This is version 2.0c[1999/03/20] of the refman class family for LaTeX2e Since I'm going to loose Internet access in the near future, you may have problems getting support. Nevertheless try, I'll answer if I get the message. Refman is based on classes.dtx (1.4a) and the Refman.sty version 1.1. This new class is a class by it's own and no style-option. I've made this change to support some things which would have been difficult with a style-option. The new class consists of refart.cls an article-like style (former refman-s) refrep.cls a report-like style (former refman) There is only little difference between refart and refrep: Refrep supports chapters, has a titlepage by default and uses chaptermark and sectionmark in footings and headings. Refrep supports \pageperchapter Refart supports an optional titlepage and uses sectionmark and subsectionmark in footings and headings. Changes: ======== Both classes support different papersizes in the same way as the original LaTeX2e-classes, including the landscape option. There is a new option to produce a square-layout. The pagelayout is not 100% compatible to refman.sty due to the multiple-papersize-support. The running head and foot is not compatible to refman.sty. I've changed the footnote-layout since a not indended footnote- layout fits better to a not indended textlayout. (There have been lots of fixed for the footnote layout, seems to be a reall problem.) I've tried to support an index-environment. The index is set in twocolumn-layout. The maketitle-command sets title *and* autor *and* date. If you don't want the date use \date{} before calling \maketitle. I've followed the example of Markus Kohm and renamed the classes to refart.cls and refrep.cls. Thus it is easier to remember what is what and it can't be confused with refman.sty Obsolete commands: ================== The command setleftmarginwidth is no longer supported. There is no use setting the leftmargin to a fixed value if you don't know the fullwidth. (See new commands) The makeauthor is no longer supported, this is done by maketitle. New commands (not in refman.sty v. 1.1) ======================================= There are some commands I consider usefull in a reference manual style: \pageperchapter This will give you new pagenumbers each chapter, looking like 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-1 ... Prefacepages will be numberer 1,2,3 since 0-1 is not desireable. The pagepc-package will implement this for the LaTeX-standard classes. (This is still experimental and does not work well with MakeIndex) A hack to make MakeIndex happy is included, but sadly MakeIndex can no longer use the "|" command anymore since it is used to format the indexentries. \settextfraction{fraction} This will reset the horizontal layout, giving you a textwidth of fraction*fullwidth. The restriction to lines with 60-70 chars has been removed. Both commands should only be used in the preamble. History: ======== 1.9 a Included redefinition of pagestyle{plain} for twoside printing 1.9 b Refman now works with LaTeX2e [1994/06/01] and is in sync with classes 1.2 s 1.9 c Fixed refman: There should be an opening { in markright (every pagestyle, except for plain and empty) Moved changing of topmargin inside ps definition 1.9 d Fixed the pagestyles for oneside printing Changed chapter layout (uses fullwidth now) Changed typeout to ClassError where needed 1.9 e Renamed refman to refrep and refman-s to refart. Cleaned up fullwidth-environment, now it works on even-sides too:-) Added \pageperchapter to refrep.cls Added \settextfraction Removed ref{10|11|12}.clo. Refman is now using the size{10|11|12}.clo files. 1.9 f Synced with classes.dtx v. 1.2x Ref{art,rep} needs now LaTeX2e[1994/12/01] Pagestyle plain does not center the pagenumber, it is always printed at the outside-margin. Documentation added (layout.tex layout2.tex) 1.9 g Final test release synced with LaTeX2e[1995/06/01] (Classes.dtx v.1.3e) Pagestyle plain did center the pagenumber in one-side documents, fixed it this time. Fixed fullpage-environment to reset leftmarginwidth and set hsize to the correct value. (You may now start a new chapter inside a fullpage environment.(Not encouraged)) Made settextfraction an onlypreamble-command. Changed the \pageperchapter-command and included pagepc.sty which can be used with other LaTeX2e-classes (like report and scrreprt) In pageperchapter-mode, the index will be in a chapter of it's own and no longer belong to the last appendix. 1.9 h Corrected some typos where the a in normalfont was missing Added my e-mail address to the dtx-file, so bug reports can reach me faster. Corrected typo in condbreak (There is seems to be at least one user who uses it) Synced with classes 1.3p, thus saving some memory. 1.9 i Corrected footnote in titlepage (refart only) Removed . after the chapternumber. Changed format of chapter-title. It now hangs after the chapter number. 1.9 k Corrected appendix in refrep. Now the chapter-counter is used to generate the chapter-number 1.9 l Again fixes to to the footnote-layout of refart. Now titlepage and normal text use the same code. 1.9 m Added a forgotten \ to listfigurename 2.0 Synced with Classes 1.3u 2.0a Added missing \renewcommand\thetable in refrep 2.0b Added english documentation, changed layout of footnote again (Added more space between footnotesymbol and text) Changed the footnote layout on the titlepage to be compatible with the footnotelayout used within the class. 2.0c Changed the licence to "LaTeX Project Public License" Fixed some typos in the documentation \attention now takes an optional argument Added \attentionsymbol to allow the use of different symbols for the \attention command Added the manfnt package to access symbols from the manfnt font