Showlabels: put the names of \labels into the margins of a draft document -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%VERSION%% Version 1.4 This package helps you keep track of all the labels you define, by putting the name of new labels into the margin whenever the \label command is used. The package allows you to do the same thing for other commands. The only one for which this is obviously useful is the \cite command, but it's easy to do it for others, such as the \ref or \begin commands. Changes in v1.4, 24 July 2001 ------------------------------ Significant alteration to the mechanism for displaying the labels, which makes it easy to do the same trick for the \cite command. It's also fairly easy to extend this to any other commands which might want it, through the new \showlabels command, though \ref is the only one which immediately springs to mind. Also, the package option [inline] was introduced, giving an alternative format for displaying the labels. This route is ripe for generalisation. Corrections to the code which places labels in the margin. This is manifest in that the package is now (more) compatible with the wrapfig package. Changes in v1.3e, 30 May 2001 ----------------------------- Alteration to the way \label is redefined. Should now be compatible with packages such as hyperref, which override the \label command themselves. Changes in v1.3d, 19 April 2001 ------------------------------- Slight formatting change -- removed question marks when a label is omitted. Changes in v1.3c, 22 July 1999 ------------------------------ Added an \expandafter to an \ifx test. Was this _really_ broken in _all_ those previous versions?!?!? Changes in v1.3b ---------------- No functional changes, but the package's copyright and licence conditions were clarified. Changes in v1.3 --------------- After a long delay, here is an updated version of my showlabels package. It corrects all the reported bugs which I could reproduce, namely: * The package now formats labels correctly when the \label command appears outside either an equation or a \caption (silly of me). * A couple of people reported problems in the interaction with the amsmath package. Either these were confined to that package's earlier incarnations as AMS-LaTeX or the amstex package, or else there's some arcane circumstance I can't reproduce, so I haven't found anything to fix on this matter. Note that the \usepackage{showlabels} command must come _after_ the \usepackage{amsmath} command. Bug-sightings here will be warmly appreciated. * I haven't worried too much about the precise formatting of the labels -- this is, after all, supposed to be a draft-only package. Thanks, for comments and bug reports, to "David R. Leal Valmana" Sungmo Park(5775) (Olivier Michel) Jiri Vesely (Patrick Sibille) Hagen Kleinert "Francis M. C. Ching" Michael Friendly Licence ------- This software is copyright, 1999, 2001, Norman Gray. It is released under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the copyright declaration at the top of file showlabels.dtx, and the file LICENCE for the licence conditions. Norman Gray,