% \iffalse %% File: l3names.dtx Copyright (C) 1990-1997 LaTeX3 project % %<*dtx> \ProvidesFile{l3names.dtx} % %\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} %\ProvidesPackage{l3names} % \ProvidesFile{l3names.drv} % \fi % \ProvidesFile{l3names.dtx} [1998/04/20 v2.0b L3 Experimental Naming Scheme for TeX Primitives] % % \iffalse %<*driver> \documentclass{l3doc} \begin{document} \DocInput{l3names.dtx} \end{document} % % \fi % % \GetFileInfo{l3names.dtx} % \title{The \textsf{l3names} package\thanks{This file % has version number \fileversion, last % revised \filedate.}\\ % A systematic naming scheme for \TeX} % \author{\Team} % \date{\filedate} % \maketitle % % \changes{v2.0a}{1997/08/04} % {new consistent tex module name for \TeX\ primitives} % % \begin{abstract} % This package sets up an experimental naming scheme for % \LaTeX\ commands. It allows the \LaTeX\ programmer to systematically % name functions and variables, and specify the argument types of % functions. % % The \TeX\ primitives are all given a new name according to these % conventions. % % \begin{bfseries} % Warning: This package, and all packages using it should be regarded as % \emph{expermiental}! % % The names of these packages, and the names and syntax of any commands % defined in them might change at any time. % % These conventions are being distributed in this form to encourage % discussion and experimentation. It is \emph{not} intentended that % these packages be used in `real' documents at this stage. % \end{bfseries} % \end{abstract} % % % \section{Conventions} % % This section gives an overview of the syntax for \LaTeX\ commands % that is set up for use in these `experimental' pacages. % % Commands in \LaTeX3 are either functions or parameters. All % primitive commands of \TeX{} have private names. % % \subsection{Functions} % % Functions have the following general syntax: % \begin{quote} % |\|\m{module}|_|\m{description}|:|\m{arg-spec} % \end{quote} % where \m{module} is one of the (to be) chosen module names and % \m{description} is a verbal description of the functionality. % \m{arg-spec} finally describes the type of arguments that the % function takes and is left empty if it is a function without % arguments. % % All three parts consists of letters only \m{description} is allowed % to take further |_| characters to separate words is necessary. % % Currently there exists some functions which don't have a proper % \m{module} name. % % As a semi-formalized concept the letter |g| is sometimes used to % prefix the \m{module} name and certain parts of the \m{description} % to mark the function as ``globally acting''. % % The \m{arg-spec} currently supports the following types of % arguments: % \begin{description} % % \item[n] Unexpanded token (or token-list if in braces) braces. % % \item[o] One time expanded token or token-list. In the latter case, % effectively only the first token in the list gets expanded. Since % the expansion might result in more than one token, the result is % surrounded for further processing with braces. % % \item[x] Fully expanded token or token-list. Like |o| but the % argument is expanded using |\def:Npx| before it is passed on. % % \item[c] A character string or a token-list that expands to % characters of catcode 11 or 12. This string (after expansion) is % used to construct a command name that is eventually passed on. % % \item[N,O,X] Like |n|, |o|, |x| but the argument must be a single % token without any braces around it. % % \item[w] One or more arguments with ``weird'' syntax that one has % to know by hard or better leave it alone. % % \item[p] Denotes parameter text specification part, e.g.\^^M % |#1#2\q_stop#3|. % % \item[T,F] denotes the ``true'' or the ``false'' case in a % functional predicate. % % \end{description} % % Especially for the new names of \TeX{} primitives there are is one % more character to denote arguments. It implies that these % functions should not be used outside this bootstrapping file. % \begin{description} % % \item[D] Zero or more arguments with ``weird'' syntax. Uppercase % ``D'' means (DON'T USE IT), i.e., % that this is a primitive \TeX{} command that should % not show up in code except in the very basic functions of \LaTeX3 % that provide a more sensible interface. % % \end{description} % % One could perhaps envisage an extended system which allocated % lettters to denote the various primitive argument types available in % \TeX, however it seems that this just complicates the system % withoutadding any real benefit, as these primitives would never be % used in production code, as higher level packages should offer a % better interface. Thus the following letters, although they were % considered have not been used. ``D'' is used in most cases in % preference. % \begin{description} % \item[i] Denotes an integer in \TeX{} notation (which might be a % register or \dots). % % \item[d] Denotes a dimension in \TeX{} notation. % % \item[g] Denotes a glue in \TeX{} notation. % % \item[m] Denotes an muglue or mukern in \TeX{} notation. % % \item[b] Denotes a box specification in \TeX{} notation (again % something pretty arbitrary). % % \item[r] Denotes a rule specification in \TeX{} notation. % % \end{description} % % Some of the primitive functions below are flagged ``D'' even if % they actually might be useful in average code. So certainly there % are some adjustments necessary. It all depends whether or not we % provide some safer interface or leave them alone. % % \subsection{Parameters} % % Parameter names have the following general syntax: % \begin{quote} % |\|\m{access}|_|\m{module}|_|\m{description}|_|\m{type} % \end{quote} % % \m{module} and \m{description} is as above. \m{type} should denote % the type of parameter if this helps in using it. The currently used % types are: % \begin{description} % % \item[int] Integer valued. % % \item[factor] Another integer value type. Used for things where the % parameter is used as a factor for something else. % % \item[status] The sort of boolean stuff \TeX{} provides. Essentially % an integer with the meaning |0| = `off' and other values may or may % not have sensible meanings. % % \item[pen] Another integer describing penalties. % % \item[dem] The demerits. % % \item[dim] A dimension. % % \item[skip] A glue value. % % \item[toks] A toks register (sort of). % % \item[char] An integer denoting a character. % % \item[muskip] A math unit. % % \end{description} % % \m{access} describes how the parameter can be accessed. The % following characters are possible: % \begin{description} % % \item[c] A constant. Should not be set in the code except with % special functions to define the value for the whole processing. % % \item[C] A constant according to \TeX's rules. Can not be changed at % all. % % \item[l] A local variable which therefore should not be changed % globally. % % \item[L] A local variable that is usually set (and/or reset) by % \TeX{} itself. % % \item[g] A global variable. % % \item[G] A global variable that is usually set (and/or reset by \TeX. % % \item[R] A variable that is set (and changed) by \TeX{} and can not % be changed by in the code (read-only). % % \end{description} % % % % \section{Modules} % % Nearly all operations of \LaTeX3 are carried out by calling control % sequences. For better programming concepts many types of functions are % identified and gathered in modules. Functions in such modules starts % with special prefixes, for example "\tlp_" is the prefix for functions % dealing with token list pointers. % % % % \StopEventually{} % % \section{Starters} % % This is the base part of \LaTeX3 defining things like |catcode|s % and redefining the \TeX{} primitives. % % We start by setting up |\catcode|s that we need to define new % commands. These are the ones for begin-group and end-group % characters.\footnote{Well not needed while this file is running % as a package on top of \LaTeXe, so omitted from the package code} % \begin{macrocode} %<*initex> \catcode`\{=1 % left brace is begin-group character \catcode`\}=2 % right brace is end-group character \catcode`\#=6 % hash mark is macro parameter character \catcode`\^=7 % \catcode`\^^I=10 % ascii tab is a blank space % % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*initex|package> \catcode`\ =9\relax \catcode`\^^I=9\relax \catcode`\^^M=9\relax \catcode`\~=10\relax \catcode`\_=11\relax\catcode`\:=11\relax \catcode`\@=11\relax % as long as we use old LaTeX stuff. % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{Setting up primitive names} % % Here is the function that renames \TeX{}'s primitives. % % Normally the old name is left untouched, but the possibility of % undefining the original names is made available by docstrip and % package options. % If nothing else, this gives a way of checking what `old code' a % package depends on\ldots\ % % If the package option `removeoldnames' is used then some trick code % is run after the end of this file, to skip past the code which has % been inserted by \LaTeXe\ to manage the file name stack, this code % would break if run once the \TeX\ primitives have been undefined. % (What a surprise!) % % To get things started, give a new name for |\let|. % \begin{macrocode} \let\tex_let:D\let % % \end{macrocode} % % and now an internal function to possibly % remove the old name. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*initex> \long\def\name_undefine:N#1{ \tex_let:D#1\tex_undefined:} % % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \DeclareOption{removeoldnames}{ \long\def\name_undefine:N#1{ \tex_let:D#1\tex_undefined:}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{keepoldnames}{ \long\def\name_undefine:N#1{}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \ExecuteOptions{keepoldnames} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \ProcessOptions % % \end{macrocode} % % The internal function to give the new name and possibly undefine % the old name. % \begin{macrocode} %<*initex|package> \long\def\name_primitive:NN#1#2{ \tex_let:D #2 #1 \name_undefine:N #1 } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Assignments} % % In the current incarnation of this package, all \TeX\ primitives % are given a new name of the form |\tex_|\emph{oldname}|:D|. % But first three special cases which have symbolic original names. % These are given modified new names, so that they may be entered % without catcode tricks. % \begin{macrocode} \name_primitive:NN \ \tex_space:D \name_primitive:NN \/ \tex_italiccor:D \name_primitive:NN \- \tex_hyphen:D % \end{macrocode} % % Now all the other primitives. % \begin{macrocode} \name_primitive:NN \let \tex_let:D \name_primitive:NN \def \tex_def:D \name_primitive:NN \edef \tex_edef:D \name_primitive:NN \gdef \tex_gdef:D \name_primitive:NN \xdef \tex_xdef:D \name_primitive:NN \chardef \tex_chardef:D \name_primitive:NN \countdef \tex_countdef:D \name_primitive:NN \dimendef \tex_dimendef:D \name_primitive:NN \skipdef \tex_skipdef:D \name_primitive:NN \muskipdef \tex_muskipdef:D \name_primitive:NN \mathchardef \tex_mathchardef:D \name_primitive:NN \toksdef \tex_toksdef:D \name_primitive:NN \futurelet \tex_futurelet:D \name_primitive:NN \advance \tex_advance:D \name_primitive:NN \divide \tex_divide:D \name_primitive:NN \multiply \tex_multiply:D \name_primitive:NN \font \tex_font:D \name_primitive:NN \fam \tex_fam:D \name_primitive:NN \global \tex_global:D \name_primitive:NN \long \tex_long:D \name_primitive:NN \outer \tex_outer:D \name_primitive:NN \setlanguage \tex_setlanguage:D \name_primitive:NN \globaldefs \tex_globaldefs:D \name_primitive:NN \afterassignment \tex_afterassignment:D \name_primitive:NN \aftergroup \tex_aftergroup:D \name_primitive:NN \expandafter \tex_expandafter:D \name_primitive:NN \noexpand \tex_noexpand:D \name_primitive:NN \begingroup \tex_begingroup:D \name_primitive:NN \endgroup \tex_endgroup:D \name_primitive:NN \halign \tex_halign:D \name_primitive:NN \valign \tex_valign:D \name_primitive:NN \cr \tex_cr:D \name_primitive:NN \crcr \tex_crcr:D \name_primitive:NN \noalign \tex_noalign:D \name_primitive:NN \omit \tex_omit:D \name_primitive:NN \span \tex_span:D \name_primitive:NN \tabskip \tex_tabskip:D \name_primitive:NN \everycr \tex_everycr:D \name_primitive:NN \if \tex_if:D \name_primitive:NN \ifcase \tex_ifcase:D \name_primitive:NN \ifcat \tex_ifcat:D \name_primitive:NN \ifnum \tex_ifnum:D \name_primitive:NN \ifodd \tex_ifodd:D \name_primitive:NN \ifdim \tex_ifdim:D \name_primitive:NN \ifeof \tex_ifeof:D \name_primitive:NN \ifhbox \tex_ifhbox:D \name_primitive:NN \ifvbox \tex_ifvbox:D \name_primitive:NN \ifvoid \tex_ifvoid:D \name_primitive:NN \ifx \tex_ifx:D \name_primitive:NN \iffalse \tex_iffalse:D \name_primitive:NN \iftrue \tex_iftrue:D \name_primitive:NN \ifhmode \tex_ifhmode:D \name_primitive:NN \ifmmode \tex_ifmmode:D \name_primitive:NN \ifvmode \tex_ifvmode:D \name_primitive:NN \ifinner \tex_ifinner:D \name_primitive:NN \else \tex_else:D \name_primitive:NN \fi \tex_fi:D \name_primitive:NN \or \tex_or:D \name_primitive:NN \immediate \tex_immediate:D \name_primitive:NN \closeout \tex_closeout:D \name_primitive:NN \openin \tex_openin:D \name_primitive:NN \openout \tex_openout:D \name_primitive:NN \read \tex_read:D \name_primitive:NN \write \tex_write:D \name_primitive:NN \closein \tex_closein:D \name_primitive:NN \newlinechar \tex_newlinechar:D \name_primitive:NN \input \tex_input:D \name_primitive:NN \endinput \tex_endinput:D \name_primitive:NN \inputlineno \tex_inputlineno:D \name_primitive:NN \errmessage \tex_errmessage:D \name_primitive:NN \message \tex_message:D \name_primitive:NN \show \tex_show:D \name_primitive:NN \showthe \tex_showthe:D \name_primitive:NN \showbox \tex_showbox:D \name_primitive:NN \showlists \tex_showlists:D \name_primitive:NN \errhelp \tex_errhelp:D \name_primitive:NN \errorcontextlines 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\tex_endcsname:D \name_primitive:NN \ignorespaces \tex_ignorespaces:D \name_primitive:NN \relax \tex_relax:D \name_primitive:NN \the \tex_the:D \name_primitive:NN \mag \tex_mag:D \name_primitive:NN \language \tex_language:D \name_primitive:NN \mark \tex_mark:D \name_primitive:NN \topmark \tex_topmark:D \name_primitive:NN \firstmark \tex_firstmark:D \name_primitive:NN \botmark \tex_botmark:D \name_primitive:NN \splitfirstmark \tex_splitfirstmark:D \name_primitive:NN \splitbotmark \tex_splitbotmark:D \name_primitive:NN \fontname \tex_fontname:D \name_primitive:NN \escapechar \tex_escapechar:D \name_primitive:NN \endlinechar \tex_endlinechar:D \name_primitive:NN \mathchoice \tex_mathchoice:D \name_primitive:NN \delimiter \tex_delimiter:D \name_primitive:NN \mathaccent \tex_mathaccent:D \name_primitive:NN \mathchar \tex_mathchar:D \name_primitive:NN \mskip \tex_mskip:D \name_primitive:NN \radical \tex_radical:D \name_primitive:NN \vcenter \tex_vcenter:D \name_primitive:NN \mkern \tex_mkern:D \name_primitive:NN \above \tex_above:D \name_primitive:NN \abovewithdelims \tex_abovewithdelims:D \name_primitive:NN \atop \tex_atop:D \name_primitive:NN \atopwithdelims \tex_atopwithdelims:D \name_primitive:NN \over \tex_over:D \name_primitive:NN \overwithdelims \tex_overwithdelims:D \name_primitive:NN \displaystyle \tex_displaystyle:D \name_primitive:NN \textstyle \tex_textstyle:D \name_primitive:NN \scriptstyle \tex_scriptstyle:D \name_primitive:NN \scriptscriptstyle \tex_scriptscriptstyle:D \name_primitive:NN \eqno \tex_eqno:D \name_primitive:NN \leqno \tex_leqno:D \name_primitive:NN \abovedisplayshortskip \tex_abovedisplayshortskip:D \name_primitive:NN \abovedisplayskip \tex_abovedisplayskip:D \name_primitive:NN \belowdisplayshortskip \tex_belowdisplayshortskip:D \name_primitive:NN \belowdisplayskip \tex_belowdisplayskip:D \name_primitive:NN \displaywidowpenalty \tex_displaywidowpenalty:D \name_primitive:NN \displayindent \tex_displayindent:D \name_primitive:NN 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\tex_count:D \name_primitive:NN \dimen \tex_dimen:D \name_primitive:NN \skip \tex_skip:D \name_primitive:NN \toks \tex_toks:D \name_primitive:NN \muskip \tex_muskip:D \name_primitive:NN \box \tex_box:D \name_primitive:NN \wd \tex_wd:D \name_primitive:NN \ht \tex_ht:D \name_primitive:NN \dp \tex_dp:D \name_primitive:NN \catcode \tex_catcode:D \name_primitive:NN \delcode \tex_delcode:D \name_primitive:NN \sfcode \tex_sfcode:D \name_primitive:NN \lccode \tex_lccode:D \name_primitive:NN \uccode \tex_uccode:D \name_primitive:NN \mathcode \tex_mathcode:D % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\CodeStart} % \begin{macro}{\CodeStop} % Here we define functions that are used to turn on and off the % special conventions used in the kernel of \LaTeX3. % % First of all, the space, tab and the return characters will all be % ignored inside \LaTeX3 code. When space characters are needed in % \LaTeX3 code the |~| character will be used for that purpose. % % \begin{macrocode} \tex_def:D\CodeStart{% \tex_catcode:D `\ =9\tex_relax:D \tex_catcode:D `\^^M=9\tex_relax:D \tex_catcode:D `\^^I=9\tex_relax:D \tex_catcode:D `\~=10\tex_relax:D % \tex_catcode:D `\@=11\tex_relax:D % For LaTeX2e \tex_catcode:D `\_=11\tex_relax:D \tex_catcode:D `\:=11\tex_relax:D} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \tex_def:D\CodeStop{ \tex_catcode:D `\ =10\tex_relax:D \tex_catcode:D `\^^M=5\tex_relax:D \tex_catcode:D `\^^I=10\tex_relax:D \tex_catcode:D `\~=13\tex_relax:D % \tex_catcode:D `\@=12\tex_relax:D % For LaTeX2e \tex_catcode:D `\_=8\tex_relax:D \tex_catcode:D `\:=12\tex_relax:D} % % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % % Finally some corrections in the case we are running over \LaTeXe. % % A few of the `primitives' assigned above have already been stolen % by \LaTeX, so assign them by hand to the saved real primitive. % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \tex_let:D\tex_input:D \@@input \tex_let:D\tex_underline:D \@@underline \tex_let:D\tex_end:D \@@end \tex_let:D\tex_everymath:D \frozen@everymath \tex_let:D\tex_everydisplay:D \frozen@everydisplay \tex_let:D\tex_italiccor:D \@@italiccorr \tex_let:D\tex_hyphen:D \@@hyph % \end{macrocode} % % \TeX\ has a nasty habit of inserting a command with the name |\par| % so we had better make sure that that command at least has a definition. % \begin{macrocode} \tex_let:D\par \tex_par:D % \end{macrocode} % % As mentioned above, The \LaTeXe\ package mechanism will insert some code % to handle the filename stack, and reset the package options, this % code will die if the \TeX\ primitives have gone, so skip past it % and insert some equivalent code that will work. % % First a version of |\ProvidesPackage| that can cope. % \begin{macrocode} \tex_def:D\ProvidesPackage{ \tex_begingroup:D \CodeStop \package_provides:w} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \tex_def:D\package_provides:w#1#2[#3]{ \tex_endgroup:D \tex_immediate:D\tex_write:D-1{Package: #1#2 #3} \tex_expandafter:D\tex_xdef:D \tex_csname:D ver@#1.sty\tex_endcsname:D{}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \tex_ifx:D\name_undefine:N\@gobble % \end{macrocode} % % Normally just set the catcodes, and let \LaTeXe\ handle the % package stack. If \LaTeXe\ resets @ reset the white space as well. % \begin{macrocode} \tex_def:D\name_pop_stack:w{} \g@addto@macro\@popfilename{% \tex_ifnum:D12=\tex_the:D\tex_catcode:D`@ \CodeStop \tex_fi:D} \g@addto@macro\@pushfilename{\CodeStart} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \tex_else:D % \end{macrocode} % % But if traditional \TeX\ code is disabled, do this\ldots % % In this case the catcode preserving stack is not maintained and % |\CodeStart| conventions stay in force once on. You'll need % to turn then off explicitky with |\CodeStop| (although as currently % built on 2e, nothing except very experimental code will run in % this mode!) Also note that |\RequirePackage| is a simple definition, just for % one file, with no options. % \begin{macrocode} \tex_def:D\name_pop_stack:w#1\relax{% \CodeStop \tex_expandafter:D\@p@pfilename\@currnamestack\@nil \tex_let:D\default@ds\@unknownoptionerror \tex_global:D\tex_let:D\ds@\@empty \tex_global:D\tex_let:D\@declaredoptions\@empty} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \tex_def:D\@p@pfilename#1#2#3#4\@nil{% \tex_gdef:D\@currname{#1}% \tex_gdef:D\@currext{#2}% \tex_catcode:D`\@#3% \tex_gdef:D\@currnamestack{#4}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \tex_def:D\NeedsTeXFormat#1{} \tex_def:D\RequirePackage#1{ \tex_expandafter:D\tex_ifx:D \tex_csname:D ver@#1.sty\tex_endcsname:D\tex_relax:D \CodeStart \tex_input:D#1.sty\tex_relax:D \tex_fi:D} \tex_fi:D % \end{macrocode} % % The |\futurelet| just forces the special end of file marker to vanish, % so the argument of |\name_pop_stack:w| does not cause an end-of-file % error. (Normally I use |\expandafter| for this trick, but here the next % token is in fact |\let| and that may be undefined.) % \begin{macrocode} \tex_futurelet:D\name_tmp:\name_pop_stack:w % % \end{macrocode} %