Comprehensive TeX Archive Network: package description ------------------------------------------------------ Name: diagramf Author: Jeremy Gibbons and Alan Jeffrey Date: 2.6.1992 Last changed in archive: 1993/01/12 Version: 1.1 Archive-path: macros/latex209/contrib/diagramf Description: The diagramf interface for importing diagrams drawn in MetaFont to (La)TeX. In the DIAGRAMF package, TeX and MF communicate by auxiliary files, in a similar fashion to the MG TeX-PostScript interface (`Problems on the TeX/PostScript/graphics interface', TUGboat 11(3)). When you run MF on an *.MF file, it reads in a related *.DIM file, which specifies the dimensions of all the boxes. From this, MF calculates where to put each label, and outputs a .DIA file, containing TeX code. Similarly, when TeX encounters the instruction \diagramfile{*} it loads in *.DIA and produces *.DIM. And so we can have our MF cake and eat it in TeX.