPress, Inc. -- finis