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Text font attributes

Every text font in LATEX has five attributes:
This specifies the order that characters appear in the font. The two most common text encodings used in LATEX are Knuth's `TEX text' encoding, and the `TEX text extended' encoding developed by the TEX Users Group members during a TEX Conference at Cork in 1990 (hence its informal name `Cork encoding').
The name for a collection of fonts, usually grouped under a common name by the font foundry. For example, `Adobe Times', `ITC Garamond', and Knuth's `Computer Modern Roman' are all font families.
How heavy or expanded a font is. For example, `medium weight', `narrow' and `bold extended' are all series.
The form of the letters within a font family. For example, `italic', `oblique' and `upright' (sometimes called `roman') are all font shapes.
The design size of the font, for example `10pt'. If no dimension is specified, `pt' is assumed.
The possible values for these attributes are given short acronyms by LATEX. The most common values for the font encoding are:

OT1 TEX text
T1 TEX extended text
OML TEX math italic
OMS TEX math symbols
OMX TEX math large symbols
U Unknown
L<xx> A local encoding

The `local' encodings are intended for font encodings which are only locally available, for example a font containing an organisation's logo in various sizes. There are far too many font families to list them all, but some common ones are:

cmr Computer Modern Roman
cmss Computer Modern Sans
cmtt Computer Modern Typewriter
cmm Computer Modern Math Italic
cmsy Computer Modern Math Symbols
cmex Computer Modern Math Extensions
ptm Adobe Times
phv Adobe Helvetica
pcr Adobe Courier

The most common values for the font series are:

m Medium
b Bold
bx Bold extended
sb Semi-bold
c Condensed

The most common values for the font shape are:

n Normal (that is `upright' or `roman')
it Italic
sl Slanted (or `oblique')
sc Caps and small caps

The font size is specified as a dimension, for example 10pt or 1.5in or 3mm; if no unit is specified, pt is assumed. These five parameters specify every LATEX font, for example:
FontTEX font name   
OT1cmrmn10 Computer Modern Roman 10 pointcmr10
OT1cmssmsl1pc Computer Modern Sans Oblique 1 picacmssi12
OMLcmmmit10pt Computer Modern Math Italic 10 pointcmmi10
T1ptmbit1in Adobe Times Bold Italic 1 inchptmb8t at 1in
These five parameters are displayed whenever LATEX gives an overfull box warning, for example:
   Overfull \hbox (3.80855pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 314--318
   []\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Normally [] and [] will be iden-ti-cal,
The author commands for fonts set the five attributes:
Author command Attribute Value in article class
\textrm{..} or \rmfamily family cmr
\textsf{..} or \sffamily family cmss
\texttt{..} or \ttfamily family cmtt
\textmd{..} or \mdseries series m
\textbf{..} or \bfseries series bx
\textup{..} or \upshape shape n
\textit{..} or \itshape shape it
\textsl{..} or \slshape shape sl
\textsc{..} or \scshape shape sc
\tiny size 5pt
\scriptsize size 7pt
\footnotesize size 8pt
\small size 9pt
\normalsize size 10pt
\large size 12pt
\Large size 14.4pt
\LARGE size 17.28pt
\huge size 20.74pt
\Huge size 24.88pt
The values used by these commands are determined by the document class, using the parameters defined in Section 2.4. Note that there are no author commands for selecting new encodings. These should be provided by packages, such as the fontenc package. This section does not explain how LATEX font specifications are turned into TEX font names. This is described in Section 4.
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