% \iffalse meta-comment %% File: methylen.dtx % % Copyright 1998 by Shinsaku Fujita % % This file is part of XyMTeX system. % ------------------------------------- % % This file is a part of the macro package ``XyMTeX'' which has been % designed for typesetting chemical structural formulas. % % This file is to be contained in the ``xymtex'' directory which is % an input directory for TeX. It is a LaTeX optional style file and % should be used only within LaTeX, because several macros of the file % are based on LaTeX commands. % % For the review of XyMTeX, see % (1) Shinsaku Fujita, ``Typesetting structural formulas with the text % formatter TeX/LaTeX'', Computers and Chemistry, in press. % The following book deals with an application of TeX/LaTeX to % preparation of manuscripts of chemical fields: % (2) Shinsaku Fujita, ``LaTeX for Chemists and Biochemists'' % Tokyo Kagaku Dozin, Tokyo (1993) [in Japanese]. % % Copying of this file is authorized only if either % (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy, including name and % directory name; or % (2) if you do make changes, % (a) you name it something other than the names included in the % ``xymtex'' directory and % (b) you are requested to leave this notice intact. % This restriction ensures that all standard styles are identical. % % Please report any bugs, comments, suggestions, etc. to: % Shinsaku Fujita, % Department of Chemistry and Materials Technology, % Kyoto Institute of Technology, \\ % Matsugasaki, Sakyoku, Kyoto, 606 Japan % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \def\j@urnalname{methylen} % \def\versi@ndate{October 31, 1998} % \def\versi@nno{ver1.02} % \def\copyrighth@lder{SF} % Shinsaku Fujita % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \fi % % \CheckSum{7043} %% \CharacterTable %% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z %% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z %% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 %% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# %% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& %% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) %% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, %% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ %% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< %% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? %% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ %% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ %% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| %% Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % \setcounter{StandardModuleDepth}{1} % % \StopEventually{} % \MakeShortVerb{\|} % % \iffalse % \changes{v1.02}{1998/10/31}{first edition for LaTeX2e} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/25}{enhanced edition for LaTeX2e} % \fi % % \iffalse %<*driver> \NeedsTeXFormat{pLaTeX2e} % \fi \ProvidesFile{methylen.dtx}[1998/12/25 v2.00 XyMTeX{} package file] % \iffalse \documentclass{ltxdoc} \GetFileInfo{methylen.dtx} % % %%XyMTeX Logo: Definition 2%%% \def\UPSILON{\char'7} \def\XyM{X\kern-.30em\smash{% \raise.50ex\hbox{\UPSILON}}\kern-.30em{M}} \def\XyMTeX{\XyM\kern-.1em\TeX} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \title{Methylene Chains by {\sffamily methylen.sty} (\fileversion) of \XyMTeX{}} \author{Shinsaku Fujita \\ Department of Chemistry and Materials Technology, \\ Kyoto Institute of Technology, \\ Matsugasaki, Sakyoku, Kyoto, 606 Japan } \date{\filedate} % \begin{document} \maketitle \DocInput{methylen.dtx} \end{document} % % \fi % % \section{Introduction}\label{methylen:intro} % % \subsection{Options for {\sffamily docstrip}} % % \DeleteShortVerb{\|} % \begin{center} % \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} % \hline % \emph{option} & \emph{function}\\ \hline % methylen & methylen.sty \\ % driver & driver for this dtx file \\ % \hline % \end{tabular} % \end{center} % \MakeShortVerb{\|} % % \subsection{Version Information} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*methylen> \typeout{XyMTeX for Drawing Chemical Structural Formulas. Version 2.00} \typeout{ -- Released December 25, 1998 by Shinsaku Fujita} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\j@urnalname{methylen} \def\versi@ndate{December 25, 1998} \def\versi@nno{ver2.00} \def\copyrighth@lder{SF} % Shinsaku Fujita % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \typeout{XyMTeX Macro File `\j@urnalname' (\versi@nno) <\versi@ndate>% \space[\copyrighth@lder]} % \end{macrocode} % % \section{List of commands for methylen.sty} % % \begin{verbatim} % ********************************** % * methylen.sty: list of commands * % ********************************** % % % % \if@adoublebond \if@bdoublebond % \if@Adoublebond \if@adoublebond} % \reset@double % \if@linterchainsw \if@rinterchainsw} % \reset@interchainsw % % % % \@methsubsta \@methsubstd \@methsubstdL % \SKbondA \SKbondB % \bondA \bondAA % \bondB \bondBB % % % % \@@trimethylene % \@@dimethylene % % % % \yltrimethyleneposition % \yldimethyleneposition % % % % \trimethylene % \dimethylene % \tetramethylene % \pentamethylene % % \end{verbatim} % % \section{Input of basic macros} % % To assure the compatibility to \LaTeX{}2.09 (the native mode), % the commands added by \LaTeXe{} have not been used in the resulting sty % files ({\sf polymers.sty} for the present case). Hence, the combination % of |\input| and |\@ifundefined| is used to crossload sty % files ({\sf chemstr.sty} etc. for the present case) in place of the % |\RequirePackage| command of \LaTeXe{}. % % \begin{macrocode} % ************************* % * input of basic macros * % ************************* \@ifundefined{setsixringv}{\input chemstr.sty\relax}{} \@ifundefined{Westbond}{\input aliphat.sty\relax}{} \@ifundefined{bzdrv}{\input carom.sty\relax}{} \@ifundefined{hbonde}{\input hetaromh.sty\relax}{} \unitlength=0.1pt % \end{macrocode} % % \section{Setting Substituents} % % Substitutions on each methylene of a polymethylene chain % is typeset by macros |\@methsubsta| etc. % The macro |\@methsubsta| is used to place substituents on an % upper-side methylene. A new bond modifier ``W'' is added to % typeset a terminal substituent. % % \begin{macro}{\@methsubsta} % \begin{macrocode} \newif\if@wrongbdWa \@wrongbdWafalse \newif\if@wrongbdWd \@wrongbdWdfalse \newif\if@wrongbdWaL \@wrongbdWaLfalse \newif\if@wrongbdWdL \@wrongbdWdLfalse \def\@methsubsta{% \if@aclip% %clipping \if\@tmpb S%single bond \ifx\@tmpc\empty% \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \put(0,436){\line(0,1){110}}% % single bond at 1 \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta \yl@xdiff=-36\relax \yl@ydiff=-27\relax \putlatom{-42}{563}{\@memberb}% % left type {% \thicklines% \put(-18,436){\line(-3,5){60}}% % single bond at 1 }% \else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha \yl@xdiff=37\relax \yl@ydiff=-27\relax \putratom{41}{563}{\@memberb}% % right type \@ifundefined{dottedline}{% \put(18,436){\line(3,5){60}}% % single bond at 1 }{{\thicklines% \dottedline{20}(18,436)(72,526)}}% \else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta \yl@xdiff=-36\relax \yl@ydiff=-27\relax \putlatom{-42}{563}{\@memberb}% % left type \put(-18,436){\line(-3,5){60}}% % single bond at 1 \else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha \yl@xdiff=37\relax \yl@ydiff=-27\relax \putratom{41}{563}{\@memberb}% % right type \put(18,436){\line(3,5){60}}% % single bond at 1 \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi% \else\if\@tmpb D%double bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(-12,436){\line(0,1){110}}% % double bond at 1 \put(12,436){\line(0,1){110}}% % double bond at 1 \else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type {% \thicklines% \put(0,436){\line(0,1){110}}% % single bond at 1 }% \else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \@ifundefined{dottedline}{% \put(0,436){\line(0,1){110}}% % single bond at 1 }{{\thicklines% \dottedline{20}(0,436)(0,546)}}% \else\if\@tmpb W%beta single bond \yl@xdiff=-10\relax \yl@ydiff=46\relax \if@wrongbdWa \XyMTeXWarning{Wrong Bond-Modifier (W)}% \fi \putratom{150}{276}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(40,382){\line(5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 1 \else% \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(0,436){\line(0,1){110}}% % single bond at 1 \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi% \else% % no clipping \if\@tmpb S%single bond \ifx\@tmpc\empty% \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \put(0,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 1 \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta \yl@xdiff=-30\relax \yl@ydiff=-37\relax \putlatom{-42}{563}{\@memberb}% % left type {% \thicklines% \put(0,406){\line(-3,5){72}}% % single bond at 1 }% \else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-37\relax \putratom{41}{563}{\@memberb}% % right type \@ifundefined{dottedline}{% \put(0,406){\line(3,5){72}}% % single bond at 1 }{{\thicklines% \dottedline{20}(0,406)(72,526)}}% \else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta \yl@xdiff=-30\relax \yl@ydiff=-37\relax \putlatom{-42}{563}{\@memberb}% % left type \put(0,406){\line(-3,5){72}}% % single bond at 1 \else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-37\relax \putratom{41}{563}{\@memberb}% % right type \put(0,406){\line(3,5){72}}% % single bond at 1 \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi% \else\if\@tmpb D%double bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(-12,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % double bond at 1 \put(12,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % double bond at 1 \else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type {% \thicklines% \put(0,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 1 }% \else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \@ifundefined{dottedline}{% \put(0,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 1 }{{\thicklines% \dottedline{20}(0,406)(0,546)}}% \else\if\@tmpb W%beta single bond \yl@xdiff=-10\relax \yl@ydiff=58\relax \if@wrongbdWa \XyMTeXWarning{Wrong Bond-Modifier (W)}% \fi \putratom{130}{276}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(0,406){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 1 \else% \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(0,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 1 \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi% \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The macro |\@methsubstd| is used to place substituents on a % down-side methylene. A new bond modifier ``W'' is added to % typeset a terminal substituent. % % \begin{macro}{\@methsubstd} % \begin{macrocode} \def\@methsubstd{% \if@clip %clipping \if\@tmpb S%single bond \ifx\@tmpc\empty% \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(0,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % single bond at 4 \else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta \yl@xdiff=-36\relax \yl@ydiff=100\relax \putlatom{-42}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left type {% \thicklines% \put(-18,-30){\line(-3,-5){60}}% % single bond at 4 }% \else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha \yl@xdiff=37\relax \yl@ydiff=100\relax \putratom{41}{-230}{\@memberb}% % right type \@ifundefined{dottedline}{% \put(18,-30){\line(3,-5){60}}% % single bond at 4 }{{\thicklines% \dottedline{20}(18,-30)(72,-120)}}% \else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta \yl@xdiff=-36\relax \yl@ydiff=100\relax \putlatom{-42}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left type \put(-18,-30){\line(-3,-5){60}}% % single bond at 4 \else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha \yl@xdiff=37\relax \yl@ydiff=100\relax \putratom{41}{-230}{\@memberb}% % right type \put(18,-30){\line(3,-5){60}}% % single bond at 4 \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi% \else\if\@tmpb D%double bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(-12,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % double bond at 4 \put(12,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % double bond at 4 \else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type {% \thicklines% \put(0,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % single bond at 4 }% \else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \@ifundefined{dottedline}{% \put(0,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % single bond at 4 }{{\thicklines% \dottedline{20}(0,-30)(0,-140)}}% \else\if\@tmpb W%beta single bond \yl@xdiff=-10\relax \yl@ydiff=30\relax \putlratom{150}{54}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(40,24){\line(5,3){100}}% % single bond at 4 \if@wrongbdWd \XyMTeXWarning{Wrong Bond-Modifier (W)}% \fi \else% \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(0,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % single bond at 4 \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi% \else% no clipping \if\@tmpb S%single bond \ifx\@tmpc\empty% \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4 \else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta \yl@xdiff=-30\relax \yl@ydiff=110\relax \putlatom{-42}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left type {% \thicklines% \put(0,0){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 4 }% \else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=110\relax \putratom{41}{-230}{\@memberb}% % right type \@ifundefined{dottedline}{% \put(0,0){\line(3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 4 }{{\thicklines% \dottedline{20}(0,0)(72,-120)}}% \else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta \yl@xdiff=-30\relax \yl@ydiff=110\relax \putlatom{-42}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left type \put(0,0){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 4 \else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=110\relax \putratom{41}{-230}{\@memberb}% % right type \put(0,0){\line(3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 4 \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi% \else\if\@tmpb D%double bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(-12,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % double bond at 4 \put(12,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % double bond at 4 \else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type {% \thicklines% \put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4 }% \else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \@ifundefined{dottedline}{% \put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4 }{{\thicklines% \dottedline{20}(0,0)(0,-140)}}% \else\if\@tmpb W%beta single bond \yl@xdiff=-10\relax \yl@ydiff=30\relax \putlratom{150}{54}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(0,0){\line(5,3){140}}% % single bond at 4 \if@wrongbdWd \XyMTeXWarning{Wrong Bond-Modifier (W)}% \fi \else% \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4 \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi% \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The macro |\@methsubstdL| is used to place substituents on a % left-teminal down-side methylene. A new bond modifier ``W'' is % added to typeset a terminal substituent. % % \begin{macro}{\@methsubstdL} % \begin{macrocode} \def\@methsubstdL{% \if@clip %clipping \if\@tmpb S%single bond \ifx\@tmpc\empty% \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(0,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % single bond at 4 \else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta \yl@xdiff=-36\relax \yl@ydiff=100\relax \putlatom{-42}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left type {% \thicklines% \put(-18,-30){\line(-3,-5){60}}% % single bond at 4 }% \else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha \yl@xdiff=37\relax \yl@ydiff=100\relax \putratom{41}{-230}{\@memberb}% % right type \@ifundefined{dottedline}{% \put(18,-30){\line(3,-5){60}}% % single bond at 4 }{{\thicklines% \dottedline{20}(18,-30)(72,-120)}}% \else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta \yl@xdiff=-36\relax \yl@ydiff=100\relax \putlatom{-42}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left type \put(-18,-30){\line(-3,-5){60}}% % single bond at 4 \else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha \yl@xdiff=37\relax \yl@ydiff=100\relax \putratom{41}{-230}{\@memberb}% % right type \put(18,-30){\line(3,-5){60}}% % single bond at 4 \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi% \else\if\@tmpb D%double bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(-12,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % double bond at 4 \put(12,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % double bond at 4 \else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type {% \thicklines% \put(0,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % single bond at 4 }% \else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \@ifundefined{dottedline}{% \put(0,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % single bond at 4 }{{\thicklines% \dottedline{20}(0,-30)(0,-140)}}% \else\if\@tmpb W%beta single bond \yl@xdiff=10\relax \yl@ydiff=30\relax \putlatom{-150}{54}{\@memberb}% % lefttype \put(-40,24){\line(-5,3){100}}% % single bond at 4 \if@wrongbdWdL \XyMTeXWarning{Wrong Bond-Modifier (W)}% \fi \else% \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(0,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % single bond at 4 \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi% \else% no clipping \if\@tmpb S%single bond \ifx\@tmpc\empty% \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4 \else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta \yl@xdiff=-30\relax \yl@ydiff=110\relax \putlatom{-42}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left type {% \thicklines% \put(0,0){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 4 }% \else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=110\relax \putratom{41}{-230}{\@memberb}% % right type \@ifundefined{dottedline}{% \put(0,0){\line(3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 4 }{{\thicklines% \dottedline{20}(0,0)(72,-120)}}% \else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta \yl@xdiff=-30\relax \yl@ydiff=110\relax \putlatom{-42}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left type \put(0,0){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 4 \else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=110\relax \putratom{41}{-230}{\@memberb}% % right type \put(0,0){\line(3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 4 \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi% \else\if\@tmpb D%double bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(-12,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % double bond at 4 \put(12,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % double bond at 4 \else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type {% \thicklines% \put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4 }% \else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \@ifundefined{dottedline}{% \put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4 }{{\thicklines% \dottedline{20}(0,0)(0,-140)}}% \else\if\@tmpb W%beta single bond \yl@xdiff=10\relax \yl@ydiff=30\relax \putlatom{-150}{54}{\@memberb}% % left type \put(0,0){\line(-5,3){140}}% % single bond at 4 \if@wrongbdWdL \XyMTeXWarning{Wrong Bond-Modifier (W)}% \fi \else% \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=90\relax \putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4 \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi% \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The macro |\@methsubstaL| is used to place substituents on a % left-teminal upper-side methylene. A new bond modifier ``W'' is % added to typeset a terminal substituent. % % \begin{macro}{\@methsubstaL} % \begin{macrocode} \def\@methsubstaL{% \if@aclip% %clipping \if\@tmpb S%single bond \ifx\@tmpc\empty% \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \put(0,436){\line(0,1){110}}% % single bond at 1 \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta \yl@xdiff=-36\relax \yl@ydiff=-27\relax \putlatom{-42}{563}{\@memberb}% % left type {% \thicklines% \put(-18,436){\line(-3,5){60}}% % single bond at 1 }% \else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha \yl@xdiff=37\relax \yl@ydiff=-27\relax \putratom{41}{563}{\@memberb}% % right type \@ifundefined{dottedline}{% \put(18,436){\line(3,5){60}}% % single bond at 1 }{{\thicklines% \dottedline{20}(18,436)(72,526)}}% \else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta \yl@xdiff=-36\relax \yl@ydiff=-27\relax \putlatom{-42}{563}{\@memberb}% % left type \put(-18,436){\line(-3,5){60}}% % single bond at 1 \else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha \yl@xdiff=37\relax \yl@ydiff=-27\relax \putratom{41}{563}{\@memberb}% % right type \put(18,436){\line(3,5){60}}% % single bond at 1 \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi% \else\if\@tmpb D%double bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(-12,436){\line(0,1){110}}% % double bond at 1 \put(12,436){\line(0,1){110}}% % double bond at 1 \else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type {% \thicklines% \put(0,436){\line(0,1){110}}% % single bond at 1 }% \else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \@ifundefined{dottedline}{% \put(0,436){\line(0,1){110}}% % single bond at 1 }{{\thicklines% \dottedline{20}(0,436)(0,546)}}% \else\if\@tmpb W%beta single bond \yl@xdiff=10\relax \yl@ydiff=46\relax \putlatom{-150}{276}{\@memberb}% % left type \put(-40,382){\line(-5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 1 \if@wrongbdWaL \XyMTeXWarning{Wrong Bond-Modifier (W)}% \fi \else% \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(0,436){\line(0,1){110}}% % single bond at 1 \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi% \else% % no clipping \if\@tmpb S%single bond \ifx\@tmpc\empty% \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \put(0,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 1 \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta \yl@xdiff=-30\relax \yl@ydiff=-37\relax \putlatom{-42}{563}{\@memberb}% % left type {% \thicklines% \put(0,406){\line(-3,5){72}}% % single bond at 1 }% \else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-37\relax \putratom{41}{563}{\@memberb}% % right type \@ifundefined{dottedline}{% \put(0,406){\line(3,5){72}}% % single bond at 1 }{{\thicklines% \dottedline{20}(0,406)(72,526)}}% \else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta \yl@xdiff=-30\relax \yl@ydiff=-37\relax \putlatom{-42}{563}{\@memberb}% % left type \put(0,406){\line(-3,5){72}}% % single bond at 1 \else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-37\relax \putratom{41}{563}{\@memberb}% % right type \put(0,406){\line(3,5){72}}% % single bond at 1 \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi% \else\if\@tmpb D%double bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(-12,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % double bond at 1 \put(12,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % double bond at 1 \else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type {% \thicklines% \put(0,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 1 }% \else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \@ifundefined{dottedline}{% \put(0,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 1 }{{\thicklines% \dottedline{20}(0,406)(0,546)}}% \else\if\@tmpb W%beta single bond \yl@xdiff=10\relax \yl@ydiff=58\relax \putlatom{-130}{276}{\@memberb}% % left type \put(0,406){\line(-5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 1 \if@wrongbdWaL \XyMTeXWarning{Wrong Bond-Modifier (W)}% \fi \else% \yl@xdiff=31\relax \yl@ydiff=-17\relax \putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type \put(0,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 1 \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi% \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \section{Setting Bonds} % \subsection{Outer Skeletal Bonds} % % The macros |\SKbondB| and |\SKbondA| are used to typeset % outer skeletal bonds of a methylene chain (|\..methylene|) % % \begin{macro}{\SKbondB} % \begin{macrocode} \def\SKbondB{% \ifx\bbb\empty% \ifx\ccc\empty% \put(0,406){\line(5,-3){171}}% %bond 1-2 \else% \put(0,406){\line(5,-3){136}}% %bond 1-2 \fi% \else% \ifx\ccc\empty% \put(35,385){\line(5,-3){136}}% %bond 1-2 \else% \put(35,385){\line(5,-3){100}}% %bond 1-2 \fi% \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\SKbondA} % \begin{macrocode} \def\SKbondA{% \ifx\bbb\empty% \ifx\aaa\empty% \put(0,406){\line(-5,-3){171}}% %bond 1-6 \else% \put(0,406){\line(-5,-3){136}}% %bond 1-6 \fi% \else% \ifx\aaa\empty% \put(-35,385){\line(-5,-3){136}}% %bond 1-6 \else% \put(-35,385){\line(-5,-3){100}}% %bond 1-6 \fi% \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The macros |\SKbondBi| and |\SKbondAi| are used to typeset % outer skeletal bonds of a methylene chain (inverse type |\..methylenei|). % % \begin{macro}{\SKbondBi} % \begin{macrocode} \def\SKbondBi{% \begin{picture}(0,0)(0,0) \ifx\bbb\empty% \ifx\ccc\empty% \put(0,0){\line(5,3){171}}% %bond 4-3 \else% \put(0,0){\line(5,3){136}}% %bond 4-3 \fi% \else% \ifx\ccc\empty% \put(35,21){\line(5,3){138}}% %bond 4-3 \else% \put(35,21){\line(5,3){100}}% %bond 4-3 \fi% \fi\end{picture}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\SKbondAi} % \begin{macrocode} \def\SKbondAi{% \begin{picture}(0,0)(0,0) \ifx\bbb\empty% \ifx\aaa\empty% \put(0,0){\line(-5,3){171}}% %bond 4-5 \else% \put(0,0){\line(-5,3){136}}% %bond 4-5 \fi% \else% \ifx\aaa\empty% \put(-35,21){\line(-5,3){138}}% %bond 4-5 \else% \put(-35,21){\line(-5,3){100}}% %bond 4-5 \fi% \fi\end{picture}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Inner Double Bonds} % % The macros |\bondB| is used to place a line of % a double bond in the (5,-3) direction at the lower side % of an outer skeletal bond. % % \begin{macro}{\bondB} % \begin{macrocode} \def\bondB{% \ifx\bbb\empty% \ifx\ccc\empty% \put(6,364){\line(5,-3){126}}% %double bond 1-2 \else% \put(6,364){\line(5,-3){100}}% %double bond 1-2 \fi% \else% \ifx\ccc\empty% \put(35,340){\line(5,-3){100}}% %double bond 1-2 \else% \put(35,352){\line(5,-3){100}}% %double bond 1-2 \fi% % line <1OO not available \fi% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The macros |\bondBB| is used to place a line of % a double bond in the (5,-3) direction at the upper side % of an outer skeletal bond. % % \begin{macro}{\bondBB} % \begin{macrocode} \def\bondBB{% \ifx\bbb\empty% \ifx\ccc\empty% \put(42,420){\line(5,-3){126}}% %double bond 1-2 \else% \put(42,420){\line(5,-3){100}}% %double bond 1-2 \fi% \else% \ifx\ccc\empty% \put(52,412){\line(5,-3){110}}% %double bond 1-2 \else% \put(52,412){\line(5,-3){100}}% %double bond 1-2 \fi% % line <1OO not available \fi% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The macros |\bondA| is used to place a line of % a double bond in the (-5,-3) direction at the lower % side of an outer skeletal bond. % % \begin{macro}{\bondA} % \begin{macrocode} \def\bondA{% \ifx\bbb\empty% \ifx\aaa\empty% \put(-6,364){\line(-5,-3){126}}% %double bond 1-6 \else% \put(-6,364){\line(-5,-3){100}}% %double bond 1-6 \fi% \else% \ifx\aaa\empty% \put(-35,340){\line(-5,-3){100}}% %double bond 1-6 \else% \put(-35,352){\line(-5,-3){100}}% %double bond 1-6 \fi% % line <1OO not available \fi% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The macros |\bondAA| is used to place a line of % a double bond in the (-5,-3) direction at the upper side % of an outer skeletal bond. % % \begin{macro}{\bondAA} % \begin{macrocode} \def\bondAA{% \ifx\bbb\empty% \ifx\aaa\empty% \put(-42,420){\line(-5,-3){126}}% %double bond 1-6 \else% \put(-42,420){\line(-5,-3){100}}% %double bond 1-6 \fi% \else% \ifx\aaa\empty% \put(-52,412){\line(-5,-3){100}}% %double bond 1-6 \else% \put(-52,412){\line(-5,-3){100}}% %double bond 1-6 \fi% % line <1OO not available \fi% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The bond-setting commands with sufix ``i'' are used in the definitions % of commands such as |\...methylenei|. % % The macros |\bondBi| is used to place a line of % a double bond in the (5,3) direction at the upper side % of an outer skeletal bond. % % \begin{macro}{\bondBi} % \begin{macrocode} \def\bondBi{% \ifx\bbb\empty% \ifx\ccc\empty% \put(6,42){\line(5,3){126}} %double bond 4-3 \else% \put(6,42){\line(5,3){100}} %double bond 4-3 \fi% \else% \ifx\ccc\empty% \put(35,66){\line(5,3){100}}% %double bond 4-3 \else% \put(35,60){\line(5,3){100}}% %double bond 4-3 \fi% % line <1OO not available \fi% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The macros |\bondBBi| is used to place a line of % a double bond in the (5,3) direction at the lower % side of an outer skeletal bond. % % \begin{macro}{\bondBBi} % \begin{macrocode} \def\bondBBi{% \ifx\bbb\empty% \ifx\ccc\empty% % \put(6,42){\line(5,3){126}} %double bond 4-3 \put(42,-14){\line(5,3){126}}% %double bond 1-6 \else% % \put(6,42){\line(5,3){100}} %double bond 4-3 % \put(42,-14){\line(5,3){100}}% %double bond 1-6 \put(30,-14){\line(5,3){100}}% %double bond 1-6 \fi% \else% \ifx\ccc\empty% % \put(35,66){\line(5,3){100}}% %double bond 4-3 % \put(52,6){\line(5,3){100}}% %double bond 1-6 \put(52,0){\line(5,3){100}}% %double bond 1-6 \else% % \put(35,60){\line(5,3){100}}% %double bond 4-3 \put(52,0){\line(5,3){100}}% %double bond 4-5 \fi% % line <1OO not available \fi% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The macros |\bondAi| is used to place a line of % a double bond in the (-5,3) direction at the upper % side of an outer skeletal bond. % \begin{macro}{\bondAi} % \begin{macrocode} \def\bondAi{% \ifx\bbb\empty% \ifx\aaa\empty% \put(-6,42){\line(-5,3){126}}% %double bond 4-5 \else% \put(-6,42){\line(-5,3){100}}% %double bond 4-5 \fi% \else% \ifx\aaa\empty% \put(-35,66){\line(-5,3){100}}% %double bond 4-5 \else% \put(-35,60){\line(-5,3){100}}% %double bond 4-5 \fi% % line <1OO not available \fi% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The macros |\bondAAi| is used to place a line of % a double bond in the (-5,3) direction at the lower % side of an outer skeletal bond. % % \begin{macro}{\bondAAi} % \begin{macrocode} \def\bondAAi{% \ifx\bbb\empty% \ifx\aaa\empty% % \put(-6,42){\line(-5,3){126}}% %double bond 4-5 \put(-42,-14){\line(-5,3){126}}% %double bond 1-6 \else% % \put(-6,42){\line(-5,3){100}}% %double bond 4-5 \put(-42,-14){\line(-5,3){100}}% %double bond 1-6 \fi% \else% \ifx\aaa\empty% % \put(-35,66){\line(-5,3){100}}% %double bond 4-5 \put(-52,6){\line(-5,3){100}}% %double bond 1-6 \else% % \put(-35,60){\line(-5,3){100}}% %double bond 4-5 \put(-52,0){\line(-5,3){100}}% %double bond 4-5 \fi% % line <1OO not available \fi% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \section{Switches} % % \begin{macro}{\if@adoublebond} % \begin{macro}{\if@bdoublebond} % \begin{macro}{\if@Adoublebond} % \begin{macro}{\if@adoublebond} % \begin{macro}{\reset@double} % \begin{macrocode} \newif\if@adoublebond \@adoublebondfalse \newif\if@bdoublebond \@bdoublebondfalse \newif\if@Adoublebond \@Adoublebondfalse \newif\if@Bdoublebond \@Bdoublebondfalse \def\reset@double{% \@adoublebondfalse\@bdoublebondfalse \@Adoublebondfalse\@Bdoublebondfalse} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\if@linterchainsw} % \begin{macro}{\if@rinterchainsw} % \begin{macro}{\reset@interchainsw} % \begin{macrocode} \newif\if@linterchainsw \@linterchainswfalse \newif\if@rinterchainsw \@rinterchainswfalse \def\reset@interchainsw{\@linterchainswfalse\@rinterchainswfalse} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \section{Trimethylene} % \subsection{Normal direction} % % A trimethylene (or propane) and its hetera analogs can be typeset % by the command |\trimethylene|, which is mainly based on % two inner commands: |\yltrimethyleneposition| for adjusting a % substitution site and |\@@trimethylene| for % placing hetero atoms, double bonds, and substituents. % % \begin{macro}{\@@trimethylene} % \begin{verbatim} % \@@trimethylene{ATOMLIST}{BONDLIST}{TERMswitch}{Adjust} % % % 0: all positions % 1: positions bbb and ccc % 2: positions aaa and bbb % % bbb % 2 % a / ` b % 1 3 % aaa ccc % % % a positive or negative integer to adjust locant numbers % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\@@trimethylene#1#2#3#4{% \leavevmode \iniatom\iniflag%initialize \test@vrtx@trimethy{#1}{#4}% %\test@vertix@sixv{#1}{a}{b}{c}{@}{@}{@}% \begin{picture}(450,480)(0,0) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % outer skeleton % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \put(171,-303){\SKbondB}% bond between 1 and 2 \put(171,-303){\SKbondA}% bond between 1 and 6 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % inner double bond % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \if@adoublebond\relax\put(171,-303){\bondA}\fi \if@bdoublebond\relax\put(171,-303){\bondB}\fi \if@Adoublebond\relax\put(171,-303){\bondAA}\fi \if@Bdoublebond\relax\put(171,-303){\bondBB}\fi % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % setting hetero atoms % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \test@termcnt=#3\relax %\set@hetatom@methyl{#1}{0}{0}{4}{0}% \set@hetatom@methyl{#1}{#4}{0}{4}{0}% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % setting substituents % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \@forsemicol\member:=#2\do{% \ifx\member\empty\else \expandafter\@m@mb@r\member;\relax% \expandafter\threech@r\@membera{}{}% \@tmpaa=\@tmpa \advance\@tmpaa by#4\relax \ifx\@memberb\@yl\else \ifcase\@tmpaa%0 omit \or \ifcase#3 {\if@aclip \@cliptrue \else \@clipfalse\fi \put(0,0){\@methsubstdL}}% \or\relax \or {\if@aclip \@cliptrue \else \@clipfalse\fi \put(0,0){\@methsubstdL}}% \fi \or {\if@bclip \@acliptrue \else \@aclipfalse\fi \put(171,-303){\@methsubsta}} \or \ifcase#3 {\if@cclip \@cliptrue\else \@clipfalse\fi \put(342,0){\@methsubstd}}% \or {\if@cclip \@cliptrue\else \@clipfalse\fi \put(342,0){\@methsubstd}}% \or\relax \fi \fi%end of ifcase \fi\fi }% \end{picture}}% end of \@@trimethylene % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\test@vrtx@trimethy} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/21}{New command: \cs{test@vrtx@trimethy}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\test@vrtx@trimethy#1#2{% \@forsemicol\member:=#1\do{% \ifx\member\empty\else \expandafter\@m@mb@r\member;\relax% \expandafter\twoch@r\@membera{}% \@tmpaa=\@tmpa \advance\@tmpaa by#2\relax \ifcase\@tmpaa% \or \if\@tmpb s\relax \xdef\aaa{}\else\if\@tmpb h\relax \xdef\aaa{@}\else\xdef\aaa{@}\fi\fi \or \if\@tmpb s\relax \xdef\bbb{}\else\if\@tmpb h\relax \xdef\bbb{@}\else\xdef\bbb{@}\fi\fi \or \if\@tmpb s\relax \xdef\ccc{}\else\if\@tmpb h\relax \xdef\ccc{@}\else\xdef\ccc{@}\fi\fi \fi\fi}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The |\yltrimethyleneposition| is used to adjust % substitution sites for the command |\@@trimethylene|. % % \begin{macro}{\yltrimethyleneposition} % \begin{verbatim} % \yltrimethylene{ATOMLIST}{BONDLIST}{TERMswitch}{Adjust} % % % 0: all positions % 1: positions bbb and ccc % 2: positions aaa and bbb % % bbb % 2 % a / ` b % 1 3 % aaa ccc % % % a positive or negative integer to adjust locant numbers % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{macrocode}% \def\yltrimethyleneposition#1#2#3#4{% \@forsemicol\member:=#1\do{% \ifx\member\empty\else \expandafter\@m@mb@r\member;\relax% \expandafter\twoch@r\@membera{}% \@tmpaa=\@tmpa \advance\@tmpaa by#4\relax \ifcase\@tmpaa% \or \def\aaa{@}%\def\aaa{\@memberb}% \or \def\bbb{@}%\def\bbb{\@memberb}% \or \def\ccc{@}%\def\ccc{\@memberb}% \fi\fi}% \@@ylswfalse%%%\@reset@ylsw \@forsemicol\member:=#2\do{\expandafter\@m@mb@r\member;\relax% \expandafter\threech@r\@membera{}{}% \@tmpaa=\@tmpa \advance\@tmpaa by#4\relax \ifx\@memberb\@yl\relax\@@ylswtrue\else\@@ylswfalse\fi \if@@ylsw \ifcase\@tmpaa%0 omit \or \ifcase#3 \ifx\aaa\empty \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{0}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \else \if@linterchainsw%interchain position \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{40}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \else% terminal position \gdef\@ylii{40}\gdef\@yli{-24}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \fi \fi \or\relax \or \ifx\aaa\empty \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{0}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \else \if@linterchainsw%interchain position \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{40}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \else% terminal position \gdef\@ylii{40}\gdef\@yli{-24}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \fi \fi \fi \or \ifx\bbb\empty \gdef\@ylii{-171}\gdef\@yli{-103}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \else \gdef\@ylii{-171}\gdef\@yli{-133}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \fi \or \ifcase#3 \ifx\ccc\empty \gdef\@ylii{-342}\gdef\@yli{0}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 3 \else \if@rinterchainsw%interchain position \gdef\@ylii{-342}\gdef\@yli{40}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 3 \else \gdef\@ylii{-382}\gdef\@yli{-24}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 3 \fi \fi \or \ifx\ccc\empty \gdef\@ylii{-342}\gdef\@yli{0}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 3 \else \if@rinterchainsw%interchain position \gdef\@ylii{-342}\gdef\@yli{40}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 3 \else \gdef\@ylii{-382}\gdef\@yli{-24}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 3 \fi \fi \or\relax \fi \fi%end of ifcase \fi}}% end of \yltrimethyleneposition % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The counter |\test@termcnt|, which is equal to % the argument \#3 of command |\@@trimethylene|, % is used for testing a terminal point. % % \begin{macro}{\test@termcnt} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/21}{New command: \cs{test@termcnt}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\test@termcnt % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The |\set@hetatom@methyl| is used to set a hetero atom % at each vertex in the command |\@@trimethylene|. % % \begin{macro}{\set@hetatom@methyl} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/20}{New command: \cs{set@hetatom@methyl}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\set@hetatom@methyl#1#2#3#4#5{% \@forsemicol\member:=#1\do{% \ifx\member\empty\else \expandafter\@m@mb@r\member;\relax% %\expandafter\twoch@r\@membera{}% \expandafter\twoCH@R\@membera//% \ifnum#5 < 0\relax% \@tmpaa=-\@tmpa\relax \advance\@tmpaa by#2\relax% \else\@tmpaa=\@tmpa\relax \advance\@tmpaa by#2\relax \fi \ifnum\@tmpaa >#3\relax% \ifnum\@tmpaa <#4\relax% \ifcase\@tmpaa% \or%position 1 <--- position 6 of set@hetatom@sixv \ifnum\test@termcnt=1\else%not terminal point (left) \if\@tmpb h\relax% \@acliptrue% \putlatom{0}{30}{\@memberb}% % right type \else\if\@tmpb s\relax% \@aclipfalse% % \putlatom{-4}{0}{\@memberb}% % right type \putlatom{0}{0}{\@memberb}% % right type \else\if\@tmpb a\relax%omit fused position \else \@acliptrue% \putlatom{36}{-23}{\@memberb}% % left type \fi\fi\fi \fi \or%position 2 <--- position 1 of set@hetatom@sixv \if\@tmpb h\relax% \@bcliptrue% \putratom{171}{53}{\@memberb}% % right type \else\if\@tmpb s\relax% \@bclipfalse% \putratom{171}{103}{\@memberb}% % right type \else\if\@tmpb a\relax%omit fused position \else \@bcliptrue% % \putratom{140}{53}{\@memberb}% % right type \putratom{140}{65}{\@memberb}% % right type \fi\fi\fi \or%position 3 <--- position 2 of set@hetatom@sixv \ifnum\test@termcnt=2\else%not terminal point (right) \if\@tmpb h\relax \@ccliptrue% % \putratom{320}{30}{\@memberb}% % right type \putratom{330}{30}{\@memberb}% % right type \else\if\@tmpb s\relax \@cclipfalse% \putratom{346}{0}{\@memberb}% % right type \else\if\@tmpb a\relax%omit fused position \else \@ccliptrue% \putratom{306}{-23}{\@memberb}% % right type \fi\fi\fi \fi \fi% end of ifcase \fi\fi\fi}}% end of the macro \set@hetatom@methyl % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The macro |\trimethylene| has two arguments |ATOMLIST| and |SUBSLIST| % as well as an optional argument |BONDLIST|. % % \begin{macro}{\trimethylene} % \begin{macro}{\@trimethylene} % % \begin{verbatim} % % bbb % 2 % a / ` b (or uppercase letters) % / ` % 1 3 % aaa ccc % \end{verbatim} % % % \begin{verbatim} % \trimethylene[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \end{verbatim} % % The |BONDLIST| argument contains one character a, A, b, or B % each of which indicates the presence of an inner (endcyclic) double % bond on the corresponding position. A lowercase letter is used % to typeset a double bond at a lower-side of an outer skeletal bond, % while an uppercase letter typesets a double bond at a upper-side of % an outer skeletal bond. % (Note that the option `A' represents an aromatic circle in % commands |\sixheterov| etc. % % \begin{verbatim} % BONDLIST = % % [] or none : no double bond % a : 1,2-double bond % A : 1,2-double bond in an opposite side % b : 2,3-double bond % B : 1,2-double bond in an opposite side % \end{verbatim} % % The |ATOMLIST| argument contains one or more heteroatom descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each heteroatom % descriptor consists of a locant number and a heteroatom, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % % \begin{verbatim} % % ATOMLIST: list of heteroatoms (max 3 atoms) % % for n = 1 to 3 % % n==? : Hetero atom, e.g. N, O, etc. at n-position, % e.g. 1==N for N at 1-position % \end{verbatim} % % The |SUBSLIST| argument contains one or more substitution descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each substitution % descriptor has a locant number with a bond modifier and a substituent, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % \begin{verbatim} % % SUBSLIST: list of substituents % % for n = 1 to 3 % % nD : exocyclic double bond at n-atom % n or nS : exocyclic single bond at n-atom % nA : alpha single bond at n-atom % nB : beta single bond at n-atom % nSA : alpha single bond at n-atom (boldface) % nSB : beta single bond at n-atom (dotted line) % nSa : alpha (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nSb : beta (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nW : terminal single bond (n=1 or 3) % % \end{verbatim} % % Several examples are shown as follows. % \begin{verbatim} % e.g. % % \trimethylene{1==N}{1==Cl;2==F} % \trimethylene[b]{1==N}{1==Cl;4==F;2==CH$_{3}$} % \end{verbatim} % % The definition of |\trimethylene| uses a picture environment and % consists of the following unit processes: % \begin{enumerate} % \item adjusting substitution site by % |\yltrimethyleneposition| % \item treating atom list, % placing outer skeletons, inner double bonds, % setting hetero atoms, and % placing substituents by |\@@trimethylene|. % \end{enumerate} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\trimethylene{% \@ifnextchar[{\@trimethylene[@}{\@trimethylene[]}} \def\@trimethylene[#1]#2#3{% \iniflag\iniatom% \@reset@ylsw% \reset@interchainsw% \yltrimethyleneposition{#2}{#3}{0}{0}% \if@ylsw \yl@shiftii=\@ylii \yl@shifti=\@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\yl@xdiff \advance\yl@shifti\yl@ydiff \begin{picture}(0,0)(-\yl@shiftii,-\yl@shifti) \reset@yl@xydiff%1999/1/6 by S. Fujita \else \begin{picture}(450,480)(-50,-180) \iforigpt \put(-50,-180){\circle*{50}}% \put(0,0){\circle{50}}% \typeout{command `trimethylene' origin: % (0,0) ---> (50,180)}\fi% \fi \reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member a\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member b\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member A\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member B\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \else \expandafter\twoCH@@R\member//% \set@fusion@trimeth \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdfalse \put(0,0){\@@trimethylene{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}% \end{picture}}% end of \trimethylene \@trimethylene % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % The inner command |\set@fusion@trimeth| is used for typesetting % a fused ring at each bond represented by |\@@tmpa|. Warnings % concerning mismatched ring-fusions are based on the command % |\FuseWarning|. % % \begin{macro}{\set@fusion@trimeth} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/21}{New command: \cs{set@fusion@trimeth}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\set@fusion@trimeth{% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % inner bond fusion % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \if\@@tmpa a\relax% \putlratom{0}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{a}% \else\if\@@tmpa A\relax% \putlratom{171}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{A}% \else\if\@@tmpa b\relax% \putlratom{171}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{b}% \else\if\@@tmpa B\relax% \putlratom{342}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{B}% \fi\fi\fi\fi }% end of the macro \set@fusion@trimeth % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Inverse direction} % % A trimethylene (or propane) and its hetera analogs can be typeset % by the command |\trimethylenei|, which is mainly based on % two inner commands: |\yltrimethyleneiposition| for adjusting a % substitution site and |\@@trimethylenei| for % placing hetero atoms, double bonds, and substituents. % % \begin{macro}{\@@trimethylenei} % \begin{verbatim} % \@@trimethylenei{ATOMLIST}{BONDLIST}{TERMswitch}{Adjust} % % % 0: all positions % 1: positions bbb and ccc % 2: positions aaa and bbb % % aaa ccc % 1 3 % a ` / b % ` / % 2 % bbb % % % a positive or negative integer to adjust locant numbers % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\@@trimethylenei#1#2#3#4{% \leavevmode \iniatom\iniflag%initialize \test@vrtx@trimethy{#1}{#4}% %\test@vertix@sixv{#1}{a}{b}{c}{@}{@}{@}% \begin{picture}(450,480)(0,0) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % outer skeleton % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \put(171,0){\SKbondAi}% bond between 1 and 2 \put(171,0){\SKbondBi}% bond between 2 and 3 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % inner double bond % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \if@adoublebond\relax\put(171,0){\bondAi}\fi \if@bdoublebond\relax\put(171,0){\bondBi}\fi \if@Adoublebond\relax\put(171,0){\bondAAi}\fi \if@Bdoublebond\relax\put(171,0){\bondBBi}\fi % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % setting hetero atoms % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \test@termcnt=#3\relax %\set@hetatom@methyli{#1}{0}{0}{4}{0}% \set@hetatom@methyli{#1}{#4}{0}{4}{0}% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % setting substituents % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \@forsemicol\member:=#2\do{% \ifx\member\empty\else \expandafter\@m@mb@r\member;\relax% \expandafter\threech@r\@membera{}{}% \@tmpaa=\@tmpa \advance\@tmpaa by#4\relax \ifx\@memberb\@yl\else \ifcase\@tmpaa%0 omit \or \ifcase#3 \put(0,-303){\@methsubstaL}% \or\relax \or \put(0,-303){\@methsubstaL}% \fi \or {\if@bclip \@cliptrue \else \@clipfalse\fi \put(171,0){\@methsubstd}}% \or \ifcase#3 {\if@cclip \@acliptrue\else \@aclipfalse\fi \put(342,-303){\@methsubsta}}% \or {\if@cclip \@acliptrue\else \@aclipfalse\fi \put(342,-303){\@methsubsta}}% \or\relax \fi \fi%end of ifcase \fi\fi }% \end{picture}}% end of \@@trimethylenei % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The |\yltrimethyleneiposition| is used to adjust % substitution sites. % % \begin{macro}{\yltrimethyleneiposition} % \begin{verbatim} % \yltrimethylenei{ATOMLIST}{BONDLIST}{TERMswitch}{Adjust} % % % 0: all positions % 1: positions bbb and ccc % 2: positions aaa and bbb % % aaa ccc % 1 3 % a ` / b % ` / % 2 % bbb % % % a positive or negative integer to adjust locant numbers % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{macrocode}% \def\yltrimethyleneiposition#1#2#3#4{% \@forsemicol\member:=#1\do{% \ifx\member\empty\else \expandafter\@m@mb@r\member;\relax% %\expandafter\twoch@r\@membera{}% \expandafter\twoCH@R\@membera//% \@tmpaa=\@tmpa \advance\@tmpaa by#4\relax \ifcase\@tmpaa% \or \def\aaa{@}%\def\aaa{\@memberb}% \or \def\bbb{@}%\def\bbb{\@memberb}% \or \def\ccc{@}%\def\ccc{\@memberb}% \fi% \fi}% \@@ylswfalse%%%\@reset@ylsw \@forsemicol\member:=#2\do{\expandafter\@m@mb@r\member;\relax% \expandafter\threech@r\@membera{}{}% \@tmpaa=\@tmpa \advance\@tmpaa by#4\relax \ifx\@memberb\@yl\relax\@@ylswtrue\else\@@ylswfalse\fi \if@@ylsw \ifcase\@tmpaa%0 omit \or%%%%%%position 1 \ifcase#3 \ifx\aaa\empty %% \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{0}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{-103}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \else \if@linterchainsw%interchain position % \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{40}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{-133}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \else% terminal position %% \gdef\@ylii{40}\gdef\@yli{-24}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \gdef\@ylii{40}\gdef\@yli{-79}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \fi \fi \or\relax \or \ifx\aaa\empty %% \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{0}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{-103}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \else \if@linterchainsw%interchain position \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{-133}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 % \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{40}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \else% terminal position %% \gdef\@ylii{40}\gdef\@yli{-24}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \gdef\@ylii{40}\gdef\@yli{-79}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \fi \fi \fi \or%%%%%%%%position 2 \ifx\bbb\empty %% \gdef\@ylii{-171}\gdef\@yli{-103}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \gdef\@ylii{-171}\gdef\@yli{0}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \else %% \gdef\@ylii{-171}\gdef\@yli{-133}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \gdef\@ylii{-171}\gdef\@yli{50}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \fi \or%%%%%%%%position 3 \ifcase#3 \ifx\ccc\empty %% \gdef\@ylii{-342}\gdef\@yli{0}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 3 \gdef\@ylii{-342}\gdef\@yli{-103}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 3 \else \if@rinterchainsw%interchain position %% \gdef\@ylii{-342}\gdef\@yli{40}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 3 \gdef\@ylii{-342}\gdef\@yli{-133}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 3 \else %% \gdef\@ylii{-382}\gdef\@yli{-24}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 3 \gdef\@ylii{-382}\gdef\@yli{-79}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 3 \fi \fi \or \ifx\ccc\empty % \gdef\@ylii{-342}\gdef\@yli{0}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 3 \gdef\@ylii{-342}\gdef\@yli{-103}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 3 \else \if@rinterchainsw%interchain position % \gdef\@ylii{-342}\gdef\@yli{40}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 3 \gdef\@ylii{-342}\gdef\@yli{-133}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 3 \else % \gdef\@ylii{-382}\gdef\@yli{-24}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 3 \gdef\@ylii{-382}\gdef\@yli{-79}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 3 \fi \fi \or\relax \fi \fi%end of ifcase \fi}}% end of \yltrimethyleneiposition % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The |\set@hetatom@methyli| is used to set a hetero atom % at each vertex in the command |\@@trimethylenei|. % % \begin{macro}{\set@hetatom@methyli} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/20}{New command: \cs{set@hetatom@methyli}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\set@hetatom@methyli#1#2#3#4#5{% \@forsemicol\member:=#1\do{% \ifx\member\empty\else \expandafter\@m@mb@r\member;\relax% \expandafter\twoch@r\@membera{}% \ifnum#5 < 0\relax% \@tmpaa=-\@tmpa\relax \advance\@tmpaa by#2\relax% \else\@tmpaa=\@tmpa\relax \advance\@tmpaa by#2\relax \fi \ifnum\@tmpaa >#3\relax% \ifnum\@tmpaa <#4\relax% \ifcase\@tmpaa% \or%position 1 <-- \set@hetatom@sixv position 5 \ifnum\test@termcnt=1\else%not terminal point (left) \if\@tmpb h\relax \@acliptrue% \putlatom{0}{70}{\@memberb}% % right type \else\if\@tmpb s\relax \@aclipfalse% \putlatom{0}{103}{\@memberb}% % right type \else\if\@tmpb a\relax%omit fused position \else \@acliptrue% \putlatom{36}{65}{\@memberb}% % left type \fi\fi\fi \fi \or%position 2 <-- \set@hetatom@sixv position 4 \if\@tmpb h\relax \@bcliptrue% \putratom{171}{50}{\@memberb}% % right type \else\if\@tmpb s\relax \@bclipfalse% \putratom{171}{0}{\@memberb}% % right type \else\if\@tmpb a\relax%omit fused position \else \@bcliptrue% % \putratom{140}{-10}{\@memberb}% % right type \putratom{140}{-23}{\@memberb}% % right type \fi\fi\fi \or%position 3 <-- \set@hetatom@sixv position 3 \ifnum\test@termcnt=2\else%not terminal point (right) \if\@tmpb h\relax \@ccliptrue% \putratom{342}{70}{\@memberb}% % right type \else\if\@tmpb s\relax \@cclipfalse% \putratom{342}{103}{\@memberb}% % right type \else\if\@tmpb a\relax%omit fused position \else \@ccliptrue% \putratom{306}{65}{\@memberb}% % right type \fi\fi\fi \fi \fi% end of ifcase \fi\fi\fi}}% end of the macro \set@hetatom@methyli % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The macro |\trimethylenei| has two arguments |ATOMLIST| and |SUBSLIST| % as well as an optional argument |BONDLIST|. % % \begin{macro}{\trimethylenei} % \begin{macro}{\@trimethylenei} % % \begin{verbatim} % aaa ccc % 1 3 % a ` / b (or uppercase letters) % ` / % 2 % bbb % \end{verbatim} % % % \begin{verbatim} % \trimethylenei[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \end{verbatim} % % The |BONDLIST| argument contains one character a, A, b, or B % each of which indicates the presence of an inner (endcyclic) double % bond on the corresponding position. A lowercase letter is used % to typeset a double bond at a upper-side of an outer skeletal bond, % while a uppercase letter typesets a double bond at a lower-side of % an outer skeletal bond. % (Note that the option `A' represents an aromatic circle in % commands |\sixheterov| etc. % % \begin{verbatim} % BONDLIST = % % [] or none : no double bond % a : 1,2-double bond % A : 1,2-double bond in an opposite side % b : 2,3-double bond % B : 1,2-double bond in an opposite side % \end{verbatim} % % The |ATOMLIST| argument contains one or more heteroatom descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each heteroatom % descriptor consists of a locant number and a heteroatom, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % % \begin{verbatim} % % ATOMLIST: list of heteroatoms (max 3 atoms) % % for n = 1 to 3 % % n==? : Hetero atom, e.g. N, O, etc. at n-position, % e.g. 1==N for N at 1-position % \end{verbatim} % % The |SUBSLIST| argument contains one or more substitution descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each substitution % descriptor has a locant number with a bond modifier and a substituent, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % \begin{verbatim} % % SUBSLIST: list of substituents % % for n = 1 to 3 % % nD : exocyclic double bond at n-atom % n or nS : exocyclic single bond at n-atom % nA : alpha single bond at n-atom % nB : beta single bond at n-atom % nSA : alpha single bond at n-atom (boldface) % nSB : beta single bond at n-atom (dotted line) % nSa : alpha (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nSb : beta (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nW : terminal single bond (n=1 or 3) % % \end{verbatim} % % Several examples are shown as follows. % \begin{verbatim} % e.g. % % \trimethylenei{1==N}{1==Cl;2==F} % \trimethylenei[b]{1==N}{1==Cl;4==F;2==CH$_{3}$} % \end{verbatim} % % The definition of |\trimethylene| uses a picture environment and % consists of the following unit processes: % \begin{enumerate} % \item adjusting substitution site by % |\yltrimethyleneiposition| % \item treating atom list, % placing outer skeletons, inner double bonds, % setting hetero atoms, and % placing substituents by |\@@trimethylenei|. % \end{enumerate} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\trimethylenei{% \@ifnextchar[{\@trimethylenei[@}{\@trimethylenei[]}} \def\@trimethylenei[#1]#2#3{% \iniflag\iniatom% \@reset@ylsw% \reset@interchainsw% \yltrimethyleneiposition{#2}{#3}{0}{0}% \if@ylsw \yl@shiftii=\@ylii \yl@shifti=\@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\yl@xdiff \advance\yl@shifti\yl@ydiff \begin{picture}(0,0)(-\yl@shiftii,-\yl@shifti) \reset@yl@xydiff%1999/1/6 by S. Fujita \else \begin{picture}(450,480)(-50,-180) \iforigpt \put(-50,-180){\circle*{50}}% \put(0,0){\circle{50}}% \typeout{command `trimethylene' origin: % (0,0) ---> (50,180)}\fi% \fi \reset@double% %\@adoublebondfalse %\@bdoublebondfalse %\@Adoublebondfalse %\@Bdoublebondfalse \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member a\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member b\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member A\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member B\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \else \expandafter\twoCH@@R\member//% \set@fusion@trimethi \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWafalse \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(0,0){\@@trimethylenei{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}% \end{picture}}% end of \trimethylenei % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % The inner command |\set@fusion@trimethi| is used for typesetting % a fused ring at each bond represented by |\@@tmpa|. Warnings % concerning mismatched ring-fusions are based on the command % |\FuseWarning|. % % \begin{macro}{\set@fusion@trimethi} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/21}{New command: \cs{set@fusion@trimethi}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\set@fusion@trimethi{% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % inner bond fusion % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \if\@@tmpa a\relax% \putlratom{0}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{a}% \else\if\@@tmpa A\relax% \putlratom{171}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{A}% \else\if\@@tmpa b\relax% \putlratom{171}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{b}% \else\if\@@tmpa B\relax% \putlratom{342}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{B}% \fi\fi\fi\fi }% end of the macro \set@fusion@trimethi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \section{Dimethylene} % \subsection{Normal direction} % % A dimethylene (or ethane) and its hetera analogs can be typeset % by the command |\dimethylene|, which is mainly based on % two inner commands: |\yldimethyleneposition| for adjusting a % substitution site and |\@@dimethylene| for % placing hetero atoms, double bonds, and substituents. % % \begin{macro}{\@@dimethylene} % \begin{verbatim} % \@@dimethylene{ATOMLIST}{BONDLIST}{TERMswitch}{Adjust} % % % 0: all positions % 1: position bbb % 2: position aaa % % bbb % 2 % a / % 1 % aaa % % % a positive or negative integer to adjust locant numbers % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\@@dimethylene#1#2#3#4{% \leavevmode \iniatom\iniflag%initialize \test@vrtx@dimethy{#1}{#4}% %\test@vertix@sixv{#1}{a}{b}{@}{@}{@}{@}% \begin{picture}(250,480)(0,0) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % outer skeleton % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \put(171,-303){\SKbondA}% bond between 1 and 2 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % inner double bond % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \if@adoublebond \put(171,-303){\bondA}%upper side double bond \else\if@Adoublebond \put(171,-303){\bondAA}%lower side double bond \fi\fi% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % setting hetero atoms % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \test@termcnt=#3\relax %\set@hetatom@methyl{#1}{0}{0}{3}{0}% \set@hetatom@methyl{#1}{#4}{0}{3}{0}% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % setting substituents % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \@forsemicol\member:=#2\do{% \ifx\member\empty\else \expandafter\@m@mb@r\member;\relax% \expandafter\threech@r\@membera{}{}% \@tmpaa=\@tmpa \advance\@tmpaa by#4\relax \ifx\@memberb\@yl\else \ifcase\@tmpaa%0 omit \or \ifcase#3 {\if@aclip \@cliptrue \else \@clipfalse\fi \put(0,0){\@methsubstdL}}% \or\relax \or {\if@aclip \@cliptrue \else \@clipfalse\fi \put(0,0){\@methsubstdL}}% \fi \or \ifcase#3 {\if@bclip \@acliptrue \else \@aclipfalse\fi \put(171,-303){\@methsubsta}} \or {\if@bclip \@acliptrue \else \@aclipfalse\fi \put(171,-303){\@methsubsta}} \or\relax \fi \fi%end of ifcase \fi\fi% }% \end{picture}}% end of \@@dimethylene % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\test@vrtx@dimethy} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/21}{New command: \cs{test@vrtx@dimethy}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\test@vrtx@dimethy#1#2{% \@forsemicol\member:=#1\do{% \ifx\member\empty\else \expandafter\@m@mb@r\member;\relax% \expandafter\twoch@r\@membera{}% \@tmpaa=\@tmpa \advance\@tmpaa by#2\relax \ifcase\@tmpaa% \or \if\@tmpb s\relax \xdef\aaa{}\else\if\@tmpb h\relax \xdef\aaa{@}\else\xdef\aaa{@}\fi\fi \or \if\@tmpb s\relax \xdef\bbb{}\else\if\@tmpb h\relax \xdef\bbb{@}\else\xdef\bbb{@}\fi\fi \fi\fi}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The |\yldimethyleneposition| is used to adjust % substitution sites. % % \begin{macro}{\yldimethyleneposition} % \begin{verbatim} % \yldimethylene{ATOMLIST}{BONDLIST}{TERMswitch}{Adjust} % % % 0: all positions % 1: position bbb % 2: position aaa % % bbb % 2 % a / % 1 % aaa % % % a positive or negative integer to adjust locant numbers % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{macrocode}% \def\yldimethyleneposition#1#2#3#4{% \@forsemicol\member:=#1\do{% \ifx\member\empty\else \expandafter\@m@mb@r\member;\relax% \expandafter\twoch@r\@membera{}% \@tmpaa=\@tmpa \advance\@tmpaa by#4\relax \ifcase\@tmpaa% \or \def\aaa{\@memberb}% \or \def\bbb{\@memberb}% \fi\fi}% \@@ylswfalse%%%\@reset@ylsw \@forsemicol\member:=#2\do{% \ifx\member\empty\else \expandafter\@m@mb@r\member;\relax% \expandafter\threech@r\@membera{}{}% \@tmpaa=\@tmpa \advance\@tmpaa by#4\relax \ifx\@memberb\@yl\relax\@@ylswtrue\else\@@ylswfalse\fi \if@@ylsw \ifcase\@tmpaa%0 omit \or \ifcase#3 \ifx\aaa\empty % \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{0}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{0}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \else \if@linterchainsw%interchain position \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{40}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \else%terminal position \gdef\@ylii{40}\gdef\@yli{-24}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \fi \fi \or\relax \or \ifx\aaa\empty \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{0}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \else \if@linterchainsw%interchain position \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{40}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \else%terminal position \gdef\@ylii{40}\gdef\@yli{-24}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \fi \fi \fi \or \ifcase#3 \ifx\bbb\empty \gdef\@ylii{-171}\gdef\@yli{-103}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \else \if@rinterchainsw%interchain position \gdef\@ylii{-171}\gdef\@yli{-133}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \else%terminal position \gdef\@ylii{-211}\gdef\@yli{-93}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \fi \fi \or \ifx\bbb\empty \gdef\@ylii{-171}\gdef\@yli{-103}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \else \if@rinterchainsw%interchain position \gdef\@ylii{-171}\gdef\@yli{-133}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \else%terminal position \gdef\@ylii{-211}\gdef\@yli{-93}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \fi \fi \or \relax \fi \fi%end of ifcase \fi\fi}}% end of \yldimethyleneposition % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The macro |\dimethylene| has two arguments |ATOMLIST| and |SUBSLIST| % as well as an optional argument |BONDLIST|. % % \begin{macro}{\dimethylene} % \begin{macro}{\@dimethylene} % \begin{verbatim} % % bbb % 2 % a / (or uppercase letters) % / % 1 % aaa % \end{verbatim} % % % \begin{verbatim} % \dimethylene[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \end{verbatim} % % The |BONDLIST| argument contains one character a or A, % each of which indicates the presence of an inner (endcyclic) double % bond on the corresponding position. A lowercase letter is used % to typeset a double bond at a lower-side of an outer skeletal bond, % while an uppercase letter typesets a double bond at a upper-side of % an outer skeletal bond. % (Note that the option `A' represents an aromatic circle in % commands |\sixheterov| etc. ) % % \begin{verbatim} % BONDLIST = % % [] or none : no double bond % a : 1,2-double bond % A : 1,2-double bond in an opposite side % \end{verbatim} % % The |ATOMLIST| argument contains one or more heteroatom descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each heteroatom % descriptor consists of a locant number and a heteroatom, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % % \begin{verbatim} % % ATOMLIST: list of heteroatoms (max 2 atoms) % % for n = 1 and 2 % % n==? : Hetero atom, e.g. N, O, etc. at n-position, % e.g. 1==N for N at 1-position % \end{verbatim} % % The |SUBSLIST| argument contains one or more substitution descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each substitution % descriptor has a locant number with a bond modifier and a substituent, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % \begin{verbatim} % % SUBSLIST: list of substituents % % for n = 1 and 2 % % nD : exocyclic double bond at n-atom % n or nS : exocyclic single bond at n-atom % nA : alpha single bond at n-atom % nB : beta single bond at n-atom % nSA : alpha single bond at n-atom (boldface) % nSB : beta single bond at n-atom (dotted line) % nSa : alpha (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nSb : beta (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nW : terminal single bond (n=1 or 2) % % \end{verbatim} % % Several examples are shown as follows. % \begin{verbatim} % e.g. % % \dimethylene{1==N}{1==Cl;2==F} % \dimethylene[a]{1==N}{1==Cl;4==F;2==CH$_{3}$} % \end{verbatim} % % The definition of |\dimethylene| uses a picture environment and % consists of the following unit processes: % \begin{enumerate} % \item adjusting substitution site by % |\yldimethyleneposition| % \item treating atom list, % placing outer skeletons, inner double bonds, % setting hetero atoms, and % placing substituents by |\@@dimethylene|. % \end{enumerate} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\dimethylene{% \@ifnextchar[{\@dimethylene[@}{\@dimethylene[]}} \def\@dimethylene[#1]#2#3{% \iniflag\iniatom% \@reset@ylsw% \reset@interchainsw% \yldimethyleneposition{#2}{#3}{0}{0}% \if@ylsw \yl@shiftii=\@ylii \yl@shifti=\@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\yl@xdiff \advance\yl@shifti\yl@ydiff \begin{picture}(0,0)(-\yl@shiftii,-\yl@shifti) \reset@yl@xydiff%1999/1/6 by S. Fujita \else \begin{picture}(250,480)(-50,-180) \iforigpt \put(-50,-180){\circle*{50}}% \put(0,0){\circle{50}}% \typeout{command `dimethylene' origin: % (0,0) ---> (50,180)}\fi% \fi \reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member a\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member A\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else \expandafter\twoCH@@R\member//% \set@fusion@dimeth \fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWafalse \@wrongbdWdfalse \put(0,0){\@@dimethylene{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}% \end{picture}}% end of \dimethylene % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % The inner command |\set@fusion@dimeth| is used for typesetting % a fused ring at each bond represented by |\@@tmpa|. Warnings % concerning mismatched ring-fusions are based on the command % |\FuseWarning|. % % \begin{macro}{\set@fusion@dimeth} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/21}{New command: \cs{set@fusion@dimeth}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\set@fusion@dimeth{% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % inner bond fusion % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \if\@@tmpa a\relax% \putlratom{0}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{a}% \else\if\@@tmpa A\relax% \putlratom{171}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{A}% \fi\fi }% end of the macro \set@fusion@dimeth % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Inverse direction} % % A dimethylene (or ethane) and its hetera analogs (of inverse direction) % can be typeset by the command |\dimethylenei|, which is mainly based on % two inner commands: |\yldimethyleneiposition| for adjusting a % substitution site and |\@@dimethylenei| for % placing hetero atoms, double bonds, and substituents. % % \begin{macro}{\@@dimethylenei} % \begin{verbatim} % \@@dimethylenei{ATOMLIST}{BONDLIST}{TERMswitch}{Adjust} % % % 0: all positions % 1: position bbb % 2: positions aaa % % aaa % 1 % a ` % ` % 2 % bbb % % % a positive or negative integer to adjust locant numbers % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\@@dimethylenei#1#2#3#4{% \leavevmode \iniatom\iniflag%initialize \test@vrtx@dimethy{#1}{#4}% %\test@vertix@sixv{#1}{a}{b}{@}{@}{@}{@}% \begin{picture}(250,480)(0,0) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % outer skeleton % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \put(171,0){\SKbondAi}% bond between 1 and 2 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % inner double bond % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \if@adoublebond \put(171,0){\bondAi}%upper side double bond \else\if@Adoublebond \put(171,0){\bondAAi}%lower side double bond \fi\fi% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % setting hetero atoms % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \test@termcnt=#3\relax %\set@hetatom@methyli{#1}{0}{0}{3}{0}% \set@hetatom@methyli{#1}{#4}{0}{3}{0}% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % setting substituents % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \@forsemicol\member:=#2\do{% \ifx\member\empty\else \expandafter\@m@mb@r\member;\relax% \expandafter\threech@r\@membera{}{}% \@tmpaa=\@tmpa \advance\@tmpaa by#4\relax \ifx\@memberb\@yl\else \ifcase\@tmpaa%0 omit \or \ifcase#3 \put(0,-303){\@methsubstaL}% \or\relax \or \put(0,-303){\@methsubstaL}% \fi \or \ifcase#3 {\if@bclip \@cliptrue \else \@clipfalse\fi \put(171,0){\@methsubstd}} \or {\if@bclip \@cliptrue \else \@clipfalse\fi \put(171,0){\@methsubstd}} \or\relax \fi \fi%end of ifcase \fi\fi% }% \end{picture}}% end of \@@dimethylenei % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The |\yldimethyleneiposition| is used to adjust % substitution sites. % % \begin{macro}{\yldimethyleneiposition} % \begin{verbatim} % \yldimethylenei{ATOMLIST}{BONDLIST}{TERMswitch}{Adjust} % % % 0: all positions % 1: position bbb % 2: position aaa % % aaa % 1 % a ` % ` % 2 % bbb % % % a positive or negative integer to adjust locant numbers % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{macrocode}% \def\yldimethyleneiposition#1#2#3#4{% \@forsemicol\member:=#1\do{% \ifx\member\empty\else \expandafter\@m@mb@r\member;\relax% \expandafter\twoch@r\@membera{}% \@tmpaa=\@tmpa \advance\@tmpaa by#4\relax \ifcase\@tmpaa% \or \def\aaa{\@memberb}% \or \def\bbb{\@memberb}% \fi\fi}% \@@ylswfalse%%%\@reset@ylsw \@forsemicol\member:=#2\do{\expandafter\@m@mb@r\member;\relax% \expandafter\threech@r\@membera{}{}% \@tmpaa=\@tmpa \advance\@tmpaa by#4\relax \ifx\@memberb\@yl\relax\@@ylswtrue\else\@@ylswfalse\fi \if@@ylsw \ifcase\@tmpaa%0 omit \or%%%%%%%%position 1 \ifcase#3 \ifx\aaa\empty % \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{0}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{-103}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \else \if@linterchainsw%interchain position % \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{40}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{-133}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \else%terminal position % \gdef\@ylii{40}\gdef\@yli{-24}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \gdef\@ylii{40}\gdef\@yli{-79}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \fi \fi \or\relax \or \ifx\aaa\empty % \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{0}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{-103}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \else \if@linterchainsw%interchain position % \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{40}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \gdef\@ylii{0}\gdef\@yli{-133}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \else%terminal position % \gdef\@ylii{40}\gdef\@yli{-24}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \gdef\@ylii{40}\gdef\@yli{-79}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 1 \fi \fi \fi \or%%%%%%%%position 2 \ifcase#3 \ifx\bbb\empty % \gdef\@ylii{-171}\gdef\@yli{-103}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \gdef\@ylii{-171}\gdef\@yli{0}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \else \if@rinterchainsw%interchain position % \gdef\@ylii{-171}\gdef\@yli{-133}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \gdef\@ylii{-171}\gdef\@yli{33}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \else%terminal position % \gdef\@ylii{-211}\gdef\@yli{-93}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \gdef\@ylii{-211}\gdef\@yli{-10}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \fi \fi \or \ifx\bbb\empty % \gdef\@ylii{-171}\gdef\@yli{-103}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \gdef\@ylii{-171}\gdef\@yli{0}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \else \if@rinterchainsw%interchain position % \gdef\@ylii{-171}\gdef\@yli{-133}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \gdef\@ylii{-171}\gdef\@yli{33}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \else%terminal position % \gdef\@ylii{-211}\gdef\@yli{-93}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \gdef\@ylii{-211}\gdef\@yli{-10}\global\@ylswtrue% subst. on 2 \fi \fi \or \relax \fi \fi%end of ifcase \fi}}% end of \yldimethyleneiposition % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The macro |\dimethylenei| has two arguments |ATOMLIST| and |SUBSLIST| % as well as an optional argument |BONDLIST|. % % \begin{macro}{\dimethylenei} % \begin{macro}{\@dimethylenei} % \begin{verbatim} % % aaa % 1 % a ` (or uppercase letter) % ` % 2 % bbb % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{verbatim} % \dimethylenei[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \end{verbatim} % % The |BONDLIST| argument contains one character a or A, % each of which indicates the presence of an inner (endcyclic) double % bond on the corresponding position. A lowercase letter is used % to typeset a double bond at a upper-side of an outer skeletal bond, % while an uppercase letter typesets a double bond at a lower-side of % an outer skeletal bond. % (Note that the option `A' represents an aromatic circle in % commands |\sixheterov| etc. ) % % \begin{verbatim} % BONDLIST = % % [] or none : no double bond % a : 1,2-double bond % A : 1,2-double bond in an opposite side % \end{verbatim} % % The |ATOMLIST| argument contains one or more heteroatom descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each heteroatom % descriptor consists of a locant number and a heteroatom, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % % \begin{verbatim} % % ATOMLIST: list of heteroatoms (max 2 atoms) % % for n = 1 and 2 % % n==? : Hetero atom, e.g. N, O, etc. at n-position, % e.g. 1==N for N at 1-position % \end{verbatim} % % The |SUBSLIST| argument contains one or more substitution descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each substitution % descriptor has a locant number with a bond modifier and a substituent, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % \begin{verbatim} % % SUBSLIST: list of substituents % % for n = 1 and 2 % % nD : exocyclic double bond at n-atom % n or nS : exocyclic single bond at n-atom % nA : alpha single bond at n-atom % nB : beta single bond at n-atom % nSA : alpha single bond at n-atom (boldface) % nSB : beta single bond at n-atom (dotted line) % nSa : alpha (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nSb : beta (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nW : terminal single bond (n=1 or 2) % % \end{verbatim} % % Several examples are shown as follows. % \begin{verbatim} % e.g. % % \dimethylenei{1==N}{1==Cl;2==F} % \dimethylenei[a]{1==N}{1==Cl;4==F;2==CH$_{3}$} % \end{verbatim} % % The definition of |\dimethylenei| uses a picture environment and % consists of the following unit processes: % \begin{enumerate} % \item adjusting substitution site by % |\yldimethyleneposition| % \item treating atom list, % placing outer skeletons, inner double bonds, % setting hetero atoms, and % placing substituents by |\@@dimethylene|. % \end{enumerate} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\dimethylenei{% \@ifnextchar[{\@dimethylenei[@}{\@dimethylenei[]}} \def\@dimethylenei[#1]#2#3{% \iniflag\iniatom% \@reset@ylsw% \reset@interchainsw% \yldimethyleneiposition{#2}{#3}{0}{0}% \if@ylsw \yl@shiftii=\@ylii \yl@shifti=\@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\yl@xdiff \advance\yl@shifti\yl@ydiff \begin{picture}(0,0)(-\yl@shiftii,-\yl@shifti) \reset@yl@xydiff%1999/1/6 by S. Fujita \else \begin{picture}(250,480)(-50,-180) \iforigpt \put(-50,-180){\circle*{50}}% \put(0,0){\circle{50}}% \typeout{command `dimethylene' origin: % (0,0) ---> (50,180)}\fi% \fi \reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member a\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member A\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else \expandafter\twoCH@@R\member//% \set@fusion@dimethi \fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWafalse \@wrongbdWdfalse \put(0,0){\@@dimethylenei{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}% \end{picture}}% end of \dimethylenei % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % The inner command |\set@fusion@dimethi| is used for typesetting % a fused ring at each bond represented by |\@@tmpa|. Warnings % concerning mismatched ring-fusions are based on the command % |\FuseWarning|. % % \begin{macro}{\set@fusion@dimethi} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/21}{New command: \cs{set@fusion@dimethi}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\set@fusion@dimethi{% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % inner bond fusion % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \if\@@tmpa a\relax% \putlratom{0}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{a}% \else\if\@@tmpa A\relax% \putlratom{171}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{A}% \fi\fi }% end of the macro \set@fusion@dimethi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \section{Tetramethylenes} % \subsection{Normal direction} % % The macro |\tetramethylene| has two arguments |ATOMLIST| and |SUBSLIST| % as well as an optional argument |BONDLIST|. % % \begin{macro}{\tetramethylene} % \begin{macro}{\@tetramethylene} % % \begin{verbatim} % % bbb ddd % 2 4 % a / ` b / c (or uppercase letters) % / ` / % 1 3 % aaa ccc % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{verbatim} % \tetramethylene[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \end{verbatim} % % The |BONDLIST| argument contains one character selected from % a to c (or A to C), % each of which indicates the presence of an inner (endcyclic) double % bond on the corresponding position. A lowercase letter is used % to typeset a double bond at a lower-side of an outer skeletal bond, % while an uppercase letter typesets a double bond at a upper-side of % an outer skeletal bond. % (Note that the option `A' represents an aromatic circle in % commands |\sixheterov| etc.) % % \begin{verbatim} % BONDLIST = % % [] or none : no double bond % a : 1,2-double bond % A : 1,2-double bond in an opposite side % b : 2,3-double bond % B : 2,3-double bond in an opposite side % c : 3,4-double bond % C : 3,4-double bond in an opposite side % \end{verbatim} % % The |ATOMLIST| argument contains one or more heteroatom descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each heteroatom % descriptor consists of a locant number and a heteroatom, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % % \begin{verbatim} % % ATOMLIST: list of heteroatoms (max 4 atoms) % % for n = 1 to 4 % % n==? : Hetero atom, e.g. N, O, etc. at n-position, % e.g. 1==N for N at 1-position % \end{verbatim} % % The |SUBSLIST| argument contains one or more substitution descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each substitution % descriptor has a locant number with a bond modifier and a substituent, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % \begin{verbatim} % % SUBSLIST: list of substituents % % for n = 1 to 4 % % nD : exocyclic double bond at n-atom % n or nS : exocyclic single bond at n-atom % nA : alpha single bond at n-atom % nB : beta single bond at n-atom % nSA : alpha single bond at n-atom (boldface) % nSB : beta single bond at n-atom (dotted line) % nSa : alpha (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nSb : beta (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nW : terminal single bond (n=1 or 4) % % \end{verbatim} % % Several examples are shown as follows. % \begin{verbatim} % e.g. % % \tetramethylene{1==N}{1==Cl;2==F} % \tetramethylene[b]{1==N}{1==Cl;4==F;2==CH$_{3}$} % \end{verbatim} % % The definition of |\tetramethylene| uses a picture environment and % is based on |\@@trimethylene| and |\@@dimethylene|, each of which % is consist of the following unit processes: % \begin{enumerate} % \item adjusting substitution site by % |\yltrimethyleneposition| or % |\yldimethyleneposition| % \item treating atom list, % placing outer skeletons, inner double bonds, % setting hetero atoms, and % placing substituents by |\@@trimethylene|or |\@@dimethylene|. % \end{enumerate} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\tetramethylene{% \@ifnextchar[{\@tetramethylene[@}{\@tetramethylene[]}} \def\@tetramethylene[#1]#2#3{% \iniflag\iniatom% \@reset@ylsw% {\@linterchainswfalse% \@rinterchainswtrue% \yltrimethyleneposition{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}% \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{0}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswfalse% \@linterchainswtrue% \yldimethyleneposition{#2}{#3}{1}{-2}}% \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-342}\def\@@yli{0}\fi\fi \fi \if@ylsw \yl@shiftii=\@ylii \yl@shifti=\@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\@@ylii \advance\yl@shifti\@@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\yl@xdiff \advance\yl@shifti\yl@ydiff \begin{picture}(0,0)(-\yl@shiftii,-\yl@shifti) \reset@yl@xydiff%1999/1/6 by S. Fujita \else \begin{picture}(900,480)(-200,-180) \iforigpt \put(-200,-180){\circle*{50}}% \put(0,0){\circle{50}}% \typeout{command `tetramethylene' origin: % (0,0) ---> (200,180)}\fi% \fi {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member a\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member b\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member A\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member B\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member c\relax%dummy \else\if\member C\relax%dummy \else \expandafter\twoCH@@R\member//% \set@fusion@tetrameth \fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(0,0){\@@trimethylene{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}}% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member c\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member C\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWafalse \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(342,0){\@@dimethylene{#2}{#3}{1}{-2}}}% \end{picture}}% end of \tetramethylene % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % The inner command |\set@fusion@tetrameth| is used for typesetting % a fused ring at each bond represented by |\@@tmpa|. Warnings % concerning mismatched ring-fusions are based on the command % |\FuseWarning|. % % \begin{macro}{\set@fusion@tetrameth} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/21}{New command: \cs{set@fusion@tetrameth}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\set@fusion@tetrameth{% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % inner bond fusion % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \if\@@tmpa a\relax% \putlratom{0}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{a}% \else\if\@@tmpa A\relax% \putlratom{171}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{A}% \else\if\@@tmpa b\relax% \putlratom{171}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{b}% \else\if\@@tmpa B\relax% \putlratom{342}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{B}% \else\if\@@tmpa c\relax% \putlratom{342}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{c}% \else\if\@@tmpa C\relax% \putlratom{513}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{C}% \fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi }% end of the macro \set@fusion@tetrameth % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Inverse direction} % % The macro |\tetramethylenei| has two arguments |ATOMLIST| and |SUBSLIST| % as well as an optional argument |BONDLIST|. % % \begin{macro}{\tetramethylenei} % \begin{macro}{\@tetramethylenei} % % \begin{verbatim} % % aaa ccc % 1 3 % a ` b / ` c (or uppercase letters) % ` / ` % 2 4 % bbb ddd % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{verbatim} % \tetramethylenei[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \end{verbatim} % % The |BONDLIST| argument contains one character selected from % a to c (or A to C), % each of which indicates the presence of an inner (endcyclic) double % bond on the corresponding position. A lowercase letter is used % to typeset a double bond at a lower-side of an outer skeletal bond, % while an uppercase letter typesets a double bond at a upper-side of % an outer skeletal bond. % (Note that the option `A' represents an aromatic circle in % commands |\sixheterov| etc.) % % \begin{verbatim} % BONDLIST = % % [] or none : no double bond % a : 1,2-double bond % A : 1,2-double bond in an opposite side % b : 2,3-double bond % B : 2,3-double bond in an opposite side % c : 3,4-double bond % C : 3,4-double bond in an opposite side % \end{verbatim} % % The |ATOMLIST| argument contains one or more heteroatom descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each heteroatom % descriptor consists of a locant number and a heteroatom, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % % \begin{verbatim} % % ATOMLIST: list of heteroatoms (max 4 atoms) % % for n = 1 to 4 % % n==? : Hetero atom, e.g. N, O, etc. at n-position, % e.g. 1==N for N at 1-position % \end{verbatim} % % The |SUBSLIST| argument contains one or more substitution descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each substitution % descriptor has a locant number with a bond modifier and a substituent, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % \begin{verbatim} % % SUBSLIST: list of substituents % % for n = 1 to 4 % % nD : exocyclic double bond at n-atom % n or nS : exocyclic single bond at n-atom % nA : alpha single bond at n-atom % nB : beta single bond at n-atom % nSA : alpha single bond at n-atom (boldface) % nSB : beta single bond at n-atom (dotted line) % nSa : alpha (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nSb : beta (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nW : terminal single bond (n=1 or 4) % % \end{verbatim} % % Several examples are shown as follows. % \begin{verbatim} % e.g. % % \tetramethylenei{1==N}{1==Cl;2==F} % \tetramethylenei[b]{1==N}{1==Cl;4==F;2==CH$_{3}$} % \end{verbatim} % % The definition of |\tetramethylenei| uses a picture environment and % is based on |\@@trimethylenei| and |\@@dimethylenei|, each of which % is consist of the following unit processes: % \begin{enumerate} % \item adjusting substitution site by % |\yltrimethylenieposition| or % |\yldimethyleneiposition| % \item treating atom list, % placing outer skeletons, inner double bonds, % setting hetero atoms, and % placing substituents by |\@@trimethylenei| or |\@@dimethylenei|. % \end{enumerate} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\tetramethylenei{% \@ifnextchar[{\@tetramethylenei[@}{\@tetramethylenei[]}} \def\@tetramethylenei[#1]#2#3{% \iniflag\iniatom% \@reset@ylsw% {\@linterchainswfalse% \@rinterchainswtrue% \yltrimethyleneiposition{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}% \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{0}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswfalse% \@linterchainswtrue% \yldimethyleneiposition{#2}{#3}{1}{-2}}% \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-342}\def\@@yli{0}\fi\fi \fi \if@ylsw \yl@shiftii=\@ylii \yl@shifti=\@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\@@ylii \advance\yl@shifti\@@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\yl@xdiff \advance\yl@shifti\yl@ydiff \begin{picture}(0,0)(-\yl@shiftii,-\yl@shifti) \reset@yl@xydiff%1999/1/6 by S. Fujita \else \begin{picture}(900,480)(-200,-180) \iforigpt \put(-200,-180){\circle*{50}}% \put(0,0){\circle{50}}% \typeout{command `tetramethylene' origin: % (0,0) ---> (200,180)}\fi% \fi {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member a\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member b\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member A\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member B\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member c\relax%dummy \else\if\member C\relax%dummy \else \expandafter\twoCH@@R\member//% \set@fusion@tetramethi \fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(0,0){\@@trimethylenei{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}} {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member c\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member C\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdfalse \put(342,0){\@@dimethylenei{#2}{#3}{1}{-2}}} \end{picture}}%end of \tetramethylenei % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % The inner command |\set@fusion@tetramethi| is used for typesetting % a fused ring at each bond represented by |\@@tmpa|. Warnings % concerning mismatched ring-fusions are based on the command % |\FuseWarning|. % % \begin{macro}{\set@fusion@tetramethi} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/21}{New command: \cs{set@fusion@tetramethi}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\set@fusion@tetramethi{% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % inner bond fusion % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \if\@@tmpa a\relax% \putlratom{0}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{a}% \else\if\@@tmpa A\relax% \putlratom{171}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{A}% \else\if\@@tmpa b\relax% \putlratom{171}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{b}% \else\if\@@tmpa B\relax% \putlratom{342}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{B}% \else\if\@@tmpa c\relax% \putlratom{342}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{c}% \else\if\@@tmpa C\relax% \putlratom{513}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{C}% \fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi }% end of the macro \set@fusion@tetramethi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Cisoid types} % % The macros |\tetramethylenecup| and |\tetramethylenecap| are % used to draw tetramethylenes of cisoid types. % % \begin{verbatim} % Cup: % aaa ddd % 1 4 % ` / % a ` / c (or uppercase letters) % 2------3 % bbb b ccc % % Cap: % bbb b ccc % 2------3 % a / ` c (or uppercase letters) % / ` % 1 4 % aaa ddd % \end{verbatim} % % The macros have two arguments |ATOMLIST| and |SUBSLIST| % as well as an optional argument |BONDLIST|. % \begin{verbatim} % \tetramethylenecup[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \tetramethylenecap[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \end{verbatim} % % The |BONDLIST| argument contains one character selected from % a to c (or A to C), % each of which indicates the presence of an inner (endcyclic) double % bond on the corresponding position. A lowercase letter is used % to typeset a double bond at a lower-side of an outer skeletal bond, % while an uppercase letter typesets a double bond at a upper-side of % an outer skeletal bond. % (Note that the option `A' represents an aromatic circle in % commands |\sixheterov| etc.) % % \begin{verbatim} % BONDLIST = % % [] or none : no double bond % a : 1,2-double bond % A : 1,2-double bond in an opposite side % b : 2,3-double bond % B : 2,3-double bond in an opposite side % c : 3,4-double bond % C : 3,4-double bond in an opposite side % \end{verbatim} % % The |ATOMLIST| argument contains one or more heteroatom descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each heteroatom % descriptor consists of a locant number and a heteroatom, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % % \begin{verbatim} % % ATOMLIST: list of heteroatoms (max 4 atoms) % % for n = 1 to 4 % % n==? : Hetero atom, e.g. N, O, etc. at n-position, % e.g. 1==N for N at 1-position % \end{verbatim} % % The |SUBSLIST| argument contains one or more substitution descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each substitution % descriptor has a locant number with a bond modifier and a substituent, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % \begin{verbatim} % % SUBSLIST: list of substituents % % for n = 1 to 4 % % nD : exocyclic double bond at n-atom % n or nS : exocyclic single bond at n-atom % nA : alpha single bond at n-atom % nB : beta single bond at n-atom % nSA : alpha single bond at n-atom (boldface) % nSB : beta single bond at n-atom (dotted line) % nSa : alpha (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nSb : beta (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nW : terminal single bond (n=1 or 4) % % \end{verbatim} % % Several examples are shown as follows. % \begin{verbatim} % e.g. % % \tetramethylenecup{1==N}{1==Cl;2==F} % \tetramethylenecap[b]{1==N}{1==Cl;4==F;2==CH$_{3}$} % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{macro}{\tetramethylenecup} % \begin{macro}{\@tetramethylenecup} % \begin{macrocode} \def\tetramethylenecup{% \@ifnextchar[{\@tetramethylenecup[@}{\@tetramethylenecup[]}} \def\@tetramethylenecup[#1]#2#3{% \iniflag\iniatom% \@reset@ylsw% {\@linterchainswfalse% \@rinterchainswtrue% \yldimethyleneiposition{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}% \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{0}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswfalse% \@linterchainswtrue% \yldimethyleneposition{#2}{#3}{0}{-2}}% \fi \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-371}\def\@@yli{0}\fi\fi \if@ylsw \yl@shiftii=\@ylii \yl@shifti=\@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\@@ylii \advance\yl@shifti\@@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\yl@xdiff \advance\yl@shifti\yl@ydiff \begin{picture}(0,0)(-\yl@shiftii,-\yl@shifti) \reset@yl@xydiff \else \begin{picture}(900,480)(-200,-180) \iforigpt \put(-200,-180){\circle*{50}}% \put(0,0){\circle{50}}% \typeout{command `tetramethylenecup' origin: % (0,0) ---> (200,180)}\fi% \fi% %bond a and atoms 1 and 2 {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member a\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member A\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member b\relax%dummy \else\if\member B\relax%dummy \else\if\member c\relax%dummy \else\if\member C\relax%dummy \else \expandafter\twoCH@@R\member//% \set@fusion@tetracup% for all bonds \fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWafalse \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(0,0){\@@dimethylenei{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}}% %bond b {\@forsemicol\member:=#2\do{% \ifx\member\empty\else \expandafter\@m@mb@r\member;\relax% \expandafter\twoch@r\@membera{}% \ifcase\@tmpa% \or \relax% \or \if\@tmpb s\relax\else\if\@tmpb h\relax \xdef\fff{@}\xdef\bbb{@}\else \xdef\fff{@}\xdef\bbb{@}\fi\fi \or \if\@tmpb s\relax\else\if\@tmpb h\relax \xdef\eee{@}\xdef\ccc{@}\else \xdef\eee{@}\xdef\ccc{@}\fi\fi \fi\fi}% \put(68,171){\hskbonde}% \reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member b\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \put(68,171){\hbonde}% \else\if\member B\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \put(68,-171){\hbondb}% \fi\fi}}% %bond c and atoms 3 and 4 {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member c\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member C\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member d\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member D\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWafalse \@wrongbdWdLtrue \put(371,0){\@@dimethylene{#2}{#3}{0}{-2}}}% \end{picture}}% end of \tetramethylenecup % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % The inner command |\set@fusion@tetracup| is used for typesetting % a fused ring at each bond represented by |\@@tmpa|. Warnings % concerning mismatched ring-fusions are based on the command % |\FuseWarning|. % % \begin{macro}{\set@fusion@tetracup} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/21}{New command: \cs{set@fusion@tetracup}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\set@fusion@tetracup{% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % inner bond fusion % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \if\@@tmpa a\relax% \putlratom{0}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{a}% \else\if\@@tmpa A\relax% \putlratom{171}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{A}% \else\if\@@tmpa b\relax% \putlratom{171}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-200}{0}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{b}% \else\if\@@tmpa B\relax% \putlratom{371}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{200}{0}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{B}% \else\if\@@tmpa c\relax% \putlratom{371}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{c}% \else\if\@@tmpa C\relax% \putlratom{542}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{C}% \fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi }% end of the macro \set@fusion@tetracup % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\tetramethylenecap} % \begin{macro}{\@tetramethylenecap} % \begin{macrocode} \def\tetramethylenecap{% \@ifnextchar[{\@tetramethylenecap[@}{\@tetramethylenecap[]}} \def\@tetramethylenecap[#1]#2#3{% \iniflag\iniatom% \@reset@ylsw% {\@linterchainswfalse% \@rinterchainswtrue% \yldimethyleneposition{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}% \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{0}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswfalse% \@linterchainswtrue% \yldimethyleneiposition{#2}{#3}{0}{-2}}% \fi \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-371}\def\@@yli{0}\fi\fi \if@ylsw \yl@shiftii=\@ylii \yl@shifti=\@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\@@ylii \advance\yl@shifti\@@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\yl@xdiff \advance\yl@shifti\yl@ydiff \begin{picture}(0,0)(-\yl@shiftii,-\yl@shifti) \reset@yl@xydiff%1999/1/6 by S. Fujita \else \begin{picture}(900,480)(-200,-180) \iforigpt \put(-200,-180){\circle*{50}}% \put(0,0){\circle{50}}% \typeout{command `tetramethylenecap' origin: % (0,0) ---> (50,180)}\fi% \fi% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member a\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member A\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member b\relax%dummy \else\if\member B\relax%dummy \else\if\member c\relax%dummy \else\if\member C\relax%dummy \else \expandafter\twoCH@@R\member//% \set@fusion@tetracap% for all bonds \fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \put(0,0){\@@dimethylene{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}}% {\@forsemicol\member:=#2\do{% \ifx\member\empty\else \expandafter\@m@mb@r\member;\relax% \expandafter\twoch@r\@membera{}% \ifcase\@tmpa% \or \relax% \or \if\@tmpb s\relax\else\if\@tmpb h\relax \xdef\fff{@}\xdef\bbb{@}\else \xdef\fff{@}\xdef\bbb{@}\fi\fi \or \if\@tmpb s\relax\else\if\@tmpb h\relax \xdef\eee{@}\xdef\ccc{@}\else \xdef\eee{@}\xdef\ccc{@}\fi\fi \fi\fi}% \put(68,-68){\hskbondb}% \reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member b\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \put(68,-68){\hbondb}% \else\if\member B\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \put(68,274){\hbonde}% \fi\fi}}% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member c\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member C\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member d\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member D\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWaLtrue \put(371,0){\@@dimethylenei{#2}{#3}{0}{-2}}}% \end{picture}}% end of \tetramethylenecap % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % The inner command |\set@fusion@tetracap| is used for typesetting % a fused ring at each bond represented by |\@@tmpa|. Warnings % concerning mismatched ring-fusions are based on the command % |\FuseWarning|. % % \begin{macro}{\set@fusion@tetracap} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/21}{New command: \cs{set@fusion@tetracap}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\set@fusion@tetracap{% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % inner bond fusion % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \if\@@tmpa a\relax% \putlratom{0}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{a}% \else\if\@@tmpa A\relax% \putlratom{171}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{A}% \else\if\@@tmpa b\relax% \putlratom{171}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-200}{0}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{b}% \else\if\@@tmpa B\relax% \putlratom{371}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{200}{0}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{B}% \else\if\@@tmpa c\relax% \putlratom{371}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{c}% \else\if\@@tmpa C\relax% \putlratom{542}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{C}% \fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi }% end of the macro \set@fusion@tetracap % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \section{Pentamethylene} % \subsection{Normal direction} % % The macro |\pentamethylene| has two arguments |ATOMLIST| and |SUBSLIST| % as well as an optional argument |BONDLIST|. % % \begin{macro}{\pentamethylene} % \begin{macro}{\@pentamethylene} % % \begin{verbatim} % % bbb ddd % 2 4 % a / ` b / c` d (or uppercase letters) % / ` / ` % 1 3 5 % aaa ccc % \end{verbatim} % % % \begin{verbatim} % \pentamethylene[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \end{verbatim} % % The |BONDLIST| argument contains one character selected from % a to d (or A to D), % each of which indicates the presence of an inner (endcyclic) double % bond on the corresponding position. A lowercase letter is used % to typeset a double bond at a lower-side of an outer skeletal bond, % while an uppercase letter typesets a double bond at a upper-side of % an outer skeletal bond. % (Note that the option `A' represents an aromatic circle in % commands |\sixheterov| etc.) % % \begin{verbatim} % BONDLIST = % % [] or none : no double bond % a : 1,2-double bond % A : 1,2-double bond in an opposite side % b : 2,3-double bond % B : 2,3-double bond in an opposite side % c : 3,4-double bond % C : 3,4-double bond in an opposite side % d : 4,5-double bond % D : 4,5-double bond in an opposite side % \end{verbatim} % % The |ATOMLIST| argument contains one or more heteroatom descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each heteroatom % descriptor consists of a locant number and a heteroatom, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % % \begin{verbatim} % % ATOMLIST: list of heteroatoms (max 5 atoms) % % for n = 1 to 5 % % n==? : Hetero atom, e.g. N, O, etc. at n-position, % e.g. 1==N for N at 1-position % \end{verbatim} % % The |SUBSLIST| argument contains one or more substitution descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each substitution % descriptor has a locant number with a bond modifier and a substituent, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % \begin{verbatim} % % SUBSLIST: list of substituents % % for n = 1 to 5 % % nD : exocyclic double bond at n-atom % n or nS : exocyclic single bond at n-atom % nA : alpha single bond at n-atom % nB : beta single bond at n-atom % nSA : alpha single bond at n-atom (boldface) % nSB : beta single bond at n-atom (dotted line) % nSa : alpha (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nSb : beta (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nW : terminal single bond (n=1 or 5) % % \end{verbatim} % % Several examples are shown as follows. % \begin{verbatim} % e.g. % % \pentamethylene{1==N}{1==Cl;2==F} % \pentamethylene[b]{1==N}{1==Cl;4==F;2==CH$_{3}$} % \end{verbatim} % % The definition of |\pentamethylene| uses a picture environment and % is based on two |\@@trimethylene| commands, each of which % is consist of the following unit processes: % \begin{enumerate} % \item adjusting substitution site by % |\yltrimethyleneposition| % \item treating atom list, % placing outer skeletons, inner double bonds, % setting hetero atoms, and % placing substituents by |\@@trimethylene|. % \end{enumerate} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\pentamethylene{% \@ifnextchar[{\@pentamethylene[@}{\@pentamethylene[]}} \def\@pentamethylene[#1]#2#3{% \iniflag\iniatom% \@reset@ylsw% {\@linterchainswfalse% \@rinterchainswtrue% \yltrimethyleneposition{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}% \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{0}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswfalse% \@linterchainswtrue% \yltrimethyleneposition{#2}{#3}{1}{-2}}% \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-342}\def\@@yli{0}\fi\fi \fi \if@ylsw \yl@shiftii=\@ylii \yl@shifti=\@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\@@ylii \advance\yl@shifti\@@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\yl@xdiff \advance\yl@shifti\yl@ydiff \begin{picture}(0,0)(-\yl@shiftii,-\yl@shifti) \reset@yl@xydiff%1999/1/6 by S. Fujita \else \begin{picture}(1100,480)(-200,-180) \iforigpt \put(-200,-180){\circle*{50}}% \put(0,0){\circle{50}}% \typeout{command `pentamethylene' origin: % (0,0) ---> (200,180)}\fi% \fi% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member a\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member b\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member A\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member B\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member c\relax%dummy \else\if\member C\relax%dummy \else\if\member d\relax%dummy \else\if\member D\relax%dummy \else \expandafter\twoCH@@R\member//% \set@fusion@pentameth% for all bonds \fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(0,0){\@@trimethylene{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}}% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member c\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member d\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member C\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member D\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdfalse \put(342,0){\@@trimethylene{#2}{#3}{1}{-2}}}% \end{picture}}% end of \pentamethylene % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % The inner command |\set@fusion@pentameth| is used for typesetting % a fused ring at each bond represented by |\@@tmpa|. Warnings % concerning mismatched ring-fusions are based on the command % |\FuseWarning|. % % \begin{macro}{\set@fusion@pentameth} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/21}{New command: \cs{set@fusion@pentameth}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\set@fusion@pentameth{% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % inner bond fusion % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \if\@@tmpa a\relax% \putlratom{0}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{a}% \else\if\@@tmpa A\relax% \putlratom{171}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{A}% \else\if\@@tmpa b\relax% \putlratom{171}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{b}% \else\if\@@tmpa B\relax% \putlratom{342}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{B}% \else\if\@@tmpa c\relax% \putlratom{342}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{c}% \else\if\@@tmpa C\relax% \putlratom{513}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{C}% \else\if\@@tmpa d\relax% \putlratom{513}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{d}% \else\if\@@tmpa D\relax% \putlratom{684}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{D}% \fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi }% end of the macro \set@fusion@pentameth % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Inverse direction} % % The macro |\pentamethylenei| has two arguments |ATOMLIST| and |SUBSLIST| % as well as an optional argument |BONDLIST|. % % \begin{macro}{\pentamethylenei} % \begin{macro}{\@pentamethylenei} % % \begin{verbatim} % % (aaa) % aaa ccc eee (ccc) % 1 3 5 % a ` b / ` c / d % ` / ` / % 2 4 % bbb ddd (bbb) % \end{verbatim} % % \begin{verbatim} % \pentamethylenei[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \end{verbatim} % % The |BONDLIST| argument contains one character selected from % a to d (or A to D), % each of which indicates the presence of an inner (endcyclic) double % bond on the corresponding position. A lowercase letter is used % to typeset a double bond at the upper-side of an outer skeletal bond, % while an uppercase letter typesets a double bond at the lower-side of % an outer skeletal bond. % (Note that the option `A' represents an aromatic circle in % commands |\sixheterov| etc.) % % \begin{verbatim} % BONDLIST = % % [] or none : no double bond % a : 1,2-double bond % A : 1,2-double bond in an opposite side % b : 2,3-double bond % B : 2,3-double bond in an opposite side % c : 3,4-double bond % C : 3,4-double bond in an opposite side % d : 4,5-double bond % D : 4,5-double bond in an opposite side % \end{verbatim} % % The |ATOMLIST| argument contains one or more heteroatom descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each heteroatom % descriptor consists of a locant number and a heteroatom, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % % \begin{verbatim} % % ATOMLIST: list of heteroatoms (max 5 atoms) % % for n = 1 to 5 % % n==? : Hetero atom, e.g. N, O, etc. at n-position, % e.g. 1==N for N at 1-position % \end{verbatim} % % The |SUBSLIST| argument contains one or more substitution descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each substitution % descriptor has a locant number with a bond modifier and a substituent, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % \begin{verbatim} % % SUBSLIST: list of substituents % % for n = 1 to 5 % % nD : exocyclic double bond at n-atom % n or nS : exocyclic single bond at n-atom % nA : alpha single bond at n-atom % nB : beta single bond at n-atom % nSA : alpha single bond at n-atom (boldface) % nSB : beta single bond at n-atom (dotted line) % nSa : alpha (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nSb : beta (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nW : terminal single bond (n=1 or 5) % % \end{verbatim} % % Several examples are shown as follows. % \begin{verbatim} % e.g. % % \pentamethylenei{1==N}{1==Cl;2==F} % \pentamethylenei[b]{1==N}{1==Cl;4==F;2==CH$_{3}$} % \end{verbatim} % % The definition of |\pentamethylenei| uses a picture environment and % is based on two |\@@trimethylenei| commands, each of which % is consist of the following unit processes: % \begin{enumerate} % \item adjusting substitution site by % |\yltrimethyleneiposition| % \item treating atom list, % placing outer skeletons, inner double bonds, % setting hetero atoms, and % placing substituents by |\@@trimethylenei|. % \end{enumerate} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\pentamethylenei{% \@ifnextchar[{\@pentamethylenei[@}{\@pentamethylenei[]}} \def\@pentamethylenei[#1]#2#3{% \iniflag\iniatom% \@reset@ylsw% {\@linterchainswfalse% \@rinterchainswtrue% \yltrimethyleneiposition{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}% \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{0}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswfalse% \@linterchainswtrue% \yltrimethyleneiposition{#2}{#3}{1}{-2}}% \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-342}\def\@@yli{0}\fi\fi \fi \if@ylsw \yl@shiftii=\@ylii \yl@shifti=\@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\@@ylii \advance\yl@shifti\@@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\yl@xdiff \advance\yl@shifti\yl@ydiff \begin{picture}(0,0)(-\yl@shiftii,-\yl@shifti) \reset@yl@xydiff%1999/1/6 by S. Fujita \else \begin{picture}(1100,480)(-200,-180) \iforigpt \put(-200,-180){\circle*{50}}% \put(0,0){\circle{50}}% \typeout{command `pentamethylene' origin: % (0,0) ---> (200,180)}\fi% \fi% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member a\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member b\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member A\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member B\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member c\relax%dummy \else\if\member C\relax%dummy \else\if\member d\relax%dummy \else\if\member D\relax%dummy \else \expandafter\twoCH@@R\member//% \set@fusion@pentamethi% for all bonds \fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(0,0){\@@trimethylenei{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}}% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member c\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member d\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member C\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member D\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWafalse \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(342,0){\@@trimethylenei{#2}{#3}{1}{-2}}} \end{picture}}% end of \pentamethylenei % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % The inner command |\set@fusion@pentamethi| is used for typesetting % a fused ring at each bond represented by |\@@tmpa|. Warnings % concerning mismatched ring-fusions are based on the command % |\FuseWarning|. % % \begin{macro}{\set@fusion@pentamethi} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/21}{New command: \cs{set@fusion@pentamethi}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\set@fusion@pentamethi{% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % inner bond fusion % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \if\@@tmpa a\relax% \putlratom{0}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{a}% \else\if\@@tmpa A\relax% \putlratom{171}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{A}% \else\if\@@tmpa b\relax% \putlratom{171}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{b}% \else\if\@@tmpa B\relax% \putlratom{342}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{B}% \else\if\@@tmpa c\relax% \putlratom{342}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{c}% \else\if\@@tmpa C\relax% \putlratom{513}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{C}% \else\if\@@tmpa d\relax% \putlratom{513}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{d}% \else\if\@@tmpa D\relax% \putlratom{684}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{D}% \fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi }% end of the macro \set@fusion@pentamethi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \section{Switches for Selecting Normal and Inverse Directions} % % The switch |\@normorinvsw| is used to select normal or % inverse direction in the definition of commands for drawing % hexametylenes and higher homologs. The value of this switch is % false for normal direction and true for inverse direction. % % \begin{macro}{\if@normorinvsw} % \begin{macrocode} \newif\if@normorinvsw \@normorinvswfalse % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The macro |\set@normaldirection| assigns active commands to % temporary commands in the definition of a command for drawing % hexametylenes or higher homologs of normal direction. % \begin{macro}{\set@normaldirection} % \begin{macrocode} \def\set@normaldirection{% \@normorinvswfalse \let\@yltrinormorinv=\yltrimethyleneposition \let\@yldinormorinv=\yldimethyleneposition \let\@@trinormorinv=\@@trimethylene \let\@@dinormorinv=\@@dimethylene} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The macro |\set@inversedirection| assigns active commands to % temporary commands in the definition of a command for drawing % hexametylenes or higher homologs of inverse direction. % \begin{macro}{\set@inversedirection} % \begin{macrocode} \def\set@inversedirection{% \@normorinvswtrue \let\@yltrinormorinv=\yltrimethyleneiposition \let\@yldinormorinv=\yldimethyleneiposition \let\@@trinormorinv=\@@trimethylenei \let\@@dinormorinv=\@@dimethylenei} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \section{Hexamethylenes of normal and inverse direction} % % Hexamethylene and hetera derivatives are typeset with the commands % |\hexamethylene| and |\hexamethylenei|. The former macro % is to draw hexamethylenes of normal direction, while the latter % is to draw ones of inverse directions. % % \begin{verbatim} % Normal direction: % % (bbb) ((bbb)) % bbb ddd fff % 2 4 6 % a / ` b / c` d / e % / ` / ` / % 1 3 5 % aaa ccc eee % (aaa) (ccc) % ((aaa)) % % Inverse direction: % % (aaa) % aaa ccc eee (ccc) ((aaa)) % 1 3 5 % a ` b / ` c / d ` e % ` / ` / ` % 2 4 6 % bbb ddd (bbb) fff((bbb)) % \end{verbatim} % % The macros have two arguments |ATOMLIST| and |SUBSLIST| % as well as an optional argument |BONDLIST|. % % \begin{verbatim} % \hexamethylene[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \hexamethylenei[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \end{verbatim} % % The |BONDLIST| argument contains one character selected from % a to e (or A to E), % each of which indicates the presence of an inner (endcyclic) double % bond on the corresponding position. A lowercase letter is used % to typeset a double bond at the upper-side of an outer skeletal bond, % while an uppercase letter typesets a double bond at the lower-side of % an outer skeletal bond. % (Note that the option `A' represents an aromatic circle in % commands |\sixheterov| etc.) % % \begin{verbatim} % BONDLIST = % % [] or none : no double bond % a : 1,2-double bond % A : 1,2-double bond in an opposite side % b : 2,3-double bond % B : 2,3-double bond in an opposite side % c : 3,4-double bond % C : 3,4-double bond in an opposite side % d : 4,5-double bond % D : 4,5-double bond in an opposite side % e : 5,6-double bond % E : 5,6-double bond in an opposite side % \end{verbatim} % % The |ATOMLIST| argument contains one or more heteroatom descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each heteroatom % descriptor consists of a locant number and a heteroatom, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % % \begin{verbatim} % % ATOMLIST: list of heteroatoms (max 6 atoms) % % for n = 1 to 6 % % n==? : Hetero atom, e.g. N, O, etc. at n-position, % e.g. 1==N for N at 1-position % \end{verbatim} % % The |SUBSLIST| argument contains one or more substitution descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each substitution % descriptor has a locant number with a bond modifier and a substituent, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % \begin{verbatim} % % SUBSLIST: list of substituents % % for n = 1 to 6 % % nD : exocyclic double bond at n-atom % n or nS : exocyclic single bond at n-atom % nA : alpha single bond at n-atom % nB : beta single bond at n-atom % nSA : alpha single bond at n-atom (boldface) % nSB : beta single bond at n-atom (dotted line) % nSa : alpha (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nSb : beta (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nW : terminal single bond (n=1 or 6) % % \end{verbatim} % % Several examples are shown as follows. % \begin{verbatim} % e.g. % % \hexamethylene{1==N}{1==Cl;2==F} % \hexamethylenei[b]{1==N}{1==Cl;4==F;2==CH$_{3}$} % \end{verbatim} % % The macros |\hexamethylene| and |\hexamethylenei| are % based on a common inner macro |\@hexamethylene|, % the definition of which uses a picture environment. % % \begin{macro}{\hexamethylene} % \begin{macrocode} \def\hexamethylene{% \@ifnextchar[{\set@normaldirection\@hexamethylene[@}{% \set@normaldirection\@hexamethylene[]}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\hexamethylenei} % \begin{macrocode} \def\hexamethylenei{% \@ifnextchar[{\set@inversedirection\@hexamethylene[@}{% \set@inversedirection\@hexamethylene[]}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Inner temporary commands such as |\@@trinormorinv| and % |\@@dinormorinv| in the common |\@hexamethylene| macro % are replaced by active commands such as |\@@trimethylene| and % |\@@dimethylene|. They carry out the following unit processes. % \begin{enumerate} % \item Adjusting substitution site: % |\yltrimethyleneposition| % or |\yldimethyleneposition| for normal direction; % |\yltrimethyleneiposition| % or |\yldimethyleneiposition| for inverse direction. % \item Treating atom list, % placing outer skeletons, inner double bonds, % setting hetero atoms, and % placing substituents: % |\@@trimethylene| % or |\@@dimethylene| for normal direction; % |\@@trimethylenei| % or |\@@dimethylenei| for normal direction. % \end{enumerate} % % \begin{macro}{\@hexamethylene} % \begin{macrocode} \def\@hexamethylene[#1]#2#3{% \iniflag\iniatom% \@reset@ylsw% {\@linterchainswfalse% \@rinterchainswtrue% \@yltrinormorinv{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}% \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{0}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswtrue% \@linterchainswtrue% \@yltrinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-2}}% \fi \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-342}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswfalse% \@linterchainswtrue% \@yldinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-4}}% \fi \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-684}\def\@@yli{0}\fi\fi \if@ylsw \yl@shiftii=\@ylii \yl@shifti=\@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\@@ylii \advance\yl@shifti\@@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\yl@xdiff \advance\yl@shifti\yl@ydiff \begin{picture}(0,0)(-\yl@shiftii,-\yl@shifti) \reset@yl@xydiff%1999/1/6 by S. Fujita \else \begin{picture}(1100,480)(-200,-180) \iforigpt \put(-200,-180){\circle*{50}}% \put(0,0){\circle{50}}% \typeout{command `hexamethylene' origin: % (0,0) ---> (200,180)}\fi% \fi% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member a\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member b\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member A\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member B\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member c\relax%dummy \else\if\member C\relax%dummy \else\if\member d\relax%dummy \else\if\member D\relax%dummy \else\if\member e\relax%dummy \else\if\member E\relax%dummy \else \expandafter\twoCH@@R\member//% \set@fusion@hexameth% for all bonds \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(0,0){\@@trinormorinv{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}}% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member c\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member d\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member C\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member D\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(342,0){\@@trinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-2}}}% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member e\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member E\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \fi\fi}% \if@normorinvsw% inverse \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdfalse \else% normal \@wrongbdWafalse \@wrongbdWdtrue \fi \put(684,0){\@@dinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-4}}}% \end{picture}}% end of \@hexamethylene % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The inner command |\set@fusion@hexameth| is used for typesetting % a fused ring at each bond represented by |\@@tmpa|. Warnings % concerning mismatched ring-fusions are based on the command % |\FuseWarning|. % % \begin{macro}{\set@fusion@hexameth} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/21}{New command: \cs{set@fusion@hexameth}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\set@fusion@hexameth{% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % inner bond fusion % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \if@normorinvsw \if\@@tmpa e\relax% \putlratom{684}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{e}% \else\if\@@tmpa E\relax% \putlratom{855}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{E}% \else \set@fusion@pentamethi \fi\fi \else \if\@@tmpa e\relax% \putlratom{684}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{e}% \else\if\@@tmpa E\relax% \putlratom{855}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{E}% \else \set@fusion@pentameth \fi\fi \fi }% end of the macro \set@fusion@hexameth % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \section{Heptamethylenes of normal and inverse direction} % % Heptamethylene and hetera derivatives are typeset with the commands % |\heptamethylene| and |\heptamethylenei|. The former macro % is to draw heptamethylenes of normal direction, while the latter % is to draw ones of inverse directions. % % \begin{verbatim} % Normal direction: % % (bbb) ((bbb)) % bbb ddd fff % 2 4 6 % a / ` b / c` d / e ` f % / ` / ` / ` % 1 3 5 7 % aaa ccc eee gggg % (aaa) (ccc) ((ccc)) % ((aaa)) % % Inverse direction: % % (aaa) ((aaa)) ((ccc)) % aaa ccc eee (ccc) ggg % 1 3 5 7 % a ` b / ` c / d ` e /f % ` / ` / ` / % 2 4 6 % bbb ddd (bbb) fff((bbb)) % (aaa) % \end{verbatim} % % The macros have two arguments |ATOMLIST| and |SUBSLIST| % as well as an optional argument |BONDLIST|. % \begin{verbatim} % \heptamethylene[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \heptamethylenei[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \end{verbatim} % % The |BONDLIST| argument contains one character selected from % a to f (or A to F), % each of which indicates the presence of an inner (endcyclic) double % bond on the corresponding position. A lowercase letter is used % to typeset a double bond at the upper-side of an outer skeletal bond, % while an uppercase letter typesets a double bond at the lower-side of % an outer skeletal bond. % (Note that the option `A' represents an aromatic circle in % commands |\sixheterov| etc.) % % \begin{verbatim} % BONDLIST = % % [] or none : no double bond % a : 1,2-double bond % A : 1,2-double bond in an opposite side % b : 2,3-double bond % B : 2,3-double bond in an opposite side % c : 3,4-double bond % C : 3,4-double bond in an opposite side % d : 4,5-double bond % D : 4,5-double bond in an opposite side % e : 5,6-double bond % E : 5,6-double bond in an opposite side % f : 6,7-double bond % F : 6,7-double bond in an opposite side % \end{verbatim} % % The |ATOMLIST| argument contains one or more heteroatom descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each heteroatom % descriptor consists of a locant number and a heteroatom, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % % \begin{verbatim} % % ATOMLIST: list of heteroatoms (max 7 atoms) % % for n = 1 to 7 % % n==? : Hetero atom, e.g. N, O, etc. at n-position, % e.g. 1==N for N at 1-position % \end{verbatim} % % The |SUBSLIST| argument contains one or more substitution descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each substitution % descriptor has a locant number with a bond modifier and a substituent, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % \begin{verbatim} % % SUBSLIST: list of substituents % % for n = 1 to 7 % % nD : exocyclic double bond at n-atom % n or nS : exocyclic single bond at n-atom % nA : alpha single bond at n-atom % nB : beta single bond at n-atom % nSA : alpha single bond at n-atom (boldface) % nSB : beta single bond at n-atom (dotted line) % nSa : alpha (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nSb : beta (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nW : terminal single bond (n=1 or 7) % % \end{verbatim} % % Several examples are shown as follows. % \begin{verbatim} % e.g. % % \heptamethylene{1==N}{1==Cl;2==F} % \heptamethylenei[b]{1==N}{1==Cl;4==F;2==CH$_{3}$} % \end{verbatim} % % The macros |\heptamethylene| and |\heptamethylenei| are % based on a common inner macro |\@heptamethylene|, % the definition of which uses a picture environment. % % \begin{macro}{\heptamethylene} % \begin{macrocode} \def\heptamethylene{% \@ifnextchar[{\set@normaldirection\@heptamethylene[@}{% \set@normaldirection\@heptamethylene[]}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\heptamethylenei} % \begin{macrocode} \def\heptamethylenei{% \@ifnextchar[{\set@inversedirection\@heptamethylene[@}{% \set@inversedirection\@heptamethylene[]}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Inner temporary commands such as |\@@trinormorinv| and % |\@@dinormorinv| in the common |\@heptamethylene| macro % are replaced by active commands such as |\@@trimethylene| and % |\@@dimethylene|. They carry out the following unit processes. % \begin{enumerate} % \item Adjusting substitution site: % |\yltrimethyleneposition| % or |\yldimethyleneposition| for normal direction; % |\yltrimethyleneiposition| % or |\yldimethyleneiposition| for inverse direction. % \item Treating atom list, % placing outer skeletons, inner double bonds, % setting hetero atoms, and % placing substituents: % |\@@trimethylene| % or |\@@dimethylene| for normal direction; % |\@@trimethylenei| % or |\@@dimethylenei| for normal direction. % \end{enumerate} % % \begin{macro}{\@heptamethylene} % \begin{macrocode} \def\@heptamethylene[#1]#2#3{% \iniflag\iniatom% \@reset@ylsw% {\@linterchainswfalse% \@rinterchainswtrue% \@yltrinormorinv{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}% \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{0}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswtrue% \@linterchainswtrue% \@yltrinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-2}}% \fi \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-342}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswfalse% \@linterchainswtrue% \@yltrinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-4}}% \fi \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-684}\def\@@yli{0}\fi\fi \if@ylsw \yl@shiftii=\@ylii \yl@shifti=\@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\@@ylii \advance\yl@shifti\@@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\yl@xdiff \advance\yl@shifti\yl@ydiff \begin{picture}(0,0)(-\yl@shiftii,-\yl@shifti) \reset@yl@xydiff%1999/1/6 by S. Fujita \else \begin{picture}(1450,480)(-200,-180) \iforigpt \put(-200,-180){\circle*{50}}% \put(0,0){\circle{50}}% \typeout{command `heptamethylene' origin: % (0,0) ---> (200,180)}\fi% \fi% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member a\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member b\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member A\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member B\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member c\relax%dummy \else\if\member C\relax%dummy \else\if\member d\relax%dummy \else\if\member D\relax%dummy \else\if\member e\relax%dummy \else\if\member E\relax%dummy \else\if\member f\relax%dummy \else\if\member F\relax%dummy \else \expandafter\twoCH@@R\member//% \set@fusion@heptameth% for all bonds \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(0,0){\@@trinormorinv{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}}% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member c\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member d\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member C\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member D\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(342,0){\@@trinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-2}}}% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member e\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member E\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member f\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member F\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \if@normorinvsw% inverse \@wrongbdWafalse \@wrongbdWdtrue \else%normal \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdfalse \fi \put(684,0){\@@trinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-4}}}% \end{picture}}% end of \@heptamethylene % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The inner command |\set@fusion@heptameth| is used for typesetting % a fused ring at each bond represented by |\@@tmpa|. Warnings % concerning mismatched ring-fusions are based on the command % |\FuseWarning|. % % \begin{macro}{\set@fusion@heptameth} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/21}{New command: \cs{set@fusion@heptameth}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\set@fusion@heptameth{% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % inner bond fusion % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \if@normorinvsw \if\@@tmpa e\relax% \putlratom{684}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{e}% \else\if\@@tmpa E\relax% \putlratom{855}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{E}% \else\if\@@tmpa f\relax% \putlratom{855}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{f}% \else\if\@@tmpa F\relax% \putlratom{1027}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{F}% \else \set@fusion@pentamethi \fi\fi\fi\fi \else \if\@@tmpa e\relax% \putlratom{684}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{e}% \else\if\@@tmpa E\relax% \putlratom{855}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{E}% \else\if\@@tmpa f\relax% \putlratom{855}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{f}% \else\if\@@tmpa F\relax% \putlratom{1027}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{F}% \else \set@fusion@pentameth \fi\fi\fi\fi \fi }% end of the macro \set@fusion@heptameth % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \section{Octamethylenes of normal and inverse directions} % % Octamethylene and hetera derivatives are typeset with the commands % |\octamethylene| and |\octamethylenei|. The former macro % is to draw octamethylenes of normal direction, while the latter % is to draw ones of inverse directions. % % \begin{verbatim} % Normal direction: % % (bbb) ((bbb)) (((bbb))) % bbb ddd fff hhh % 2 4 6 8 % a / ` b / c` d / e ` f /g % / ` / ` / ` / % 1 3 5 7 % aaa ccc eee gggg % (aaa) (ccc) ((ccc)) % ((aaa)) (((aaa))) % % Inverse direction: % (((aaa))) % (aaa) ((aaa)) ((ccc)) % aaa ccc eee (ccc) ggg % 1 3 5 7 % a ` b / ` c / d ` e /f ` g % ` / ` / ` / ` % 2 4 6 8 % bbb ddd fff hhh % (bbb) ((bbb)) (((bbb))) % \end{verbatim} % % The macros has two arguments |ATOMLIST| and |SUBSLIST| % as well as an optional argument |BONDLIST|. % \begin{verbatim} % \octamethylene[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \octamethylenei[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \end{verbatim} % % The |BONDLIST| argument contains one character selected from % a to g (or A to G), % each of which indicates the presence of an inner (endcyclic) double % bond on the corresponding position. A lowercase letter is used % to typeset a double bond at the upper-side of an outer skeletal bond, % while an uppercase letter typesets a double bond at the lower-side of % an outer skeletal bond. % (Note that the option `A' represents an aromatic circle in % commands |\sixheterov| etc.) % % \begin{verbatim} % BONDLIST = % % [] or none : no double bond % a : 1,2-double bond % A : 1,2-double bond in an opposite side % b : 2,3-double bond % B : 2,3-double bond in an opposite side % c : 3,4-double bond % C : 3,4-double bond in an opposite side % d : 4,5-double bond % D : 4,5-double bond in an opposite side % e : 5,6-double bond % E : 5,6-double bond in an opposite side % f : 6,7-double bond % F : 6,7-double bond in an opposite side % g : 7,8-double bond % G : 7,8-double bond in an opposite side % \end{verbatim} % % The |ATOMLIST| argument contains one or more heteroatom descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each heteroatom % descriptor consists of a locant number and a heteroatom, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % % \begin{verbatim} % % ATOMLIST: list of heteroatoms (max 8 atoms) % % for n = 1 to 8 % % n==? : Hetero atom, e.g. N, O, etc. at n-position, % e.g. 1==N for N at 1-position % \end{verbatim} % % The |SUBSLIST| argument contains one or more substitution descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each substitution % descriptor has a locant number with a bond modifier and a substituent, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % \begin{verbatim} % % SUBSLIST: list of substituents % % for n = 1 to 8 % % nD : exocyclic double bond at n-atom % n or nS : exocyclic single bond at n-atom % nA : alpha single bond at n-atom % nB : beta single bond at n-atom % nSA : alpha single bond at n-atom (boldface) % nSB : beta single bond at n-atom (dotted line) % nSa : alpha (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nSb : beta (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nW : terminal single bond (n=1 or 8) % % \end{verbatim} % % Several examples are shown as follows. % \begin{verbatim} % e.g. % % \octamethylene{1==N}{1==Cl;2==F} % \octamethylenei[b]{1==N}{1==Cl;4==F;2==CH$_{3}$} % \end{verbatim} % % The macros |\octamethylene| and |\octamethylenei| are % based on a common inner macro |\@octamethylene|, % the definition of which uses a picture environment. % % \begin{macro}{\octamethylene} % \begin{macrocode} \def\octamethylene{% \@ifnextchar[{\set@normaldirection\@octamethylene[@}{% \set@normaldirection\@octamethylene[]}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\octamethylenei} % \begin{macrocode} \def\octamethylenei{% \@ifnextchar[{\set@inversedirection\@octamethylene[@}{% \set@inversedirection\@octamethylene[]}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Inner temporary commands such as |\@@trinormorinv| and % |\@@dinormorinv| in the common |\@octamethylene| macro % are replaced by active commands such as |\@@trimethylene| and % |\@@dimethylene|. They carry out the following unit processes. % \begin{enumerate} % \item Adjusting substitution site: % |\yltrimethyleneposition| % or |\yldimethyleneposition| for normal direction; % |\yltrimethyleneiposition| % or |\yldimethyleneiposition| for inverse direction. % \item Treating atom list, % placing outer skeletons, inner double bonds, % setting hetero atoms, and % placing substituents: % |\@@trimethylene| % or |\@@dimethylene| for normal direction; % |\@@trimethylenei| % or |\@@dimethylenei| for normal direction. % \end{enumerate} % % \begin{macro}{\@octamethylene} % \begin{macrocode} \def\@octamethylene[#1]#2#3{% \iniflag\iniatom% \@reset@ylsw% {\@linterchainswfalse% \@rinterchainswtrue% \@yltrinormorinv{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}% \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{0}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswtrue% \@linterchainswtrue% \@yltrinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-2}}% \fi \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-342}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswtrue% \@linterchainswtrue% \@yltrinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-4}}% \fi \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-684}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswfalse% \@linterchainswtrue% \@yldinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-6}}% \fi \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-1026}\def\@@yli{0}\fi\fi \if@ylsw \yl@shiftii=\@ylii \yl@shifti=\@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\@@ylii \advance\yl@shifti\@@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\yl@xdiff \advance\yl@shifti\yl@ydiff \begin{picture}(0,0)(-\yl@shiftii,-\yl@shifti) \reset@yl@xydiff%1999/1/6 by S. Fujita \else \begin{picture}(1620,480)(-200,-180) \iforigpt \put(-200,-180){\circle*{50}}% \put(0,0){\circle{50}}% \typeout{command `octamethylene' origin: % (0,0) ---> (200,180)}\fi% \fi% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member a\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member b\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member A\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member B\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member c\relax%dummy \else\if\member C\relax%dummy \else\if\member d\relax%dummy \else\if\member D\relax%dummy \else\if\member e\relax%dummy \else\if\member E\relax%dummy \else\if\member f\relax%dummy \else\if\member F\relax%dummy \else\if\member g\relax%dummy \else\if\member G\relax%dummy \else \expandafter\twoCH@@R\member//% \set@fusion@octameth% for all bonds \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(0,0){\@@trinormorinv{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}}% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member c\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member d\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member C\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member D\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(342,0){\@@trinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-2}}}% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member e\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member E\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member f\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member F\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(684,0){\@@trinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-4}}}% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member g\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member G\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \fi\fi}% \if@normorinvsw% inverse \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdfalse \else% normal \@wrongbdWafalse \@wrongbdWdtrue \fi \put(1026,0){\@@dinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-6}}}% \end{picture}}% end of \@octamethylene % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The inner command |\set@fusion@octameth| is used for typesetting % a fused ring at each bond represented by |\@@tmpa|. Warnings % concerning mismatched ring-fusions are based on the command % |\FuseWarning|. % % \begin{macro}{\set@fusion@octameth} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/21}{New command: \cs{set@fusion@octameth}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\set@fusion@octameth{% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % inner bond fusion % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \if@normorinvsw \if\@@tmpa e\relax% \putlratom{684}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{e}% \else\if\@@tmpa E\relax% \putlratom{855}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{E}% \else\if\@@tmpa f\relax% \putlratom{855}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{f}% \else\if\@@tmpa F\relax% \putlratom{1027}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{F}% \else\if\@@tmpa g\relax% \putlratom{1027}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{g}% \else\if\@@tmpa G\relax% \putlratom{1198}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{G}% \else \set@fusion@pentamethi \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \else \if\@@tmpa e\relax% \putlratom{684}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{e}% \else\if\@@tmpa E\relax% \putlratom{855}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{E}% \else\if\@@tmpa f\relax% \putlratom{855}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{f}% \else\if\@@tmpa F\relax% \putlratom{1027}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{F}% \else\if\@@tmpa g\relax% \putlratom{1027}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{g}% \else\if\@@tmpa G\relax% \putlratom{1198}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{G}% \else \set@fusion@pentameth \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi }% end of the macro \set@fusion@octameth % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \section{Nonamethylenes of normal and inverse direction} % % Nonamethylene and hetera derivatives are typeset with the commands % |\nonamethylene| and |\nonamethylenei|. The former macro % is to draw nonamethylenes of normal direction, while the latter % is to draw ones of inverse directions. % % \begin{verbatim} % Normal direction: % % (bbb) ((bbb)) (((bbb))) % bbb ddd fff hhh % 2 4 6 8 % a / ` b / c` d / e ` f /g` h % / ` / ` / ` / ` % 1 3 5 7 9 % aaa ccc eee gggg (((ccc))) % (aaa) (ccc) ((ccc)) % ((aaa)) (((aaa))) % % Inverse direction: % (((aaa))) % (aaa) ((aaa)) ((ccc)) % aaa ccc eee (ccc) ggg (((ccc))) % 1 3 5 7 9 % a ` b / ` c / d ` e /f ` g / h % ` / ` / ` / ` / % 2 4 6 8 % bbb ddd fff hhh % (bbb) ((bbb)) (((bbb))) % (aaa) ((aaa)) ((ccc)) % \end{verbatim} % % The macros have two arguments |ATOMLIST| and |SUBSLIST| % as well as an optional argument |BONDLIST|. % % \begin{verbatim} % \nonamethylene[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \nonamethylenei[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \end{verbatim} % % The |BONDLIST| argument contains one character selected from % a to h (or A to H), % each of which indicates the presence of an inner (endcyclic) double % bond on the corresponding position. A lowercase letter is used % to typeset a double bond at the upper-side of an outer skeletal bond, % while an uppercase letter typesets a double bond at the lower-side of % an outer skeletal bond. % (Note that the option `A' represents an aromatic circle in % commands |\sixheterov| etc.) % % \begin{verbatim} % BONDLIST = % % [] or none : no double bond % a : 1,2-double bond % A : 1,2-double bond in an opposite side % b : 2,3-double bond % B : 2,3-double bond in an opposite side % c : 3,4-double bond % C : 3,4-double bond in an opposite side % d : 4,5-double bond % D : 4,5-double bond in an opposite side % e : 5,6-double bond % E : 5,6-double bond in an opposite side % f : 6,7-double bond % F : 6,7-double bond in an opposite side % g : 7,8-double bond % G : 7,8-double bond in an opposite side % h : 8,9-double bond % H : 8,9-double bond in an opposite side % \end{verbatim} % % The |ATOMLIST| argument contains one or more heteroatom descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each heteroatom % descriptor consists of a locant number and a heteroatom, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % % \begin{verbatim} % % ATOMLIST: list of heteroatoms (max 9 atoms) % % for n = 1 to 9 % % n==? : Hetero atom, e.g. N, O, etc. at n-position, % e.g. 1==N for N at 1-position % \end{verbatim} % % The |SUBSLIST| argument contains one or more substitution descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each substitution % descriptor has a locant number with a bond modifier and a substituent, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % \begin{verbatim} % % SUBSLIST: list of substituents % % for n = 1 to 9 % % nD : exocyclic double bond at n-atom % n or nS : exocyclic single bond at n-atom % nA : alpha single bond at n-atom % nB : beta single bond at n-atom % nSA : alpha single bond at n-atom (boldface) % nSB : beta single bond at n-atom (dotted line) % nSa : alpha (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nSb : beta (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nW : terminal single bond (n=1 or 9) % % \end{verbatim} % % Several examples are shown as follows. % \begin{verbatim} % e.g. % % \nonamethylene{1==N}{1==Cl;2==F} % \nonamethylenei[b]{1==N}{1==Cl;4==F;2==CH$_{3}$} % \end{verbatim} % % The macros |\nonamethylene| and |\nonamethylenei| are % based on a common inner macro |\@nonamethylene|, % the definition of which uses a picture environment. % % \begin{macro}{\nonamethylene} % \begin{macrocode} \def\nonamethylene{% \@ifnextchar[{\set@normaldirection\@nonamethylene[@}{% \set@normaldirection\@nonamethylene[]}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\nonamethylenei} % \begin{macrocode} \def\nonamethylenei{% \@ifnextchar[{\set@inversedirection\@nonamethylene[@}{% \set@inversedirection\@nonamethylene[]}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Inner temporary commands such as |\@@trinormorinv| and % |\@@dinormorinv| in the common |\@nonamethylene| macro % are replaced by active commands such as |\@@trimethylene| and % |\@@dimethylene|. They carry out the following unit processes. % \begin{enumerate} % \item Adjusting substitution site: % |\yltrimethyleneposition| % or |\yldimethyleneposition| for normal direction; % |\yltrimethyleneiposition| % or |\yldimethyleneiposition| for inverse direction. % \item Treating atom list, % placing outer skeletons, inner double bonds, % setting hetero atoms, and % placing substituents: % |\@@trimethylene| % or |\@@dimethylene| for normal direction; % |\@@trimethylenei| % or |\@@dimethylenei| for normal direction. % \end{enumerate} % % \begin{macro}{\@nonamethylene} % \begin{macrocode} \def\@nonamethylene[#1]#2#3{% \iniflag\iniatom% \@reset@ylsw% {\@linterchainswfalse% \@rinterchainswtrue% \@yltrinormorinv{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}% \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{0}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswtrue% \@linterchainswtrue% \@yltrinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-2}}% \fi \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-342}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswtrue% \@linterchainswtrue% \@yltrinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-4}}% \fi \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-684}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswfalse% \@linterchainswtrue% \@yltrinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-6}}% \fi \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-1026}\def\@@yli{0}\fi\fi \if@ylsw \yl@shiftii=\@ylii \yl@shifti=\@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\@@ylii \advance\yl@shifti\@@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\yl@xdiff \advance\yl@shifti\yl@ydiff \begin{picture}(0,0)(-\yl@shiftii,-\yl@shifti) \reset@yl@xydiff%1999/1/6 by S. Fujita \else \begin{picture}(1790,480)(-200,-180) \iforigpt \put(-200,-180){\circle*{50}}% \put(0,0){\circle{50}}% \typeout{command `nonamethylene' origin: % (0,0) ---> (200,180)}\fi% \fi% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member a\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member b\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member A\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member B\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member c\relax%dummy \else\if\member C\relax%dummy \else\if\member d\relax%dummy \else\if\member D\relax%dummy \else\if\member e\relax%dummy \else\if\member E\relax%dummy \else\if\member f\relax%dummy \else\if\member F\relax%dummy \else\if\member g\relax%dummy \else\if\member G\relax%dummy \else\if\member h\relax%dummy \else\if\member H\relax%dummy \else \expandafter\twoCH@@R\member//% \set@fusion@nonameth% for all bonds \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(0,0){\@@trinormorinv{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}}% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member c\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member d\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member C\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member D\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(342,0){\@@trinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-2}}}% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member e\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member E\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member f\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member F\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(684,0){\@@trinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-4}}}% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member g\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member G\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member h\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member H\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \if@normorinvsw% inverse \@wrongbdWafalse \@wrongbdWdtrue \else% normal \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdfalse \fi \put(1026,0){\@@trinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-6}}}% \end{picture}}% end of \@nonamethylene % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The inner command |\set@fusion@nonameth| is used for typesetting % a fused ring at each bond represented by |\@@tmpa|. Warnings % concerning mismatched ring-fusions are based on the command % |\FuseWarning|. % % \begin{macro}{\set@fusion@nonameth} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/21}{New command: \cs{set@fusion@nonameth}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\set@fusion@nonameth{% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % inner bond fusion % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \if@normorinvsw \if\@@tmpa h\relax% \putlratom{1198}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{h}% \else\if\@@tmpa H\relax% \putlratom{1369}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{H}% \else \set@fusion@octameth \fi\fi \else \if\@@tmpa h\relax% \putlratom{1198}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{h}% \else\if\@@tmpa H\relax% \putlratom{1369}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{H}% \else \set@fusion@octameth \fi\fi \fi }% end of the macro \set@fusion@nonameth % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \section{Decamethylenes of normal and inverse directions} % % Decamethylene and hetera derivatives are typeset with the commands % |\decamethylene| and |\decamethylenei|. The former macro % is to draw decamethylenes of normal direction, while the latter % is to draw ones of inverse directions. % % \begin{verbatim} % Normal direction: % % (bbb) ((bbb)) (((bbb))) % bbb ddd fff hhh % 2 4 6 8 10 % a / ` b / c` d / e ` f /g ` h / i % / ` / ` / ` / ` / % 1 3 5 7 9 % aaa ccc eee gggg (((ccc))) % (aaa) (ccc) ((ccc)) % ((aaa)) (((aaa))) % % Inverse direction: % (((aaa))) % (aaa) ((aaa)) ((ccc)) % aaa ccc eee (ccc) ggg (((ccc))) % 1 3 5 7 9 % a ` b / ` c / d ` e /f ` g / h ` i % ` / ` / ` / ` / ` % 2 4 6 8 10 % bbb ddd fff hhh % (bbb) ((bbb)) (((bbb))) % \end{verbatim} % % The macros have two arguments |ATOMLIST| and |SUBSLIST| % as well as an optional argument |BONDLIST|. % \begin{verbatim} % \decamethylene[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \decamethylenei[BONDLIST]{ATOMLIST}{SUBSLIST} % \end{verbatim} % % The |BONDLIST| argument contains one character selected from % a to i (or A to I), % each of which indicates the presence of an inner (endcyclic) double % bond on the corresponding position. A lowercase letter is used % to typeset a double bond at the upper-side of an outer skeletal bond, % while an uppercase letter typesets a double bond at the lower-side of % an outer skeletal bond. % (Note that the option `A' represents an aromatic circle in % commands |\sixheterov| etc.) % % \begin{verbatim} % BONDLIST = % % [] or none : no double bond % a : 1,2-double bond % A : 1,2-double bond in an opposite side % b : 2,3-double bond % B : 2,3-double bond in an opposite side % c : 3,4-double bond % C : 3,4-double bond in an opposite side % d : 4,5-double bond % D : 4,5-double bond in an opposite side % e : 5,6-double bond % E : 5,6-double bond in an opposite side % f : 6,7-double bond % F : 6,7-double bond in an opposite side % g : 7,8-double bond % G : 7,8-double bond in an opposite side % h : 8,9-double bond % H : 8,9-double bond in an opposite side % i : 9,10-double bond % I : 9,10-double bond in an opposite side % \end{verbatim} % % The |ATOMLIST| argument contains one or more heteroatom descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each heteroatom % descriptor consists of a locant number and a heteroatom, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % % \begin{verbatim} % % ATOMLIST: list of heteroatoms (max 10 atoms) % % for n = 1 to 10 % % n==? : Hetero atom, e.g. N, O, etc. at n-position, % e.g. 1==N for N at 1-position % \end{verbatim} % % The |SUBSLIST| argument contains one or more substitution descriptors % which are separated from each other by a semicolon. Each substitution % descriptor has a locant number with a bond modifier and a substituent, % where these are separated with a double equality symbol. % \begin{verbatim} % % SUBSLIST: list of substituents % % for n = 1 to 10 % % nD : exocyclic double bond at n-atom % n or nS : exocyclic single bond at n-atom % nA : alpha single bond at n-atom % nB : beta single bond at n-atom % nSA : alpha single bond at n-atom (boldface) % nSB : beta single bond at n-atom (dotted line) % nSa : alpha (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nSb : beta (not specified) single bond at n-atom % nW : terminal single bond (n=1 or 10) % % \end{verbatim} % % Several examples are shown as follows. % \begin{verbatim} % e.g. % % \decamethylene{1==N}{1==Cl;2==F} % \decamethylenei[b]{1==N}{1==Cl;4==F;2==CH$_{3}$} % \end{verbatim} % % The macros |\decamethylene| and |\decamethylenei| are % based on a common inner macro |\@decamethylene|, % the definition of which uses a picture environment. % \begin{macro}{\decamethylene} % \begin{macrocode} \def\decamethylene{% \@ifnextchar[{\set@normaldirection\@decamethylene[@}{% \set@normaldirection\@decamethylene[]}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\decamethylenei} % \begin{macrocode} \def\decamethylenei{% \@ifnextchar[{\set@inversedirection\@decamethylene[@}{% \set@inversedirection\@decamethylene[]}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Inner temporary commands such as |\@@trinormorinv| and % |\@@dinormorinv| in the common |\@decamethylene| macro % are replaced by active commands such as |\@@trimethylene| and % |\@@dimethylene|. They carry out the following unit processes. % \begin{enumerate} % \item Adjusting substitution site: % |\yltrimethyleneposition| % or |\yldimethyleneposition| for normal direction; % |\yltrimethyleneiposition| % or |\yldimethyleneiposition| for inverse direction. % \item Treating atom list, % placing outer skeletons, inner double bonds, % setting hetero atoms, and % placing substituents: % |\@@trimethylene| % or |\@@dimethylene| for normal direction; % |\@@trimethylenei| % or |\@@dimethylenei| for normal direction. % \end{enumerate} % % \begin{macro}{\@decamethylene} % \begin{macrocode} \def\@decamethylene[#1]#2#3{% \iniflag\iniatom% \@reset@ylsw% {\@linterchainswfalse% \@rinterchainswtrue% \@yltrinormorinv{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}% \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{0}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswtrue% \@linterchainswtrue% \@yltrinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-2}}% \fi \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-342}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswtrue% \@linterchainswtrue% \@yltrinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-4}}% \fi \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-684}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswtrue% \@linterchainswtrue% \@yltrinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-6}}% \fi \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-1026}\def\@@yli{0}\fi \else {\@rinterchainswfalse% \@linterchainswtrue% \@yldinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-8}}% \fi \if@ylsw \ifx\@@ylii\empty \def\@@ylii{-1368}\def\@@yli{0}\fi\fi \if@ylsw \yl@shiftii=\@ylii \yl@shifti=\@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\@@ylii \advance\yl@shifti\@@yli \advance\yl@shiftii\yl@xdiff \advance\yl@shifti\yl@ydiff \begin{picture}(0,0)(-\yl@shiftii,-\yl@shifti) \reset@yl@xydiff%1999/1/6 by S. Fujita \else \begin{picture}(1960,480)(-200,-180) \iforigpt \put(-200,-180){\circle*{50}}% \put(0,0){\circle{50}}% \typeout{command `decamethylene' origin: % (0,0) ---> (200,180)}\fi% \fi% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member a\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member b\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member A\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member B\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member c\relax%dummy \else\if\member C\relax%dummy \else\if\member d\relax%dummy \else\if\member D\relax%dummy \else\if\member e\relax%dummy \else\if\member E\relax%dummy \else\if\member f\relax%dummy \else\if\member F\relax%dummy \else\if\member g\relax%dummy \else\if\member G\relax%dummy \else\if\member h\relax%dummy \else\if\member H\relax%dummy \else\if\member i\relax%dummy \else\if\member I\relax%dummy \else \expandafter\twoCH@@R\member//% \set@fusion@decameth% for all bonds \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(0,0){\@@trinormorinv{#2}{#3}{0}{0}}}% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member c\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member d\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member C\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member D\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(342,0){\@@trinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-2}}}% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member e\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member E\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member f\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member F\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(684,0){\@@trinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-4}}}% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member g\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member G\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \else\if\member h\relax \@bdoublebondtrue \else\if\member H\relax \@Bdoublebondtrue \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdtrue \put(1026,0){\@@trinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-6}}}% {\reset@double% \@tfor\member:=#1\do{% \if\member i\relax \@adoublebondtrue \else\if\member I\relax \@Adoublebondtrue \fi\fi}% \if@normorinvsw% inverse \@wrongbdWatrue \@wrongbdWdfalse \else% normal \@wrongbdWafalse \@wrongbdWdtrue \fi \put(1368,0){\@@dinormorinv{#2}{#3}{1}{-8}}}% \end{picture}}% end \@decamethylene % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % The inner command |\set@fusion@decameth| is used for typesetting % a fused ring at each bond represented by |\@@tmpa|. Warnings % concerning mismatched ring-fusions are based on the command % |\FuseWarning|. % % \begin{macro}{\set@fusion@decameth} % \changes{v2.00}{1998/12/21}{New command: \cs{set@fusion@decameth}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\set@fusion@decameth{% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % inner bond fusion % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \if@normorinvsw \if\@@tmpa h\relax% \putlratom{1198}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{h}% \else\if\@@tmpa H\relax% \putlratom{1369}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{H}% \else\if\@@tmpa i\relax% \putlratom{1369}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{i}% \else\if\@@tmpa I\relax% \putlratom{1540}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{I}% \else \set@fusion@octameth \fi\fi\fi\fi \else \if\@@tmpa h\relax% \putlratom{1198}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{h}% \else\if\@@tmpa H\relax% \putlratom{1369}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{H}% \else\if\@@tmpa i\relax% \putlratom{1369}{0}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{-171}{-103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{i}% \else\if\@@tmpa I\relax% \putlratom{1540}{103}{\@@tmpb}% % bond fused \FuseWarning{171}{103}% {\fuseAx}{\fuseAy}{\fuseBx}{\fuseBy}{I}% \else \set@fusion@octameth \fi\fi\fi\fi \fi% }% end of the macro \set@fusion@decameth % % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \Finale % \endinput