Titlesec package ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This package allows to change the sectioning titles. Amongst its many features it provides margin titles, different format in left and right pages, rules above and below the title, etc. Titletoc package ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For toc entries formatting, providing the possibility of changing the format in the middle of a document, grouping the entries in a single paragraph, pretty free-forms entries, partial tocs, etc. The titletoc.sty file is not part of the titlesec package; it's an independent package, but it's described in titlesec.tex. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ No .ins/.dtx preinstalation is required. Move the files to a place where LaTeX can find them and typeset titlesec.tex. All of files in this directory are necessary for titlesec.sty to work, except the manual titlesec.tex (and this 'readme' file). The manual requires titlesec.sty and titletoc.sty, and hence all the .tss and .def files as well (and the .new ones, if present). Files with extension .new (titlesec.new and titletoc.new) are patch files, ie, files with bug fixes, which are loaded automatically if present. Web site, manual in PDF format and info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ More details will be available in a near future on http://perso.wanadoo.es/jbezos/ The manual is also available in pdf format on http://perso.wanadoo.es/jbezos/archive/titlesec.pdf [approx. 160K] If you want to be up to date about titlesec, let me know it (jbezos@wanadoo.es) and I will send to you bug fixes and information about new releases. Changes ~~~~~~~ As of 2002/04/19 frame.tss has been replaced to fix a bug which misplaced the top rule. 2002/04/19 _____________________________________________________________________ Javier Bezos | TeX y tipografia jbezos arroba wanadoo punto es | http://perso.wanadoo.es/jbezos/ ..................................................................... Composición de textos técnico-científicos y con escrituras no latinas Consultoría y desarrollo de soluciones para TeX, LaTeX y Omega