00readme.txt for amsmath 2.0 [2000/07/18] American Mathematical Society See manifest.txt for a list of all the files in the distribution. See install.txt for installation instructions. [Installing from an archive file such as ftp://ftp.ams.org/pub/tex/amsmath2.zip is recommended.] The amsmath package is an extension package for LaTeX that provides additional features to facilitate mathematical typesetting. It has been developed by the American Mathematical Society and released for general use as a service to the mathematical community. A number of smaller auxiliary packages are also distributed with the amsmath package. In order to use amsmath you need to have TeX installed first. TeX is not an AMS product. For information on getting TeX see one of the following: http://www.tug.org/ http://www.ams.org/tex/tex-resources.html The primary documentation for amsmath is in amsldoc.dvi Additional documentation files include: diffs-m.txt amsmath.faq subeqn.dvi technote.dvi testmath.dvi For technical support: American Mathematical Society Technical Support Electronic Products and Services P. O. Box 6248 Providence, RI 02940-6248 Phone: 800-321-4AMS (321-4267) (USA/Canada) or 401-455-4080 tech-support@ams.org For submitting bug reports, however, users are encouraged to use the standard LaTeX bug reporting system: Issue the command latex latexbug.tex and follow the resulting instructions (selecting the "amslatex" category when the list of possible categories is shown). ======================================================================== RECENT BUG FIXES (REVERSE ORDER) ---amsmath.dtx 2.13 2000/07/18: After the numbering patches in 2.11, \notag failed in certain circumstances: introduce some more auxiliary functions to sort things out, and redefine \nonumber. ---amstext.dtx 2.01 2000/06/29: Use \f@size instead of \tf@size because they are not necessarily the same and the former is better for putting a few words into a display. ---amsmath.dtx 2.12 2000/06/06: Fix transposed lines in 2.11 patch. ---amsdtx.dtx - 2000/06/02: Move to the amscls distribution. ---amsmath.dtx 2.11 2000/06/02: Prevent "Arithmetic overflow" error by guarding against divide-by-zero in \x@calc@shift@lc (align environment). ---amsmath.dtx 2.10 2000/05/25: Clear up error message for \allowdisplaybreaks[0]. Make mathdisplay re-entrant by introducing mathdisplay@stack, to clear up numbering problems in unusual circumstances such as \[ \] nested inside minipage inside equation. ---amsmath.dtx 2.09 2000/04/21: Ensure good catcodes for " etc. ---amsmath.dtx 2.08 2000/03/16: Fixed erroneous tag placement on split with fleqn/tbtags options. ---amsmath.dtx 2.07 2000/03/15: Add \reset@strutbox@ to deal with the following bug: After $...\mbox{\Huge $...$}...$, line spacing is wrong in a following "gather" or other environment that uses \strut@. Patch to fix bug with intlimits option: too much space in the middle of \iint. Overhaul math accents again to fix a couple of bugs reported by Thimm. ---amsmath.dtx 2.06 2000/03/10: Change \MathAccent to \mathaccentV so \DeclareMathAccent won't give an error when redefining an accent. ---amsmath.dtx 2.05 2000/01/06: Fixed incorrect placement of fleqn/reqno equation numbers inside indented lists (displaywidth < columnwidth). Changed the multline/fleqn/leqno indent to match mathmargin when possible instead of always just using multlinetaggap.